This is my longest story to date. Without further adieu, I give you the final chapter of 'Shatter Me'. I'll see you at the bottom.


Feeling terrified with this tube down my throat, my eyes dart around the room like a scared rabbit. Not knowing where I am, I start to feel panicky. When I see my dad sitting next to me, asleep with his hand atop mine, I close my eyes, struggling to ground myself. It feels so surreal, waking up this way with my dad watching over me. I really feel a sense of deja vu because once upon a time he and I were in different places. Only then, it was me keeping vigil while waiting for him to wake up after he was shot in the head. It all seems so long ago now.

When I feel my eyes well up, I fist my hands, struggling against the restraints because I want to rub my tears away before anyone sees me. Dad didn't need this kind of stress on top of everything else he has to deal with everyday. I hate that I had to worry him so much.

I turn away for a moment to gather my composure. Just as I turn my eyes back to his sleeping form, I hear her voice. She's okay and that's all I can think about in this moment.

"Oh my God, Damon," she yells, practically leaping to my bedside. Dad startles awake at the sound of her voice. It takes him a second but as soon as he sees that my eyes are open, a huge smile forms on his face. Elena grabs the nurse call button, pushing it repeatedly to let them know that I'm awake. Dad takes my hand in his, squeezing it reassuringly and pressing a kiss to my palm as I'm sure the fear I'm feeling is visible in my eyes.

"Did you need something?" the nurse's assistant asks when she steps through the doorway.

"Yes, he is awake," Elena gushes excitedly.

"I'll go get his nurse," she says before quickly walking out of my room. When I see the tears that are leaking endlessly from her eyes, I get all the more frustrated because I can't comfort her with my hands tied down. Sensing my agitation, she reaches up. Carefully avoiding my life support system, she cradles my face with her palms, attempting to calm my fears. I visibly relax when she bends over, pressing a kiss to my forehead. Try as I might, I can't free my arms and just like that my agitation spikes again.

"Relax Damon, help is coming," she says trying to provide some comfort when she reaches up to finger the hair off of my forehead. I run my eyes over her and when I see that her bump is still there, I breathe a sigh of relief. The need to kiss her is overwhelming so I start to fight against my restraints again. Just as my alarms start blaring loudly, Elijah and a nurse stroll into my room.

"Welcome back, Damon," Elijah greets me, squeezing my upper arm. When I start to struggle against the restraints that bind my arms all over again, the shrill sound of the alarms starts all over again. Elijah then squeezes my arm a second time.

"Calm down. Now that you're awake, I'll remove that breathing tube. Once that's out, the restraints will be taken off. Do you understand?"

Elijah nods when I blink my eyes.

"Elena, can you take Henry out of the room for a few minutes so I can take extubate Damon?"

I watch as she grabs onto the handles of dad's wheelchair, stopping at the door to look back at me.

"We'll be back after Elijah is through with you." After an almost imperceptible nod from me, she pushes dad out of my room.

"Welcome Home Damon," is screamed aloud when Ric, Elena and I walk into the house. I'm still pretty weak after everything so I lean on Ric so he can help me walk into the house. Once he helps me sit down on the couch, he steps back to allow Elena to sit beside me. My grandpa sits down on my other side. Ric then walks over to my dad, pushing his wheelchair and securing the brakes when he's right in front of me. Leaning forward, I wrap my arms around him, giving him a hug.

"I'm really so happy that you're here dad," I whisper next to his ear when I see them well up with moisture. Picking up his hand, I clutch it tightly for a moment.

"I love you so much."

"Where else would we be young man?" my grandpa asks me, swatting me on the knee a couple of times.

Brady comes to stand next to dad and hands a glass of punch to him before walking back to grab a second glass for me.

"Here you go boss."

"Non alcoholic right? I'm still on antibiotics and pain medication."

"It is," he says with an eye roll before walking back over to talk to Matt and Bonnie. Bonnie turns to look at me for a moment, smiles widely then resumes her conversation with the guys.

"Are Stefan and Katherine here?" I ask, turning to Elena.

"Um...they're on their way. They were going to stop and say hello to Isobel on their way down here from Eugene."

Trying to tamper down a chill at the mention of her name, I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"How is she?"

Grimacing, her voice is a little anxious knowing that Isobel very nearly succeeded in killing me.

"Katherine told me that she's really enjoying her art therapy and that she's quite good. Maybe that's where I got my artistic talent from?" I raise my eyebrows when I see Elena's mouth drop for a moment.

"Is something wrong?"

"No," she says with a hug smile. Taking my hand, she lays it prone against her bump. When I feel a little flutter, my own eyes widen in amazement. Hoping to feel it again, I keep my palm pressed against her tummy.

