I am trying out a different type of story this time. Mainly revolving around Sasuke and Sakura.

I don't want to invole any other characters in the story much. I want to just focus on Sasuke and Sakura's relationship development.

I hope you guys find this one interesting. I would definitely like to know about what you guys think.

For now I would like you all to enjoy the story. Please don't foreget to leave a review for me towards the end.


"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you too"

It was a beautiful ball room. The place looked highly elegant. Tonight it was decorated with gold curtains and wine red flowers. The lights that lit the place was gold in color. All in all it was a beautiful place. The crowd that was invited for tonight looked cheerful and happy. Every person in the room had dressed in an elegant way. The number of gowns that touched the floor were numerous. There were ladies who were cute. There were ladies who were hot and sexy. Then there were ladies who were elegant. The gents? They ranged from hot to sexy to rugged. All in all the room was filled with beautiful people.

Sakura Haruno, 25 years of age was one of the people who graced the room with her presence along with her friend Ino Yamanaka,25. Sakura wore a beautiful red satin gown. It was off shoulders . Her hair was tied into a bun. She had slight pink blush applied on her face. Her lips were painted blood red. Her eyes were done with black eyeliner. There were curls on either side of her face. The gown had a V-shape cut in the back. She had a silver chain with a ruby pendent in the shape of a huge rain drop. She had the same type of earrings. She wore a red and white bracelet on her left hand and a huge ruby ring with silver band on her right.

"The ball room is beautiful." Sakura said in awe as she took in her surroundings.

"I agree. Never seen such a beautiful ball room." Ino commented as she too took in her surroundings. Ino had a beautiful purple gown on. With purple and silver jewellery. Her gown was strapless. Her hair was also in a bun. She had orange lip gloss on.

"I still don't know why we are having this party. Do you know? I forgot to read the information on the invitation." Sakura told Ino as she sipped on the wine.

"Are you kidding? You think I read any information on the invitation apart from the date and time of the party?" Ino asked as if Sakura was asking her a dumb question.

"True. We are here without knowing the reason. Plus we are an hour late. Do you think we missed anything important?" Sakura asked Ino.

"I'm sure its some boring speech about how well the company is doing and all that shit. " Ino answered as she sipped champagne from her glass.

"I guess. Thank God we weren't here on time. Lets go fetch some hot guys to dance with. Shall we?" Sakura grinned as she looked at her best friend.

"You look for some random hot stranger. I'll look for that pineapple head." Ino grinned back at her best friend.

"Ah. Getting it on with Shikamaru I see." Sakura teased Ino.

"Oh shush you! I'm trying to get him to notice me in a different light." Ino was blushing. She had held romantic feelings for the company's strategist. He was in fact handsome.

"Alright! Good luck pig!" Sakura smiles at her. She wanted the best for her pig. Ino has always been there for her whenever she needed. Now she wanted her best friend to get the guy she wanted.

"I hope you find someone hot Forehead!" Ino blows a kiss to Sakura and leaves.

Sakura looks around to find someone to dance with. She saw many handsome looking guys. They were all with other pretty ladies . Some were drinking and talking.

Sakura sighed to herself. Is she going to find a guy to settle down with? At this rate she wasn't sure. She turns around to take another glass of champagne but someone had already taken it. Sakura now wanted to yell at that someone who took her glass.

As she turned to face the person everything came to a stand still. She didn't have words to describe what she was seeing. Her breathe was caught in her throat. Her eyes widened. Her mouth ran dry. Her heart beat faster . She could hear her own beats louder in her ears.

"You'll get another glass." The voice that spoke was smooth and velvety. Like the night sky and dark chocolate.

"I was looking for a dance not another glass." Sakura didn't know what came over her when she said that. It was like she didn't have any control over her voice. Or her mouth or her brain. She had started panicking on the inside. She had never been this bold with any stranger. She wanted to run away.

"In that case I assure you , you'll get a beautiful one." The stranger had already taken her hand and led her to the dance floor. Sakura was spinning to the beat of the music. She didn't know when the stranger had discarded the glass and taken her hand and led her to the dance floor. Everything was moving too fast for her liking.

Slowly she put one hand on his shoulder and the other on his waist. They were moving to the beat of the music. They had found a perfect rhythm. This stranger was making her feel like there was no one around but her and him. Like the music was just made for them.

His every touch was sensual. She felt like her soul was on fire. Fire that burnt her blood and soul. That gave out a strange kind of warmth that she had never felt in all her life. What was this sensation? She didn't know the answer but she didn't care. She liked this feeling.

Who was this guy that was dancing with her soul? She felt light and happy. This guy was setting her on fire that no one could put off. The flames were just getting higher and higher. Reaching a level even should could not control.

Sakura was lost in her train of thoughts. This guy was from a different world. He was like the reincarnation of a Greek God. He had an aristocratic face. A well built body. His grip on her was firm yet soft. He smelled like fresh snow on the mountains. Like forest when it rained. She liked the smell of this guy. He was driving her insane. She was losing her mind.

She now dared to look in his eyes. Her heart started racing. She was staring into the most beautiful eyes in the world. She was looking into a pool of onyx. They reminded her of midnight sky without stars. She could see herself through his eyes. She now noticed how flawless his skin was. A chill went down her spine when his breathe touched her neck.

"All good things come to an end Miss." With that the stranger left her and went.

Sakura stood there, watching his back. She knew she couldn't ever forget this night. This had been the best moment of her life. She realized that the dance had ended. Her demand was fulfilled.

She knew his image was forever imprinted on her heart and soul. His voice was music to her ears. Now did she realize that she never got his name. Nor his age. Or what did he do. That really didn't matter to her right now. All she wished at this moment was that she would see him again and again.

She didn't care about the party nor the people around. She was enchanted by his presence. She didn't know if he was real or was he just a figment of her imagination. Who was he? Was he really from this planet? Was he really human? Unknown to her a wide smile was plastered on her face. She knew that every guy in the room was hot enough to catch her eye but this stranger was enchanting enough to catch her heart and soul.

The stranger took one last glance at the girl he danced with. Apparently she had no idea about him. He had a smirk on his face. He knew exactly who the girl was. He had to admit that she was heavenly beautiful. The way her skin glowed under the light. The way her voice sounded like satin and the way she smelled and looked enchanting had struck him has something ethereal.

She didn't swoon over him like every other pretty face with no brain. He knew for sure he would see her again and again. With that he left the room with a satisfying smirk. He knew she is in for a shock. He was waiting to see the look on her face. This would be an interesting start for him.

And thus the night witnessed two beautiful strangers dancing to the music. Creating their own world that would forever be carved in their hearts. Slowly the music faded away into the night. So did the two young adults.

"By some tear in the wish fabric, or the casting of a prayer, or the falling of some lonely star, the enchanted world they created was not lost to them, but lost in them."

How did you guys find the first chapter?

Please don't forget to review. Your opinions mean a lot to me.

It also serves as a means of motivation for me. This story won't have many chapters

Maybe just 15 chapters max. I don't want to make this a long one. I am yet to finish the remaining ones.

Did you guys start reading the spinoff? I am hoping Sarada is Sasuke and Sakura's daughter and NOT KARIN.

I believe in SasuSaku. What do you guys think?

Alright... Till then spread the SasuSaku love.

Ja ne!