The ringing phone from his pocket distracted Tony. He poked Max hard in the back with the butt of the gun, the cold steel taking the breath right out of his lungs. He fell to his knees from the impact, bracing himself with his palms out in front of him. Max turned himself to face Tony, finding the gun stuffed in his face and an angry, tawdry expression on his face.

"You answer that fucking phone," Tony wheezed through pain, reaching into his pants and pulling out Max's phone. "Tell whoever it is on the other end to go fuck themselves and then we are going somewhere far, far away from here, Maxxy boy!" Tony told him, knocking back the hammer of the gun with a click. "Do it!"

"Tony, you don't need to do this, man!" Max pleaded with him. "You are in serious shit, here, Tony. You're wounded, and you probably killed a cop! You don't have anywhere to go."

"Answer the goddamn phone before I shoot you in the head and finish you off like I should have," he replied, pressing the gun against Max's brows. "Now." He handed the still ringing phone over, letting Max's shaking hand take a hold of it.

Max shook his head but pressed the accept button and placed it to his ear. Tony De Santis watched as at first, Max's expression was one he recognized. It was full of anxiety and fear. Tony smiled at the clear power he held over Max. That, however, was short-lived when Max's expression suddenly changed into a stony, determined look. Tony watched the other man's eyes turn cold and hard and watched as his mouth turned up in an evil smile.

"What the-" Tony exclaimed as Max dropped the phone onto the floor. Tony was momentarily distracted by this. Enough to be his downfall.

In one swift move, Max kicked out at Tony, hitting him in his injured leg with his heavily booted foot. Tony cried out in pain as he fell back, bumping into the wall and dropping the gun in the process. Max turned himself and lifted his body to stand. Reaching down, Max picked up the gun that had skidded across the floor to rest in front of him.

"No! Listen! Iā€”I can make you my right-hand man, again, Maxxy!" Tony pleaded, pain lacing his words. "I can put all this shit behind us! Just you and me, Max!" He put up a hand to try to calm Max down. It was then that he noticed that Max seemed to be out of it. He was looking distant and not himself.

"You need to be stopped," Max told him in a monotone. "You can't hurt anybody else."

"Max," Tony replied, shaking his head. "It's who we are, man."

"It's who you are, Tony," Max told him. "You took Stella from me! You kidnaped an innocent baby! You did all of that."

Without another word, Max lifted the gun to Tony De Santis' head and pulled the trigger one time. The gun kicked back in his hand, and the gun powder puffed in a small cloud in front of him. Max watched as Tony slumped on the floor with a clean bullet to the head. He calmly put the gun down on the small table next to him and sat down on the couch across from the body of Tony De Santis, awaiting someone, anyone, to come find him.


"He still can't remember anything?" Cho asked Abbott, slumping down in one of the office chairs.

"Not from the time he answered a phone call, he says," Abbott replied. "He's clearly been Jane'd."

"Sir? Jane'd?" Cho asked, his face screwed up in confusion.

Abbott laughed darkly. "Well, I can't prove anything but my guess is it's Jane's own kind of special revenge for taking his son. He hypnotized that guy. Made him take out Tony without getting his own hands dirty."

Cho laughed. "Remind me to get Jane's help if I ever need to commit the perfect murder," Cho told him. "So what are we going to do about this?"

Abbott crossed his arms and sat back, sighing deeply. "We will take what statements we can get. That should get Max Sheffield off for self-defense. Set him up with a new identity or something. He can go live a quiet life with his wife."

"He stowed Mikey away!" Cho countered. "He could have called us."

"He was scared of Tony."Abbott told him. "Besides, Max gave Mikey to a person he knew would take care of him and keep him safe in Stella."

"You get her statement yet?"

"Yep. Says Tony forced Max to hide the baby. Also states Max didn't want any harm to come to the baby, so he called her up and told her to keep the baby safe for him."

"Well, at least Mikey is back with his parents. Has Jane gone?" Cho asked, standing and yawning loudly. "He said he was going to."

"Yeah," Abbott told him. "Jane went to collect his wife and son from the hospital . You should go home, too, Kimball. You look like shit. No offense," Abbott said, smiling.

