
Hello everyone!

Here's a (slightly) cliché story about Percy teaching at Hogwarts, blah blah blah.

I started writing this chapter in December but finished it off yesterday.

Percy and Annabeth still have flashbacks/nightmares from Tartarus but they aren't NEARLY as bad as the ones in my other story Heroes Go To Hogwarts.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the (slightly overused) plot. GIVE CREDIT IF YOU USE MY LINES/PLOT TWISTS THANK YOU.


Percy's POV:

I was pissed. I was also mad. I was also angry. I was also fed up. I was also a wee bit ragingly annoyed. And did I mention pissed?

My name is Percy Jackson, and I'm about to tell you why I'm so exceedingly pissed and mad and angry and fed up and ragingly annoyed.

I'm a Demigod, a child of a mortal and a God. I'm currently nineteen years old, older then many Demigods even live to be. My father is Poseidon, Greek god of the ocean, horses, etcetera, etcetera.

Now, life as a Demigod isn't easy. Life as a Demigod of the big three is practically torture.

And believe me, I've been through torture. I know what torture feels like.

And right now, I'm feeling the need to explode some toilets or at least cause a slight tsunami.

Let me start from the very beginning…


It was a cool day for summer in New York, Long Island New York to be exact.

I was sitting on the beech with my arm around my beloved girlfriend, Annabeth.

Her head was on my shoulder, her breathing was deep and I could tell she'd fallen asleep.

"Percy!" Shouted a voice from the top of the slanting hill down to the ocean. I turned around to see a fellow demigod, son of Hermes, Connor Stoll. "Chiron wants to talk to you and Annabeth in the big house, says it's important." He shouted.

I nodded and also gave him a slight glare. Annabeth and I still had nightmares from Tartarus, although they weren't nearly as bad as they had been even a month ago.

We were healing, even if the progress was slow, it was bearable.

I shook her gently and she looked up at me. She blinked her startlingly grey eyes once and sat up.

"What's wrong?" She asked and cleared her throat.

"Chiron wants us up at the big house, Connor said it was important." I replied and stood up, offering her my hand. A flitter of worry crossed her face as she took my hand and stood up as well, brushing the sand off her jeans as she did so.

"It better not be another quest." She growled and began marching to the Big house, clinging to my wrist harder then I think was strictly necessary.

We soon reached the big house, Annabeth still clinging to me like I was a small child crossing the street; really I think she was nervous. I was too. Could you blame us? Our last few visits to the Big House hadn't gone entirely perfectly. Usually they involved near-death experiences, screaming fits, and almost the end of civilization.

Annabeth knocked on the door and opened it. I squeezed her hand as we walked in; she gave me what she obviously thought was a reassuring smile, but looked more like a grimace.

"Ah, Perry Johanssen and Anniebelle Chester!" Mr. D. greeted us cheerily, that could only mean we were about to receive bad news.

Chiron came forward from a door in the back and inclined his head to us. "Come, Children. I have many things to tell you."

I grabbed Annabeth's hand, clenched my jaw, and followed Chiron to the back room.

"Why are we here?" I asked bluntly and Chiron gave a small laugh.

"A very good question, and one I hope to answer fully and to your complete satisfaction. Although satisfaction may not be what you feel when I'm finished telling my... Interesting tale."

I rolled my eyes and Annabeth tapped her foot impatiently, like me, she was waiting for the worst.

"Let me start from the very beginning." Chiron said and folded his fingers into one another to make a small prison.

