Chapter 14

The next day, all the Ozai loyalists except Azula and Ukano were removed from their cells in the Prison Tower and taken in small groups to various Fire Nation prisons all across the country. It was under strict orders that they were to be separated in order to prohibit the possible reunification of the rebels, if by chance, they were to escape.

Zuko refused to have both coup leaders placed in the same prison, so Ukano was transferred to the Boiling Rock, away from Azula, who remained in the Capital City Prison. This order delighted the warden of the Boiling Rock, because even though Mai had spoiled his prison's perfect record when helping to free Zuko and four others, he still deeply cared for his niece and felt personally betrayed that her father would have created this coup to both impeach and possibly murder her boyfriend, the Fire Lord.

Although Zuko was wary of his sister being held in the same prison as their father, knowing that neither Azula nor their father could firebend gave him a bit of relief.

As for their mother, Ursa came to visit her daughter every day for weeks, hoping she could give her child some comfort. However, her attempts were in vain because Azula had returned to a state of insanity, weeping incessantly for days at a time in her cell. Though Ursa was tolerant, the guards were bewildered as to why Zuko hadn't transferred his sister into an asylum again, with her continual shrieking, which they were forced to endure ad nauseam.

Toward the end of her first month being incarcerated, the guards encountered Azula screaming about how Ursa thought of her as a monster who should be forgotten and how her mother had a different daughter whom she loved more because her half-sister was beautiful and perfect, unlike herself.

Azula's days of weeping and wailing in prison came to an abrupt end, however, on the day she reached through the cell bars and timidly laid her hand in her mother's.

Without hesitation, Ursa squeezed her daughter's hand compassionately. "I do not think you are a monster, Azula," she said softly. "You simply did not have a mother to teach you better, and because of this, you followed in your father's footsteps."

As news of the Fire Lord becoming a firebending prodigy spread, those who had disavowed him as their Fire Lord now accepted him simply due to his newfound prowess. With this wave of popularity, quite a few of his subjects stepped forward to become councilmen. But before Zuko chose two to complete his council of nine, he had Toph check their heartbeat and breathing patterns to determine if any had traitorous intentions. Once they were cleared, Zuko then proclaimed that the new councilmen and their families could move into the palace alongside the other council members.

In addition, Michi and Tom-Tom moved from their tiny apartment into a luxurious room in the palace due to Zuko's kind offer, and Mai contentedly moved into the master suite with Zuko.

As for Sokka, despite living in the Southern Water Tribe with Aang and Katara, he would visit the Fire Nation Royal Palace every so often to meet up with his girlfriend, Suki, and train with her, even though he had to follow the Kyoshi Warrior traditions by wearing the kimono and face paint. As days turned into weeks, Sokka found himself practically living at the palace in order to perfect his skills. This dedication paid off, as he was eventually granted the official title of Kyoshi Warrior. Not only did he now live full-time at the palace but he had the benefit of being able to practice with the katana in order to become a master swordsman just as Piandao had predicted. This, and living with Suki, made suffering the humiliation of wearing the kimono worth it. By the time he grew accustomed to donning the traditional dress, Suki had tailored his warrior uniform to better suit his manly physique as well as restore his pride.

As no other boy in history who had ever been allowed to become a Kyoshi Warrior had been given this privilege, it was rumored that his special outfit came with a price; some teammates claimed to have heard Suki threaten him on one occasion. "You dump me, and the only 'pants' you'll ever wear again when on duty will be your undies," which had made Sokka chuckle, as well as those who had been eavesdropping.

The Fire Lord walked over to his mother's quarters and knocked, wondering if this was the right thing to do. Ursa opened the door and cheerfully ushered him in.

"Hello, Mother," Zuko said. "Um, is Ikem here? I was hoping to have a chat with him."

Ursa nodded and led him to the dining room, where Kiyi and Ikem were awaiting lunch. "Ikem, Zuko would like to speak with you," announced his wife.

Ikem looked up in surprise but graciously walked over to the Fire Lord, while Ursa finished preparing the noonday meal. "How can I help you?"

"How did you know my mother was the one? Were you scared to declare your love for her? How did you propose?" he asked in rapid-fire succession.

