Well I know its been a while and this probably isn't what you guys were expecting from me and I apologize, the next chapter of Reboot of Mutual Killing is on its way (I'll go into more details about my one month disappearance, but I was swamped with essays and exams). But now I'm done with school and back home so I've got more time to write as long as I can focus on it.

Another story, I know. But I've got reasons. I've been planning this while I was doing all my school stuff so I didn't go totally insane, and found myself wanting to actually write it after thinking more about it. This story will heavily tie in with RoMK in several ways, and we'll see characters from it being mentioned in this one and vise versa. Since its going to be the same universe as RoMK, that means that none of the talents from that story can be used, along with canon. For those of you who haven't read RoMK, I'll give you a list in the application, though I urge you to read it since both stories will tie in with each other.

One thing I'm going to point out is, that these students aren't actually going to be Hope's Peak Students, as the 79th class was the final decided class before the Tragedy in my timeline, however, these will be the students who were on the school's list for possibly being part of the 80th class, though no decisions were made before the Tragedy.

If you already have a character in RoMK, feel free to go ahead and sign up again. Of course I'm still going to be critical of which characters I'll be picking, so don't start slacking on me. I'll also be putting in one of my characters into this story that I decided will be the main character, so we'll get to meet him in a bit. If you've got any questions or concerns feel free to message me, I'm usually able to get on every so often throughout the day and in the morning, but mainly nights (Of course this could be different if you're not EST) but regardless, I'll reply as soon as I'm able. Without wasting any more time, let's meet our main character shall we?

Day 584- 2:19 A.M.

Entry No. 329

One thing I've always enjoyed is some well placed irony. Like a character hinting at their death later in the movie, or a seemingly meaningless event leading to a catastrophic disaster. Even a few clever oxymorons are good enough sometimes. When a story is capable of delivering irony right, its a story worth telling. I guess that just makes the current state of the world at the moment an amazing story.

I'm sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself again aren't I? I know its the same old boring story every time, but I like to make sure everyone's up to date with the most accurate information. It hasn't really been too long since everything went down, since the world basically ended. Probably a little over a year or so, I dunno I haven't seen a calendar in months. I'm stuck up in some old building with a little under two dozen other kids, living off the land and scavenging anything we can. We try not to go into the cities, its a bit too crazy in there. People killing each other, or worse. Decapitation, dismemberment, disembowelment, self immolation, I've seen it all in the past year, and it never really gets any easier to see.

I guess the only reason we're still alive is because of a few kids barely over than us telling us that the old building would be a good place to hide out, that and the fact that most of us have some really helpful talents. I won't list them this time, its such a bother. Last night a few of us had to head into the city, like usual it wasn't pretty. I don't even know why I went. What's a silly old Story Teller like me good at other than talking out of my ass when I need to? Anyways, we ended up nearly being killed by some crazy guy screaming about hope.

Oh, look at that, more irony. Someone talking about hope as they prepare to tear a hole in some kid they just met. Wonderful world we're living in. Well we lost Tado to that guy. Shame, I kinda liked him, but he should have run a bit faster.

I just found out a little while ago that we're going to be heading to a new location a while away, since there's a possibility we were followed. Apparently one of the others got word from the people who told use to hide there in the first place. I'm not sure exactly where we're going, but I heard its gonna take us past the old Redwood Prison, which is a lot farther than I'd like to walk. So I've got to pack up and get a move on. We've only got a few hours of sleep till its time to leave.

Until next time, stay alive.

Toshiro Kunikida.

So there's Shiro, the Super High School Level Storyteller. I'm not going to say much else about the opening, since that would spoil things won't it? Onto the applications and send in those great characters! (I'll make sure to put it on my profile.) This one's a big bigger than before, but for good reasons.


Name: (While I wasn't too hard on this last time, let's stick to Japanese names (First Last would be helpful as well) I may pick other names, though likely only one or two)

Age: (High School Level Ages please)


Title: (Ultimate _ or SHSL _ whatever you prefer, but I'll be using SHSL in the story)

Appearance: (Basic stuff: Hair, Eyes, Height/Weight, notable markings/scars/other)

Clothing: (Same as last time, same stuff the whole story. Only other new thing: Try to keep the clothing similar to the character's talent)

Personality: (Really the biggest thing I need, a paragraph or so (not one of those pansy elementary school paragraphs though) but no more than 3 or 4 of them. (Any more is hard to keep track of I've realized, even if its an in-depth character.) Keep the Personality understandable with talent, and not everyone can be good at the trials.)

Bio: (Same as above, enough to make me understand your character enough to do them justice.)

Likes: (Self-Explanatory)

Dislikes: (Self-Explanatory)

Strengths: (3-4 Please)

Weaknesses: (3-4 Please)

Hobbies: (Anything they do with their spare time, even if its related to their talent mention it)

Who they'd get along with: (Description)

Who they wouldn't get along with: (^^^)

Who they'd be neutral with: (^^^)

Who they'd "Like": (I promise nothing, but you never know)

Some things they'd say: (Just a few lines, whatever you want really)

Possibility of killing?: (Why they would? Motive? Escape? Other? Just for Fun?)

Possible Execution: (Just in case I blank on one, but I'll likely make one up on my own if I can)

Mastermind: (Could they be it? If no, why not. If yes, why)

Other: (Anything I left out?)


A few rules to remember:

1: I will only accept characters through PM. So get an account and send it in if you want a chance, I'll just delete them otherwise.

2: No canon talents/ RoMK talents. This means so Linguist, Magician, Jack of All Trades, E-Sports Athlete, Janitor, Parkourist, Game Developer, Composer, Societal Dropout, Private Investigator, Carpenter, Doctor, Poet, Chemist, Attorney, or Survivalist. Anything else goes, be creative

3: Only one per person for now.

4: If I accept your character, I get all control over their fate, whether they become a killer, victim, survivor, or mastermind. I don't want anyone to come whining to me if your the first to die. Everything happens for a reason.

5: Having trouble with a talent? Just ask, I might have something for you.

6: All rules are subject to change at any point if I wish.

7: Have Fun. Its an order.