Light supposed it was no surprise. Time and time again he had been on the boundary of being discovered. He had played the SPK making them believe that he was fully committed to stopping Kira, and played the Japanese Task Force making them believe he was honestly one of them. He had played Rem and made the Death God kill L and Watari. This whole saga had been but a game to Light. He was perfect, the most intelligent detective in Japan, and was to be the ruler of a world that the innocent of society deserved and the scum of society feared. He was Kira. He was God and yet he couldn't believe it. He couldn't understand it. This game… he had lost. It was incomprehensible to a superior being such as himself. He was a hundred steps ahead of Near, a metaphorical flight of stairs constantly separated himself and the child genius. And yet he had lost. How?

"If you can't win the game, if you can't solve the puzzle, you're just a loser." stated Near with a smile on his face. The child detective was obviously quite pleased with these recent turn of events. Not only had Light admitted he was Kira in front of all the SPK, and his task force, but there wasn't anywhere he could go. He would face trial and spend the rest of his time in jail. "Kira" wouldn't see light ever again if he had anything to say about it.

Light blinked in confusion his eyes clearly communicating his inability to comprehend. How? He was perfect, he had instructed Mikami exactly what he needed to for Light to succeed. A God such as himself didn't make mistakes. No… it wasn't Light's fault it was Mikami's, the fool had made a huge error. And now Light was facing the consequences for Mikami's blunder. A cold fury burned within Light with the passion of a raging fire. He couldn't believe it; his plans for a new world were gone. He had so much to accomplish, innumerable problems to fix. So many criminals were still out there! He had to cleanse the world of them. He had yet to fully purge evil from the world. He had yet to become God of the New World! His mind quickly calculated his chances of getting out of this problem. He didn't like his mind's answer.

Light lashed viciously towards Near "You stupid child you have ruined everything!"

He briefly considered resorting to using his scrap of the Death Note in his watch but quickly though better of it. His eyes warily observed Matsuda looking ready to draw his gun. No, Light would let this play out, he wasn't risking injury for a fool's gambit.

"You are not my better!" he screamed viciously at the teenager now smiling at him with childlike glee. He was Kira and he most certainly hadn't been outsmarted by a mere child!

Near cocked his head confused by the killer's words "What do you mean?" Near once again shook his head confused by the world's most dangerous criminal "I have beaten you Kira and thus I am obviously your better."

The child smiled once again at Japan's former brightest student. It was obvious that he was ecstatic about his victory. Finally after what was perhaps the most difficult puzzle he had every tackled he had put the pieces together and proven that Light Yagami was Kira. He briefly frowned considering the costs of this achievement. L, Matt, Mello, Raye Penber, Naomi Misora, Sochiro Yagami, and countless others had died as a result of Kira's machinations and scheming. However his smile quickly returned for now he had the killer where he wanted him. Light would be arrested and face lawful prosecution in a court of law. He would be tried, he would be sentenced and he would carry out that sentence in the world's most secure prison. Kira would never kill again and Light Yagami would live to regret his mistakes.

Light ground his teeth in frustration he could see it now, him in a court of law answering for his crimes. The only thing he was guilty of was protecting the innocent and cleansing the world. He was baptising it from its sins. He smiled at the prospect "Kira on Trial" now that would be the trial of the century. If he could get a competent Lawyer and manage to express himself he could either get himself declared innocent by a sympathetic jury or sent to jail and labelled a martyr. No, this wasn't the end of Kira. No this this wasn't victory for Near. This wasn't justice, for he was Kira and Kira is justice and justice always wins. With his plans firmly rooted into his head Light grinned at Near and raised his hands high in the air.

"Well come on L, I haven't got all day," Light smirked at Near "don't worry I don't have any tricks up my sleeve."

Regardless of his promises Light could see Near's trepidation about approaching the was understandable, a rapid mood swing such as this could easily be a forewarning of a trap.

Once again Light spoke "You see this is why you can never be L's successor" Light smiled as Near visibly bristled at the comment. Any sign of weakness from the child was enough for Light to exploit. "L wasn't a coward unlike you!"

This proved to be the straw that broke the camel's back as the young boy quickly ordered Light's arrest. Light could feel their gazes on his back and calmly met the stares of the SPK members whose aggression and hate of him was visible through their irises. He smiled at all of them. They were but sheep that had gone astray and he was the shepherd. Even Near could be redeemed. Each of them were evil for trying to destroy Kira and his justice and they would face punishment for their actions but Kira was a merciful God. He would allow all of them to live in the utopia of his making. Yes he could see it now all of them begging for forgiveness. However that was the future and this was the present. Light Yagami was a hard-working man and he most certainly would not be slacking off in his latest endeavour. After all he was creating a perfect world one step at a time.

Suddenly a burst of movement could be seen as several of the SPK members inspected Mikami's body. To their complete surprise the cadaver was moving. Mikami wasn't dead. Even though he had impaled himself with a ball point pen the man seemed to have survived and was still breathing.

The man's hand raised up futiley, and he seemed quite unaware of what was going on, and tried speaking although it came out as a hoarse whisper "God?"

Despite their intelligence for a brief moment the SPK were struck with indecisiveness. It would be so easy to finish the prosecutor now and no one would mention it again. However the SPK team still possessed mercy and kindness despite the trials that they had faced. They turned to Near for guidance.

L's true successor briefly pondered the consequences of Mikami's survival. He certainly would have to keep an eye on both of them. Not only did Light now have his most intelligent and fanatical accomplice by his side, but he also had an experienced criminal prosecutor on his side. This trial was shaping up to be more trouble than it was worth.

"Arrest Mikami as well, we have sufficient evidence to convict him as the Fourth Kira." Near ordered as the child inspected the fanatic. "Get him stabilised, we need him alive for the trial."

A certain Shinigami stood on a building overhead watching the SPK carry the handcuffed Kiras to a vehicle to be taken away. He briefly considered ending Light's life right then but after seeing Light's smile he thought better of it. Ryuk's eyes twinkled at the prospect of more entertainment.

"Humans" the Shinigami mused "always so interesting." He quickly scanned the area, he would find Light in a few moments but first he had more pressing concerns. There was a market nearby and that meant only one thing to the Shinigami.

"Apples!" the Death God shouted as he flew with the speed of a thousand gazelles towards the market. Light could wait, a Death God has his priorities.