
Finally, we've reached the end of a supposed oneshot. I know it'd taken me a long time to finish but life took its toll on me. It's only now after I've graduated that I can take a breather and finish this fic.

To be honest, I had a writer's block and it just bums me out that people were favouriting/following the story but the amount of reviews that I've gotten is a small percentage. I put a lot of effort into writing this fic with so many plot changes. It would be greatly appreciated if you all could leave reviews with what you liked or what you didn't like about the story. Thank you to those who had reviewed, it made my day.

I decided to post this on my birthday as a present to you all instead. Tell me your thoughts on the ending, Enjoy!

- . - . - . -

"May I come in?" Elena peeked her head through the door of Hermione's hotel room.

"Of course," Hermione was in the midst of dressing Annabelle and herself for the dinner they're having with all of the Grangers.

Elena had on a strapless shimmery black dress which accentuated her long legs. She looked beautiful with her flawless makeup and hair. Hermione felt envious looking at her hair which had not a strand out of place - some girls just have all the luck.

"Oh look at little Anna! She looks adorable in that outfit. You have great taste," Elena gushed! She was glad Annabelle didn't fuss when she bent to pick the toddler up.

"The credit goes to Draco. He takes dressing Annabelle very seriously and absolutely refuses to buy her anything that in his words, 'looks pedestrian' whatever that means. He can get suffocating sometimes."

"Sounds like he just need another little one to share his affections with," Elena teased.

"I know you're just joking," Hermione gave Elena a sheepish grin before tugging a loose hair behind her ears, "but, I-I am thinking about it. Both Draco and I grew up as the only child and I never knew what I missed out on until I went to school and found friends whom were like family to me. I envy you for having siblings. Plus if we do have another one soon, their age gap wouldn't be too far apart."

Elena's face softened.

"It seems like you've thought this through."

"The more I thought about it, the more it made sense."

Hermione's thoughtful expression suddenly changed into a bright smile, "you know what, I'm going to call him now."

Hermione hummed as she dialed his number and waited expectantly for the low drawl on the other line but it went to voicemail. Disappointed, she left a message instead, "Happy Anniversary, Draco and erm, we need to talk. Call me when you're free."

Hermione sighed and threw her phone on the bed, "that's that I suppose. Urgh, I miss him already and it sucks that he can't be miserable with me here too," Elena noticed the forlorn look on her cousin's face as she packed diapers into her bag.

"You must really love him."

"As insufferable as he is sometimes, I do love him with all my heart," Hermione gave Elena a wry smile.

"I hope someday I'll have what you have."

"You will, Elena! You're such a beautiful person inside and out and any guy would be lucky to have you."

"I haven't had the best luck with guys lately," Elena shrugged.

"If you ever need me to set you up with someone, let me know." Hermione winked playfully at Elena who laughed even louder than before while throwing a pillow in Hermione's direction, "go change into your clothes already."

Elena was playing patty cake with Annabelle when Hermione finished dressing up.

"You look stunning!" Elena couldn't help but gasp when Hermione came out of the bathroom in a beautiful green asymmetric silk-georgette dress. Elena's eyes stayed glued to Hermione and the way the material flowed each time she walked while the slit at the side of the dress gave a tasteful view of Hermione's toned legs.

Hermione blushed at Elena's comment, "oh, stop you."

"Look, Anna! Doesn't mummy look pretty?" Elena asked the little girl in her arms.

"Yes!" Annabelle gleefully replied and held her stubby hands outstretched towards Hermione, demanding to be in her mother's arms instead.

Hermione gladly took Annabelle from Elena and kissed her angel's cheeks.

"You girls ready for dinner?" Danny shouted from outside the door.

Hermione turned to Elena and with a resolute nod and a firm voice she said, "Let's do this."

- . - . - . -

Hermione felt butterflies in her stomach looking at the massive door leading them to the Michelin star restaurant behind it. An impeccably dressed man stood next to the door in anticipation of the Grangers and as they grew closer to the entrance, his gloved hand pulled a door open, "Welcome to Classico Italiano, I hope you have a wonderful evening with us," He greeted them with a polite smile.

"I have a table reserved under Maria Granger," Hermione noticed how her aunt had her head tilted up and how she spoke with a snobbish tone down to the maître d' – an aging man whose crow's feet showed prominently when he smiled.

