A/N- Once again, this is yaoi so if you don't like it don't read it. Also,criticism is welcome!

Disclaimer- I don't own Bleach and if I did, Byakuya's clothes would get torn up waaaayy more often~ :3

Thoughts are in bold, okay?

"What the hell are you guys doing here?!" Ichigo yelled at certain soul reapers, namely Renji, Byakuya, Rangiku, Ikkaku and Yumichika in gigai who were gathered in his room.

"Don't yell so loudly, Ichigo. We are here to track down that annoying hollow Acidwire; and we needed somewhere to meet up." Renji explained.

"Damn you, Renji" Ichigo muttered, obviously pissed off at this sudden breach of privacy.

"Haha, sorry Ichigo"

"Besides, I hope you guys know that I have no room at my place for you to stay, right?"

"Don't worry, we all have found places to stay, except for Taicho. I'm sure that that you'll have room for him, won't you?"

"Well if it's only Byakuya then it's fine"

"Thank you, Kurosaki Ichigo"

"It's fine, Byakuya, but if you're gonna stay then I have to introduce you to my family first, is that fine by you?"

"It is."

Renji and the others flash stepped away. "Those idiots, flash stepping around in broad daylight...come on, Byakuya, let's go down."


"This is Byakuya Kuchiki, he's Rukia's brother. He is new to this town so he's gonna be here for a few days"

"Pleased to meet you, Byakuya-san!" Yuzu chirped. "Rukia-san's brother sure is handsome!"

"Wow I didn't know that Rukia had a brother" Karin said. "He must be a model or an actor or something of that sort."

"If you're Rukia's brother, that makes you my son! Nice to meet you, my second son!" Isshin yelled and jumped at Byakuya.

"Ignore this guy, Byakuya" Ichigo calmly kicked his father away.

Byakuya said nothing, but he had a faintly amused expression on his face. Kurosaki Ichigo's family sure was lively.

"Oy, Byakuya, you wanna shower before lunch?"

"A shower would be nice."

"Follow me." Ichigo showed him to the bathroom. "About the clothes, you are taller than me, so they might be a little tight"

"That will be no problem, Kurosaki Ichigo. I apologize for imposing upon you."

"Don't say that, Byakuya, it's fine"

Ichigo went back to his room, his heart hammering. He knew that Renji had done it on purpose. "Son of a bitch..." Ichigo muttered. Byakuya would be staying with him...Ichigo just hoped that he wouldn't lose his self control and do the things he'd always wanted to do to Byakuya. If he did, he'd probably get sliced up by Senbonzakura. He fervently wished that he didn't feel the way he did around Byakuya. He was pretty sure that Byakuya didn't feel the same way after all. He was perfect, and he deserved to be with someone who was perfect too. He sighed loudly and dropped down on his bed.

"Is something wrong, Kurosaki Ichigo?" Byakuya asked as he entered the room. Ichigo held his breath at the sight of Byakuya. As expected, the clothes were rather tight on his well defined body. His dripping wet hair was sticking to his pale neck, and it took all the self control Ichigo could muster up to not kiss him right then and there.

"Nah, it's nothing" Ichigo hoped his face did not give away what he was feeling inside.

Byakuya cocked an eyebrow, but said nothing more.

"By the way, Byakuya if you're gonna stay here for a few days, you'll need new clothes" Ichigo desperately tried to avert his eyes from the noble's sexy body.

"I appreciate your concern, but I'm afraid I don't know any place where I can get new clothes" Byakuya replied.

"Want me to take you shopping?" Ichigo regretted this the moment he said it. The way he was now, he'd definitely get a nosebleed if he saw Byakuya trying out different outfits. He hoped Byakuya would reject the idea.

"That would be good. Thank you."

Well, so much for Byakuya saying no. Now he could just pray to God that his self control doesn't slip away.

"Let me show you to the guest room, Byakuya"

"There is a guest room?" Byakuya appeared to be slightly surprised.

"Of course there is. Where else did you think you'd be sleeping?"

"I apologise,I was under the impression that we would be sharing a room" Byakuya said.

That did it. Byakuya thought they would be sleeping in the same room? A steady blush crept up Ichigo's face. "Oh shit, my face is getting hot, I hope he doesn't notice"

The fact that Byakuya was standing in Ichigo's room, observing the surroundings and completely oblivious of Ichigo's inner turmoil turned him on even more.

"Does he always have to look so damn perfect?"

"Oy, since you're done, I'll be on my way to the shower now." Ichigo finally broke his silence. Byakuya simply nodded.

*At Dinner*

"How's dinner, Byakuya-san?" Yuzu asked.

"It is delicious. Thank you for your hospitality." Byakuya replied.

"Byakuya sure has good manners. I'm sure that this dinner is nothing compared to what he eats at home" Ichigo thought to himself. "Of course, nobles are trained in manners and stuff"

"By the way, what do you do for a living?" Karin questioned him.

Ichigo intervened before Byakuya could reply. "He works as a model"

Byakuya furrowed his brows. A model? Trust Kurosaki Ichigo to come up with such an unbelievable answer.

"I thought so." Karin replied. "She actually believed that?" Ichigo heaved a silent sigh of relief.

They dined in a comfortable silence after that.

"A model, Kurosaki Ichigo?" Byakuya questioned him when they were alone in the guest room.

"I'm sorry, it was a spur of the moment thing...But it's fitting for you, isn't it?"

"I wouldn't know. A businessman might have been more believable"

"Nah, a model is pretty fitting for you. I'm sure that they won't be suspicious. Anyways, hope you have a good nights rest" Ichigo said as he left the guest room.

"Thank you" Byakuya muttered softly, but Ichigo heard it.

"It's my pleasure, Byakuya"

First chapter over! I would've added Toshiro and Shuuhei as well, but two captains seemed a bit too much and poor Shuuhei has enough to do already...

Personally, I love ByaIchi a lot. I think it deserves a lot more love!

Originally, this was supposed to be a one shot, but I decided to go slow cuz it's my first fanfic...I hope I'm doing half a decent job. Review, please? I'd love to know what you think.