Told you part two would be up soon, booyah
Thank you all for getting into this little sex fest and I hope you all enjoy.

Part Two

His words burned her ears, had her heart pounding as he pulled his fingers from her body. She panted against him, staring up at him in awe. She chocked back a whimper when he lifted his hand to his mouth, slipping his damp fingers into his mouth with a low moan.

"Oliver." she whispered. A wicked smile curved his lips when he eased his fingers out of his mouth and then he slowly eased away from her. She stared at him unknowingly, cautious to his motives as he took a step back from her.

"To your knees, wife." he demanded her. She blinked at him, shocked that he expected her follow his command and drop to her knees for him. Taking advantage at her sudden free space, what an idiot her husband could be, she shoved hard at his chest, catching him completely off guard as he stepped back to save himself from losing his balance. At his lose of attention on her, she bolted towards the stairs, quickly pulling her ruined shirt off her so he wouldn't have anything easy to grab to catch her.

She didn't look back at him as she dashed up the stairs, aiming for their bedroom. She prided herself in her quickness as she dove into the walk in wardrobe, swinging the door shut behind her as softly and silently as she could. She slid down against the wall, making herself small behind the centre piece and under the railing of clothing.

She listened for him, the dangerous thrill of being hunted and caught making her heart flatter wildly. Her husband was trained to be stealthy, and he knew what he was doing when it came to hunting her. Which was why she screamed when the wardrobe door flung open. Light spilled into the smaller room, and she caught the way his blue eyes brightened on her as he moved around the centre piece.

As he moved towards her, panic had her scrambling to her hands and knees and she darted around the opposite side to him of the centre piece in the wardrobe and out into the bedroom. She only made it just out of the wardrobe before his large hand clamped around her ankle. A squeal of shock broke from her as he became a barbaric caveman, dragging her to the foot of their bed. She latched onto one of the legs, preventing him from taking her to where he was planning on going, most likely to their secret playroom.

She squeaked when he let go of her leg, and dropped to his knees next to her. Then she screeched with outrage when her tore her bra off. She lifted herself on her arm, using her free one to swipe at him. He caught her flailing arm, knocking her other one out from under her so she fell back to the carpeted floor. She couldn't see as he pulled both her arms up the leg she had latched onto but it hit her when she realised why he was doing it.

He was going to tie her up! Obviously, her husband had thought in advance and had come prepared. He made quick work of securing her, tying her wrists with his work tie and then attaching it to his belt and then the leg of their bed. Damn, the asshole had had way to much practice with tying her to things. He made even quicker work of her skirt and underwear, tearing them down her legs as she wiggled about. He then moved so he was straddling her legs, his big hands going to the naked globes of her ass.

"You know you can't escape this, Felicity." he murmured, tracing his fingers around her bare bottom. Apprehension exploded inside her as she realised he was going to spank her, punish her for her behaviour.

A moan tore from her when he lifted his hand and brought it back down on her upturned cheek. She couldn't move as he continued on her other cheek, the force slightly more rough. He alternated which side he spanked as she fought through the jolts of pain that turned into a pleasant burning sensation that made her pussy throb with need. He brought his palm down again, this time his fingers sliding between her legs.

The low, deep, primitive growl that escaped him as he slid two fingers through her drenched slit had her panting.

"Oh, fuck yeah." he growled appreciatively. He pushed his two fingers into her, boldly stroking her clit as he began to fuck her deeply. She lifted to him, driving straight towards an explosive orgasm before he stopped. He pulled his hands away from her as he moved off her, smirking down at her as she turned and lifted her head to glare at him.

"Where is the fight, Felicity? Do you wish to make this too easy for me?" he purred, turning her onto her back, ruthlessly shoving her legs apart as he moved to kneel between them. She watched as he pulled his shirt off, his hands going to the button on his slacks, his fingers lowering the zipper over the massive bulge straining to be let out.

"Come one, baby. Fight me." he taunted her. She hissed at him, angry that he had so easily weakened her. She pulled her legs towards her chest and with quick movement that even shocked her, swiftly shoved him in the chest with her legs, propelling him backwards. Unexpected, he landed on his ass and she grinned triumphantly at him.

He recovered immediately, and the look he gave her would have had her running in the opposite direction if she wasn't trussed up around the leg of their bed.

With a savage growl, he lunged back at her fighting legs, his hands clamping around her calves then sliding to her knees. The ownership of power shifted back and forth between them as he attempted to spread her legs again and she did everything she could to dislodge him once again. He was rougher now, more forceful and harsh, and it shot a strange thrill through her. She knew he would never, ever hurt her but the way he was acting was totally electrifying. She knew that all he wanted was to dominate her, and it didn't take long before he was wedged between her thighs, his hips pinning hers to the floor, securing her body and her struggles.

