It started a very long time ago, on a little island pretty remote, and far away from every-thing.
But even such a small remote island, would seem pretty big for a little boy whom had hardly learned to walk yet.

A long-nosed little boy, he had barely started to speak words. The first time it happened, was when he found a dead lizard on the road, and excited he brought it all the way home, to show it to his mom and dad.

"Oh no Usopp." Banchina bit her lip. "That's an old dead lizard, that's no good."

At that Usopp looked annoyed as he looked up at his mom. "Not Lizard!" he stated.

"Yes it is." Banchina lectured. "And a dead one to, do not pick stuff up like that."

"No!" Usopp complained. "Not Lizard. Dragon!" he told.

That made Banchina blink. "Dragon?" she questioned.

"HAI!" Usopp grinned in a broad mouth, showcasing missing tooth's in all their glories. "Dragon!" he told. Then pointed at the story book on the table that Banchina had read out loud for him earlier that week. "Dragon!" he told.

Amused Banchina looked at him. "And you defeated that Dragon all by yourself?" she asked amused.

"HAI!" Usopp shouted proudly, making a man sitting in his chair by the table laugh.

"That's my boy!" Yasopp laughed. "Usopp the dragon slayer!" he stated. "You are going to be a brave warrior some day lad!" he grinned, ruffling up Usopp's hair, that all-ready now showed signs of becoming black and curly.

"Yasopp." Banchina sighed.

"Let him have his fun Banchina." Yasopp requested. "Kids these days, they grow up to quick. Suddenly he'll stop making up stories like that, that'll be a tragic day don't you think?" he asked.

And Banchina smiled amused. "You're quite right Yasopp." She admitted. "Though, he can't bring more dead lizards into the house, it's not healthy, he'll get ill if he picks up dead things form the ground."

That, had been the very first time that Usopp had made up a story, to cheer other people up.
The story had been very short and simple, and only consistent of one word, 'dragon'
But Usopp was very proud any-way, and he loved how it had made both mom and dad smile, he was ready to go out and make more adventures for himself! And then tell all about it.

When Usopp was six, almost seven. Suddenly one day, his dad was gone.
Yasopp had gone to sea, to be a pirate again, to seek out adventures. Real ones, not just the silly ones that Usopp found in their back garden.

How strong his father was, and brave. To dare and go out there and do it for real! Usopp wanted to do that to. Some day, when he was strong and brave like his father. He also wanted to have adventures, real ones! Some day.

One day, Usopp found his mother, Banchina, sitting over the table crying. "Mom?" Usopp questioned.

"Oh?" Surprised Banchina looked up. "Usopp." She swallowed as she wiped away her tears with the back of her hand. "I didn't see you honey, or hear you. Is every-thing all-right?" she asked.

Usopp swallowed as he watched his mothers tears fall down her cheeks, in spite of her clearly trying to hide them. "Don't worry mom, Dad will be fine, he is really strong! And then he'll come back to us, with all of his pirates!" he exclaimed, spreading out his arms. "And we'll be waiting for them! I got a surprise in store for all of them!" he told.

"Oh?" Banchina asked, wiping away a tear.

"Well, it's kind of a secret mom, but you wont tell any-one right?" Usopp asked.

"Of course not." Banchina smiled amused.

"I'm building a flying ship." Usopp told. "Then we can go where even they can't. We'll go to the moon. And then dad will be so sorry he just went with the boring pirates. But that's okay, we can just take all of them with us for a second trip. It'll be so much fun, when the pirates come." He told. "And until then, I'll fill the walls of that ship with diamonds, you'll like that, it'll be really pretty." He stated as he held his hand on the table looking up at Banchina. "We have to be careful of the dragons though, they like shiny things and diamonds after-all, but that'll be okay. I'll slay all the dragons. I'm a brave warrior! Just like dad! Maybe I let one dragon go, but just one, it will be our pet, and it will be awesome!" he grinned.

