I'm a little impatient so you guys are getting two chapters in one day… maybe even two more one-shots by the end of tomorrow.

Chapter 3

Gaara sat at his desk dutifully doing the paperwork required of his position. He came in later today but not by much. Through her talking last night he picked up that she enjoys jasmine tea and hot baths, even more so if bubbles are involved so he spent the time going to the market and purchasing a few things for her to enjoy herself while he is at work. The bath will hopefully help raise her spirits until he returns home for the day, if not he encouraged her to come see him at work.

"Lord Gaara," a shinobi guard came in the room.

"Yes, what is it," he looked up setting everything down as he noticed the concerned air around him.

"We have an intruder that just suddenly appeared in the village," he informed him.

"An intruder…" he got up following the shinobi out the door to where this intruder is.

Power came off him in waves until he reined in his visible red aura. Cold eyes looked around disinterestedly until one of the ones he knew would come had finally arrived. "Lord Sesshoumaru," he greeted, the council soon joining his side as a crowd gathered around to look at someone so otherworldly.

"Lord Gaara," he returned the respectful gesture and turned his eyes behind the crowd to the other he wanted to come as they ran up, worming their way through the crowd. "I trust you're now able to speak Priestess," he decided to rile her up a little.

She looked up at him with a small frown, "Thousands of years and you still call me by title rather than by name," she fought off pouting, "and yes, thanks to you and Tenseiga I am fully healed, thank you. I'm guessing you are here for that visit Gaara had notified me of." Many took not to her informal usage of his name and the way his eyes flicked her way looking a little happy about it.

"Yes and it was a small thing since I had been in your debt. I never thought something could ever put a stop to that mouth of yours," he provoked her into giving him a scowl. "There is more to this visit as well that I will reveal now," he brought a singular hand up making several tense but she remained as curious as Gaara since neither deems him a threat. With a snap a black hole appeared above them and shot out someone else making them hit the ground behind him.

"Oh so now you release me, did you get enough amusement now you sadist," came a mouthy unfamiliar voice.

"Not yet," he replied making them grumble before looking around.

"Wait, you mean you have finally let me come see her," the voice sounding surprised with its silky undertones.

He shifted to glare behind him, "She is right before me fox, use your nose or do you need to go through the basics of training if you are going to act like an insolent whelp," he threatened, those who could see the other male noticed he had paled considerably not wanting to go through this training again that he mentioned.

"Sesshoumaru, who is it you brought with you," she asked curiously, her eyes trying to see around his armored form as she ignored the slight glare she gained for not calling him Lord Sesshoumaru.

She could make out footsteps crunching the dirt beneath their feet as another tall figure emerged with long auburn hair and sharp teal eyes. "Have you even aged," they looked her over seeing how similar she looked to when he had last seen her.

"She has yet to be here a full year, in fact Kagome, happy birthday, I believe you are 18 today, isn't that right," he added in, never missing a detail but she clearly had as her eyes looked stunned at the knowledge.

"Kagome," the auburn haired male stepped forward having long, soft hair held up in a teal tie and four tails behind him swaying in an excited motion.

"Sh-Shippo," she questioned looking at him, the characteristics and species giving a good clue to who is in front of her. Before she could blink he was upon her lifting her up in a crushing hug, "Ugh, Shippo I'm human remember," she managed out with the breath knocked out of her.

"I'm so glad to see you again," he told her, "you were like a second Mother to me during those years," he admitted and Gaara felt his eyes soften, this was the fox kit she'd had a hand in raising after he was left orphaned. Now they have been reunited. Setting her down with a serious look, "I would have come sooner if the old dog would have let me, Ouch!" A green whip struck him in the back as reprimand, "Heh, but you see he wouldn't let me. He just kept beating me to a bloody pulp so I couldn't escape before throwing me into his version of an isolation chamber so blame him that I wasn't here sooner because you can count on the fact I would have been the first to see you."

"Watch your mouth fox or I will take you to task right here," he warned, "You're not the kit she coddled in the past."

"Hey I did not coddle him," she defended.

He "hn'ed," clearly disagreeing with her. "You were far too lenient on him, he gained certain behaviors from the Monk and InuYasha, this equated to a headache for me when he came searching for someone he knew could keep him alive and train him until he is strong enough to be on his own and survive until we found where you disappeared to."

