There was something so distinctly disturbing about standing outside of a sex stop you frequented with your male counterpart standing right next to you. Of course, Elliot Stabler had no clue that his partner frequented this sex shop, not to mention sex shops in general despite his knowledge of her sexual preferences. They had never really discussed it except once when he had seen Olivia drunkenly kissing another woman; he had asked if she was really that drunk and she reluctantly admitted that she was interested in women. Despite the admission, their relationship seemed to carry on like normal until right now.

Olivia watched as Elliot's eyes glanced up at the sign and into the dark windows, some of the less risqué items on display there and yet they seemed to still disturb him. "I'm not going in," Elliot mumbled as he ran his hand along his jawline, rubbing at his scruff.

"Yes you are," Olivia replied as she grabbed onto his casual jacket sleeve and tugged him toward the entrance. "If I have to go in there, you do too," She mumbled before he stopped abruptly, halting her motions. In the back of her mind, she knew that it would probably be better for her to go in alone since most of the workers already knew her but another part of her was still wishing that they'd avoid saying anything about her purchases especially if she was in the company of a male.

"Nope," Elliot grumbled as he removed Olivia's grip from his jacket. "Have fun in there Liv. I'll just listen to you over the mic." Great, that would only increase the chances of her being embarrassed. This whole fiasco had started three days prior when they ran across a case where women were being prostituted and an underage girl came into the precinct, battered up. They had questioned her but she was foreign and despite a translator, she couldn't tell them anything beside the name "Les' Lust" which just so happened to be the name of the sex shop that they were currently standing in front of. Obviously from the name, most of their customers were lesbian but they also supplied toys for self-pleasuring. Maybe it was probably best if Elliot stayed outside, he'd probably set off every red flag.

"Fine," Olivia replied as she tossed him a glare before heading toward the shop. At least she didn't have a camera on her anywhere; she could only imagine how disturbed her partner would be if he saw what was inside the store rather than the objects displayed in the windows. She pulled open the door and walked into the dimly lit store; apparently they thought it made it a bit more mysterious and anonymous for their customers.

She glanced over at the register, catching a glimpse of a familiar employee, one that luckily didn't know her well enough to address her by name. Thank goodness. "Anything sketchy?" Elliot's voice buzzed through her ear and she instinctively cringed at his voice in a shop like this.

"What do you think?" She muttered in response as she walked toward the back of the shop, toward the mysterious back door. She glanced around the products, most of which she was familiar with but there always seemed to be something new.

"Go talk up one of the employees," Elliot replied, his voice sounding static from the earpiece. She grumbled in response as she glanced around, looking for another employee. She wasn't really sure if she wanted to run into someone she knew or someone she didn't. She'd be more likely to get a straight answer from someone she knew but she really didn't care for Elliot and the other detectives overhearing her conversations with someone familiar.

"You can't just go in guns blazing," She mumbled back as she discretely cleared her throat.

"The sooner you get answers, the sooner you can leave," Elliot taunted as he chuckled to himself. Little did he know that she had spent quite a few hours perusing the store just a few days prior.

"I'm going, I'm going," Olivia muttered in response as she walked down the aisles, searching for a familiar face but it appeared as if no one she knew was working at this time. Hell, it didn't seem like anyone was here at this time. She walked down three aisles before she finally caught sight of another person, someone oddly familiar but not in the good way.

Olivia froze as her eyes widened. No, it couldn't possibly be… But the long blonde hair was far too similar. She watched, enthralled as the woman in front of her reached out for a box, plucking it off of the shelf before flipping it around so that she could look at the back. The detective glanced back at the shelf, instantly recognizing this section of the store since she had often found herself in the same spot as the blonde, looking for a strap-on to purchase.

Olivia wasn't quite sure whether or not she wanted it to be who she thought it was but one thing was sure, she didn't want to stick around to find out. She went to turn around but stopped as she recognized the manager of the store coming out from the back, someone who knew her by name. Shit. She turned back around and glanced for an exit route, finding another aisle that she could cut through but she'd have to get closer to the blonde. She took the risk and closed the distance between her and the woman before practically jumping to the right, down another aisle.

The clattering of boxes against the floor made her groan out as she closed her eyes. Shit. She glanced down at the handful of boxes that she had knocked off in her attempt to rush. "Let me help you with that," The manager called out as she walked over to Olivia. She stayed as still as she could as she reached down for them, trying to pick up as many as she could before the manager could say… "Olivia! I haven't seen you in a bit," The manager called out as she stood in front of the detective. Shit, fuck, shit, fuck…

"Did someone just say your name?" Elliot's voice buzzed in her ear, causing her to jump in surprise before turning toward Elise, the manager.