"Right this way, Signora." The kind-faced man didn't appear flustered and was patient throughout the many, albeit ridiculous questions her aunt had.

Hermione looked on in awe at the opulence of the restaurant. There was so much to be seen while they walked to their table. Crystal chandeliers oversee every individual table and large oil paintings added to the elegant clean feel of the place. Soothing classical music played in the background accompanied by the gentle murmurs of other patrons. After they got settled at a cozy corner, Hermione's eyes immediately went to the silverware on the table. The handiwork was beautiful and she knew they must have cost a fortune because she had seen something similar being used by Narcissa and Merlin knows that the Malfoys do not do things in halves.

Hermione made a mental note to herself that dinner had started off quite nicely and unfortunately went downhill when she saw at the corner of her eyes, the witches snickering behind the menu like the right plotting cows they were. Hermione tried to pay them no mind but the snickering followed by continuous muffled laughter was starting to get on her nerves.

Hermione raised an eyebrow and emulated an unimpressed Draco, "problem?"

"We were just admiring that beautiful dress you have on and wondered how on earth could our little Her-my-oh-knee gotten such a dress? Had to save a whole year did you?" Hermione wanted to smack the grin off Paula's face.

"And so unfortunately wasted on a body like hers," Rita chimed in.

"My fiancé gave it to me," Hermione replied through gritted teeth.

Paula snorted, "Please, like either of you could afford an Elie Saab's dress."


"Elie Saab? God, you're so uncultured." Lizzy's face scrunched up in disgust.

"Again, who?"

"He's a famous fashion designer. His clothing are worn by royalty!"

Hermione looked thoroughly unimpressed.

For a hot minute, no one said anything. Hermione stifled a bubbling laughter when she saw the bulging veins on their foreheads. She had the most fun trying to get a rise out of her cousins. Just before they tipped over the edge, Hermione decided to speak up.

"My closet's littered with dresses like these. Draco just throws them at me. He gets them as gifts during business functions from time to time and what not," Hermione shrugged.

The novelty of receiving such expensive clothing had worn off the first couple of times and truthfully, she doesn't care for such luxury either. She would dress in sweatpants and big shirts everyday if she could but Draco burned her other five pairs so now just have the two.

Hermione's reply stunned her cousins into silence.

"Don't lie! Why would your "fiancé" ever get them for free?!" Hermione cringed at Paula's shrill voice. It was possible for their voices to be more annoying!

Hermione simultaneously rolled her eyes and huffed, "Urgh, big deal."

Paula's fuming face suddenly turned knowing and she smiled, "ah, a fellow gold-digger I see."

This time, it was Hermione's turn to be outraged and she found herself spontaneously standing up, "What will it take for you ninnies to realise that I have a handsome man by side who happens to be rich? The concept is not that hard!" The table shook under the force of Hermione slamming her hands on it.

Her cousins shrank in their seats.

Hermione was taken out of her fuming when Annabelle patted her repeatedly for attention, "Toilet."

"Yes, of course sweetie," Hermione's temper subsided in an instant and she took Annabelle in her arms. Just as she turned away, Hermione noticed out of the corner of her eyes, her cousins rendered mute by her outburst. Hermione smiled to herself – good, they should be a little afraid.

- . - . - . -

"Il mio amore, you look beautiful tonight," Blaise threw a lazy grin at Pansy and leaned in to kiss her cheeks. Pansy inched her face nearer to allow Blaise easy access and giggled when his lips eventually landed.

"Don't be fooled darling, it's just my tan."

"Never." Pansy turned bashful at Blaise's comment.

Blaise and Pansy were seated in a reclusive spot in the hotel's restaurant to allow for a romantic setting. They'd enjoyed their day in the sun and now, it was time to unwind. Pansy relaxed in her seat. She absently looked around the restaurant while waiting for Blaise to order and her eyes landed on Hermione's nasty cousins from yesterday.

Pansy's mood immediately soured.

She felt the anger she thought she kept under control bubbling up inside of her. Pansy Parkinson may have calmed down greatly after her Hogwarts years but she was no pushover. If the little cunts had the galls to laugh at her and not apologize, they had another thing coming.

"Pans, you okay?"

"Look! Those are the girls I told you about yesterday … Hermione's cousins!" Pansy whispered harshly.