Banchina smirked, then she chuckled, and then it evolved into a laugh. "Oh Usopp!" she laughed, as new tears pressed themselves through her eyes, but this time tears from laughter. "What am I to do with you?" she asked amused. "Thank you." She whispered.

And Usopp was happy, he knew he had done good. Making his mom smile like that.

Unfortunately, it was not before that, that Banchina fell ill, not long after Usopp's seven year old birthday.

Every-day she grew weaker, and Usopp did the best to help her, he did everything! He didn't want her to cook and over exert herself, so he did it for both of them, he cleaned for her, he made sure fresh air was let inside and that his own mother would be pampered by the seven year old.
But it was of no use, soon she was bedridden.

"Mom, it'll be all-right soon. I know it will." Usopp whispered, sitting on a chair next to Banchina. "Dad will come any day now, the pirates will come! And they'll take us with them! And we'll have lots of adventures! We'll go to that island, that's high up in the sky! Where you can walk on the clouds!"

Banchina smiled amused at Usopp as she listened.

"The clouds are so soft that you fall a sleep almost by touching them. Unless they they are bouncy clouds! Those are of cause great for bouncing!" Usopp told, making Banchina chuckle. "And I'll take you there mom!" he told in a wide smile. "It'll be good for you! You'll love it!" he told.

Banchina smiled at him. "I'm sure I will Usopp, it sounds lovely." She told, before her eyes fluttered, and Banchina fell back asleep.

"The pirates will come mom." Usopp whispered. "I know they will."

And Usopp would keep saying that, every single day, he would run through town, stating that pirates would coming, because his mother would smile when he did that! Then he would sit by her side, and tell stories about the adventures they were going to have!
And Banchina would smile and laugh of his stories, her eyes lighten up when she saw him, regain a new life, only if it was only a little Usopp was doing good! He knew he did! His mom would make it through this!

"THE PIRATES ARE COMING!" Usopp happily yelled as he ran in circles inside of the little bedroom, Banchina chuckling, though soon it evolved into a coughing fit.

"MOM!" Usopp shouted running towards her, pouring up water. "Don't be scared, they wont hurt you. They are all quiet outside right now because I told them to be… I told them, my mother is a strong brave woman and she needs her rest. If you don't do as I say you have to deal with me, and they all covered in fear." he stated pressing the water glass towards Banchinas lips. "They are right aside, being quiet as mice... They are to afraid to be anything else. They know whom the real brave warrior is here."

Banchina managed to drink what she could, but it wasn't enough and weakly she looked at Usopp, with such love glowing in her eyes. "My boy…" she whispered. "My wonderful little brave boy." she told as she reached a shaking hand towards him. "You are going to do so much with your life, all those things…. You'll see them." she told. "You are going to be a brave warrior of the sea, just like your dad… You look so much like him."

"Of course I will mom!" Usopp exclaimed taking her hand as he held it close to his cheek. "Even better than that, i'll be a Captain!" he told. "Captain Usopp, not afraid of anything. I… I'll sail all of the ocean, i'll become really brave and strong so you'll never have to be afraid, i'll protect you!" he told. "I promise I will!" he stated.

Weakly Banchina looked at him. "I know you will." she told. "You make me so proud… Usopp." she whispered and then closed her eyes, falling a sleep again.

The pirates never came, and one day, Banchina was gone. She was dead… And Usopp, only seven years old. Was left alone.

"No, no, no, no!" Usopp cried. "The pirates were supposed to come! We were going to go on adventures together!" he cried down in his small skinny legs.

"I'm sorry kid." An elder man told, trying to put a hand on Usopp's shoulder. "Dead is dead, your mother is not coming back."

"NO!" Usopp cried. "The pirates will come! They must!" he cried.

"Kid.." the elder man tried, but Usopp turned around, and crying ran away.

For a good while, Usopp kept to himself, he didn't want to see any-one or talk to any-one, he just wanted to bury himself, far down, deep under the ground, but that didn't help. Either he locked himself into the little empty house, where it was only him left now, all alone.
Or he would take long walks, alone in the forest...