"Millennia ago, only a few short years after the gods showed mankind the ways of fire, Hecate was experimenting in her little cave. She had decided to take some sacrifice humans to experiment on. Hecate had always been interested in the small mortals that Zeus referred to as, household Pests." He gave a slight chuckle and went on. "One night she was practicing spells on her little experiments, it so happened to be what we now call Halloween night. Hecate had always fancied the idea of creating midget her's, like mortals but with powers that only the gods could dream of, of course they wouldn't be allowed the amount of power and strength that Hecate had, but all the same she wanted mortals that would take after her, since she was really one of the less 'normal' gods." He paused for a moment. "Hecate could do practically anything that consisted of magic. And so, after long whiles of practicing, she managed to transfer a small amount of power into one of her mortal experiments. She then awoke the human from its slumber and told the human that the goddess of magic had blessed her. She crafted a small wand from the branch of an oak tree and handed it to the small mortal. She told the human about many spells she had learned and created, she told her of potions to create. Hecate told the woman that she was the first of many little experiments. But Hecate was not expecting for this teenage girl she had plucked from the farm near her cave to have offspring. Hecate had thought that the girl, being gifted with such rare qualities, would naturally want to spend her entire life devoted to Hecate and learning every possible secret about magic. But, like any girl who lived at that time, she found a lover and then had twelve children. Hecate sensed the magic in all but one child, and that child was born with the head of a squid. (A.N. okay so I felt like I needed to explain this. A Squib is a child of wizards who possesses no magical power. I always thought of the word squid when I heard squib, hence me incorporating that into the story.) The child was put to death moments after being born because of its hideous features. The child was forgotten as Hecate watched the girl she had experimented on teach her children the ways of magic. The girl's husband crafted wands for each child. Every single one of the eleven remaining children grew stronger as they aged. Hecate was terrified she had started something horrible, that perhaps she had created monsters out of her control. The children married each other; as was so often done in those days, and had children of purer blood them they had had. Purer magical blood. Hecate was scared to tell Zeus what she had done. So, she just watched and waited. She watched every single one of her first experiments decedents grow. There were periods where almost every witch was burned at the stake, hung, beaten to death by angry hordes, or killed by competing witches. Wizards were not hunted, they lived in harmony near the hills where Hecate had first lived in her cave." Chiron took a deep breath and continued as we listened in wrapped silence. "Hecate looked for thousands of years for the most talented of her blessed mortals. After a long while, she found a girl with black hair and blue eyes who possessed astonishing power. She knew that this direct descendent of the girl she had once experimented on, Bella, would be perfect. Rowena Ravenclaw was devoted to magic unlike her ancestor Bella had been. She ignored her many persistent admirers who begged for her hand for years. She was the smartest witch of the age. Hecate knew that for years there would never be a witch as perfectly suited as Ravenclaw. And then, only a year after she discovered Ravenclaw, she came accross another magical descendent who caught her eye. His name was Godric Gryffindor. He was braver then any other where he lived. His pure heart and strength attracted Hecate deeply and she decided that perhaps she could have two that would forever carry on her legacy. But then, only a month later, a baby boy was born that had a cunning air to him that immediately caught Hecate's attention. As the baby grew and as Rowena prospered and as Griffyndor sacrificed so much to be the most daring of all, Hecate knew it was time to put her plan into action. But then she found another witch of extraordinary talent. Hufflepuff was unfailingly loyal. Hecate couldn't believe how many talented mortals were walking the earth, but she knew it was once in a lifetime. She worked a little magic and managed to get all four of the witches and wizards together. Rowena came up with a plan to start a school to teach wizards and witches in. All of them agreed and added their own parts. Slytherin said they need something to sort the students, a place where everyone would be with ones of their own talents and interests. Gryffindor said they needed an impartial judge and off his head he whipped a hat that could make any decision. Hufflepuff began to use her magic to create letters that got sent to every inch of the world, every house with a young witch or wizard was invited to spend every school year at Hogwarts." He paused for a breath. "Gryffindor created the house 'Gryffindor' for the brave and daring. Slytherin made 'Slytherin' where the cunning and generally high-strung go. Hufflepuff decided to make the house 'Hufflepuff' every student with loyalty and kindness in his or her hearts was accepted to Hufflepuff, and last but not least, Ravenclaw made the house 'Ravenclaw' for the smart and witty. And so, that is how Hogwarts was created. There was a snag though. Many wizards or witches were born gifted with magical powers from parents known as 'muggles,' non magic folk. Slytherin did not approve of accepting students who were not born from magical parents, or pure blood families, after years of argument Slytherin left the school for good. Generation after generation of wizards and witches went to Hogwarts, learning and triumphing, falling and flying, succeeding and failing. Good witches, bad witches. Good wizards, bad wizards.

