Sorry about the really long wait, I kinda didn't know where to go with story but I'm back!

After binge watching her show Caroline decided she needed a drink so she bolted to the Mystic Grill and demanded Matt for a vodka and to leave the bottle. She was so angry, the nerve of Mikael, insulting Klaus in front of her an din front of everyone. Caroline sipped the drink and cooled down. As Caroline sat she started to think, everyone from school was at that party and just saw her defend Klaus and yell at the host. They were defiantly going to be talking about her. "The new girl embarrassing herself at a party. She hated it here more than ever, yes she had friends and she had Klaus, Klaus was different and incredibly sexy and kind to her. Lost in her train of thought she didn't notice anyone sitting next to her. "Hello Sweetheart"

Klaus didn't want to stay in his house after sketching, he had heard enough of Mikael's yelling, he grabbed his car keys and grabbed Elijah. They both headed down to the Grill to enjoy some well deserved time and drinks. As they walked through the doors he stooped a curly haired blonde sitting on a bar stool. She still had changed out of her dress and was wearing casual clothing, Klaus observed. He walked over and popped right beside but she didn't acknowledged him. He finally spoke up and she stumbled a bit, out of surprise but she was also a little tipsy and Klaus could see that. "What do you want Klaus" He was surprised and content with her bluntness. " Oh nothing,love just seeing how my favorite is doing" he responded sweetly with a hint of sarcasm. Caroline mumbled something that Klaus couldn't quite hear and saw Caroline turn around and walk towards the exit but not before falling down a couple of steps due to her intoxication. Klaus raced down to help her up and carried her outside bridal style. Caroline whispered into his chest that she didn't need his help but didn't make any effort to resist him. "Just rest love I'm taking you home" Klaus deposited Caroline into the passenger side of his car and drove very slowly to Caroline's house.

He rang the doorbell a couple of time but got no reply, he tried to open the door but found it locked so he found Caroline's clutch and took her keys from it. He rested her against the side of her house and unlocked the door, he gently picked her up and got a whiff of her hair, lavender. Klaus didn't know what it was about Caroline, but he always wanted to be around her and want to keep her for himself. He knew it was selfish but then again he didn't really care. He quickly observed her house, it was clean almost too clean. He figured Caroline's room was upstairs and brought her up with him. He eventually found her room and plopped her down on the bed. He took in her room, it was blue with a white bed in the center. She had pictures of her old friends all around her room, on top of the desks and on the mirrors. There were pictures of her with a boy kissing her, he figured it was Tyler. He picked up a frame that was on her desk, it was a picture of Caroline sitting on the beach, flashing one of her big and famous smiles. Klaus was so absorbed by the picture that he forgot about Caroline until she stirred a bit and called out his name.

Klaus told her to go back to sleep, he pulled up a chair near her bedside and watched her fade back into her deep and wasted slumber. Klaus couldn't help but smiling and he quickly ran down to his car and got his sketchbook. He spent about an hour drawing her, she was so beautiful he thought, the way her mouth parts and her eyes move under her closed eyes. Deciding it was time to go home, Klaus ripped out the page from his book and rolled it up leaving it at her night table and walked to her bathroom. He opened the cabinets and got some aspirin and a glass of water for her, knowing she would need it in the morning. He wrote her a little letter and walked out of his house.

As soon as Klaus stepped out of the house he received a phone call from Elijah. Crap he left him at the Grill. He answered the phone and told Elijah that he would swing by and pick him up but Elijah insisted that he didn't because he was leaving the Grill with someone else What a dog"

Little did Klaus know that Elijah was leaving with one Elena Gilbert