Authors's Note:

I wrote this story in a binder a LONG time ago and during a twelve-hour drive (don't even get me started) I finally decided to record it into an electronic document.

I became obsessed with Sarah meeting Jareth when she was a child and sort of rolled with it. I had a lot of fun writing this story of how the Goblin King came to meet a tiny Sarah Williams.

Cover art belongs to imaginarium on (it was the inspiration for this fic, honestly) She has another adorable doodle of a little Sarah hugging a goblin, too.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes)

As a child, Sarah Williams thought of herself as brave, daring, and terribly adventurous. She often boasted that if she came face-to-face with a ferocious dragon or some other man-eating beast she wouldn't be even remotely frightened. In fact, she said she would be able to defeat the creature without breaking a sweat.

However, to everyone else Sarah was stubborn, single-minded, and out to make trouble. The neighbors had quickly learned that any attempts to reason with her were futile. So in the end everyone (Sarah's parents included) simply decided to let the child run free. To say it more accurately: they simply gave up.

All except one.

"That's dangerous, you know," called a smooth, baritone voice.

Sarah didn't falter for a moment. She stayed steady as she balanced on a high branch of a tall tree. She had spotted a bird's nest the other day and had decided it was her duty to investigate said nest and make sure the new family was setting in well.

"I'll be fine!" Such was her usual answer.

"What, exactly, are you attempting to do?" His tone was mildly curious.

"I'm checking on the bird family!" Sarah responded as she clambered onto the branch just below the nest. "They just moved in."

"I see."

There was silence for a moment as Sarah inched ever closer to the nest.

"Sarah, do you know what kind of bird makes that nest?"


Very slowly, Sarah stood on her branch. She was almost eye level with the nest. If she could just get a little higher...

Suddenly, a loud screech pierced the still air. A barn owl came shooting out of the nest and dived straight for Sarah. She gasped, lost her balance and fell from the branch.

She didn't scream as she fell, only squeezed her eyes shut and waited for impact. However, before she could hit the ground a strong pair of arms quickly snatched her out of the air, pulling her into a strong chest. Surprised, she looked up to peer at her rescuer.

Two mismatched eyes met her own, and she quickly realized this man was not one of her neighbors.

"I did warn you," said the stranger.

Sarah was momentarily speechless. This man was by far the strangest she had ever seen in her few living years. He wore a lot of makeup around his eyes (it reached all the way up to his eyebrows) and his hair was messy and wild. He was captivating and, in Sarah's eyes, super cool looking. She wondered if he was a rock star.

"Didn't your parents tell you that it's dangerous to disturb a bird's nest?" queried the stranger.

"Mommy and daddy don't talk to me very much," said Sarah amiably. "Mommys always gone for her acting and daddy works late nights at the office."

The handsome stranger frowned. "Who watches over you, then?"

"Merlin!" piped Sarah.

The man raised a brow, glancing to the young sheepdog who wagged his tail and stuck out a long, pink tongue.

Shaking his head, the stranger gently lowered Sarah to the ground and for the first time the little girl was able to get a good look at her rescuer.

He was even more different than she had initially thought. In addition to his strange features, he also wore a long, dark cape and midnight-encrusted armor. She thought he was quite tall, but just about everyone seems tall when one was so little.

"Are you a prince?" she blurted.

The man chuckled humorously. "No, love. But you were rather close. Well done." He reached out a gloved hand and patted her head.

Reaching up, Sarah wrapped her tiny hands around his wrist. He watched her with a bemused expression as she she inspected his gloves.

"What's this stuff?" Sarah asked, tracing his palm with little fingers. When she held up the her hand her skin glittered in the sunlight.

"Magic," he told her. She looked up at him with bright eyes. "Well, the remains of it. Where magic happens this substance is left behind."

"Show me! Show me!" Sarah exclaimed with childish exuberance.

"Be patient, pet," he said with a toothy grin.

She pouted and jutted out her lower lip. "But I wanna see!" Balling her hands into fists she stomped her foot and raised her voice. "Show me!" she demanded.

His expression darkened considerably. "Sarah," his deep tone held a warning edge that forced her to pause. "Do not command me. I shall show you my powers when you prove to me that you are ready to see them."

"But I am ready," she whined petulantly.

"No, love. You're filthy. You've ruined your clothing playing in the mud." Jareth raised a haughty brow and placed his hands upon his hips.

Sarah looked down at herself. It was true that her well-worn overalls and undershirt were caked with dirt and mud.

"Come, come. Let's go and get you cleaned up." The stranger extended his hand to her.

"I'm not supposed to let people I don't know come into the house," Sarah said dubiously.

"It's nice to know your parents taught you something," he muttered.

"That's how people get robbed," she clarified.

The man closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked peeved and was still for a moment before he sharply expelled a breath.

"Well, Sarah, I am not a stranger to you. I am your friend. Now, let's get you cleaned up." Once again, he held out his hand.

Overjoyed at finally making a friend, Sarah eagerly took the offered hand and asked, "What's your name?"

"Jareth," he said. A small smile graced his thin lips.

Author's Note:

Do not fret! I have more to add to this work and all I need to do is go through for spelling/grammar errors. Reviews are greatly appreciated!

(And for all of you wanting to kill me for A Midsummer Knight's Dream... Yeah, you might as well just grab the torches and pitchforks.)

Fanfiction, for some strange reason, will not allow me to post a link to the cover artist so please visit imaginarium at Deviantart to view the cover art and all of her other lovely works!