A/N: I will admit to putting this off. It's the end of my first story, so I was a little emotional and not ready for it to end. I want to thank everyone who stayed with this story, whether you started from the beginning or joined us halfway through. You guys have made this so much fun:) I can't take full credit for this. When I wrote the beginning, I bounced a lot of ideas off my cousin, Kristin. She actually came up with the title and helped me with ideas. Sadly, I don't talk to her anymore so she might never see this. A couple people asked for a sequel. I'm considering it. Let me know if you want to see a sequel. I don't want pure fluff. I want some real content. So, if anyone has any ideas for a storyline, please let me know your ideas. I can't guarantee I'll use yours, but any and all help is much appreciated. Thanks everyone!

April 25, 2000

Harry looked at himself in the mirror hardly believing that they had come this far. It was almost 8 months since he had asked Draco to marry him for the final time. It had been a crazy time. Draco had fretted over every little thing from the flowers to the guest list. He had asked for Harry's opinion only to ignore it and then ask for it again. Just like with their rooms at Hogwarts, it ended up being a mix of the two of them. Harry had never been so happy. He had been looking forward to this day since the day he had picked out their new rings.

"Can't you do something with your hair?" a low voice drawled.

Harry whirled around to see Lucius standing in the doorway. "I've tried everything. It won't lay properly. It has a mind of it's own."

Lucius sniffed. "It's unbecoming of a Malfoy."

"I'm not a Malfoy."


"You do know Draco is taking my name, right?"

Lucius leveled a glare at him. "Only because you made him practically a girl."

Harry snorted. "You know just as well as I do that no one can make Draco do anything he doesn't want to do."

"While that is true, I still blame you." Lucius's eyes softened the tiniest bit. "You look quite dashing today, Potter. We'll make a Malfoy out of you yet." He paused. "Even if you do have atrocious hair. I really hope my grandchildren don't inherit that from you."

"Is this really how it's going to be for the rest of our lives? Always throwing in an insult when complimenting me?"

"Of course," Lucius said, slightly puzzled. "How else would it be?"

"Is he ready yet?" Harry asked, changing the subject.

"Yes. He's been up since before sunrise getting ready."

"Why would he get up that early?"

"A Malfoy always takes his time to make sure he is perfect before stepping out in public."

"Any more rules I should know about?"

"Yes. A Malfoy also does not sneak into his future father-in-law's home in the middle of the night for sexual relations the night before his wedding," Lucius said, with an arched eyebrow.

Harry blushed. "It was Draco's idea!" he blurted out.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you, Potter. Also, I'll be sending you the Malfoy Code of Conduct after your honeymoon. Study it and memorize it, or the consequences will be severe," he said, with a wild gleam in his eye.

"You are seriously deranged."

"Hmm. So they say."

"Are you going to tell me who 'they' is now?"

"I must go make sure everything is perfect. Make sure you are on time."

Harry fumed silently as Lucius walked out of the room. He sat in a chair to wait for his cue to meet Draco. They had decided to have the ceremony in the Malfoy gardens. There was a doorway that opened up at the edge of the gardens where they would meet and walk down the aisle together. The ceremony wasn't due to start for an hour and a half. Ron had offered to keep him company, but he had wanted some time alone beforehand.


Draco looked up as the door opened to his bedroom. "Father."

"You look wonderful, son. You're practically glowing."

"I just want the whole thing to hurry up. I can't wait for tonight. I could be pregnant this time tomorrow."

"Don't remind me. Here is the potion. Severus said to take it now. It needs some time to work. It should be ready by tonight."

Draco downed the potion which tasted faintly of mint, but mostly gross. Severus tried to make it taste better for Draco, which wasn't something he would have done if Harry was taking the potion. His stomach was fluttering like mad. Luckily, it didn't hurt at all. He had been worried about being in pain during the wedding.

"How do you feel?"

"My stomach feels a little weird. No pain or terrible side effects."

"Good. I wouldn't want your future husband worrying about anything else."

"What's Harry's worried about?"

"Oh, nothing. I just had a small chat with him."

Draco groaned. "Dad, were you threatening him?"

"It was one small, tiny threat."

"What did you say?"

"That the consequences would be severe if he didn't memorize the Malfoy Code of Conduct."

"There is no Malfoy Code of Conduct."

"He doesn't know that," Lucius said, with a smug smirk.

"You really shouldn't play mind games with him today. Any other day is fine. This is the day I'm getting married. I want everything perfect."

"Everything will be perfect. Stop worrying so much. You sound like your mother."

"Can you please go check on the guests? I need some time alone."

"Of course. Send a house elf if you need me."


Harry sat in the chair for half an hour before he was interrupted.

"You must be thinking pretty hard if you didn't hear the door open."

Harry looked over his shoulder and then jumped out of his chair. "Draco, we're not supposed to see each other!"

"We're also not supposed to secretly meet and fuck the night before the wedding, but that didn't stop us," Draco said, with a chuckle.