"Hi," She replied back as she glanced toward her right, making eye contact with the last person on Earth that she wanted to. Well, at least now she knew that it was her. Olivia couldn't seem to take her eyes away from the blonde as blue eyes widened and she quickly pushed the strap-on box that she was holding behind her back. Desperate to ease the situation just a little bit, Olivia hit the microphone that was against her shirt, effectively shutting it off and most likely damaging it beyond repair, whoops. "Alex," She finally managed to say, still maintaining eye contact with the blonde.

Alex Cabot blinked about a dozen times before she finally managed to shut her mouth that had been hanging open in surprise. She cleared her throat before shaking off her expression of surprise, her facial features changing immediately so that the detective couldn't read her. "Olivia," Alex replied as she nodded her head once, acknowledging the familiar face.

"Oh you two know each other?" Elise questioned as she looked between them, not quite catching the awkward tension. "Oh that's great! Alex, Olivia has been shopping here for years. I'm sure she could help you find a suitable product to meet your needs." Olivia watched in amusement as Alex's face turned bright red in response, not quite registering the fact that Elise had just outed her to a coworker. "I almost forgot! I have your package in the back, Olivia. Let me go get that for you," Elise stated as she turned and left, leaving the two women alone.

They both stared at each other in shock, not quite sure what to say to one another. "So," Olivia started off as she glanced around, awkwardly leaning against a shelf. "I guess you wouldn't believe me if I told you I was undercover?"

The blonde arched an eyebrow in response. "Considering that you've been coming here for years and the manager is retrieving something for you right now, let's go with no," Alex replied back with a straight face, still not revealing any emotion other than the blush that had drastically subsided but was still present.

"What's your excuse?" Olivia questioned with her own arched eyebrow. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, she intended to have a little fun with the ADA.

Alex glanced around as the blush suddenly appeared back on her face. "I—well, I have needs," She muttered as she blushed even more. "I mean, I don't have time for relationships," She stated a bit louder this time.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm here to help you find a suitable product then," Olivia teased as she glanced down at the blonde's arms which were still hiding the box behind her back. "You know, typically you don't use a strap-on on yourself. I believe there's a little note on the box that says 2+ players needed," She quipped as she winked at the blonde, earning her the worst blush that she had seen yet. She watched curiously as the blush spread down Alex's neck and down her chest, dipping between the buttons of her blouse.

Alex cleared her throat, pulling Olivia's eyes back up to her face. "That's very informative, thanks," Alex replied back sarcastically as she finally removed the box from behind her, shoving it back on the shelf.

Olivia chuckled in response as she walked over to her, glancing at the package that she had been holding. She chewed on her bottom lip as she looked at the familiar product, one that she personally owned. "Top or bottom?" Olivia questioned, still maintaining her gaze on the box, not quite sure how the blonde would respond. When no response came, she glanced over at the ADA who had her eyes closed with a hand running through her hair. "I guess the better question would be whether you'd be giving or receiving," Olivia corrected which earned her a glare from the blonde. "Oh loosen up," Olivia muttered as she picked up the same box that Alex's was holding. "Obviously you were trying to buy one so at least allow me to help you out." When no response came she held out the box slightly to Alex. "This one is pretty comfortable if you're planning on wearing it."

"No!" Alex practically yelped out as she groaned. "I wasn't planning on wearing it," She mumbled as she blushed again before her eyebrows furrowed up in confusion. "Are you speaking from experience?"

"Alex, this is a lesbian sex shop, what'd you think I shopped here for?"

"Well I don't know," She muttered as she glanced around her. "I was hoping to play naïve and act as if I didn't realize who this shop was for."

Olivia's eyes instinctively widened in response. "You're…?" She questioned, letting her thoughts trail off.

"This is only my second time coming here," Alex admitted as she dropped her gaze to the ground. "Last time I was too scared to leave with a bag in my hand. I mean I could play coy if I left without anything but if I purchased something and someone saw me…"

"This is in a pretty sketchy part of town," The detective replied back with a chuckle. "I highly doubt you'd see anyone here you know." Alex arched an eyebrow at her before trailing her eyes down the detective's body and then back up. "Oh," Olivia muttered once she realized what the blonde was implying.

"Here you go." Olivia spun around when she heard Elise's voice. She looked down at the package and smiled at the manager.

"Thank you, Elise," The detective replied as she took the box and handed Elise her credit card so that she could swipe it at the register. She watched curiously as Alex's eye immediately dropped down to the box that she was holding and didn't bother moving from it for a few seconds. "Do you want to try it?" Olivia boldly asked. Deep down she was completely serious but she figured she could always play it off as a joke if Alex reacted negatively. She had often admired the blonde, especially as she leaned up against her desk or unbuttoned her blouse just a bit too low. The detective couldn't help it as images of Alex's fantastic long legs wrapped around her waist popped into her mind. She could just imagine the blonde taking the newest strap-on that she had just bought deep, begging for more as she took her roughly against a wall.

