Rainy Days

Prologue: Alone

'I-I wish we had never met.'

It was the same as any other morning. The same routine. The same boring routine. Sometimes he wanted to scream and yell. He wanted to run and run, until he finally made it all the way back to the Tokyo Settlement. He didn't want to be alone. But those were childish and immature thoughts. Those were the feelings of someone who cared. And he couldn't care anymore. No, he didn't care. It had been so long since he'd seen him. 'It would have been better, if you had stayed away.'

For a while, Lelouch Lamperouge continued to lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling and letting his thoughts wander. He knew he shouldn't do this, shouldn't think about him. But sometimes, the feeling just came onto him suddenly. It was almost paralyzing. It made him sick. Even though it had been over a year, it still hurt to think about those days. The feeling made it difficult to get out of bed. Maybe he shouldn't bother getting up…

Eventually, Lelouch crawled out of bed. He'd be late for college if he waited any longer. So, with a heavy heart, he went through his boring routine. He showered in water far too hot. He ate a bland breakfast of cereal and a banana. And he got his schoolbag ready for the day. All alone, in an empty home. The loneliness seemed to echo throughout, leaving this weight everywhere. The feeling was suffocating at times.

When he stepped outside, Lelouch realized it was raining. "I forgot it was in the forecast," he thought aloud, glancing up at the sky. It didn't look like the weather was going to break any time soon. A half smile formed on his face, a sad look in his violet eyes. 'I wish I had never realized… I just wish it had never rained that day.' That was always the connection; rainy days. That was when everything had started. He blamed the rain for bringing them together.

Shoulders hunching, his eyes downcast, Lelouch muttered, "I hate the rain." He started out into the dreary weather. 'It always reminds me of things I try so hard to forget.' He tried to ignore the feeling, tried walking through the cool drizzle. But the feeling of the cool water sliding down his cheeks, dampening his hair, it all stung. It was this painful feeling, pricking his skin, digging into his chest. The feeling brought tears to his eyes.

Eventually, he had to stop and turn towards to his college. 'I wish I had never met you,' he thought again bitterly. After a while, he turned and started walking again. He knew this was ridiculous. The incident had been over a year and, still at times when it rained, he had to stop. He had to fight these feeligns, banish the painful memories all over again. This pain just never truly went away. Perhaps it never would.

'If I had never met you, Suzaku Kururugi, then I never would have known this pain in my chest.'


So, I had been reading this online manga thing about SuzaXLulu and it just inspired this story inside me. I wrote it and I just wanted to share the beginning. These two just touch my heart, makes me believe there's happiness out there. Don't ask me why.

Be patient, this is a major work in process. It'll probably go through massive editing several times. It won't all be sad either, I promise.