"Certain behaviors," she turned an eye on Shippo thinking it over, "I suppose he is still mouthy…"

"Hey, not you too Kagome! You always used to take my side," he looked at her feigning hurt.

"You're now pulling a look customary to Miroku," she smiled a little and then her face grew scary, a look that had never been directed towards him before, "but if I find out you have taken on some of his other habits it will be me taking you to task," she promised.

"Uh Kagome," he whined pitifully as Sesshoumaru watched the interaction.

"He is quite the ladies' man," he informed her getting a quick glare from Shippo.

"Really now, I find that interesting," she watched Shippo pale and back up a few steps still knowing what that look could lead to. She looked them both over with a critical eye as she took in the changes they have both undergone and then her eyes caught the large spherical pommel extending out from the hilt and she backed up feeling the evil sword give off the evil aura full of malice directed towards her as the sphere glowed.

Gaara stepped forward, placing his hands in a comforting manner on her shoulders, "What is it?"

"Priestess," Sesshoumaru lifted his aura, easily suppressing the sword into submission much to its chagrin.

"You have all four swords… but how," she looked at him trying to quell her lingering fear of that terrifying sword.

"I'm sure you know InuYasha has passed on by now, he was only a half demon. By his will the Tetsuiga became mine to keep it in the family. So'unga found a way back from Hell seeking your blood first but you were not around and I easily took control of him before it could possess anyone. So long as it is in my possession it will never cause the chaos of before, you should be able to expect that from me," he looked at her as if slighted.

"Lord Gaara, we should take care of these demons while we have the chance," said Joseki in a hushed manner, unaware the demons can hear them perfectly well.

He gave him a stern look, "These are her allies, guests of the village not an enemy," he stated firmly. "My orders were not followed either that the guards are aware of Lord Sesshoumaru being welcomed here," he looked around at his council not happy.

"We should not be associating with the likes of them and what does it say about a priestess that would openly do so in front of everyone," he pressed showing a growing disdain, "they are demons, beasts, it is all in their name. You wouldn't doom the village just to appease her," he challenged the Kazekage catching looks from those who could hear.

Kagome was growing mad, she looked ticked off and the two demons knew she is now like a ticking time bomb on their hands but they had become used to it a long time ago. Gaara replied loud enough others could hear, unaware of how angry she is but could feel her tense up, "I was once considered a monster by the entire village and you were part of the very council my Father had when he was in my position as leader helping him to help him govern the village and ordering assassination attempts on me. Are you incapable of seeing the mistakes of the past," he countered with his piercing gaze. "They have never shown an ounce of hostility and I have a feeling they are both far more powerful than you can imagine. Take them on, I dare you to see what you are up against if they are both up to what is most likely a small challenge if they would even consider it that," he fed him the bait. "I will do nothing against them so long as they remain on good terms and I give them permission to visit since they will likely do so regardless and no one would even know they are here unless they decided to let you."

"Lord Gaara how could you stand here defending them when they are intruders to the village, true demons," he pressed growing agitated.

Facing growing red she spun around and got right in his face, surprising Gaara when she began showing this side of her, "Who gives you the right to cast such judgements over another species or another living being?! Are you blind or something?! If Lord Sesshoumaru wanted to he could have destroyed this village with probably one swipe of his sword and you never would have even known where it had come from. They are my allies, the little bit I have left of my former life, I will not stand hearing someone be so bias and shallow in thoughts trying to plan an attack that they can easily hear. Their senses are far superior to yours; I doubt there is a person here who could take Lord Sesshoumaru on and definitely no one that would come out victorious. -,"

"That is enough Priestess, let him try, in fact anyone who would like to can take me on is welcomed. I will revive anyone I kill but don't test me a second time, Tenseiga only brings the dead back once," he informed them.

"I would join but I don't think Kagome would enjoy how I like to play with my prey," he gave a deadly smirk as he looked at the man Kagome was just yelling at.