"Yes, I know. Your father told me."

Draco's eyes widened. "What?"

"He knows I was here last night, and basically told me that Malfoys do not do that," Harry imitated Lucius, overdoing it on the snooty tone.

"How embarrassing. You do know that most of the Malfoy do's and don'ts are just things he makes up, right?"

"I figured as much. You would have told me about the Malfoy Code of Conduct if it existed."

"There may not be a Malfoy Code of Conduct, but there is a Draco Code of Conduct."

"What are you talking about?"

"The first one is that Draco must have sex right before a wedding," Draco said, with a flirtatious smile.

"Baby, we have less than an hour before the ceremony. We don't have time. Plus, your father would kill us."

"He doesn't have to know, honey. It can be our little secret." Draco leaned in and smashed his lips to Harry's. He walked them over to the bed and started pulling off Harry's clothes.


"Where are they?" Lucius growled.

Narcissa and Hermione shared knowing smiles. Just then, Harry and Draco came around the corner together, their suits disheveled.

"Are you serious right now? I have been working all day long to make everything perfect for the two of you, and you're going to be late to your own ceremony because you wanted to fuck? Did you not get enough last night?!"

Lucius's voice had been raising the whole time until his face was blood red and he was screaming. No one had ever heard him talk so crudely or informally before. Silence rang for a few moments.

"Dear, maybe we should take our seats so we can start," Narcissa said, gently.

"Yes. Yes, of course. Let's get this over with." Lucius's eye was twitching uncontrollably and his hands were shaking with anger.

Narcissa hugged Draco and whispered in his ear. "Don't worry about your father, sweetheart. He sees the benefits of this marriage, and he gave you his blessing. He's just a little stressed at the moment. He's been working really hard all week to get everything here and ready in time. His temper just came out at the wrong moment. He'll be back to normal after the wedding." She placed a small kiss on his cheek, kissed Harry's cheek as well, and then led her husband out. They were quickly followed by Ron and Hermione, who looked worried.

"Well, that was kind of funny," Harry said.

"He's always had a bit of a temper. He usually takes it out on business associates, though. He's been a bit better ever since they caught Mrs. Young. He's been happy to be able to take Mother out again. They used to go out on a date every weekend. He never let anything come before that."

Harry smiled. "That's actually kind of sweet. Maybe we should do that."

Draco gave a small, shy smile. "You would really want to do that?"

"Of course. I'm not sure I would want to admit that I was following your father's lead with that, but taking time for just the two of us each week? It could be just what we need with us working all these crazy hours."

"Okay, let's do it. Every Saturday is date night."

"Sounds like a plan. You ready to do this?"

"I've never been more ready in my life."


It was time for the vows. Harry and Draco had wrote their own, each curious what the other would say. Harry was going first.

"I want to start by saying the past 2 ½ years have been amazing. You are truly the best thing in my life. I never knew what I was missing until you showed me. Our relationship has been far from perfect, but I would never want anything or anybody else. You may not be perfect, but you're perfect for me. That may sound cliché, but it's true. You're my other half, and no one could ever come close to you. I love you, Baby."

Draco's eyes were filled with tears by that point. "That was beautiful, Harry. I don't even know how to follow that. It makes everything I wrote sound like shite."

A few people snorted and tried to cover up their laughter at Draco cursing during their wedding.

"I will just say that I've been dreaming of this moment for ages. From the moment I laid eyes on you over 8 years ago, I knew you would be someone special in my life. At first, I didn't know how. It took a few years before I realized I wanted more than just your friendship. We may have gotten together in a completely unconventional way, but we've never done anything by normal standards. I'm kind of glad we don't. It means that instead of just giving me a chance, you took a chance on me. I will always be grateful for that. I plan to spend the rest of my life showing you how grateful I am," Draco said, eyes twinkling mischievously.

Harry knew Draco was thinking dirty thoughts. He was a pervert to the end, even during his wedding vows.

"You are my life, my love, my everything. I love you." Draco looked at Dumbledore, who was wedding them, and impatiently said, "Now, can we hurry up? I'm starving."

Harry chuckled as Dumbledore's eyes widened and he hurried through the rest of the ceremony.


Harry whirled Draco around the floor gracefully. They had already ate, danced with several people, and socialized with their guests. "Are we almost done here? I took that potion before the ceremony and I'm ready to start our honeymoon."

Harry smiled. "You're going to look so cute with your belly all big and round."

"Big? You're ghastly. Malfoys are never big. They're pleasantly plump."

Harry snickered. "If you say so. Yeah, let's get out of here. There's a bed with our names on it."

"Grab a bottle of champagne. Or two. Or three. We are going to be celebrating all night. Plus, I want to drink while I'm still allowed."

Harry smiled to himself and he went to grab the champagne. Life with Draco would never be boring. And, honestly? He wouldn't want it any other way.