"Is that my baby?"

"It is OUR baby," she admonishes me before scooting over to press a kiss to my lips.

"Hey everybody, you can start the party now, I'm here," Stefan announces when he and Katherine step inside. When all my friends and co-workers start tossing their empty glasses at him, I have to splint my stomach with a throw pillow because it hurts to laugh so hard. Although I'm trying to be discreet, Elena notices when I yawn.

"Do you want to lay down for awhile?"

"Yeah and I think I need a pain pill plus it's about time for me to take another dose of the antibiotic that Elijah prescribed. The nurse told me to take one around five and then before I go to bed."

"Do you think you can get upstairs or do you want me to ask Ric or Stefan to help you?"

"I'll try," I tell her, then grab onto to the arm of dad's wheelchair to pull myself up.

"Guys, I'm all in. I'm going upstairs. Please stay and have something to eat. Enjoy yourselves. And thank you for coming. It really means a lot to me," I tell them sincerely. Smiling tightly, I slowly walk over to the steps and begin the Mt. Everest-sized trek of trying to walk upstairs to my room. When I start to wobble a little bit, Stefan runs over to catch me.

Wrapping my arm around his shoulder and his around my waist, carefully he helps me up the steps and into my room.

"Thanks Stef," I tell him softly.

"Hey, you've always been there for me, hell for everyone. Let us help you for a change."

Nodding my head, I collapse onto the bed when we reach it.

"I'm really proud of you Stefan. Especially the fact that you have finally came to terms with dad's disability."

"Thanks Damon," he says then sits down beside me on the bed.

"Did your surgeon say how long you'll have to use the colostomy pouch?"

"He said it depends on my recovery. He said if I heal the way he hopes, that maybe in six or eight months I'll be able to have surgery to reverse it. It is what it is. I don't like but it's a small price to pay for being alive, you know?"

Nodding, "It really is a small price in the grand scheme of things." Standing up, he gives me a light squeeze on the shoulder.

"I'll let you get some rest now. Do you want me to send Elena up?"

"No, let her visit with everybody. I'm just going to sleep anyway. Thanks again, Stefan."

"You're welcome," he says, stepping out of the bedroom just as I lay back and close my eyes.

"Hello Elena. And you must be daddy," Dr. Oliver greets us when she steps into her office, extending her hand to me.

"Yes, I'm Damon Salvatore," I reply, shaking her hand.

"Elena has mentioned that you've had a rough go of it. How are you doing?"

"I just started back to work a couple of days ago. I still tire easily but I'm coming around," I tell her truthfully.

"Why don't we have a look at that baby. Elena, hop up on the exam table." Once Elena is laying down, I can't help but smile as pride engulfs every fiber of my being whenever I get to look at or feel her bump. After listening to the heartbeat, she takes the transducer from the sonogram machine so I can see my little girl. Elena has shown me pictures but I wanted to see her in the flesh as it were. When her face shows up on the screen, my mouth drops. Although I can't take my eyes from the screen, I flounder around with my hand, trying to take a hold of Elena's. Finally she grabs on, lacing her fingers with mine.

"She's incredible," I gush, completely in awe.

"Do you have a name for her?" Dr. Oliver asks, her eyes glued to the screen.

"No, we haven't really talked about it yet," Elena answers.

"I'll print some pictures for you." Once she pushes all the buttons required, she turns off the machine, wipes off the transducer and then Elena's belly. She hands me the pictures while telling Elena she can put her clothes back on. After making our next appointment, we walk out of Dr. Oliver's office, hand in hand, each with a goofy grin on our faces.

"I'm so proud of you Elena. She's so beautiful," I utter in complete in awe as I stare at the little girl asleep in my wife's arms.

Elena and I got married a few weeks ago in the backyard of the boarding house. It was just a small celebration with our family and friends present. After the ceremony and a little reception, we left to spend a couple of nights at a motel on along the coastline. We spent those few amazing days walking on the beach, trying some new foods and staying holed up in our hotel room. I wanted to go out deep sea fishing but I was afraid Elena would get sea sick or maybe slip on a wave-lapped deck so I promised her that we'd do that after our little princess arrives.

I'm still so self conscious about my ostomy pouch. Elena has reassured me time and again that it doesn't matter to her, but it does to me. I don't like laying on top of her with that lying between us. I'm scheduled for my colostomy take down in eight weeks. It can't come soon enough for me.

I'm aroused from my reverie when I hear a very little person wailing aloud. Elena loosens her nightgown allowing our little Nina Kate to latch on, the suckling sounds filling our quiet room.

"She's hungry," I whisper, pressing a kiss to the crown of Elena's head. Raising her eyes to mine, she smiles brightly and cuddles in closer against my side and closes her eyes. In no time at all, I feel her breathing even signaling her lapse into sleep.