Blaise turned to the direction of Pansy's finger and raised an eyebrow in disbelief, "those are her cousins? Poor Hermione, it must be excruciatingly's painful being around them."

"They got sand all over me and didn't even apologize! Hermione had to restrain me from hexing their plastic tits off," Blaise laughed at the mental picture and pressed his lips together in efforts of stopping his laughter when Pansy glared daggers at him.

"Don't let them get the better of you Pans, let it go," Blaise gave her an indulgent smile.

But, Pansy just kept her heated stare on Blaise and his mental alarm went off when Pansy's nostrils flared.


Pansy threw her napkin on the table and got out of her seat. Blaise cursed under his breath and scrambled after her, "Pans, please don't do this," Blaise implored but Pansy kept walking in the Granger's direction. Blaise tried to soothe his lover's anger but she wouldn't have it and finally they found themselves at the cousin's table.

"Apologize," Pansy spat.

The three girls were startled but rolled their eyes when they saw that it was the crazy lunatic they encountered yesterday at the beach.

"This again? Don't you get tired of repeating yourself?" Rita picked at her nails in boredom.

"No. I love my voice. From now on, you're going to see me everywhere you turn, might as well apologize now so that we can all move on with our lives," Pansy challenged.

Rita looked at Lizzy who looked at Paula and they simultaneously burst out laughing.

Blaise knew things were going to get out of hand if he didn't step in so he made a quick decision to restrain Pansy by half-hugging her. Blaise whispered placating words in her ear, "They're not worth it love, please let it go. Remember your resolution to not let people get the best of you. Prove that you are the bigger person and calm down."

Blaise waited and sure enough, Pansy's heavy breathing slowed. Blaise kissed her forehead in comfort, "that's it, that's my girl."

Lizzy mocked a gagging gesture while Paula blatantly checked Blaise out, "Find me at room 298 once you're done with her."

Just before Blaise could react, an older copy of the suggestive girl interrupted the scene with her two cents, "what's going on here? Did I hear you threatening my daughter?" She sounded haughty and seemed absolutely sure of herself.

"You should teach your daughter some manners," Pansy hissed.

"How dare you!" The woman's stubby hand reached out to grab Pansy's arm and on instinct, Pansy jerked her arms back. In the midst, her bracelet got caught in the linen of the elder woman's jacket and time slowed as Pansy watched her favourite bracelet break into pieces, just like her heart.

Stumped, Pansy went lax in Blaise's hold. Slowly, she turned to face Blaise, "…B-Blaise my bracelet…," Pansy's soft voice cracked at the end as tears started rolling down her cheeks but she didn't register them and instead kept staring up at Blaise.

Blaise prided himself on being a collected man and cold indifference was his suit of choice but in that moment, he found another side of him he didn't know he had – boiling rage. He knew how sentimental that bracelet was to her and how she never took it off. It was given to her by her beloved grandad and now that he had passed, it served as a reminder of him.

Blaise felt heated and his clenched fists were vibrating in anger. Blaise had never felt rage in its unadulterated form and he imagined if someone were to pour water on him, it'd evaporate. He wanted to hurt someone so very badly. Blaise's wide eyes turned to Rita's mother and through gritted teeth he spat, "get the fuck out of my hotel."

All four women gasped and went white as sheet.

"Your Hotel?!"

"Did I stutter? Get the fuck out of my hotel!"

Pansy gripped the lapels of Blaise's suit tighter and buried her face into his chest but remained silent on the matter - she didn't feel like talking at the moment.

"N-No, you can't possibly mean that! where will we go?" Lizzy exclaimed.

"You had your chance to apologize but from what I've been hearing and noticing, you're all just a bunch of wankers who thinks the world owes them a living! Guess what honey, you're just like scum on the bottom of my shoe and you'll probably never amount to anything unless you get your head out of your arse and do something worthwhile with your life. Oh, and maybe try to do it without your Daddy's money while you're at it." Blaise stared murderously into their eyes, daring them to oppose him.

"P-Please Sir, don't do this to us. We promise to never be in your sight again once our time here is over. It's in two days … please I beg you." The older woman stepped forward to put her hand on Blaise but retracted when she saw Blaise's look of disgust.

As Hermione walked back to her table, she grew perplexed. It was odd that Blaise and Pansy were crowded around her table while she wasn't there. What conversation could've possibly went down in the 20 minutes that she'd been gone? As Hermione walked closer, she realized the atmosphere was tense and grew worried. She'd never seen Blaise losing his cool and was that, oh Merlin, Pansy crying?