He tried to remind himself, he was seven now! He could take care of himself! For sure! He was a brave warrior of the sea and a whole seven years old now, that was basically a grown man! So he shouldn't feel this weak and helpless, that was just wrong! He shouldn't... He was walking around the forest with these thoughts in his head, beating himself with a small fist, and that was when he met her, a little girl, sitting alone crying.

Stunned Usopp looked at her, then cleared his throat.

Frightened the girl looked up. "Who.. Who are you?" The girl asked frightened.

"A pirate." Usopp told at ones. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"ple-please don't hurt me mr. Pirate." The little girl sniffed. "I'm lost, I can't find my parents!"

Usopp blinked, then sniffed. "Tch, you should be more careful like that. There's all sorts of creatures in these woods that would love to get their hands on a true princess such as you."

"WHAT!?" the little girl screamed, then blinked. "Princess?" she asked.

"Isn't that what you are?" Usopp asked. "You sure look like one to me."

"No I'm not.. a princess.. I mean. Maybe I am." The girl smiled amused. "Am I?" she asked.

"Of course you are a princess!" Usopp exclaimed. "Look at you, golden hair, white skin. Tch, be glad I am just a pirate. There are warlocks in these forests whom hungers after true princess's, nothing else can do it! And dragons, Dragons loves to kidnap princess's!"

"Oh no." The girl bit her lip. "What should I do if that happened?" she asked.

"Sit tight of course!" Usopp grinned. "I'll come and free you, that's just what I do! I slay monsters all the time!"

"Really?" The girl asked wide-eyed.

"Of cause!" Usopp grinned. "Why else would I know so much about them?" he asked. "Now where do you life, I'll follow your home!" he stated.

"Really?" The girl asked, then beamed as she stood up. "Thank you! I life in Syrup village!"

"Really?" Usopp asked. "I do to! Hah! And it's easy to get there, it's not to far from here! Come on! I'll show you!" he grinned grabbing the girls hand pulling her with him.

He never got that girls name, but Usopp had regained his sense of purpose! He had done good again!
And looking at his empty home again, he could see it now. This was a dusty old house, it was the lair of a pirate! And a brave warrior of the sea!
The pirates would still come, they were just a little late, all Usopp had to do was to be patient and wait for them.

With that in mind, Usopp faced the ocean in front of him, with a big smile on his face. "Mom." He whispered. "I wont let them forget you, not before the pirates came." He told, and then he turned around, before he sucked in his breath, and yelled as loudly as he could. "THE PIRATES ARE COMING!" as he had done so many times while Banchina was still alive, it had made her smile, and now, it would remind the villagers of Syrup. Remind all of them, every-day that Usopp was still there.

Time went by, and Usopp made his way, alone in his hut, working for himself, keeping every-thing in order for himself, and cheered himself up with his own stories.
In the beginning, the towns people were very amused about the little seven year old, waltzing around claiming to be a pirate Captain, it made them chuckle and some-times they would even give him a little some-thing, like a hot meal, which was Usopp's favorite thing to get, then he could save his rations for the day and get a filled stomach.

Though, time just went on, and while a seven year old who kept making up big fantastic stories and insisted they were true was adorable, a fifteen year old whom did the same, perhaps.. weren't.
In fact, it was at that point the towns-people started to call him strange and annoying, they wanted him to stop live in his head and take life more seriously.
His daily morning run yelling that the pirates were coming, had become so much routine that most people had forgotten the purpose of it.
Not Usopp though, as long as he did it, his mother would be there, and he wouldn't be alone, not really.
She adored his stories, she liked when he called that there were pirates, and as long as he continued being true to what she had loved, she would care and he would not be alone.

Though it was not always that was so easy to remember, as an annoyed towns-man had literately thrown his frying pan after Usopp one morning, and Usopp was now nursing a healthy bump on his head, as he sat alone at a grassy hill.

