Author's Note: Hello there! I'm really sorry that I haven't updated this fic in a while. I went to the beach for two weeks, and I was kind of experiencing some writer's block. Thank you so much to everyone who has favorited, followed, and reviewed. I love hearing from you guys! This chapter isn't as long or well edited as I'd like it to be, but I felt like I needed to get it out now before I murdered it (or myself! Haha). I apologize for any major errors. I'm editing some of this at two in the morning because I'm crazy. Thanks for reading!

"You don't feel warm to me." Aurora reported as she rested her hand against Bellamy's forehead. He had not told his mother everything about the incident earlier, but she did know that he felt sick and his head was foggy. That was all she had time to hear, and that was all she needed to know. It was true for the most part. When he thought about what happened he felt like throwing up, and foggy was the only word he could come up with to describe how his vision had sloshed back and forth between worlds like water overflowing in a bowl.

Bellamy opened his mouth to say something, but Aurora leaned forward to press her lips to his temple before he could get a word out.

"Mom…" He groaned and awkwardly tried to lean away from her lips. Octavia, who was sitting across from him at the table, released a giggle.

"What? You become a member of the guard, and now you're too grown up for your mother to kiss you?" Aurora teased. Bellamy did not laugh or smile. He only shifted uncomfortably in his seat. His mother watched him for a moment, waiting for a response, but when there was not one her smile drifted away. "Everyone knows that the lips are more accurate, anyway. It's a little trick that all moms know." She said, turning her head to redirect her words to Octavia. As always, she smoothed back Bellamy's dark hair with her hand and gave him a small pat on the shoulder. "Even though it doesn't seem like you have a fever, I want you to go get checked out tomorrow, okay? I don't need you being sick, or worse, quarantined. You know we need the points."

Bellamy nodded with a halfhearted grin, "Yes, ma'am. I know."

"Good boy, Bellamy." She abandoned her seat at the table and started getting ready to leave. Aurora said she had a "late shift" tonight. When she was not looking, Bellamy was unable contain the scowl hardening his face any longer. Octavia looked up from the paper she was doodling on and offered him a reassuring smile. He noticed that the smile did not reach her eyes, and it was not really hard to figure out why. Octavia had a big heart, and she probably felt guilty that the two of them had to work so hard to keep her safe.

My sister, my responsibility. He thought as he sucked in a breath and forced a smile onto his face. Slowly Bellamy saw Octavia lighten up.

Before their mother left, she warned him not to get too close to Octavia just in case and told them that they both needed to make sure they cleaned their hands. If Octavia got sick, she had no idea what they would do.

The next morning Bellamy found himself waiting to meet with one of the Ark's several doctors. He had only been waiting for a few minutes, but, to be honest, he already felt gypped. Apparently the Chief Medical Officer was taking a day off for personal reasons, and with problems like his, Bellamy thought he probably needed the best the ship could offer. He snorted as he imagined the Chief Medical Officer examining him. Sure, he was a cadet now but that didn't make him a prince. You had to be someone important or dying of a strange disease to see that woman. Maybe he would get in for the latter.

He took a seat in one of the chairs in the waiting area and tried to think through what he was going to tell the doctor. There was no way he could start out with the fact that there was a girl in his head, rambling off some civil rights crap as she was dragged away by the members of the Guard that also live inside his head. He would sound like a complete lunatic, and the doctor would probably send him away, thinking Bellamy was just some jerk hoping to get off duty for a couple days.

After coming to the conclusion that he was just going to have to wing it, Bellamy leaned his head back against the wall and allowed his eyes to close. He had not slept very well the night before (who could when you knew that you were losing your mind?), so he felt like he deserved to give his eyelids a little break. Besides, there were actually quite a few people there today, so it could take a while. The doctor would call his name when he or she was ready for him.

The murmur of conversation coming from the people sitting and standing around him did not bother him. In fact, he found the white noise somewhat comforting. It was no different than the constant sounds of the ship's different bits and pieces doing crap to keep everyone alive. However, right before he could drift off into an almost peaceful nap another noise disturbed the soft buzz surrounding him. Someone near him was humming obnoxiously as if she were the only person in the world. Bellamy's eyelids tightened over his eyes as he tried to ignore the sound, but it only made him more irritated. Couldn't he catch a break?