Worried, Hermione tightened Annabelle in her arms and walked quickly to the scene.

"What's going on here?" Hermione looked to Blaise for an explanation but he couldn't answer with his jaw clenched so tightly. She then turn to Aunt Maria but when their eyes met, her aunt immediately looked down.

Hermione decided to focus her attention to Pansy instead, "Pansy dear, are you alright?"

"Blaise asked them to leave the hotel," Pansy informed Hermione in a subdued voice.

Hermione took a sharp intake of breath and told herself to calm down. Everything seemed out of place, "what happened?"

"They broke my bracelet."

"Oh Merlin, was it the one your grandad gave you?" Hermione's tone was sympathetic. Pansy nodded, "I'm so sorry," Okay now, everything didn't seem out of place. Hermione made a mental note to never be on vacation with the Grangers ever again if it would be this chaotic.

"Hey, I didn't do it." Paula was quick to be excused.

"Oh shut up! You've done enough damage." Aunt Maria chided her daughter snappishly.

Paula looked affronted but kept quiet.

Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed. It looks like she was going to have to salvage the situation. She hurriedly left Annabelle with her parents who were seated three tables away and peering at them worriedly, "Don't worry, I got this covered," Hermione assured them.

"Blaise, I'm so very sorry for my cousins and aunt. Please don't let their mistake ruin the vacation for my other perfectly lovely family. It's just going to be for two more days…" Hermione panicked because Blaise was not letting down his guard. Hermione took in a deep breath and tried the one thing that she hoped would work if what Pansy told her was true, "Please Blaise, do it for me," Hermione pleaded.

"Yes, listen to her, Blaise." Aunt Maria chimed in while Rita parroted her and this earned them a side-eye from Blaise.

Oh wow thought Hermione. Suddenly, they were agreeing with her after decades of being proven otherwise – how convenient.

Hermione searched Blaise's eyes and cheered internally when his shoulder slumped and his grip on Pansy loosened. For safety measures, Hermione added, "I promise they won't set foot in any of your hotel any longer. In fact, blacklist them."

Hermione knew she was being petty but this was the perfect opportunity for them to be taken down a notch. They needed to learn. Hermione ignored their protest in the background and signaled Blaise to agree to it.

Blaise coughed and cleared his throat, "well, you're lucky you're Hermione's family but should you ever step into this or any other hotel which I own after these two days are up, you will not be permitted in. And if you do try, I will personally see to it that you're banned from other hotels as well. Do you comprehend?"

They begrudgingly nodded.

Blaise threw Hermione an apologetic look, "Do excuse me Hermione, I need to attend to Pansy, she's quite distraught," He pointed to the woman in his arms.

"I understand. If there's anything I can do to help, please tell me. I'm so sorry for this whole evening."

"I will, thank you."

Blaise had said his goodbye but as he walked past Hermione, he whispered to Pansy, "I don't know how you do it Darling but being angry is exhausting," Hermione laughed and she noticed that Pansy let out a weak watery laugh as well.

Hermione turned back to face them and sneered, "Saved your lot's arse."

- . - . - . -

Draco smiled to himself, recalling how successful the meeting went. He had just single-handedly gotten one of the biggest merger for the company and this meant that his career was set. Draco entered the empty house and was instantly filled with sadness. It was unfortunate that he couldn't spend their anniversary together but there are going to be many others, right?

Draco decided to check up on Hermione - he missed her and his precious baby girl. He charged his phone and when the dead phone came to life, there was a voicemail from Hermione.

"Happy Anniversary, Draco and erm, we need to talk. Call me when you're free."

Hermione sounded so dejected and it pained him to hear the message. What could she have wanted to tell him?

Draco's heart constricted and absolute horror settled into his bones when he saw Hermione's ring on the vanity in their bedroom. Draco's mind raced as he thought of all the worst possibilities that could happen – has she had enough? He knew he hasn't been around lately and was him missing their anniversary this year been the last straw for her? Did she want to leave him? Bloody hell she was going to leave him wasn't she?

Draco needed to see her right away, "Father, I need to borrow the private jet. It's important."