A pain stuck into his chest, a pain he didn't feel so often, but now he did.. he felt like crying.
He couldn't tell exactly why, he just did. Some-times, things just became a bit to much, and he felt like he could shout and throw things every-where.. And some-times he did, and then he felt like he would cry.
But he wouldn't cry! For he was a brave warrior of the sea, and he would show them.. some-day.. maybe.

That was when three pairs of foot-steps slowly approached him.

Usopp frowned, and then turned his head to look annoyed at the intruder, then he blinked, as he saw three young boys looking at him. A pretty good deal younger than himself, maybe they were thirteen maybe younger.. not terrible old.

"Erhm.. Excuse me." One of the boys swallowed. "I'm sorry, we heard you talking in town and well.."

"Are you really a pirate Captain?" The other boy blurted, then swallowed as he stepped back.

Usopp blinked as he looked at the three boys whom looked back at him, then he smirked. "Heh." He grinned. "Well, of course I am a pirate Captain!" he stated as he stood up. "Captain Usopp of the Usopp pirates, I got eight million men following me, because I am a brave warrior of the sea." He stated as he crossed his arms, then slowly leaned forward as he smirked at him. "so be careful or they'll come after you." He blinked, making the three boys scream as they fell backwards, making Usopp stand up as he laughed loudly. "HAHAHA! That's what I like to see, prober respect, I might just let you be a part of my crew now." He stated.

The three boys blinked at him. "Re.. Really?" One of the boys asked.

"Well, maybe." Usopp frowned as he crossed his arms and looked to his left, away from the boys. "But of course, first you would have to proof that you have what it takes to be real pirates!" he stated, making the three boys look wide-eyed at him. "You must pass the three tests!" he stated, holding up three fingers.

"What tests?" One of the boys asked.

"First, pirates needs to be able to work together as a team, it's dangerous out there! The test of team-work! Then a pirate need to be strong, so you need to pass the test of strength!" Usopp told. "And lastly, what all real pirates need to do! Find treasures! First when you found the treasure can you be a part of the Usopp pirates! That's the last test!" he stated.

Making the three boys gape at him. "OOAAHH!"

"But first." Usopp grinned. "The test of team-work, do you dare to try?" he asked challenging.

And the three boys at ones yelled. "HAI!"

"Then follow me!" Usopp laughed gesturing at them, eventually he lead them to a grassy field, and then.. he very simply put up a ball-game, himself against the three younger boys, telling them they had to beat him, by working as a team, and it ended up in a lot of laughter and joy.. and Usopp was beaten flat by the three young boys.

It was on purpose of cause! Of cause it was on purpose! As if he couldn't win to a bunch of ten year olds!

Their names were Tamangi, Ninjin and Piiman, and well.. that sure had been a lot of fun.

The next day all three of them were back for the second test, the test of strength, which were a bunch of wrestling matches, ending with all three of them teaming up on Usopp, effectively pinning him to the ground, and as they did, all four of them roared in laughter, none of them could remember ever having so much fun!

And then on the third day, as the three young boys met up at the same spot, they were left disappointed to discover that Usopp wasn't even there.. That was until Ninjin found the map, and the three boys lightened up with the promise of treasure! Soon they followed the map, across the island, through town, until at last, they stood by the shore.

"But.." Ninjin looked around. "There is nothing here." He told disappointed.

"Did he cheat us?" Piman asked.

"Why would he do that?" Tamangi asked. "He's really cool! And funny, he wouldn't do that!" he told.

Ninjin frowned. "Yeah, there must be a reason." He told.

Peeman nodded. "Lets keep looking!"

Then a voice sounded, hidden among the rocks. "That's the spirit, a true pirate never gives up, that was the final test! The most important one! Never hold back for adventure, never give up! Treasures don't come easily you know." And then from the rocks, did Usopp appear, carrying a jar clearly filled with cookies. "Congratulations! You passed the three tests! Now you need to decide, do you want to be a part of the Usopp pirates?" he asked.

The three boys looked wide-eyed at Usopp as he beamed at them.

"Re-Really?" Piman asked.

