Hey. This story is being co-written by AgentLiz11 and Hippiechic81. This chapter was written by AgentLiz11. We hope you all enjoy this story. Please Read and Review.

During her past year with the BAU team, Kate Callehan had grown very close with her team members. She had especially formed a bond with JJ over motherhood and pregnancy. One evening, Kate invited JJ and her family over for dinner. Kate served smothered pork chops, which were a hit with nearly everyone at the table.

"This sauce is amazing, Kate." JJ said, as she licked her fork, "We should get together for dinner again sometime, and you can share your secrets."

Kate chuckled, "I'm sure I have the recipe somewhere if you want, I can give it to you."

"That'd be great, thankyou so much." JJ turned to Will and Henry, standing up from the table,"Do either of you boys want another chop? Is everybody okay?"

"I'm good, Momma." Henry nodded, as he ate some grated cheese.

"I'm fine, thanks, JJ.", Will nodded as well, scooping at a baked potato.

JJ nodded and then headed to the kitchen with Kate to help dish up dessert.

With JJ and Kate leaving to go to the kitchen, Chris glanced at the end of the table where Meg was texting away on her phone, ignoring the whole scene.

"Wish I could say the same about you, Meg. You've barely said a word all through dinner."

"I'm not that hungry.", she shrugged, glancing up for merely a second and then looking back down. Kate returned from the kitchen with two plates of dessert and set them down in front of Will and Henry. Then she turned to face her niece.

"We have guests here, Meg.", Kate said, gesturing to Will and Henry, "Would you mind putting the phone down for a second?."

"She's fine, Kate." Will whispered, but Kate firmly shook her head.

"Please, Meg. Put the phone down."

Rolling her eyes, Meg finally slipped her phone into her pocket.

"Thank you.", said Kate

"You know what?" ,the girl said as she folded her arms, "There are some other parents who let their kids do whatever they want."

"Thankfully, we're not other parents." Chris retorted.

Kate added, "And those kids end up being selfish and ungrateful for everything that they've been given."

"I'm not ungrateful.", Meg defended, "Have I ever been ungrateful?"

Before anybody could answer, Will's phone buzzed with a text message.

"Sorry, that's work", he apologized, "I've gotta go, but thank you for dinner."

"You're welcome, Will." Kate told him.

Henry jumped up and quickly kissed his father on the cheek.

"Bye, Dad",said the little guy as he gave Will a hug. Will hugged the little boy back and sat him on his lap.

"We've got to have a night again, sometime." Will said, turning to Chris, "I was thinking of buying a new pool table, I'm still talking JJ into it."

"A night of pool sounds great.", Chris said,nodding, "You bring the beers."


Will stood up from the table, and Henry went back to his dessert. JJ came back from the kitchen with two more desserts.

After hearing that Will had to leave, she put down the plates, and then walked him out to the car to say goodbye.

Still at the table, Chris folded his arms and turned to Meg, 'Can you go to your room, please? And I'll come and talk to you for a bit'.

'What?' she complained desperately, 'I'm eating my dinner."

'Well maybe instead of being so engrossed in texting Markayla, you could perhaps, I don't know, offer to do something nice for our dinner guests?'.

'Will left' Meg picked at some peas with a fork.

'Well, maybe when JJ comes back, you can offer her a cup of tea or something?'.

Meg nodded, 'Alright. I will, and I'm sorry'.

'Good girl' Kate whispered and smiled at her.

It was one of the many things she loved about Meg, the girl always apologized after looking at something from somebody else's point of view, and realising she was in the wrong. Kate then went to get the last two desserts from the kitchen before returning and placing those plates in front of Meg and JJ's places

Meanwhile, the front door creaked, and JJ returned.

'It's chilly out there' she squirmed, wrapping her arms around her wore coat, 'What did I miss?'.

'Uh' Meg gulped, 'I was kind of ignoring you guys during dinner, and I just wanted to say that I was sorry'.

JJ's lips formed a smile, and she reached across the table to squeeze hands with the girl, 'Thankyou and it's all good'.

'We were all teenagers once' Kate joked.

'I'm not' Henry spat with a mouthful of cheesecake with cherries, that sloppily dripped down his chin.

Smiling, Meg quickly passed JJ a napkin, which she dabbed to clean up the boy's mess.

"Sorry." Henry blushed, 'Thanks for dinner'.

"He's so adorable." Meg wiped a loose strand of hair out of her eyes, and gushed at Kate and Chris, mumbling under her breath.

"Actually, speaking of which…' Chris changed the subject, "My older sister offered to give us a bunch of her old baby books."

"Well, that's nice of her." JJ said, nodding.

"Maybe you should go and pick them up tomorrow." Kate suggested, "We could get into them before Monday." Chris nodded in agreement.

"What's the rest of your weekend plans, JJ?.", asked Kate.

The blonde scrunched the used napkin in her hands and sighed, "Will was going to take me out to this work party tomorrow night, but our babysitter walked out on us recently and I've got nobody to take care of Henry."

"I could do it." Meg said, raising her hand, "My way of apologizing for my teenager behavior before."

Henry nodded, enthusiastically, "They've got a play box in the book room, Mom."

"Study." Meg pointed, correcting he boy, "It was from when I was really little. There's still tons of toys in there."

"Yeah, Mom, yeah!" Henry said, nodding his head rapidly, "Can Meg look after me?."

"Well, if you're sure you wouldn't mind," JJ bit her lip, "I'll drop him off tomorrow, say five in the afternoon? Hotch will let me take off a little early, I'm sure, so I can bring Henry by and have time to get ready for our date."

"I'll be in and out of work." Chris explained, "I can keep an eye on them."

"And I can call a half day. I'm sure Hotch wouldn't mind.", Kate shrugged, "I can be home early from the Bureau unless we have a case."

"Well, that works well. Thank you so much." JJ glanced at her watch.

"Time to go home, Mom?." Henry questioned.

"Yeah, I'm afraid so, buddy." she nodded, "Thankyou again for dinner, guys'."

She grabbed her purse, and the rest of Henry's items.

"Sorry I can't stay for a coffee or something" she told Kate while she walked to the door, "It's bedtime, isn't it, Henry?"

The boy rubbed his eyes, "Yeah."

"See you tomorrow, and thanks again.", JJ smiled as she shared a hug with each of the family members.

After the front door was closed, and JJ and Henry had driven away, Chris looked down at Meg.

"It was nice of you to offer to take care of Henry tomorrow."

"Practice for when the baby comes."Meg shrugged, smiling at Kate, "I should get used to having a little one around."

"I'll be here too for a little bit,"Kate nodded, "so it shouldn't be too bad. just keep Henry entertained."

"I can do it." Meg assured them both, "I might seem like a bit of a mobile phone nerd, but, I know how to take care of a kid."

"'How?" Chris teased her, "TV shows don't count as reality experience."

Meg playfully punched him, and then leaned up and kissed his cheek, "What could possibly go wrong, Chris? It's just one day, and I've got this all under control"

"Are you sure?",he asked?

"Yep, it's cool."

Kate sighed, and then smiled, granting faith in how the teenager could take care of Henry. She just didn't know that the trust was going to go out the window.

Well, There it is. Hope you all liked it! Again All reviews are much appreciated! The next chapter should be posted in the next few days. That one will be written by Hippiechic81.