All Hermione wanted to do was face-plant herself into the bed and sleep the vacation away. From confrontations to child rearing to saving Pansy from serving a jail sentence, she was exhausted. After putting Annabelle to bed, she plopped into bed and thought about calling Draco seeing as it was nearly midnight in Italy and their anniversary was going to be over. But, she was desperately in need of sleep and before she could pick up the phone, she fell asleep.

Hermione was drifting in and out of consciousness when she heard furious knocking on her door. What in the world? Hermione felt so disoriented but she got up to open it anyway.

"Quiet! You're going to wake my child," Hermione rubbed the sleep from her eyes, annoyed at the person who's knocking like a madman.

Hermione was instantly enveloped in a fierce hug and she panicked for a few seconds before relaxing into the man's embrace when she smelled the familiar scent that could only be her Draco.

"Draco?! What are you doing here?" Hermione asked in between the kisses.

"I got your message and I needed to see you right away. You sounded so upset and then I saw your ring on the vanity …" Draco stared his pleading eyes deep into Hermione's, "please don't leave me, I'm so sorry for missing our anniversary. I don't care how long it'll take for me to make it up to you, just say you'll stay."

It was only then that Hermione noticed the state Draco was in – disheveled, unkempt, messy and tired. It was very unlike the usual Draco whom is well put together.

"Draco, calm down." She ran her fingers through his hair, easing some of his tension, "I'm not leaving you."

"You're not? Then what the bloody hell was that voicemail about? You scared the crap out of me, woman! I saw the Malfoy ring on the vanity and I couldn't think straight anymore."

Something was amiss here.

"Hold on, I did misplace my ring but it was back at the Malfoy Manor. How did it end up at our house?" Hermione thought of the only possible explanation, "Narcissa."

"She could've just kept the ring with her till I collect it myself." Hermione mused.

"Knowing mother, she probably did it to make me feel guilty for missing our anniversary. She'd always been a romantic." Draco's cheeks went a little red, embarrassed at his hasty conclusion.

"Did she succeed in making you feel guilty?" Hermione teased.

"What do you think? I came here looking like this Hermione, like this!" Draco gestured at the state of his person.

"Oh stop being so dramatic you big baby," Hermione slapped his arms good-naturedly and pecked at Draco's lips.

"So it was all a big giant misunderstanding then?" Draco gave a small smile.

"Well … not quite." Draco's heart sank a little hearing Hermione saying that.

Hermione bit her lips, unsure of how to broach the subject up. She took a deep breath and ushered them both to the bed, she had a feeling they had to be seated for this.

Hermione wasn't known for her tact so she just went for it, "I want us to have another baby."

She looked worriedly at him and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Draco's ear splitting smile, "okay, whatever you want."

"It has to be whatever you want as well," Hermione was elated but she had to make sure that they were both on board with the idea.

Draco took Hermione's hand into his own and caressed them softly. Their eyes met and Draco fixed his intense gaze into Hermione's, "there's nothing more I would love than seeing you be the mother of my child, and in this case, children. I love you Hermione, you're my better half. You've given me Annabelle and I didn't know my heart could be so full till I saw her tiny little fingers. I swore you've never looked more beautiful than in that labour room. All I could think about on my way here was that I shouldn't take what we have for granted. I'm so sorry for missing our anniversary, Hermione. Please forgive me."

"Oh Draco," Hermione welled up and hugged him tight. She cradled his face in her palms, "of course I forgive you silly. I love you so much, I can't see a future without you in it."

Draco wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed her. They sat on the bed just soaking in the feel of one another until Hermione broke away with a grin, "you know technically, it's still our anniversary in London."

"Ah, there's my little know-it-all. Happy Anniversary, love." Draco gazed lovingly into Hermione's eyes.

Hermione did the same, "Happy Anniversary."

- . - . - . -

Breakfast was made awkward with the whispers of Aunt Maria and the ugly scene yesterday. It didn't take long for all of the Grangers to hear about it and the table was filled with gossip and fake pleasantries made about them.

Paula, Lizzy and Rita hated that almost everyone was giving them the stink eye. Usually, it was the other way around – they would be gossiping about the other Grangers. True, yesterday wasn't the best but in their defence, bad things happen to good people. Paula hated the way people were looking at them and needed to divert their attention to something else, or rather, someone else.

"Do something, they're all looking at us," Paula whispered to Rita.

"What do you want me to do? Yesterday was embarrassing. We'll never live it down," Rita moaned.