"Damon? Wake up sweetheart," I hear Elena say softly, her hand holding onto mine.

"Your surgery is all done and you're back in your room. Wake up. I want to see your blue eyes."

My eyelids feel so heavy. I want to open them up but my body isn't cooperating. Unconsciously I reach down with hand to feel around on my abdomen where the ostomy bag used to sit. All I feel now is a bulky dressing where the pouch should be.

Although I'm still doped up from the effects of the anesthesia, I rasp, "Were they able to fix it?"

"Yes, they fixed it," she confirms, stealing a kiss from my lips.

"You're as good as new."

"Thank Christ! Now I can be on top again," I mumble before drifting back into a drug induced slumber.

"Damon, I'm home," I hear my beautiful wife announce when she steps into the house.

Pressing my fingers to my lips, I shush her, "I just got Nina to go to sleep."

"No, you didn't," my grandfather announces when he walks into the room holding my wailing baby girl in his arms.

"I'm going to run over to the home to visit Henry and your grandma. Do you want to come along?" he asks while gently placing Nina in Elena's waiting arms.

"Not today, grandpa. I'm really tired and I'm sure Elena is too after her travels, having just returned from a college lecture in Idaho. I think we'll just go to bed."

Shaking his head, he clenches his eyebrows at me, "Youth is wasted on the wrong people," he scoffs, shaking his head as he walks out the door.

'Happy Birthday dad!" we all cheer as I push him into the house. Elena arranged a surprise birthday party for him and Nina since their birthdays are just a few days apart. I can't believe my baby is already one year old. Nina is already seated at the table in her highchair. I push dad's wheelchair in beside her so his good arm is next to her so he can take her hand for a picture.

Once pictures are taken, I carry one birthday cake and set it in front of dad while Elena places a second birthday cake in front of Nina. She looks a little perplexed by all the activity in the house.

Her eyes grow wide when Elena lights the birthday candles on the two cakes.

"Everybody ready?" When I see a show of hands, we all break out singing the happy birthday song, mentioning both of their names. Once all the presents are opened and people leave for the evening, Elena takes Nina to get her ready for bed while I take dad upstairs to help him get ready for bed.

I put some toothpaste on his toothbrush then hand it to him so he can brush his teeth. I also set a glass of water at the edge of the sink so he can rinse his mouth out. I walk into the linen closet to grab a clean washcloth and towel so he can wash his face.

"Dad, did you want to get in the bathtub?" I ask, knowing how much he used to enjoy a hot bath after work before his life-changing injury.

"I can lift you out," I tell him. I quickly run to grab his alphabet board for him.

'That would be wonderful', he spells out. After running a bubble bath, I help him undress then pivot him to sit on the edge of the tub. I've seen him many times since he became a paraplegic so I doubt he has any modesty left where I'm concerned. Now if Bonnie were to help him, I'm sure he'd turn a pretty shade of pink. Once I lower him in, I hand him a bell so he can ring it when he's ready to get out. I step across the hall to tell my baby goodnight. Peaking into her crib, I see that she's already sound asleep after her busy day. I don't even notice Elena come in until I feel her hand on my shoulder.

"She's so beautiful," I whisper, my heart completely ensnared by our little girl sleeping quietly in her crib. I turn to face Elena, wrap her in my arms and drop a kiss to her crown.

"Thank you for her. I love both of you so much."

"Damon, we love you too." Just as she finishes her thought, I hear dad ringing his bell.

"I'm going to help him into bed. You, my dear, can get our sheets nice and warm," I tease, my innuendo pretty obvious. When she raises her eyebrows at me demurely, I shake off a chill and lift a kiss from her lips.

"I'll be with you shortly," I whisper, giving her backside a pinch before stepping out of the nursery to help my dad.

"Did you get Henry settled?" she asks when I pull back the covers and crawl in beside her.

"I did."

"Did you make sure he has his bell handy so he can use it if he needs one of us during the night?"

"Sweetheart, I've been taking care of my dad since long before you joined the family. I wouldn't forget that."

"I know you wouldn't. It's just... Henry is dad to me too. I love him, Damon."

"And you have no idea how happy that makes me," I tell her, reaching over to press a kiss to her lips. When a needy moan escapes her lips, I intensify the kiss, teasing her lips with my tongue till she opens her mouth, letting me in. Needing some air, I draw back, nearly out of breath. Teasing her with my eye thing, I start working my way down her body, nuzzling her neck while using my thumbs to tease her delectable nipples through the flimsy fabric of her negligee.

