I never wanted to write this part, but I was determined to follow through with my original intention and finish what I had started. I'm still rooting for them. I will always be rooting for them. I love Emma and Regina, but they are both going to suffer in this chapter.

She has absolutely snapped. The blonde woman is currently heading toward the town line at 70 miles per hour and her speed is only increasing as she grows more upset.

"It's okay, baby-girl. This isn't your fault. I need you to understand that." Another wave of sorrow hits her. "I'm in so much pain." She fights through the tears clouding her vision and the grief threatening to suffocate her. "I will never regret falling in love with your mother. She gave me you." But the harsh reality is not so positive. "And, now she hates me. Your brother hates me too. I never should have tried to take him away. I screwed things up for both of us."

She is too far gone, consumed by heartache and remorse. Nothing could pull her back now, not even Regina. Through heavy sobs and blinding tears she locates her phone. Registering the brunette woman's face on the caller id, she swiftly throws the maniacal device out the window. She is determined not to get sucked back in. She decides that the only way she will survive is by starting over completely. She will never return to Storybrooke or the life she knew again.

She is too distraught to notice the Welcome to Storybrooke sign in her periphery and crosses the town line without realization, until she feels the effects of leaving, more than she ever wanted too.

It is possibly the most extreme pain she has ever felt, comparable to childbirth. She lets out or horrific scream as she is rendered completely helpless from the pain currently blinding her. The car spins wildly out of control before coming to a halt on the side of the abandon highway. The jarring motion in combination with the magic possessing and contorting her body forces her into a reclined position. She cannot breathe until the indescribable pain claiming her, releases its hold.

Unable to move at first, the young woman takes inventory of the situation. She is currently halfway on the floor of her vehicle and the gear shift is digging into her back. She fears the worst. Intuitively, her hand finds purchase over her abdomen. "Baby? Baby?" Only once in her life had she felt fear like this. "No. No!" Twice in one day she had put her children in danger. Only this time, she fears that the damage is irreversible. She is immediately sick and turns her body as much as she can in an effort not to choke on her own vomit.

In her grief, Emma believes herself deserving of this anguish, but not her child. She never wanted her child to suffer because of her mistakes. "Baby-girl, I'm sorry. Please don't be dead. Please don't be gone," she franticly pleads. "Please. Please. Please!"

She knows that her daughter is still too tiny in order for her to feel her moving. But in her moment of greatest despair she feels the tiniest spark of magic beneath her palm. "Baby?" She is immediately hopeful. "You're okay?" She feels it again. It's as if he daughter is answering her.

There is no mistaking this is her child, Regina's child. She is still with her. She recalls Gold's words. She is not made of magic. She was only conceived by magic. She is fully human, just like you and her mother.

"Please don't leave me baby. I promise to take care of you. I'll be the mother you deserve. Please don't leave me." Finally accepting everything that has happened today, she begins to weep. "I wish your mom was here."

Apparently her child feels the same way, as the desire to be near Regina only grows. "She would love you so much kiddo. I wish you could be loved by her."

"I need to tell her. She deserves to know. You deserve to be loved by her." It doesn't take long for her to reach the decision. "I have to go back." She attempts to re-position herself in the driver's seat. "Ah, slowly, very slowly. "I don't know what the hell just happened, kid," she comments. "But I wouldn't be surprised if you're born with a few extra toes." She imagines what that would look like. "I would love you just the same."

Remembering what happened when she crossed the town line, she cautiously begins to drive. "Okay, so, we can't have gone very far. I'm sure that just a few feet should get us back to Storybrooke."

After nearly one hundred feet, her anxiety begins to grow. "Where is it? Did I pass it without realizing?" She decides to drive further, knowing that she would eventually hit town and then she could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After a few minutes, with growing anxiety, she registers that she has only be driving farther away from Storybrooke. "It should be here. It should fucking be here!" Her frustration quickly transforms into desperation. "Where the hell are we?" she cries. "No. No! No, no, no, no, no!" The guilt of having left threatens to consume her whole and she swears that the emotional pain is just as horrible, if not worse, than the physical pain of what happened to her when she crossed the town line.

She is too emotional to drive, plus she has to vomit again. She pulls over to the side of the road. She is mostly just throwing up bile now. At least, the nausea is confirmation that her baby is still with her. She implores her child, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Collapsing on the cold ground, she implores her child's mother, "Please forgive me, Regina. Please. I need you." She rests her back against the vehicle and buries her face in her hands. "I fucked up. I fucked up so bad, kid." After several minutes of agonizing sobs, the broken woman turns to her companion, the only person she has left in the world. "It's okay baby-girl. Your mom will come for us. She's going to find us and bring us home."