"Of cause!" Usopp exclaimed. "You have all the best pirate qualities in you! You work together as friends and family, you are strong! And most importantly, you didn't hesitate to go on adventure and wouldn't give up! A captain like me, would be proud to have a crew such as you! So what do you say? Do you want to be Usopp pirates?" he asked.

Wide-eyed the young boys looked at him, and then they all yelled. "HAI!" they exclaimed.

"Then we'll feast together to celebrate and seal the deal!" Usopp grinned. "From today! You will be known as the Usopp pirates! And I! Captain Usopp! Will do my best to be the best Captain in the entire world!" he grinned, and the three boys yelled.


As Usopp grinned and handed out cookies, their so called feast and treasure. It didn't matter to the boys nor Usopp though, they just had so much fun at that very moment, and they were looking very much forward to have tons of more fun together!
So what if it wasn't real and just pretend, these stories were the fun such a boring place needed.

For an entire year, the Usopp pirates had lots of adventures together, they were partners in crime and trouble makers together now, and fun they had.
Usopp the leader, whom fearlessly (mostly.) lead them.. but what was most important though, was that he wouldn't let them get hurt.
The times they had been caught in their mischievous outings, Usopp hadn't hesitated for a second to take all of the blame to protect his so-called pirate crew. A thing the three boys were very thankful for, and that just made them respect him so much more, they were genuinely proud to call him the honorary captain.

It was though, after a year, as Usopp had turned sixteen, that tragedy stroke.
The people whom lived in the mansion, and were the main providers of trading to the island, had died. Leaving their only daughter, Kaya, all alone.

"Poor girl." A man in town sighed shaking his head.

"Is it true?" Usopp asked quietly, making the two men who had been talking turn to Usopp, as he looked wide-eyed up at them. "Doesn't she have any-one?" he asked. "no sisters? Uncles? Gran-parents?" he asked.

"Well, there are servants, and she's rich, so she'll be fine." The first man told.

"That's not the same though." Usopp swallowed looking down, feeling the empty hole in his chest emerge, and he had barely felt it for an entire year.. this feeling of being so alone, having.. no real family. Poor girl, he wished there was some-thing he could do for her.

"Even with her illness, she should recover." The second man told.

"Illness?" Usopp asked.

"Poor girl can't leave the house, she couldn't even make it to her parents funeral." The first man sighed.

For the rest of the day, Usopp couldn't stop thinking about that poor girl, all alone in a big empty mansion. No mother of father to hold her or make her laugh, not even being able to go out and have adventure.. it was horrible.
Usopp just wished there was some-thing he could do! Any-thing! Thinking about her, so sad an alone.

Then Usopp realized, making people laugh was what he did! It was the one thing he was brilliant at! That was it! He would make her laugh, every-one felt better when they laughed!
It wasn't much, but at least he could give her that.

And thus it happened, that an early morning, it was knocking on a young girls bedroom window.

Kaya was deeply confused, there were no servants around, so at last she walked to the window herself, to be met by the sight of a very strange looking boy on a branch on the other side.. he was extremely strange looking, with his dark skin, black curly hair, and this incredible funny nose.

"Hallo!" The strange boy beamed at him. "I'm really sorry to disturb, but well, I am chasing this Tontaran, and I thought, maybe it came past here, maybe you saw it?"

"You are chasing a what?" Kaya asked stunned.

"Tontaran." The strange boy told. "It's this really mischievous little gnome, looks a little like a leprechaun, except it has a big bushy tail and moves so fast it's impossible to see it with the naked eye. Unless of course you have eyes as amazing as mine!." He told in a grin. "I was chasing him over the ocean myself. He promised me gold, but all I got was a long nose!" he exclaimed. "See?" he asked pointing at his nose.

Stunned Kaya looked at him, then her lips, that had constantly looked so very sad for months, suddenly turned upwards, her eyes that had only looked heart-broken for just as long twinkled a little bit, and then, a giggle escaped her lips, then she laughed into her hand.

