Pairing: Yaoi M/M, mild Incest – seme Naruto x many - this was never meant to be a harem. I never said harem just that Naruto sleeps with many men, who were all picked at random. He was always meant to end with one person ...

Last Time:

Minato gulped "she put a loyalty seal on me …"


"yep and it's partly broken … all this emotional stress would do that" Naruto frowned as he looked at the seal decorating the sketchpad that was laying on the coffee table now.

"I see" Minato seemed to zone out for a second and suddenly downed every last drop of his wine.

"errr … here" Naruto refilled the hokage's glass and raised an eyebrow as the red liquid quickly disappeared down the hokage's throat "wow … and I thought only Hikaru could drink like that" the tattoo artist muttered as he saw two more glasses full of wine being consumed.

Minato had a slight pink tint on his cheeks after just over half a bottle of wine "can you break it?"

Naruto opened his mouth, but then close it and sighed "yeah, it's basically dangling off by this point … there's probably no point in saying it since you're a seal master, but I will anyway, it's going to hurt, a lot"

"that is what the wine is for" Minato slurred slightly as he set the glass down on the coffee table. Naruto sighed as the hokage leaned back on the couch a subtle sign that he wanted the seal off. Frankly the artist agreed that it should be removed, but he would've preferred doing this in a hospital …

Yeah, removing a seal like this really does hurt …

The esteemed hokage choose the house of a tattoo artist and wine as the only pain killer instead. So since the ninja was determined Naruto steeled himself and stood behind the couch right behind Minato. With a series of six hand signs the tip of his fingers on his right hand began glowing blue and were placed over where the seal was hidden under the blonde hokage's hair.

The fingers were pressed firmly against the seal resulting in a broken seal and ahokage screaming in pain. Naruto immediately tried to use medical chakra to ease the pain and after a while Minato relaxed.

"well we knew it would hurt … Minato?" Naruto frowned as he saw the hokage's dazed eyes looking at him. Those empty eyes followed him as he went to the kitchen to pour Minato a cup of tea and sat back down on the couch "come on Minato, drink" he held the hokage's hand and put the cup of tea in it. After making sure the grip was secure he let go.

This was a little disturbing, but he thinks he knows what this reaction is. It's called Blow Back. His mother's uncle researched the effects of long term seals and before he died he had proved that when seals effecting the mind are removed after a long time it may send someone into a near catatonic state. He dubbed the phenomenon the Blow Back since the brain is blown out of control. It is harmless, but it will take a little bit of time for his mind to settle down.

The hokage looked at the cup of tea with dazed eyes as if he wasn't sure what to do. Finally he tilted the cup and took a sip, but Minato seemed to lose all grip in his hand and dropped the cup. Naruto saw the cup clatter to the ground and picked it up while smiling softly to the hokage.

"it's ok, I'll clean it up" Naruto said gently making sure not to startle the ninja. He went into the kitchen and started the hot water again as he grabbed a towel. The spilled tea was mopped up in no time "see all clean … you'll be ok Minato, just remember you daughters. Can you say their names for me?"

Minato's dazed turned to him "… Mito … Kana"

"that's right … just focus there" said Naruto as he got up to get some more tea. The steaming liquid flowed into the new cup he took from the cabinet. Just as he was about to take the cup and return to Minato he sensed the hokage disappear … and reappear right behind him. The tattoo artist froze and slowly turned around to face the dazed hokage who was staring up at him with blank eyes.

Slowly and carefully he moved aside to try and leave the kitchen "it's just me Minato, do you know who I am?" he has met many ninjas and put up with the occasional nut just fine, but a nearly catatonic kage was very different. He had no doubt that even in this mental state Minato could break through his security seals so he just had to talk the hokage … his father, through this.

"Nar … Naruto" murmured the hokage who followed the tattoo artist even in his zombie like mental state.

"yes, very good- oof!" in a blink of an eye Naruto found himself flying backwards and landing on the couch. Before he could react Minato pinned him so he as laying across the couch with the hokage on top of him holding his wrists above his head "Minato listen-mmm" the hokage cut him off by pressing his lips to the tattoo artist's lips (dammit, he just had to be a good kisser! … explains where I get it)

The soft motion of the older blonde's lips coaxed the younger's mouth open. The tongues danced together proving that Naruto was more dominant despite being under the hokage, but the soft moan escaping Minato's lips snapped Naruto back to reality. This wasn't right … Minato wasn't gay. If he was the loyalty seal would've snapped long ago since he constantly listens to his friends' gossip. The subconscious strain from having to listen to that, but not have it for yourself would have chipped that seal away long ago.

So this had to stop before they both did something they will regret, but how? Naruto just needed to get the hokage to release his hands. After shifting his lower body he brought his knee up between the hokage's legs and massaged the temporarily insane ninja's crotch. Normally the erotic moans of pleasure would spur him on, but this was something he wanted to avoid. Minato continued to kiss him as the soft moans spilled from his lips and Naruto went along with it until finally the hokage was get so turned on that his grip loosened.