"None was taken. I probably smell like it, too, after sweating in this heat. I think I am going to go see Sam, though. See how she's doing."

Abbott nodded his head at his Agent and smiled a knowing smile. "Okay."

"I'll finish the reports tomorrow, okay?" Cho said, walking toward the office door. "Have them on your desk by noon."

"Go, Kimball. Be with Sam."

Cho looked at Abbott and he knew the other man figured out a long time ago that he had some feelings for Adams. He nodded his head curtly at him and walked out of the office, leaving Abbott sitting there wondering what to do next.

Jane smiled as he lifted his son from his wife's arms, his lips finding the boy's cheek. He ruffled the baby's hair with his hand as he kissed his little forehead. He turned to his wife and pulled her to his side with his free hand.

They were back at their home, the cabin Jane had renovated with his own hands. They were in their bedroom, where Jane had set up Mikey's foldable crib beside their bed. It was a fit of nerves from Lisbon that had him putting it together and dragging it inside their room.

"It's so good to have you back, baby boy!" Jane told his son. "I missed you so much."

"Mikey is exhausted, Jane," Lisbon told him. "He's falling asleep in your arms." She smiled and nodded her head toward their son.

Sure enough, Mikey's eyes were dropping and he was leaning against Jane's chest, drifting off into sleep. Jane kissed his head once more before turning and placing their son in the crib, covering him with a blanket that had Elephants emblazoned on it. They stood there looking down at their son for a long time before Lisbon finally turned to get ready for bed.

"We should talk, Teresa," Jane said softly, turning and watching her as she took off her shirt, shoes, and pants. "About things. It could help."

"Jane," Lisbon said, shaking her head. "You really want to talk about this now?" she whispered. "We just got him back."

Jane walked over to her and reached out to pull her chin up so he could look her in the eyes. He frowned and pursed his lips, tilting his head to gauge her expression.

"Teresa, you literally kicked me out of our bedroom the other day. I tried to comfort you, and you said we were bad parents. Do you remember that?" he asked her. "I admit, my actions that night were inexcusable," he said, closing his eyes, "but they don't make us bad parents. They make us human."

"We were going to have sex! While he was missing!" she whispered loudly, throwing her chin from his hand. "You tried to seduce me. That was your version of comfort?"

"Okay. I can see you are still angry at me for that," he said. "I thought you wanted me to, Teresa. I thought you wanted me to comfort you that way. I was only trying to help. I swear to you!"

She casted her eyes downward toward the floor and sighed. Stepping forward, she pressed herself against Jane's chest, her arms wrapping tightly around her husband's torso. She felt his arms automatically come to wrap her, his hand pressing against the back of her head, mingling in the dark tresses.

"I know," she finally whispered. "And the sick thing is I wanted to be comforted that way. I really did. I'm a sick person. A sick mother!"

Jane's hands found her shoulders at once, and he pressed on them, leaning her back so he could look at her closely. He shook his head at her and sighed.

"You are not a sick mother, Teresa. You were vulnerable! You were broken. Don't you dare beat yourself up or blame yourself! This isn't on you! It's not on me! We were needful, Teresa," he told her seriously. "We needed each other."

"We still do," she told him in a whisper.

He understood her infliction very well. He pulled her to him and kissed her hard on the mouth, pressing his lips to hers as her hands came up to press behind his neck, pushing him harder to her.

She felt his hands slid down her warm skin and glide back up, his fingertips following the curve of her spine to her bra hooks. His tongue demanded entrance into her mouth, and she gave permission, groaning against his lips as she felt his nimble fingers unclasp her bra and let it hang off her as his hands slid up to her neck and shoulders, pushing the straps from her arms.

She gasped as Jane's hands suddenly dropped to pick her up, her legs closing around his waist in auto-response. There was a guttural moan from Jane as he lifted her onto the edge of the oak dresser against the wall.

"Jane, the baby," she gasped in his ear as his hand found her breast in the loose cup of her bra. "He'll hear us."

