(AN: This is my first CPD fanfic, and I haven't written any fanfics in a while so sorry if it sucks. It does contain spoilers from the season 2 finale though so if you haven't seen that yet and don't want a portion to be spoiled then maybe hold off on reading this. I saw it early cause I'm Canadian and apparently in order for big brother Canada to happen tomorrow they had to air this today :D Also disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or anything that might be copyright, all I own is my own ideas:)

Jay felt his heart practically stop as he heard the gang banger confess that they were ordered to kill Carter as well as Lindsay. He watched as Voight violent dropped the suspect yelling at one of the other officers to cuff everyone before quickly following his lead and running out of the building and into the car.

Jay stayed silent as they raced towards Erin's apartment not knowing what to expect but praying that she would be okay. He couldn't lose her too. He loved her too much to lose her, he knew he couldn't handle losing anymore people that he loved. He sat fidgeting in his seat as the drive that would normally take 10 minutes seemed to take hours with all the adrenaline pumping through his body at that moment. Hearing the panic in Voights voice trying to get someone -anyone- to Lindsay doing nothing to calm him as they continued to blow through red lights and busy intersection hoping that when they arrived to the apartment Erin would still be alive.

The car came to a sudden halt, the breaks screeching, in front of the apartment building and Jay hurried out not bothering with the doors in his haste to get to the women he loved. He didn't know what he would do if anything happened to her. He quickly shook all the negatives thoughts out of his head as he followed Voight up the stairs as quickly as he could, both their guns drawn.

After what seemed like forever they finally reached her apartment and slowed down. They cautiously walked in, not knowing what to expect, and both sighed out of relief as they saw the two dirty cops lying on the ground with bullet wounds. Jay scanned the apartment for any other dangers before finally looking up to see if Erin was okay.

Jay's heart broke as he looked up to see Erin putting ice on another man's head, leaning in closes, and speaking lovingly to him. Erin turned away at that second to see Jay and Voight now in the apartment. He quickly blinked back the tears that had formed in his eyes both from relief that she was okay as well as the fact that he had been naive enough to believe that she had actually loved him back.

"You uh- You had us worried for a second." He managed to say -his voice breaking- as her guilty expression stayed focused on him.

He looked at Voight before speaking again. "I'm gonna go see if Roman needs any help down stairs." He stated flatly, his voice breaking slightly again, as he walked out of the apartment, ignoring the questioning look that he received back.

He slowly walked down the stairs, trying hard to keep the tears that were stinging in his eyes at bay. Knowing he had to keep his composure and stay focused in order to help wrap the case. To the rest of the unit he and Erin were just partners and always had been. He would have to wait until he was in the comfort of his own home, away from anyone he knew before he could begin to try to nurse his broken heart back together.

(AN: I hope you guys enjoyed! Let me know what you thought in the reviews as well as what you thought of the finale if you've seen it. Also I wrote this within a half hour of watching the episode so sorry if it seems rushed or badly written I swear my next fanfic will be better! I also kinda want to maybe turn this into a two shot so maybe let me know what you think of me doing that? My twitter is HersheyBarzXo if you wanna talk about the show or anything. Hope you enjoyed!:)