"I am glad though to see you have not become some spineless wench, I had wondered if you were ever going to get to the tongue lashing you often gave out back then," he watched as the Kazekage pulled her away from Joseki, the very same one trying to make a tool out of her. "I will however not tolerate your council members trying to turn her into a tool for the village, sending her into dangerous missions just to secure the lives of the others that she is not responsible for. Should I ever find out of such she will be gone and I will never let her return no matter how long or high she screams at me," he caught the entire council's attention but didn't faze Gaara the least bit that he had obviously been spying on them.

Pulling her into his arms, not caring for the threat to take her from him he replied, "I have no plans of such and refuse to allow it. She is already in agreement that the life of a shinobi is not the one for her. Do you wish to go through with the challenge? I would prefer no one dies, gets critically injured, or destruction to the village."

"This would be hardly a thing for me, those who dare may come at me when they are ready," he looked bored causing Kagome to sigh at his arrogance. "As for you fox, do as you wish, she is not innocent to the darkness found in others."

"Yes but I was a kit back then," he pulled a leaf out and placed it on his head. With a 'pop' he was the small adorable kit she had once held causing a few girls to coo over him. Jumping up into Kagome's welcoming arms he snuggled up to her like he used to.

Turning around she turned excited eyes on Gaara, "See, wasn't he just so adorable?" She beamed up at him as she held Shippo out for his inspection.

"I would have to agree," he stated, feeling a bit warm at the knowledge she most likely would have been his one true friend had they met as kids.

In his childhood voice Shippo said, "Only Kagome could look at a demon like myself and call them cute back in those days," he stated proudly.

"Enough foolishness fox, you are no longer a kit," Sesshoumaru looked at him with irritation flashing in his eyes at the foxes antics and knowing he has an ulterior motive in place.

With an exaggerated sigh he hopped out of her arms regretfully and transformed back to his correct age, returning to his Lord's side. "Can we hurry up then, I really want to show Kagome what I got her for her birthday and all the other ones," he grew antsy.

"Anyone who wishes can go up against them, all others stand back," Gaara ordered out. A few murmurs went through the crowd, the demons could easily pick up that they were primarily just interested out of curiosity rather than any disgust. A few of the woman stepped forward eager to fight such handsome males in their opinions.

Several finally stepped forward and Goza commented towards Joseki, "What, you are not going to put your own life in there after all of the fuss you made?"

"With that amount to go up against them I shouldn't have to," he tried to play it off.

"Start when ready," Gaara refereed, choosing to be a spectator as he had no interest in fighting today or in his robes. He could see Kagome frowning, clearly not enjoying the fact the two are going to be fighting against his shinobi. He wound an arm around her midsection, pulling her back against him as he watched them start with attacking Shippo first and he began thinking of what to get Kagome as a present or cook for dinner.

Shippo held a flirty smile as he easily defended himself against a few women; his preference for human women had never left him, most likely an influence by being with Kagome and Sango. "I would be open to having a few drinks with you ladies at a later date," he made them blush and let out his pheromones making them fall into his charms easier as he continued to dodge their attacks. "Sorry ladies but I don't want to hurt you so you will have to just fall for me," he gave the instruction and all three collapsed into his arms passed out. Moving them off to the sidelines he went back out into the designated area for the challenge, watching as Sesshoumaru used his master swordsmanship skills to easily deflect the attacks, looking more like he is performing some sword dance rather than actually defending himself from attacks. "Show off " he muttered as he waited for any more challengers.

"I don't see you taking this seriously fox," he quipped back.

"Hey I have three challengers passed out over there, what does that say about you dog," he gave a smart reply; barely missing the kunai Sesshoumaru snatched from the hand of one and sent his way.

He couldn't be seen for all of three seconds but suddenly all fifteen attackers collapsed with an easy chop to their pressure points. "I have fifteen down," the silent challenge issued between the two of them.

"I accept your challenge," he looked irritated before he gave a mischievous smile and pulling out a leaf as he stood in front of Sesshoumaru he looked at the final challengers. He disappeared from their view as he took down six with not a sound and Sesshoumaru used his speed to take down another seven before they both reappeared in their former positions.

"I am still far ahead of you," he said arrogantly.