That though, only seemed to make the boy lighten up as he smiled warmly at her. "So I guess you haven't seen him then." He told. "A shame, hey! I'm Captain Usopp!" he told in a grin. "I'm so glad to finally meet you! I heard a lot about you!" he told.

Kaya blinked. "About me?" she asked.

"Well, I heard about your parents." Usopp admitted. "And that you are ill, that really sucks." He flat out stated. "You're really not allowed to leave this mansion?" he asked.

"Afraid not." Kaya nodded, then coughed down into her hand. "Oh dear." She coughed.

"Hey! Go back to bed if you don't feel well!" Usopp exclaimed.

"No, no I.." Weakly Kaya looked up. "Please stay a bit, this is the most fun I had for ages."

Usopp looked at her. "You look exhausted, you better rest." He told.

Dissapointed Kaya bit her lip.

"What about I cut you a deal?" Usopp asked. "You do your best to get better, and then I'll come again tomorrow?" he offered.

Kaya blinked as she looked up. "You would do that? She asked.

"OF COURSE!" Usopp grinned. "And I! Captain Usopp of the Usopp pirates! Never breaks a promise! If I capture the Filigut before tomorrow, I'll tell you how I did it! If I don't, I tell you how he tricked me so I had to sail all the way here from across the ocean on my big pirate ship." He grinned.

Kaya shook her head. "I think I heard of you." She commented.

"Oh?" Usopp asked.

"You are that kid running through town every-day yelling that the pirates are coming aren't you?" Kaya asked. "I can hear you all the way up here every morning."

"Well erh.." Usopp blushed deeply.

"Klarahdora says you are a cheap liar and a trouble maker, and I should stay away from you." Kaya told.

"Erhh.." Usopp blushed deeply. "Well, if I am just sitting here, what harm does that make?" he asked, gesturing at the branch he was sitting on, out-side of the window.

"Hmm." Thoughtfully Kaya looked at the branch then at Usopp. "I guess you are right." She smiled, then coughed ones again.

"Okay! Now I do go!" Usopp stated. "Go back to bed! Now!" he demanded, grabbing a branch as he swung himself down. "I'll see you tomorrow!" he finally told as he landed on the ground, and then ran for the wall and the hole he had found in it there.

And indeed Usopp kept his promise, the next day he came, to tell Kaya new stories, and the day after that, and the day after that. It became a specific routine for Usopp! First, he woke the town with his cries for pirates, then he would entertain the Usopp pirates for a bit before they had to do their chores, then he would go to Kayas and tell her stories, just to see her smile and make her laugh. He never saw her leave that room, or talk to any-body else than her adult servants, or have any other kind of fun, and after Usopp had told his stories right before the servants would come with Kayas lunch, Usopp had to take care of his own living arrangements, trying to scrape some money and food together by doing that days odd-jobs.
But even so, he never failed at yelling that the pirates were coming each morning, he never failed to be there for the Usopp pirates, and he never failed to meet up at Kayas to tell her stories.

Whether it was sun-shine, heat-wave, storm, rain or icing cold, Usopp would be there, every-single day. For an entire year. Telling his stories to the Usopp pirates, to Kaya, to any-one whom would listen, so busy was he that he nearly forgot his own dream, the dream of living his own stories, to be a real adventure, pirate and brave warrior of the sea. To stop playing pretend and do it for real, and then finally, after a year.. They came. The straw-hat pirates.

Monkey D Luffy, Roronoa Zoro and Nami, the three people that would change Usopp's life for-ever, and finally allowing him to meet his true destiny.

Though it was a sad day for the Usopp pirates and Kaya, they all knew it, no one could tell stories like Usopp could, or make them feel so real and fun. As far as they concerned, Usopp was the coolest person in the world. Selfless, kind, funny and brave. Caring for others above all else… The best friend either of them had ever had.
But not every-body could see that, all they saw was an annoying brat disturbing the peace, and Usopp, was probably meant for more than that. No definitely, he was meant for WAY more.

To keep him trapped on this small island, would simply be… Wrong.