Under the circumstance, the queen has no concern for poise. She is a woman scorned and she is in no mood for pretense. As she enters the pawn shop, the regal woman demands, "Where is she?!"

"It's a pleasure to see you too, your Majesty," the shopkeeper casually replies, as he continues to polish one of the relics in his possession.

"Listen to me, you little imp," Regina warns. "You are going to tell me what you know, or so help me…" But before she can finish her threat, she is interrupted.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Emma," she enunciates. "Where is she?"

Rumplestiltskin is un-amused. "I assure you, I have no idea."

Fortunately, the queen has always been his match and sees right through the sinister man's emotionless exterior. "I know you. You have ways," she reminds. Her expression is reminiscent of the Evil Queen.

"Come now, your Majesty," he charismatically begins. "You get to have the happy ending you always wanted. And, you no longer have to share your son with his other mother."

Struggling to remain hostile, an accumulation of tears threatens to spill from her eyes as she says, "My family is my happy ending."

Apparently the conversation has just become interesting and Rumplstiltskin seizes an opportunity to have some fun. "Do you really consider Miss Swan your family?"

She is noticeably crying now and her voice is filled with remorse. "She's my son's mother."

If the Dark One still had a heart capable of emotion, he might feel sympathetic toward the queen. But, in this case, he decides to kick the woman at her lowest. "Only your son?"

The queen is absolutely vibrating from the mixture of grief and the rage rising inside her. "You bastard!" She throws both of her hands out in front of her, with the intention of turning this man to ashes.

But the infuriating man does not flinch. He simply rests on his cane, thoroughly amused by the queen's futile attempts. "Missing something?"

To say she was shocked would be an understatement. She wasn't prepared to not have her magic work for the third time that day. She searches her mind for a logical explanation. "I'm obviously still weak."

"Are you sure that's it?" is Gold's smart-ass remark.

Although she realizes that she is no match for Gold without her magic, the queen remains firm. "What did you do?"

"Not me, dearie."

Regina always did hate when Gold would use that condescending term.

"What did she do?" he clarifies.

He can't possibly be referring to Emma, Regina reasons. She shakes her head in disbelief. "What are you talking about?"

"Apparently, Miss Swan has already crossed the town line and she took more than just your unborn child with her." He watches the queen's expression turn to one of pain. "A tremendous amount of magic left this town only moments ago. Mine is the only power that remains," he smugly explains.

If she didn't know better, she would assert that Gold used his magic to rip all of the oxygen from her lungs in that instant. She begins to choke as she struggles to breathe. With tears streaming down her face, she accuses. "You did this. You wanted her gone!"

"I will not deny that I wanted to be rid of Miss Swan, but you did the work for me. You chased her away."

"I didn't mean to," she wails.

He continues his assault. "You pushed her away so often, she finally took the hint."

"I didn't mean for her to leave!" she cries louder.

"Well, it's too late for that now. Isn't it?"

The queen had been thoroughly reprimanded. She realizes that she couldn't feel worse if she had been beaten within an inch of her life. Understandably, it takes her several minutes to recover.

By the time the shopkeeper begins to wonder how long the fallen queen will remain in a crumpled heap on his showroom floor, the weakened woman stirs and a horse voice is heard.

"I have to find her." The voice grows more confident. "I have to find her and bring her home."

The threatening man approaches the broken woman. "You still want to go after the woman who stole your magic, took your daughter away, and tried to kidnap your son?"

Looking her aggressor in the eye, the queen announces, "I love her."

He would never admit that Regina made him uncomfortable. But the piercing stare in combination with the conviction in this woman's blood-shot eyes is possibly the most powerful force he has ever faced. How is it possible for this woman to affect him so without the aid of magic. He discretely gulps and attempts to mask his fear with the usual deprecation. "You love her? Maybe if you had shared that bit of information with Miss Swan a few weeks ago, I guarantee she wouldn't have left."

"I never meant for this to happen." She only returns to self-pity for a minute, before focusing her energy on the woman she loves. "She must be so scared."

It still baffles Rumplestiltskin how this woman is capable of caring so much about anyone other than her children. Maybe, he thinks, she is sincere in her feelings for Miss Swan.

She springs to life. "I'm going after her."

Gold makes one last attempt to discourage the determined queen. "And how do you expect to find her?"

"I will find her," she proclaims. "I'm going to find her and beg her to come home."

Their story is not over. It continues, Four Years Later, when they are reunited. And…there's a baby :) Much love to you all!