With a scowl towards him he returned to looking at the final twelve and grew mischievous once again, "Fine then watch this," he grinned making several nervous. "What should I pull from my bag of tricks…" he hummed until his eyes lit up. With a jump in the air his speed disguised him for a few seconds as he landed right in front of Kagome and Gaara, giving them a wink before grabbing something pink from a sack tied around his waist. With a little fox magic he turned the ground beneath them into a pink sticky substance, "Bubbalicious gum, remember it Kagome," he looked at her with a twinkle in his eye and disappeared from sight once again and reappeared in front of the shinobi weaving his fox magic around them making them fall under his illusion playing off of their fears as they turned pale white giving off screams and unable to break it like they could a genjutsu. By the time it faded they were passed out in an upright manner. "Ha! See that!"

"I still win," he said unmoved, "I took down 22, you only did 21," he looked at him arrogantly while flicking some dirt out from beneath his claws.

"Ugh! Anyone else want to challenge me so I can at least tie with him?!" He cast his eyes out into the crowd and landed them on Joseki, "How about you? Why not back up your talk and come face me or are you a coward in your old age," he taunted him.

"Shippo! You're sounding just like InuYasha now!" She scolded him for such talk.

"Now you defend him," Gaara spoke to her.

"I have a strong sense of justice and a moral code," she began to reply, "When I write a book on it I will be sure to hand you one," she gave the sassy reply making him highly amused as he smiled and kissed the side of her head.

Not seeing any give into the fox's antics as he turned puppy dog eyes on a few before looking like he is about to beg them into doing his bidding, though amused he drew it to a close, "If no one else wishes to challenge them then I am calling this over," he waited for a minute and cast his eyes around. "Lord Sesshoumaru, Shippo, you're welcomed to stay and join us in my home. I will be happy to have you as guests," he invited them.

Suddenly a figure was flying at them from within a tornado before launching in front of the two males. "You two bastards, how dare you keep my woman from me," he growled at them before he sniffed the air a few times and turned stunned electric blue eyes over his shoulder, the long bound black hair whipping around as he turned to see her. "Kagome, it really is you," he approached, completely ignoring the one holding her as he connected eyes with her own stormy surprised orbs.

"Koga," she said in disbelief as she looked at him, appearing to be a male in his mid-twenties now.

"Wolf," Sesshoumaru growled feeling suddenly testy towards the new male.

"It truly is, you look no different than the last time I had seen you," he said as he kept walking towards her surprised as he took in her features.

"Nine months is not a very long time for me to change," she lightly said, knowing it had only been that long since she has seen them.

"If I had known those dog shits were treating you unfairly I would have taken you away immediately," he seriously told her, having found out long ago that she had eventually been hurt by them both. Sesshoumaru's growl grew in volume, not getting through to the thickheaded wolf.

"This must be Koga, the wolf Myouga had spoken about," he looked over the male, catching his attention for the first time and how familiar he is being with Kagome.

"Get your hands off my woman," he growled out.

Not impressed he didn't even bother getting defensive or jealous since he felt certain that this is a one-way claim, Sesshoumaru looked ready to tear into the wolf, and Shippo did not seem pleased as well. "He can join as well so long as he causes no problems," completely ignoring the hostility aimed towards him.

"Really," she replied looking up at him, relaxing in his hold when it became clear that Gaara has remained levelheaded instead of taking Koga's claim as a threat or anything.

Shippo decided to add his thoughts into things, "Koga, are you really going to be so obsessive? We had good reason to keep her from you since you are quite the womanizer and there is no way I will ever let you have her," he became protective of her.

"None of them were her you stupid fox," he said as if it was obvious. "Kagome is my woman, I laid claim to her a long time ago and you know it Shippo!"

"Yeah, you announced it just because she risked her life to save mine and I remember she smacked you in refusal. When InuYasha and the rest of us came to save her from her kidnapper, you, it was then shouted out once again before you went on to be defeated by a damn bird and only because Kagome has a strong sense of morals did InuYasha not tear into your sorry hide. Trust me, I remember clearly but you clearly have selective memory," he sneered at him.

He turned around instantly aggravated, "Why you runt! I will show you selective memory! I came by plenty of times bearing gifts and saving her when InuYasha failed!"

"Oh yeah I remember one, you offered to bring her Naraku's head to her several times and apologized several times for not doing so. How very romantic and thoughtful of you, just what a young girl wants," he mocked him.

Growling he yelled, "He was a mutual enemy, why wouldn't she want his head as a token of my affection?!"