She was panting from her efforts, her heart beating madly as he reached between them, his hands brushing against her pussy as he fully freed his cock and positioned it against her.

He gave her no warning as he thrust into her, her shocked cry and his harsh groan mingling as he moved completely over her, lodging himself deeper. She squirmed under his heavy weight and he slid his hands under her between her back and the carpeted floor, dragging his palms upward until his fingers curved around her shoulders so he had the best advantage to her hold her in place as he took possession of her body.

His blue eyes bore into hers as he plunged into her cunt, again and again, his hips pistoning harshly, his thick, hard cock thrusting deep with a complete lose of control it could only be claimed as animalistic. His jaws was clenched, his expression so erotically filled with lust as he rode her in a relentless, forceful way that left her completely breathless and absolutely helpless to do anything but submit to him.

She'd pushed him to far, she had unleashed the beast he keep so carefully hidden, the dark desires and needs he had suddenly had the free rein they needed. This animalistic side to her husband was both scary and exciting, and she loved it. There was no way in stopping the rush of pure ecstasy he was fucking them towards.

Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, her eyes closing as she gasped his name, all fight in her leaving as she fully submitted to his brutal dominance. Reveling in the force of his passion, she surrendered to the possession he had on her body, heart and soul, the possession that made her totally and completely his.

The wildness in his thrusts escalated as he ground his hips against her clit, adding the extra amount of pressure and friction she needed to send her tumbling over the edge and into a full bodied orgasm that tore a weak scream from her. She spasmed around his cock, her pussy milking him as he buried his face against her neck, his teeth latching onto the skin there as he came. He slammed into her, his groan sending more spasms through her body as he flooded her with his seed.

She slipped in and out of consciousness as she came down from the heights of pleasure, feeling his heaving breathing as he let go of the skin he had latched onto. She tried to bring her hands down to wrap around him but came up short when she realised she was still tied to the bed.

"Oliver, my arms" she whimpered. He immediately lifted from her, untying her quickly before gently massaging her joints as he brought them back down.

"Damn, did I hurt you?" he asked, his voice raw as he pulled from her body. She whimpered when he left her body, her pussy attempting to tighten on him to keep him inside her. His quick flash of a grin told her he felt it too.

"No, you didn't hurt me-" she whispered, her hands sliding into his hair. "-Though you did destroy one of my favourite outfits." she teased. He rolled his eyes at her, grumbling about having enough money to buy her ten of the same outfits. He stood, gently lifting her into his arms and moving them towards their bed. She wrapped her arms around his neck, nuzzling into his body as he slowly moved them into their bed. He made quick work of getting himself naked before half draping his body across hers so that his chest was pressed against her breasts and one of his muscular thighs was nestled between her legs. He threaded his fingers through her hair, tilting her head back as his eyes searched hers.

"You like pushing my control." he accused. She laughed at that, giving him a cheeky grin.

"Yep, because you go all caveman on me."

"That's my right as your husband-" he growled, his fingers tightening in her hair. "-You're mine, Felicity." Ops, he was back to being the angry, possessive Bratva leader.

"Yours." she moaned helplessly.

"I own you, heart, body and soul." he said harshly, obviously not caring how overtly possessive and barbaric he was sounding. She indulged him nonetheless.

"Always." she purred.

"I'll kill the next enforcer that touches what is mine without my permission-" his tone was ruthless, she knew his threat was real. "-You belong to me and me alone. Do you understand, Felicity?"

She lifted her hands to his hair, thrilling in the fact that he leant into her touch.

"You know I'm yours, Oliver. You're everything I have ever wanted or needed, in every single way. There will never be another man that I love as much as I love you." she whispered. Oliver took her mouth in a soul deep kiss that professed just how much he loved her to. When he moved fully between her thighs, his cock hard again and pressing against her more then eager pussy, she laughed into their kiss.

"Seriously?" she giggled. He grinned down at her, fitting himself at her entrance before sliding in more gently then their first round.

"Mine." he grunted.

"Yours." she whispered back.

While the unrestrained way he'd taken her earlier had been wildly exciting, making love with her husband was still her favourite thing. The beautiful, blissful way his body worshipped her and the slow, erotic tangle of tongues fed their hunger of a different kind, and kindled the ever growing love they had between them. There was no mad rush to finish, just a drawn out pleasure that was wonderfully breathtaking. And when their orgasms came, it was mutual and sent both of them over the edge.

They fall asleep enter twinned, his big body protecting her even in sleep, her curled into his warmth.

Felicity fell asleep easily, knowing that she was where she belong. And that was with her husband, Oliver Queen.

Don't forget that I am currently taking prompts so please send them my way!

Reviews keeps the demons away lol

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