"Could you cut that out?" Bellamy snapped without opening his eyes. He was not going to give the hummer the satisfaction of breaking his relaxed countenance.

"Sorry." The girl replied in a soft, casual tone.

The sound of her voice almost made Bellamy jump out of seat. He slowly peeled his eyes open and looked to his left. The chair was empty. When he looked to his right he found a large man staring at him with tired, concerned eyes. The nausea from last night was back.

"Stop it." He muttered to himself and leaned forward, shoving his face into his palms. How could she sound so damn calm when he was completely freaking out? It did not make sense. She was a figment of his imagination, a piece of him, and yet she had the ability to keep her cool like talking to oneself was the most normal thing in the world. "Stop it, stop it, stop it." Bellamy repeated through clenched teeth. It had worked last time.

He was too busy commanding the voices in his head to disappear to notice when one of the doctors strolled into the waiting area and called someone's name. The man sitting beside him said something, but Bellamy did not hear it. The stranger reached over and tapped him on the shoulder with one of his large, callused fingers, causing Bellamy's head to whip up in his direction. He quickly threw on his best "I'm not crazy, trust me" face, but it came out a bit wonky with his hair standing up and his eyes opened a bit too wide to be considered calm.

"I asked if you wanted to go ahead of me." The man said again as his brows knitted together. Bellamy was surprised this guy would let him go ahead of him. He looked like a hardworking man, one who probably had a very tight schedule. If he did not get to see the doctor today he might not get another chance for a couple months.

I must look pretty bad off. He thought. Bellamy glanced from the man beside him to the doctor waiting not-so-patiently for someone to follow him back to the examining room before shaking his head.

Clarke was taken from her dreary cell as she followed Bellamy's gaze. Something caught in her throat when she realized where he was.

"Is that the med bay?" Clarke asked.

"Yes." Bellamy heard himself say.

"Well, come on then." The doctor said, finally stepping in. "We have a lot of people waiting out here, son."

Only then did it occur to Bellamy that they did not know who he was talking to, and it sounded like he was agreeing to the man's offer. "Sorry, no. I mean. I'm alright, man. You go ahead." He stammered still seeming very not "alright".

"Is-is my mom there?" Clarke wondered aloud in Bellamy's ear.

The man did not offer a second time and left with the doctor.

"No," Bellamy explained to himself, "Mom is working. You know that."

Clarke shook her head, "Not your mom... My-my mom." Thoughts of her parents began to flood her mind, and Clarke wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to block out the home sickness.

Before he could react another doctor came out and called Bellamy's name. Although his head became silent for a moment, he could still feel her presence in the back of his mind, and as Bellamy was led to another examination room his vision began slipping between the med bay and a small, grayish room.

"I apologize for the wait, but we're very busy today." The man said with a rehearsed smile. He was a young guy, and he seemed a bit nervous. If Bellamy had to guess he probably was not an actual doctor yet. Some of the more privileged kids got to shadow professionals in their field of interest. Bellamy knew he was lucky, because kids like him did not usually end up on the guard, but he had always wondered what it would be like to have actual choices about your future. "If you'll take a seat I'll be with you in a moment." He continued, pulling Bellamy away from thoughts he usually did not allow himself to think about.

Most of the time Bellamy preferred being alone, but sitting there in silence was driving him up the wall. The girl had spoken to him, and he had replied, but now there was nothing. He felt like there was a hidden bomb somewhere in the room that could explode at any moment. Unfortunately, in this scenario, he was both the bomb and the victim.

Clarke laid back on the cot in her cell and waited for him to say something. She had no idea what was going on, why she was suddenly able to talk to this boy she had heard in her dreams so many times, but she was determined to figure it out. Of course, there were several ideas forming in her head but most of them had to do with the Ark's depleting resources. Perhaps the lack of clean oxygen was making her hallucinate or could the loss of her father be driving her to madness? Maybe she was not as strong as she thought she was. Clarke closed her eyes tightly and tried to keep things like that out of her head. Instead, she reopened her eyes and sunk into the familiar view from the boy's side of reality. Before everything happened, she had been training under her mother and another doctor, and she knew the examination rooms like the back of her hand. Seeing the rooms in all of their mediocre glory caused a feeling of comfort to wash over her. This was all she had left.

