The crash brought Smashers out onto the vast front lawn, a good chunk of which was torn up like paper enthusiastically processed by the wicked teeth of a rabidly salivating dog. The culprit? A sleek, golden spaceship, canted at a near thirty-three-point-three degree angle with its nose emphatically buried into the dirt and grass - freshly cut that very morning via Spin Attack. Thick smoke curled into the air, issued from a number of nasty gashes ripped deep into its paintwork and accompanied no less by the harshly pungent scent of…wait, was that fuel?!

The soft crackle of flames arched in worry the eyebrows of those who possessed them. Those with a functional sense of it's-time-to-get-the-hell-out-of-here had already dashed back indoors. Upon every face however, including those pressed flat against a row of upper-floor windows, registered a considerable degree of unease when suddenly there was a loud, ominous hissing from the black underbelly of the mysterious craft.

Grey smoke belched out as a cylindrical pod was spat from the depths of the ship like a chunk of mushroom chip cookie behind Princess Peach's back once she had turned away her sickeningly sweet, innocently approval-seeking smile, smacking with an audible jolt into the ground and gouging further damage into Link's Zelda-commissioned handiwork. And then a collective gasp was drawn as something stepped forward into the clear, breathable air.

Burnished with competing shades of red/gold and inlaid with pulsing neon markings, a tall, hulking, bipedal thing with round shoulders as large as its smoothly curved metallic head - if not larger - with what looked to be a cannon for a right arm hanging loosely at its side stood before them. And it didn't look to be in any better condition than the ship from which it had emerged.

"What in the world is that creature?"

" it an alien?"

"No, it's a robot!"

"Or maybe it's -!"

The alien-creature-robot lifted its left hand - four fingers and thumb - without warning, hush settling over the group near instantly, up towards its head. Or rather, its helmet. Her helmet.

" - a girl?!" Pit finished. Feet shuffled surreptitiously away from the hysterical angel; he was unsettlingly fond of intrapersonal communication. Palutena often said that made him 'special'.

But back to case at hand.

A proud mane of sweat-damp hair spilled over giant shoulders to roll in a glorious blonde wave down her back out of sight as the woman shook it out of her face. A very normal looking female apparently, unless she just so happened to be a pretty head attached to a bulky suit of futuristic armour. But those usually came in glass tanks, and rarely were they pretty anything besides murderous.

"Um, hello?" the woman then spoke, the low bass in her voice betraying uncertainty. "I, uh, come in peace."

She slowly cast a cool green gaze over the small gathering of Smashers, helmet tucked securely under her arm. They gazed back. And muttered between themselves as the silence began to stretch like an awkward, pubescent teen who had grown several inches overnight. In height. There had never been an officially appointed Welcoming Committee, but eyes were gradually beginning to turn in a similar direction.

"Oh, fine," the Princess said, rolling her own before taking a deep breath and an inspirational step forwards. "Hi! I'm Daisy."

"Samus," the woman replied, frowning as she looked down at the Princess' proffered arm of greeting. "Could you hold my helmet so I can shake your hand? Obviously my right arm is a bit...unorthodox. Not many people are comfortable with the idea of coming into physical contact with an integrated, multi-functional artillery-grade cannon equipped with explosive, self-guiding high-velocity ballistic munitions, among other things."

Daisy blinked. "Oh, right. Sure," she said. An unbefitting curse almost left her royal lips when she reached forward and slipped the thing out from the crook of Samus' arm however.

"Damn it. I always forget how heavy Chozoan metal actually is," she said quickly, and reached down to scoop Daisy up off of her face. "That wasn't the smoothest of introductions. My apologies."

"It's - it's fine," the Princess said, shakily dusting down the front of her dress. Samus had just picked her up and plopped her back on her feet like she weighed nothing at all. And good grief she was tall!

Be cool, Daisy. You've got a job to do! Not like they let you do anything else around here.

"On behalf of everyone you see behind me, and especially the handful of less deserving, officially invited peasants, the Welcoming Committee warmly extends you our salutations. Welcome to the Smash Mansion!"

Nailed it!

Samus wrinkled her brow with another frown. "Um, committee?"

Daisy's smile grew politely strained. "Me, myself, and I take my job seriously," she spoke through her teeth. "Trust me."

Samus pursed her lips before turning to look behind her, very clearly taking in the state of her crashed ship. Daisy straightened up. What with a number of space-faring, furry friends in attendance along with a musclehead in possession of a suicidally fast racing machine, the Mansion needed the necessary facilities to store them in. A regular carpark wouldn't do. Not after the day Captain Falcon had scorched it black performing supersonic donuts.

"I know it's somewhat forward," Samus began, facing her once more, "but can I ask a favour?"

"Of course," Daisy said brightly, anticipating the obvious. It was her job. She took it seriously. Maybe they'd promote her one day to Assist Trophy. "Our hangar is more than equipped to house your ship and the R.O.B. maintenance crew can get to work right away repairing -"

"Can I use the bathroom?"

Daisy stared up at the woman, well rehearsed spiel dying on her lips.

"Only I've been holding this for longer than is probably healthy," Samus continued, "and I'd rather not do it in the suit. It's already pretty banged up as is."

Struggling not to tear up in affront, Daisy almost, almost said no. She practiced her lines for hours daily and Samus' toiletry needs be damned she was going to finish what she had started. Instead, however, she screamed.

"What the hell is that?!"

The blonde woman's gaze followed the trembling, outstretched finger of the Princess to find the source of her piercing wail - which so happened to utter a delightful little 'Squee~' as it bobbed against gravity's will in the air, almost eclipsed from sight behind the orb of a prodigious right shoulder.

"Oh, this?" Samus said as the green blob perched itself fearlessly on the end of her arm. Meanwhile, Daisy looked ready to die with fright on the spot. Samus raised her cannon to introduce the now happily wobbling creature. "This is Squishy."