Zuko's stepfather smiled knowingly. "Don't worry. Mai will say yes. Although I must admit the Agni Kai with your sister will seem easier than proposing marriage, until you pop the question and she accepts."

Zuko gulped in fearful anticipation, Ikem's advice not helping settle his nerves. How should I declare my true feelings? Would she really say yes? Though still unnerved by the thought of his upcoming proposal to Mai, he thanked Ikem, kissed his mom, and waved goodbye to Kiyi.

Days passed and, after much contemplation, Zuko determined how he would propose. That same evening, under the light of a single finger flame, in order not to awaken Mai, he began to write a letter to Toph.

Toph felt a bird land on her shoulder early one morning and raised her hand to accept the contents the hawk carried. After untying the canister, she handed it to Ho Tun to sift through its contents.

"Whoa!" he said softly, peering at the beautifully wrapped bundles as he opened each one with care.

"Is there a letter? Tell me what it says!" Toph demanded.

"Right," her student said, quickly unsealing the envelope and removing the letter.

"Dear Toph,

I need a ring, but not just any ring, a special ring for my beloved Mai. I would be greatly

honored if you accepted this metalbending behest. I have sent along enough gold for you to be

able to create the ring as well as a stiletto. The enclosed stiletto from Mai's collection and tiny

gold piece with the carved Fire Nation flame emblem on it are templates to help

with the design. Time is of the essence because if Mai finds out one of her knives is missing, she

will be furious.

Thank you for your service and your discretion,

Fire Lord Zuko."

"Well, well," Toph said pompously. "He must think me a great earthbender with this request." Secretly flattered, she set to work without delay.

Even with Zuko's loose instructions, the ring was a delight to create. Toph opted for a simple band with an engraved flame across its entire circumference. The stiletto, on the other hand, required more care as the fit, weight, and counterweight all had to be included at the same time as the engraving detail of the handle occurred. The project's design intricacies had her working well into the night and the next day, but she was able to complete the task before the next nightfall. As Toph wrapped everything up, she smiled, knowing she played a part in Zuko's nuptials.

Pacing anxiously each night, the Fire Lord awaited for his messenger hawk to return. Two days later, his bird arrived with a package. He opened up the letter and delightedly found along with the coin and stiletto he had sent as design aids, a beautiful gold ring engraved with the Fire Nation's emblem and a beautifully carved dragon on each side of the new gold stiletto. He reached for the letter, relieved Mai had not noticed anything was missing.

Dear Zuko,

You are quite lucky I'm your friend because you are now in possession of one of the finest wedding bands in all the nation and one of the most beautiful stilettos ever forged. After all the hours spent to create these masterpieces for you, she had better say yes.


Zuko chuckled at Toph's pomposity but also smiled at her unparalleled talent in metallurgy. As he was contemplating this, he heard a noise and turned around, almost bumping into Mai, who had just come out of their bedroom, sleep still in her eyes.

"What is it?" Mai asked. "A letter?"

The Fire Lord nodded and as casually as possible said, "From Toph, written by one of her students." Anxious at being caught with the ring, he made a spur-of-the-moment decision and set the letter down on the table, deftly swiping up the ring into his palm. Quietly, without hesitation, he got down on one knee and looked up at the woman he loved. "Mai, beautiful, lovely Mai, I would like to know if you will share your life with me?" he asked, opening his hand and presenting her with the ring.

Mai appeared momentarily dazed, but then graciously placed her hands on his, softly declaring, "Yes," as she guided Zuko to put the ring on her finger.

"I love you, Mai. You've made me happier than you'll ever know."

"I do know," she whispered, "because I feel the same way."

Zuko, trying not to cry in front of Mai, turned away to hide the tears that were welling up in his eyes. Suddenly he remembered the stiletto and added, "Since you said yes, I have an engagement present for you." He held out the gold knife to Mai, who smiled and caressed it before feeling the weight and counterbalance of the knife. It was perfection in her small hand.

"Thank you, Zuko. It's beautiful. I will treasure it always," she said as she slipped it into her sheath with a quiet flourish. "My cup has runneth over today."

"Mine as well," Zuko declared tenderly as he pulled her in for an embrace. There the couple stood hugging each other, neither one wanting to be the first to let go, both excited for their future together and all the possibilities life would bring as they grew old together.

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