Alex's eyes finally flickered back up to Olivia's, her bottom lip still tucked between her teeth. She finally released it as she licked her lips slightly, almost as if she was gauging how serious the detective was. "Is that an offer?" She finally questioned with an arched eyebrow.

Before Olivia could respond, Elise returned with her credit card. "Enjoy," Elise stated as she handed the card over to the detective while maintaining eye contact with Alex, winking at her.

Suddenly, Olivia felt herself being dragged toward the exit. Once her mind caught up with what was happening, she realized that Alex was pulling her toward the door. Was Alex serious right now? She felt her heart rate pick up as she increased her pace, catching up with the blonde as they both headed toward the exit, intent on getting somewhere a bit more private. Before Alex could pull open the door, however, Olivia was reminded of the earpiece in her ear and the unmarked van outside with prying eyes. She grabbed onto Alex's arm, pulling her back abruptly as she pinned her up against the wall right next to the door.

Alex's eye widened in surprise before she realized how incredibly close Olivia was to her. The detective had inadvertently pressed her body flush against the blonde's, holding her in place so that she couldn't leave. "I—I have to admit, I had a more private venue in mind," Alex replied as a small grin made its way onto her face. To be honest, the feeling of Olivia pressed tightly up against her was more than overwhelming and she wouldn't mind having the detective take her against the wall.

"I did too," Olivia replied as she sighed. "Look, when I made that joke about being undercover, well I wasn't lying. Elliot is outside in an unmarked van with Fin and Munch and I have an earpiece in right now." Alex's eyes widened as she reached out, moving the detective's hair out of the way in order to confirm. "Don't worry, I turned it off the moment I saw you," Olivia explained as she pushed herself off of Alex, giving the blonde some room.

"I can't go out there," Alex muttered as she shook her head.

"I know," Olivia responded as she glanced toward the door. "Look, I'll go get them to leave. Give me five minutes and then you can leave, okay?" Alex nodded in response and the detective turned to leave, only to be stopped abruptly and pulled back to Alex. Before she could gain her bearings, she felt soft lips press roughly against her mouth before a tongue slipped between her lips, exploring her mouth. She moaned out in approval as the kiss deepened for a few more seconds before Alex pushed her away.

"Five minutes," Alex confirmed with a wink as she leaned back against the wall. "Oh," Alex stated as she reached toward Olivia and grabbed the box out of her hands. "And I'm keeping this in the meantime… As an incentive."

Olivia groaned in response as she shook her head, trying to clear all the dirty thoughts about Alex that were flooding her mind. She glanced back at the blonde once more before walking out of the store. She immediately spotted the van and knocked on the back.

The three male detectives merely looked at her as they opened up the door, allowing her to enter. She looked around at all of them curiously; she was sure that they'd have some witty retort considering they heard the owner of the store say her name but instead they were all quiet. "There's nothing sketchy going on there," Olivia stated as she glanced around at all the men. "Oh, and sorry about the mic going out. I accidentally ran into a shelf," Olivia mumbled as she pretended to look embarrassed, hoping that they wouldn't ask any more questions.

"The mic…didn't…go out," Elliot muttered as he stared at the ground, kicking his feet slightly. Olivia eyed him up curiously as she glanced over at Fin and then Munch.

"What do you mean the mic didn't go out…?" Olivia questioned as she narrowed her gaze at Munch who seemed to be trying his hardest not to smile.

"Well, let's just say that I'll no longer be pursuing our esteemed ADA," Munch quipped as his grin finally broke. Olivia's eyes widened in shock as she reached down her shirt and tugged the mic out, looking at the red light that was still being emitted.

"I think you got more important things to be doin' right now," Fin stated as he winked at Olivia. She blushed in response as she pulled the mic completely off of her and removed her earpiece. She tossed them down onto the bench before glancing around at her fellow detectives. Surprisingly enough, she wasn't that embarrassed; she felt worse for their ADA who had accidentally been outed. But she couldn't worry about that right now… She had something better to do.

"Later," Olivia called as she pushed open the doors and headed back toward the shop. She found Alex still leaning against the wall, waiting for five minutes to be up.

"You're back?" Alex questioned as she looked at the detective curiously.

"I'll explain later but for right now, I'd rather being doing something other than talking."

Alex smirked in response as she held up the box. "How far away are you?"

"Not far," Olivia replied as she pulled the blonde out of the store, not caring that she didn't even bother to put the box in a bag so that it was a little more discrete.