Bellamy heard her sigh, and he could not take it anymore.

"Can you just stop it?" He asked. The thought of talking to his delusions made his skin crawl, but it was better than sitting in silence, waiting.

"Excuse me?" Clarke asked, sitting up suddenly when she heard his voice.

"You need to get out of my head." He demanded. "You aren't real." Honestly, he did not have time to be going crazy, and this was getting to be a real pain in the ass.

"I am real." She sounded so offended that it almost made Bellamy laugh.

"Yeah, and I was born on Earth."

"No, I'm being serious. I am real." She insisted. "Wait is that why you're at the med bay? You think you're sick?"

Bellamy did not reply, but she took his silence as a confirmation.

"Well, buddy, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm completely real. I am Clarke, what is your name?" She asked eagerly. This dream boy had been nameless for so long, and Clarke was too curious for her own good. The idea that this could all turn out not to be real was long forgotten, but she was sitting in a prison cell. What did she have to lose from entertaining daydreams?

Bellamy's head began to sway from side to side when Clarke said she was a real person. "No you aren't!" Bellamy laughed. This was getting ridiculous. "You are a figment of my imagination gone wild, and once I'm finished here you'll be gone for good, and I can get back to living my life."

Clarke snorted, "If you think Harris is going to help you in any way, shape, or form then you're out of luck. He's a terrible doctor. I was better."

"Who the hell is Harris?" Bellamy grumbled, rubbing his face with his hands.

"The medical student you're patiently waiting for right now." Clarke explained. Suddenly an idea popped into her head. "You know, I can prove that I'm as real as you are. I was training to become a doctor before..."

"Before you were arrested." He said softly.

"Anyway, I've spent a lot of time in these exam rooms, have you?" Clarke asked, already knowing the answer.

"Uh, no." Bellamy replied as his brows furrowed.

"Then there's no way you or a figment of your imagination would know that we keep a flashlight and a bowl of sweets for little kids in the bottom left drawer of the desk over there. Bandages are in the drawer above it." Clarke said. "See for yourself. But hurry before Harris comes back."

Bellamy could not stop himself from getting up from his seat and stepping over to the desk. He knew it was crazy, but it could not hurt to look.

Bellamy was not sure what he was expecting, but when he opened the top drawer, he found the bandages. His hand hovered over the handle of the lower drawer for a moment before yanking it open. His mouth hung open when he found a flashlight and a bowl full of colorful candies. He had actually never seen sweets like this before.

"Kids really get candy from the doctor?" He asked in a slightly amazed voice that confused Clarke.

"Yeah, didn't you ever get candy from the doctor after getting a shot?" She asked.

Bellamy shook his head even though she was not there to see it. If she had been training to be a doctor, she was obviously from a well off family. She wouldn't understand that they don't waste luxuries on the poor kids. Or maybe she would.

"What did you say your name was again?" Bellamy asked as he closed the drawer and tried to wrap his head around the fact that he and this rich doctor girl were... Well, whatever they were.

"Clarke." She said with a small smile on her lips.

"I'm Bellamy."

"Hi, Bellamy."


So they have finally introduced themselves! Hopefully the next chapter will be better now that I've gotten this initial meeting out of the way.

Here's a few things I feel like I need to say: Since the last chapter I posted I've read all of the 100 books. They were pretty good, but very different than the show. I enjoyed them, and sometimes I find myself trying to incorporate novel things into my fic. That's probably why Bellamy talks about being poor so much, because in the books it was a big deal. There were three levels of the Ark: Phoenix, Arcadia, and Walden. Phoenix was like the upper class, and the others were lower. So yeah. :) Also I know that they probably would not have candies on the Ark, but I'm using creative license!

Thank you so much for reading the story! I hope you're enjoying it, and I'd love to hear from you in the reviews. Until next time! xoxox