The tattoo artist slowly moved his hands free and laced his fingers through the hokage's hair. Minato started grinding their clothed arousals together making the tattoo artist work really hard at keeping his mind on the task at hand. Carefully the tattoo artist's hands slid down to the passionate ninja's neck never once letting the man's lips leave his for long. The pleasure was intense for such a forbidden act, but finally Naruto had his chance. Once his fingers touched Minato's neck he made two hand signs. Green chakra coated his hands and he touched the ninja's neck …

Naruto sighed in relief as Minato was sent into a deep sleep courtesy of the medical jutsu "I knew you were going to be a troublemaking drunk" Naruto chuckled as he slid out from under the hokage "alright lets get you to bed" he picked Minato up bridal style and went to his room here he laid his father on the bed trying to ignore the fact that they were both hard.

Back in he kitchen he made another cup of tea and filled a pitcher with some water and fruit. He knew Minato will have a hell of a headache when he woke up so he had his mother's hangover cure ready, which was ice water flavored with fresh fruit. Once he was sure it was safe from the effects of his tattoo over use he went to his studio and slept on the spare bed.

It wasn't until the sun was up that he heard a pained groaned from upstairs and someone coming down the steps "morning" Naruto said cheerily despite the fact he got so little sleep and started making breakfast.

Minato winced and held his head with anther groan of pain "stop yelling …what the fuck happened last night?" he grumbled crankily as he took the offered glass of fruity water.

"try eating and drinking first then tell me what you remember" suggested Naruto as he cooked a quick meal finding the cranky hokage rather amusing … it made them even for the near act of incest that happened hours before. He sat the food on the table and they began eating … or more Naruto ate while Minato picked at his eggs for a bit before reluctantly eating "feeling better?"

"yes" Minato winced as the loud crunch from Naruto biting into his toast hurt his hung over head "don't chew so loud"

"sheesh you are one bitchy drinking buddy. Remind me never to drink with you again" Naruto said with a chuckle before turning serious … as serious as one can look while nibbling on a bacon strip "want to think back now"

The hokage groaned sulkily "I … remember the mission to the ports … Danzo having Mito and Kana" Minato's eyes fluttered closed in sorrow "Kushina … she betrayed me and our children … your tattoos prevented any fighting and saved my daughters" Minato smiled gratefully at the tattoo artist who smiled in return "I left Mito and Kana at home with several clones. They decided to stay home" commented Minato after mentally contacting his clones "I nearly killed Kushina when I returned to T&I … I wanted to talk to someone so I can here … you gave me wine, but you couldn't have any yourself because you over used your tattoos and …"

"you're almost there" Naruto urged gently.

"ummm … my head really hurt … A SEAL! You found a loyalty seal under my hair and I guzzled down wine then asked you to remove it. Fuck … no wonder my head hurts" said the hokage before drinking more water, he did feel much better now.

"yes however, you haven't remembered everything just yet" Naruto watched Minato carefully. The hokage looked confused and clearly started thing back. It was a couple minutes later that Naruto saw the look of comprehension, horror and embarrassment on Minato's face "and we're there! Don't!" he stopped Minato from saying anything "it never happened … although I must say you're an excellent kisser"

Minato blushed at the teasing "I always dreamed of possibly finding my son alive, but when I do … this is not the way I wanted to start a father son bond"

"don't worry about it. I'm going to open up the shop, shouldn't you be dealing with a crazy red head?" Minato nodded and got up to leave "hey, I make you breakfast and don't get a kiss goodbye, how rude" Naruto huffed in mock irritation and Minato burst out laughing before kissing the top of Naruto's head "you're free to go" Naruto waved dismissively before they both started laughing. When Minato finally left he was feeling much better and knew that he and Naruto will be fine.


"A LOYALTY SEAL!" snapped Kakashi as he glared at Ibiki.

"yes, Inoichi dragged some ofher memories from her and found everything. We need to remove it right away". Ibiki was about to send Kakashi to get Minato when the very person walked through the door.

"sensei! We need to get you to the hospital and remove-"

"the loyalty seal is gone. Naruto found it after it apparently partly broke resulting in a headache and he reluctantly removed it at his home on my insistence" said Minato.

Kakashi blinked "it's gone? You were with Naruto all night?"