Surprisingly she pushes me off of her long enough to pull her nightgown over her head. Her eyes are brimming with lust when she grabs a hold of me and pulls my mouth back to her brazenly exposed bosom. After dropping several kisses to her breasts, I flick her nipple with my tongue till she's writhing beneath me. Unable to hold back the smile that forms on my face to see her so needy and wanton, I move to her other breast giving it the same attention as the first one.

"That's so good," she pants. Crawling down her body, I position myself between at the juncture of her thighs, situating her legs over my shoulders. Unable to take my eyes from hers, I blow soft puffs of air against her moist and warm flesh. Using her hands, she entangles them in my hair, pushing my mouth against her. As I work her into a fevered pitch with my mouth, tongue and fingers, I can feel as it when she starts quivering at the same her back arches up and off of the mattress. I'll never get enough of seeing that look of complete rapture that she always wears when I make her fly.

I crawl back up her body to lift a torrid kiss from her lips.

"I love you so much Elena," I whisper with reverence.

"What do you say we practice giving Nina a brother or a sister?"

"You want another one?" she asks, smiling.

"I absolutely do," I tell her, stealing another kiss from her luscious lips. While I'm paying homage to her lips and nuzzling her neck, she reaches between us grabbing on to me, positioning me where she wants me. With an imperceptible nod, I ease myself forward till I'm just barely inside of her. When she side eyes me, I can't help but smile when I push the rest of the way in. Dropping my forehead to rest against hers, I take a few seconds to steel my composure. It's always heaven when we share this part of each other. Taking a deep breath, I begin to pull back and push back in again working us into a rhythm that has each of us panting in no time at all. With one more driving thrust, I sail right over the edge, taking her with me as my body spirals into a brightly colored maelstrom of unrivaled pleasure.

"Damon, the Lord was good to you," she breathes out, her eyes hazy when peers into mine. With my body blissfully sated, I press one more kiss to her lips and pull her into my arms before settling in for a good night's sleep.

"Hey," I greet her softly when I walk into our bedroom after a quick peak at my baby girl. It was a busy day at the station. We had a homicide and I needed to be on scene. It's nearly eleven pm before I'm finally able to press a kiss to the top of my wife's head.

"I'm sorry I'm so late. We just wrapped things up."

"Any leads?"

"Yeah, we already have a suspect in custody. I'm just going to hop in the shower. I won't be long." Once I step into the bathroom, I turn the water on in the shower then strip off my clothes. I nearly collapse against the shower wall from fatigue as I let the hot water pelt down in sheets over my body. Grabbing a bar of soap, I lather it up and clean my body.

After washing and rinsing my hair, I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. Taking a deep breath, I press my palms against the edge of the sink just taking a couple of deep breaths. When I move my hands, I accidentally knock something on the floor. Bending over, I pick it up and my eyes widen out of my head when I see what it is. Clutching it tightly in my hand, I walk back into our bedroom, grab my wife's hand and pull her into my arms, dropping a smoldering kiss to her lips.

"Wow! What was that for?" she asks, smiling.

I'm practically bursting for joy when I reveal what she knows I'm holding in my palm.

"This!" I say excitedly then kiss her again.

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty darn," she teases.

After lifting a heady kiss from her lips, It dawns on me how lucky I am to have a family that loves me. Despite dad's disability, at least I still have him and my grandparents in my life. Stefan, Bonnie and I are closer than ever. Now I have a family of my own. Although I wish I could've met Elena under different circumstances, I thank God every day that I did meet her.

Elena reaches up and wraps her arms around my neck pulling me from my musings. Raising her eyebrows seductively, she steps back just a bit. "This needs to go," she whispers then the little minx that she is pulls the towel from my waist. I shudder when she licks her lips as it falls to the floor. Taking charge, she pushes me onto the bed and straddles me. When she finishes kissing me thoroughly, she reaches over to turn out the lights and begins her descent down my body.

"Oh baby, that mouth of yours..."


Thank you Eva so much. You truly make my stories infinitely better with your wisdom and ability to see things that I miss. I would be lost without you.

Thank you Kate for the beautiful cover for this and all of my stories. I can't thank you enough.

Thank you to Jarka for telling me I could write in the first place. I never even considered writing for myself when she told me that.

Colds suck and it's messing with my ability to write...

And last but most certainly not least, I need to thank all of you who took those extra few seconds to leave me a review. I appreciate them so much. I don't begin to know how to thank you all. Also a thanks to those of you who followed along and made this a favorite.

Chapter title: 'Paradise' by 'Within Temptation'

I will be updating 'The Unforgiven' and 'What If I Was Nothing' over the weekend. Please check those out too. Also watch out for new. Hopefully I can start posting 'Rainy Days and Mondays' soon.

I hope you all have a safe and lovely weekend. Thank you all again, Carol