"Then, just 56 years ago, a wizard attended Hogwarts. He had an evil heart and an iron soul. He learned magic and practiced magic and created magic that no Wizard or Witch had ever dreamt of discovering or learning. Hecate grew concerned for the life of the race she created, you must understand that very few of them actually believed in Hecate and the gods still. A good wizard named Dumbledore fought the dark wizard, Vomdemort, for years. People were killed, some for sport, some because they threatened Voldemort in their powers or because they stood up to him. He branched as far into immortality as any mortal has ever gone. He split his soul, hiding pieces in places he thought could never be found. And then, one day he heard a prophecy. Much like the ones we hear, it states that a boy born at the end of July would have powers the Dark Lord knew not. And so he set out to find the child who was prophesized into defeating him. There were two boys who the prophecy could relate to, one was named Neville Longbottom. The other was named Harry Potter. For reasons unknown Vomdemort picked Harry, and in doing so he marked the one who could distroy him, in attacking Harry, he carried out the prophecy. He went to the Potter's house on Halloween night, when Harry was just a year old, he killed Harry's father with the killing curse. He told Harry's mother to stand aside, that if she did, she would live. But she refused to stand aside and allow him to kill Harry, and so, Voldemort killed her too. She sacrificed her life for Harry, and so the killing curse directed at Harry, for the first and second to last time, (A.N. Since technically harry survived it in book 7 too.) the killing curse didn't kill. It rebounded on Voldemort and in doing so made him nothing more then a broken shadow, but because of his scattered soul, he lived. Yes, he was just a mere shadow of his former self, but he lived. And Harry lived too. He grew up with his aunt and uncle. When he reached the age of 11, he first attended Hogwarts. In his first year he sent Voldemort again and stopped him from regaining power, in second year he fought of one of the most deathly monsters known to wizards and again defeated Voldemort. In third year he rescued his GodFather from -sucking creatures by the name of Dementors. In fourth year he went through a tournament of power meant for wizards three years older then him, he watched the Dark Lord return. In fifth year he defeated Voldemort from getting the rest of the prophecy. In sixth year he helped Dumbedore kill the pieces of Voldemort's scattered soul so he might be defeated. In seventh year Harry didn't return to Hogwarts. He left with his two best friends, Ron and Hermione, to go look for the remaining Horcruxes, or pieces of soul. Then after months of searching and destroying, Voldemort was finally killed." Chiron finished and clasped his hands together.

Annabeth and I stood there in complete and utter shock at what we had just heard.

"Say what?" I said disbelievingly.

"Holy actual shit." Annabeth whispered, I glanced at her in surprise, Annabeth rarely swore.

"Okay so that's cool and all, wizards exist, big yay, but why are you telling us this again?" I asked.

"Because, after years of fighting, Voldemort is finally dead. But they have suffered losses and sorrow somewhat close to what you have. This year Harry is returning to school for his Seventh year that he missed, along with his friends. I want you and Annabeth to go and teach at Hogwarts. You will be able to teach them about how to recover from war, and how to protect themselves further. You will help them more so then I think you can possibly imagine. I'm not sure yet if I would like Percy to go first and then have you, Annabeth, join him, or for you to go together."

Annabeth looked scared at this, I had to agree. We hadn't been separated since the first few nights after the war ended. Back when people thought we were okay without each other.

"So... Let me get this straight..." I said, "you want us, Demigods, not wizards, to go teach magic, to magical people?" I asked disbelievingly.

"Basically." Chiron supplied, smiling slightly.

"I don't know Chiron," Annabeth said. "We're still recovering... You know why, I'm not sure we're ready..."

Chiron nodded. "I understand, but I also truly believe that it would help you to help them. And it would certainly do them a lot of good."

Annabeth nodded and rubbed her temples while I considered what Chiron had just informed us about.

"Wait..." I asked, "Can you please repeat all that?"

"Percy! Honestly." Annabeth said in an exasperated voice as Chiron rolled his eyes.


Yay! First chapter!


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Review!
