So I got a prompt for "scarves," so here you go!


Alec laced up his boots. "I'm going now," he tossed over his shoulder at Magnus.


Alec stood up. He'd just put his hand on the doorknob when Magnus came dashing out of the kitchen, a scarf in one hand, and a mug of coffee in the other.

"Don't forget your scarf!" he said. Magnus held out the scarf for him. It was a gaudy royal purple, the kind of color you'd expect to be on a sequined t-shirt or a pair of leather pants, not an old, worn-out, though admittedly very comfortable, knit scarf.

Alec smiled at Magnus and began to take it from him, but Magnis took over before he could finish.

"Let me," he said with a smile.

"I'm not going to be out that long, probably," Alec explained. Jace had called him, wanting to go with him and Isabelle to investigate some recent demon attacks while it was still day. There'd been a lot of them, and Jace wanted to get some information out of it before they head out to find the demon later, later that night. Should they discover anything today they might hunt straight through the day into the night, but neither of them expected to find many clues, so they'd planned to just come together later and do what they could to find the demon.

"I know. It's freezing outside, though."

"It's not that cold," protested Alec.

Magnus did this a lot; he looked out for him in little ways. He'd get Alec to take a scarf, or make sure the coffee Magnus made (or magicked) wasn't too hot, or remind him to get enough sleep, or magically heal minor wounds that Alec brought home after hunting.

Alec knew he could be overprotective; Isabelle was constantly irritated with him over it. What had surprised him was when he'd learned that Magnus could be overprotective, too. He hadn't known how to deal with it at first. He was a trained, deadly Shadowhunter who'd always watched over everyone else and never been watched over himself. He wasn't used to it, however he'd decided he enjoyed it. He liked being looked out for. Magnus had once told him that he liked how Alec looked out for him, too.

And Alec understood where most of Magnus' protectiveness stemmed from, even if Magnus had never explicitly said so. The fact that Alec risked his life all the time and Magnus couldn't do anything about it, save for heal him if he became injured. Magnus didn't like having to let him go fight every other day, chasing and killing dangerous demons and out of hand Downworlders. They both knew that at any second Alec's life could be cut short. One misplaced strike, one second of being distracted, and that was it for him. Simply being one of the Nephilim made your life very complex and high-risk. Magnus couldn't control the many dangers Alec frequently faced, so he began caring for him where he could.

"It's still pretty cold," Magnus replied, finishing tying the purple scarf. "You could get sick."

"I'm a Shadowhunter, Magnus, we don't really ever get sick." Alec touched the scarf now around his neck. It really was a very comfortable scarf.

"I know," sighed Magnus. His brows furrowed. "I just worry sometimes," he said quietly, reaching up to brush a piece of hair from Alec's face. Magnus worried a lot more than he let on to strangers. Not as much as Alec, granted, but he still did it.

Alec grabbed Magnus' hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing his knuckles. "I know you do," he said softly, intertwining their fingers.

Magnus gazed down at their hands, and his mouth curled into a smile. He raised his free hand, touching the scarf around Alec's neck. He tugged on it experimentally, before using it to pull Alec forward enough to kiss him. Alec smiled into the kiss.

They stayed like that for a few moments, before separating. He went back to the door and opened it, saying over his shoulder, "I'll be back around three."

"Be safe," called Magnus.

"I will," Alec promised.

He heard Magnus yell, " And bring me back a milkshake!" as he closed the door.

Alec chuckled, tightening the scarf around his neck.

Reviews are much appreciated! They feed writers. No, seriously. I haven't eaten in two weeks. Feed me.

Also if you want to send me a one word Malec prompt, you can go to my tumblr ask ( ask) without the spaces.