"We'll just have to be quiet, Teresa," he told her roughly. "I don't think I can stop."

He placed his forehead against hers as he shrugged out of his pants and boxers, not bothering to kick them off his ankles. He kissed her neck and chin before pulling her hard forward against him, his erection grinding against her warm core as their lips met once again.

There was something erotic about Jane being naked only from the waist down. He was mostly still clothed, which was incredibly hot to Lisbon. Her hands slid down to his hips and caressed him, pushing him forward hard against her hot center, groaning at the sensation of him at her slit.

"Make love to me, Jane," she whispered as her lips led a hot, wet trail to her ear. "Please."

The sound of Teresa begging him to make love to her almost undid him. It was almost enough to make him pull her panty aside and drive into her. He restrained himself. Teresa didn't deserve to be loved that way. She deserved tender kisses, touches and presses. He groaned when her hand came forward and rubbed his hard length, the sensation ripping through him. If she kept that up, he didn't know if he could be easy on her.

"I will," he told her. "I will."

He felt her guide his hardness to her. He reached a hand down to move her panty aside as he felt her hand around his shaft, gliding him up and down her cleft before she guided his tip into her wetness. He pressed himself in deeply, forcing his lips to hers as she cried out. He felt her fingers dig into his shoulders as he began to thrust in and out of her gently.

The sound of the oak dresser squeaking underneath their moving bodies made Jane wish he had chosen the bed or floor to make love to her. He wasn't patient when it came to Teresa. He could never be patient with her wants or his own. As his thrusts became harder, the sound of the dresser became louder.

Thrusting into her over and over, he could feel her walls around him and he knew she was close.

"Let go, Teresa," he told her.

She cried out loudly as she came, hanging onto Jane as her body quivered against him, slumped against the dresser as he continued to push into her.

"Teresa," he muttered against her neck as he came inside her a minute later. "Teresa."

Both tried to get their breathing under control, neither moving or trying to disconnect from the other. After a few minutes, Jane pulled himself out of her and lifted her off the dresser. He pulled her by the hand over to the bed. Both discarded their remaining clothing and spooned naked on the mattress, both watching Mikey's crib.

"I'm sorry about everything, Jane," Lisbon said after a while. "When Mikey was gone, I mean. I blamed you. It wasn't fair."

"Shh," he told her, kissing the back of her neck. "You had your reasons."

"Yes, I did," she told him. "But there is more to it, Jane."

"Like what?" Jane asked, his fingers playing with her belly.


"Hormones?" Jane asked confused.

Lisbon turned herself, pressing her bare breasts against his chest. She sighed and reached out to play with a stray curl stuck to his temple. She smiled at him and blinked sleepily.

"I'm pregnant, Jane," she told him. "I found out for sure the night you went to Oklahoma," she told him. "It must have happened before everything with Mikey happened."

"You're-you are having another baby?" Jane asked, lifting his head up and smiling widely. "Are you serious?"

"Very," she whispered. "Are you happy?"

"Happy?" Jane shouted. "I am elated, Teresa!"

Just as they were about to go round two in celebration of their newest arrival coming, Mikey woke up crying. Jane kissed her lips and reached down to kiss her flat belly before getting out of the bed and tending to his son.

"Shh," he told the crying baby. "Mommy has a surprise for you! To be delivered in a few months!"

She smiled at her husband and son as she laid there. They were back together. Nobody was going to tear them apart again.

Cho walked into the hospital room and smiled at Adams, who was eating something suspended in Jell-O. He walked over and sat in the chair next to her bed.

"This food is horrible," Adams said, lifting her spoon to show Cho the nasty orange on it. "Worse than Wylie's attempt at cooking that one time."

"How are you doing, Sam?" Kimball asked, watching her shove the spoon of food away. "You doing okay?"

She looked at him and sighed groaning as she shifted herself up in the bed. "Doctor's said I was lucky. Should be out of here in a few weeks. Is Mikey okay?"

"He's fine. Abbott has insisted that Jane get a lock on the door and a security system put up. They are all set," he informed her. "Hey... listen, I know we are colleagues and stuff, but I was wondering if you'd like to get coffee sometime?"

