"Damon!" Elena calls out through the wonderland of trees.

"Shhhh, he won't listen." Matt wraps his hand over Elena's mouth to shut her up.

A crack from the branches up the trees throw both Elena and Matt off guard. A large figure of a man rockets to the ground and thuds against the ground. Elena and Matt froze with fear as they gaze at the gapping hole in the man's chest. Elena squealed and buries her face in Matt's shirt. Matt grimaces as he looks away and hold's Elena closer to him for both her safety and his comfort.

"These vampires are so easy to kill." Damon's cynical voice came from the branches overhead.

Matt looks up at him angrily. "STOP! Just stop doing that."

Damon's narrows his eyes slightly, "Would you rather me let them feed on you?"

Elena trembles in the security of Matt's hold but pushes herself away to look up at Damon. "Damon, you don't have to kill them like that in front of us. And Matt, you keep provoking him to do things like this. We need to work together."

Another familiar voice came echoing through the forest, "Elena?"

Elena, Matt and Damon look around the forest. All three calls out to the voice as if they couldn't believe what they heard, "Stefan?"

Damon flies from his perch and lands ever so lightly in front of Elena and Matt. Damon purposes with caution, "It must be an illusion. Stefan is in the other dimension."

Stefan steps out from behind a tree. His curly black hair disheveled and piercing green eyes. Damon's black eyes darken with warning. Elena stares with longing and her heart leaps with joy. Matt stands motionless in response but was just as skeptical as Damon was.

Stefan holds his hand out before cautioning Elena, "Don't come any closer, Elena. They are here."

Elena barely was able to comprehend through a haze of delight at the sight of Stefan standing before her. She takes a few steps but Damon blocks her with his arm. From behind Stefan, Shinichi and Misao dances around Stefan playfully. Their black hair whips around carelessly and the red tips flashing like red Christmas lights.

Damon growls deeply, "You sent us on a wild goose chase?"

Misao continues to dance and sings a folksong in a different language. Stefan intensifies his gaze lovingly into Elena's eyes and the distance between them did not matter. Matt was just as angry as Damon for wasting days in travel to save Stefan and the fact that he had to put up with Damon this whole time.

Shinichi smiles in amusement, "I have a new challenge my little pet. You all are going to play along."

Damon bares his fangs; "You dare play games with me?"

Shinichi widens his eyes but still kept a smile, "I'm going to make a deal. I have an enemy and you are going to kill him and bring back his sword. If you succeed in killing him, Misao and I will leave Fell's Church forever. You have my word."

Damon and Matt both retorts with, "Your word doesn't mean much."

Elena wanted to know more, "Who is this enemy of yours? Would he come to Fell's Church to cause more death?"

Misao's singing could be heard in the background but Stefan answers spitefully, "Shinichi said that this enemy was a demon who lives in a different dimension of time. This demon has no way of coming through to this side unless aided by something called a Shikon jewel."

Matt arms himself with anger, "If this demon cannot come here then why would we help you?"

Shinichi keeps his distance from Damon, "You have no choice. I will unleash a thousand demons that feed on human flesh. For the sake of your town, you have until the end of this week to kill the demon named Sesshomaru or your town will be a ghost town."

"You bastard!" Matt yells with raised fists.

Damon charges with unbelievable speed but Stefan stops him just before Damon tries to grab Shinichi's neck. "Damon! Wait!"

Stefan then turns to Elena and both lock eyes, "This demon called Sesshomaru doesn't seem that hard to kill. If we do this, then all of this can be over and then we can live peacefully together."

Damon challenges Stefan, "Are you possessed or something, we can't believe a word these kitsune say. Besides, how are we even going to get there if this demon cannot get here?"

"Just leave that up to me. Misao and I will accompany you there." Shinichi hums a tune.

The group all reluctantly accept Shinichi's offer.