"Not if we give them something else to talk about," Paula looked at Rita and Lizzy.

"..You know, I actually might've something." Lizzy gave them both a sly grin, "gather round, girls."

- . - . - . -

Hermione's heart felt light and yesterday with Draco seemed like a dream. Nothing can bring her mood down today, not even those cows currently looking at her like the Cheshire cat.

"Hermione! We heard you had a man over last night," Rita said in a sing-song voice.

Here we go. Hermione can't help but roll her eyes.

There were gasps heard. Of course they had to confront her in front of every Granger in attendance.

"...yeah, I did."

More gasps.

Everyone's so dramatic.

"Hah!" Paula pointed at her, "It's time everyone knew the kind of person you really are."

"And that would be?" Hermione was picking at her nails, already bored.

"First you lied about being engaged because we didn't see any ring on you. Then, you went to create this fiancé of yours, whatshisname ... if he's even a real person and now entertaining a strange man in the middle of the night? What part of your life story is true, cousin?"

They looked like they had everything figured out, Hermione had to bite back a snort. Fools.

Hermione held up her hand and pointed to the ring that Draco had slipped on her sometime yesterday, "you mean this ring?"

"W-What? It wasn't there yesterday!" Lizzy shrieked.

"Elena! You were with us, tell them the truth," Paula demanded.

"I don't know what you're talking about, the ring had always been on her finger. Isn't that so, Danny?" Elena sent a wink down Hermione's way.

"Yeah, I remembered commenting on it," Danny happily played along.

Hermione watched as her evil cousins' faces contorted into frustration and anger. And yet they were so very smug a few seconds ago.

"Also, the stranger that was in my room yesterday, how did he look like?"

"He had blonde hair …tall and was wearing a suit."

"You mean him?" Hermione gestured to Draco, who was moving towards her as if he was walking down a runway.

"…Yeah…" Lizzy's face was filled with confusion. Why wasn't Hermione acting up? Why was she so calm?

Everybody's eyes were on Draco as he walked purposefully to them with a look of disdain etched on his face. Hermione looked down to the excitable girl wringing her hand from Hermione's grip and as soon as she broke away, she ran as fast as her tiny legs allowed to Draco, screaming.


Draco's face instantaneously changed and a wide smile appeared as he took Annabelle into his arms.

"Hey, baby girl." Draco cooed, making Annabelle laugh.

"Everyone, I would like to formally introduce my fiancé," Hermione made sure to make eye contact with her three cousins before pleasantly continuing to the rest of the family, "Draco Malfoy."

"Nice to finally meet everyone," Draco proceeded to use his pureblood upbringing that Narcissa had instilled in him to charm the socks off all of her relatives. It helped that he had a toddler in his arm to further help his cause to make a good first impression. No one was unaffected.

Draco went around the space making small talk to each individual and complimenting them. But when it came to her horrid cousins, he just stared up and down their person condescendingly before ignoring them. Hermione had never seen her cousins so affronted in her life. It was hilarious.

Draco had everyone eating out of his hand by the end of his little takeover, even the most obnoxious bunch. They were impressed that Draco could keep up with their business talks, etc. Hermione felt so proud of Draco and the fact that he's all hers.

Eventually, everyone settled down into their seats with her evil cousins excluded in a corner. Hermione mentally laughed, enjoying the fact that decades from now, the Grangers still will never forget Aunt Maria's and her children's embarrassing act.

With this, Hermione is now officially the Granger's poster child.

Draco whispered to Hermione's parents, "Do you mind if you take Annabelle with you back to London? Hermione and I will be extending our stay here."

"why of course dear, we'll be glad to do it." Nancy assured her future son-in-law.

"I called Blaise a while ago and got his approval for us to stay however long we want. Told my father that I'm going to be going on a break too. He's hardly going to refuse me considering I closed the merger for him," Draco explained before Hermione could ask.

Draco leaned close to Hermione's ear and said in a low voice, "can't wait to get started on making another sibling for our princess."

Hermione choked on the tea she was sipping and felt her ears and cheeks flushing with heat. After the initial embarrassment faded, Hermione relaxed and laughed at the turn of events.

She stroked Draco's cheeks gently and breathed a sigh of contentment, "best anniversary present, ever."

A/N: Alas, we've reached the end of a long oneshot. Please don't just fav this story, review as well!