"Kimball?" Adams asked. "Are you asking me on a date?"

Cho nodded his head. "Yes," he said, deadpan.

"Is this cause I almost died? Because if it is, I assure you, pity is not necessary."

"Sam, this is not pity. This is me asking you out."

She studied him for a long moment, and then nodded her head and smiled. "Okay. Sure, Kimball. Coffee."

"Good. I look forward to it," he said.

"Kimball, come here," Adams said.

Cho lifted himself from the chair and leaned over. He was caught by surprise when Adams kissed him on the lips. He stood there in shock for a moment before he kissed her back. They only broke apart when a nurse came in to check her vitals.

"Don't mind me," the nurse said. "You got to get it while you can." She winked.

Cho cleared his throat. "I will see you later, Sam."

"No business like Cho business," Sam said, watching him leave. She had heard Jane say it once, and it seemed fitting.

"He seems like a real keeper," the nurse stated, laughing.

"Oh, he is," Adams said. "That he is."

EPILOGUE: One Year Later

Teresa watched Adams shift nervously. She smiled at the woman and nodded her head in approval.

"You look stunning," she told her. "The dress is beautiful. Cho will love it when he sees it."

They were dressing her for the walk down the aisle to marry Kimball Cho. Lisbon was happy and ecstatic for her partners, who had taken the same path as Jane and she had. Partners first, lovers second and husband and wife third.

"I think I am gonna puke," Sam said. "I feel sick."

"It's butterflies, dear," Lisbon told her. "Perfectly normal."


Before Lisbon could reply, Jane stuck his head inside the room and smiled. "I hope I am not intruding, but the baby won't stop crying. I think she needs to be fed."

"Can't you do that yourself?" Adams snapped.

"Uh, I would if I had the nice set of breasts to do it with," he answered. "Robin is hungry."

"I'll be there in a minute, Jane," Lisbon assured him.

"Okay," he said, ducking out of the room.

"How are you two doing?" Adams asked, clearly trying to get her mind off her impending marriage. "New baby and all..."

"We are doing a lot better. Robin is three months old, and Jane is just over the moon about her. Mikey is better, too. We are healing, Sam."

"I am glad, Teresa. How... how did it feel to have a second child? Did it feel different?" Sam asked.

Teresa looked suspiciously at Adams and bit her lip. "Sam, are you pregnant?"

"Me?" Sam laughed. She frowned after she knew Lisbon wasn't stupid. "Yeah. Yeah, I am. I'm scared it's been nine years since I had a baby, Teresa."

"Oh, Sam!" She hugged the woman to her. "Congrats to you and Kimball. I know it is scary, but remember when they put that child in your arms, it all fades away to love and happiness."

"I haven't told him yet," Sam told her. "It's been two months, Teresa."

"It's okay, Sam. Tell him when you are ready, okay? For right now, you have to go get married to him, okay?"


"I have to go fed Robin. Be strong."

Lisbon left her and went to go find Jane, Mikey, and their new daughter, Robin Rose. They were seated in the front row, both Mikey and Jane in their tuxedos, and little Robin in her white dress and a white band in her chestnut-colored hair. Lisbon sat down and took the three-month-old from Jane, and the blanket. She put the blanket over her shoulder and pulled her breast from her dress to let Robin latch on. The baby quieted down and Lisbon sighed.

"What's up?" Jane asked her.

"She's pregnant," Lisbon told Jane. "Two months."


"Remind you of anyone?" Lisbon teased.

"Us," Jane smiled.

"If they are anything like us," Lisbon said, leaning to kiss her husband on the lips, "they will survive even the deepest pits of hell life can give them."

Jane tapped his daughter on the diaper lightly, ruffled his son's hair, and kissed his wife once more.

"Even the darkest of tar pits," he agreed as the music started up and they rose in their seats to watch two other star-crossed lovers to marry, taking them back to their own time like that, and the future they have now.


We want to thank anyone who read, followed, or reviewed our story, we had alot of fun writing it and we hope you enjoyed reading it.