Rapunzel awoke the next day to a ringing of metal, and saw several soldiers clad in armor with a sun emblazoned on their chest plates and swords drawn, pointing them at her. She looked at them cautiously, then the leader said, taking a step closer,

"Get up." She got up slowly, then when they lowered their swords slightly, she jerked her arms up, shooting them with beams of light. She shot out of the tunnel, running through the forest as fast as she could go.

She had been running for a good twenty minutes, when she slammed into someone.

"Whoa! Easy there." The person said, chuckling. Rapunzel looked up to see a strange looking boy, with white hair, a strange blue shirt, brown pants and a shepherd's crook in his hand. Rapunzel glanced at him again in confusion then said,

"Look I'm trying to get away from those soldiers. Can you help me?" The boy looked behind her to see the soldiers rushing through the forest with swords drawn. He nodded and took Rapunzel's hand.

"Just hold onto me, and we'll get you out of here." Rapunzel hesitantly put an arm around his shoulders, then to her shock and amazement, they lifted off the ground, shooting high above the sky. The boy took her to a huge field far away, and then set her down. Rapunzel took a step back, regaining her balance, then straightened her back. She lifted her chin slightly and said,

"Thank you for your assistance. I am Rapunzel. And you are?" The boy laughed and said, swinging his staff,

"Why so formal? Relax." Rapunzel sighed.

"Tell me your name." The boy glanced at her then replied, bowing,

"Jack Frost, at your service."