The hokage noticed a flicker of sadness in the silver haired ninja's eyes and it confirmed something he had been wondering. Kakashi must really like Naruto "yes, he is the one who provided information that lead me to the right direction involving Danzo and he had ROOT agents tailing him. I wanted to make sure he was alright after the arrests … and with what happened with Kushina I wanted to talk"

"because he's your son correct?" Ibiki stated earning stunned looks from Kakashi and Minato "Inoichi sifted through Kushina's memories and found that she obsessed over Naruto cause she was positive that he was Arashi come back to life to take you from her, which seems impossible, but with how you acted just now … it wasn't hard to put it together"

Minato nodded "yes and he is aware of it. This information doesn't leave this room. I'll speak to Inoichi. This information shouldn't be made public. Naruto will understand, the position of the hokage's son is dangerous as it is and it will be even more so as a civilian" Ibiki and Kakashi nodded. Kakashi left to do something as Minato and Ibiki continued discussing Kushina's mental health …


Kushina was sitting on the floor hugging her knees to her chest with chakra blocking chains on her wrists "he's is mine" she started rocking back and forth "Minato, my Minato, mine" she snarled "this is his fault. It's because of him my Minato left me, but it's ok … my seal will help me keep my love"

"ok, Kushina, you have been charged in many crimes so far including treason for the seal found on the hokage, which is probably being removed now" Anko informed as she came to check the prisoner. Kushina whimpered, her beloved was removing her seal! This can't be happening! Her life was perfect just as it should be and once she dumped the brats Minato would be hers and hers alone.

Why was her life falling apart?

"this is his fault" Kushina growled.

Anko raised an eyebrow "huh?" the red head didn't clarify, she just kept muttering under her breath. Anko sighed clearly believing the former ninja's mind snapped once her perfect illusion fell part. She turned to leave and gasped as something grabbed her weapons pouch. She slashed the person's hand before the pouch was taken, but it was too late. She spun around and saw Kushina with a bloody hand armed with an exploding tag and a kunai Before she could open the cell to get the weapons back the tag was slapped on the wall a lit with a spark made as the kunai connected with the stone cell wall …



"Kushina was twisted for years. Ever since the slaughter of her clan, but you … Minato she was obsessed with you to a very healthy level. When you saved her from the bully in the academy she thought you were meant for her. As a present for everything she suffered. At some point she met Danzo and he made her a promise. He will teach her a seal that will give her you and she has to give him favors now and then. Being the third hokage's friend at the time it's possible he heard Hiruzen mention making you his successor and was using an unstable girl to cover his bases … her obsession for you never extended to your children. When she gave Arashi to Sparrow she vowed not to take him back. She hates Naruto and has since you happened to him meet for ramen … the hate and killer intent she gave off once she saw him was startling" Ibiki explained.

Minato sighed sadly "if things didn't happen the way they did Arashi would've been killed by Kushina instead of being taken to safety and growing up as Naruto-"

*boom* the building shook and the air filled with smoke …

"What the hell?!" snapped the hokage.

An anbu with a Weasel mask came running in the room "Kushina escaped!"

The hokage's blood became cold. His clones already removed her chakra from the seals around his compound so his daughters were safe, but Naruto …

He would not lose his son again! The hokage was vaguely aware of Ibiki and a few ninjas following him as he raced to the tattoo shop. He threw the door open and there she was …

Standing with a bloody blonde tattoo artist who was down tied to a chair was an insane red head …

"Kushina!" Minato shouted.

Kushina didn't look at him, she just held the blade of the sharp kunai close to the fearful civilian's throat "you were mine … I love you, but he took you from me … he stole you! This thing must die!" her rage overflowed and she slashed Naruto's throat. Blood gushed from the open wound and pooled on the floor. Minato watched horrified as the life left those blue eyes …

So much blood everywhere …

Once every drop was gone Kushina was pinned down by several anbu. The red head's eyes widened as Minato approached her and … smiled?

The hokage chuckled and looked at one of the tattooing rooms that had the door closed "hey Kakashi can you watch Naruto for a while?" there was a bonus to being a sensor, something that Kushina wasn't …

The door opened and though most of his body was hidden by the door it was clear Kakashi was naked "I'm on it!"

Naruto poked his head out next to Kakashi and sighed "I lose too many clones" he snapped his fingers and the dead clone vanished blood and all. With a quick hand sign three clones appeared and began working the shop as Kakashi and Naruto disappeared back into the tattooing room … Minato was very glad for the one-way seals, he didn't want to hear what was going on behind that door …

Kushina on the other hand was pissed and screamed as she was dragged away …

It will take a year to clean up the mess Danzo caused and many criminals were executed including Kushina, but Minato and Naruto became quite close …

One year later …

Minato sat at his desk with six clones helping keep up with the paperwork when Naruto came in with Mito and Kana "hey what are you doing here?" they did tell Kana and Mito about their long lost brother, but no one else knows besides Kakashi, Inoichi and Ibiki and Naruto was fine with that.

Mito shut the door just before her little sister shouted "big brother needed our help buying something!"

"oh? Buying what?" Minato caught a small box that Naruto tossed and opened it to reveal a beautiful ring "it's lovely … Kakashi will love it. When are you asking?"

"hopefully tonight" said Naruto almost nervously though the hokage knew there was no reason for him to be nervous. The artist could've proposed with a string and Kakashi would still say yes.

A lovely woman cane into the room "here's the reports for the hospital hokage-sama"

"t-thank you Shizune" Minato said with a soft blush.

Naruto chuckled "guess we're all moving on"