Not being able to hold it in any longer Shippo roared with laughter at the wolf, "Yeah, maybe for a demon or some evil chick! Here Kagome, I love you so much I brought you a dead guy's head to prove it to you, oh no! Please don't barf! Just hold it in a little longer," he chortled with his little take on what would have happened. "Did you not remember she came from the 21st century, not the Stone Age?! A bouquet of flowers, romantic date, night under the stars, or I recall the lunar rainbow where you promised Ayame that you would take her as your woman."

"So Gaara," Kagome said, "this is a bit like what life for me was often like but Shippo is much older so the guys can't pick on him like they used to. You should have seen the antics between him and InuYasha, though frustrating for me I know it must have looked quite funny to the rest of them if not boring after a while."

"I can see that," he replied, watching the commotion and taking in the information coming out of their mouths. "How did you ever put a stop to it," he asked, seeing that this could take a while.

"Oh that was simple," she replied, "I had subjugation beads on InuYasha, whenever I said 'sit', or yelled it for that matter, he would face plant the ground often making a crater. Depending on how angry I was at the time determined how deep it went or how many times I said it. He easily incited my temper and quite often too," she supplied as they watched them.

"Maybe you should get some on the wolf," he suggested making her giggle. "Being it is your birthday is there anything on your mind that you would like?"

"Not really, the idea of having them over as guests is enough for me, the best present I can think of," she smiled up at him as she lost track of the argument going on between Shippo and Koga, preferring to lock eyes with him to convey her gratitude.

"They are welcome to visit though I am not happy with the wolf's claims. So long as he doesn't do anything he can come and go as he pleases," his words met the ears of the others turning furious blue eyes on him.

"And what can you do to stop me human," he growled at him. "I thought I said to get your hands off of my woman," he began to advance towards them receiving two pairs of growls as aqua orbs narrowed at him fractionally. He was just within grabbing range, a clawed hand coming out to rip Gaara's arm off of Kagome when a swirl of leaves was suddenly next to them with a woman of orange hair and green eyes suddenly smacking Koga with a thick frying pan. He fell backwards as Gaara had already grabbed a foot with his sand to stop his approach.

"You idiot!" She screamed down at him, "When will you ever get over this 'my woman' business?" She fumed down at him, "You were supposed to be sparring with your son but you ditched him you worthless piece of wolf hide! Leave Kagome alone, she has clearly refused you enough times!"

"Ayame," Kagome questioned, looking at the familiar wolf in front of her.

Turning a bright smile her way she said, "Kagome, it has been a long time but obviously some people," she cast a glare towards the fallen wolf, "never change. So how have you been," she asked in a friendly manner having come to respect the human female before her a long time ago.

"I'm doing well, I am feeling even happier to see another familiar face," she smile in return.

"I'm sorry to break it to you but I'm dragging him back so you can enjoy your time with the others but this definitely won't be the last you see of me," she winked her way.

"Wait, Koga," Kagome looked down seeing him instantly alert as she addressed him. "If you have a son doesn't it mean you are already with someone, like Ayame here," she frowned looking displeased at him.

"No no it's not like that Kagome I swear!" He rapidly waved his hands.

"Actually I refused to marry him, we did our duties to the pack but it didn't go beyond there, I found myself un-attracted to him after he remained so thickheaded," Ayame explained to her.

He got up and made a grab for Kagome, Gaara raised his sand up to block him a vicious snarl came out and Koga was suddenly slammed into the ground making it shake as Sesshoumaru glared down at him with red leaking into his eyes. "You may not like it wolf but I am Alpha here, one more attempt at the Priestess I will rip your throat out," he growled down to him, golden eyes clashing with blue.

"Get the fuck off of me you damn dog," he brought out the Goraishi and swiped at his legs causing Gaara to protect several of his villagers with his sand as a frown appeared on his face immediately for the lack of care he had with his aim.

"Kagome, stay here," he let her go and stepped forward, Sesshoumaru seeing that the wolf managed to bring the Kazekage into action. "You dare to toss attacks around so aimlessly, having little respect for the lives around you, the very lives I protect."

Koga turned towards him, seeing how he now stood protectively in front Kagome and challenging him. "I could care less who you are," he spat out.

"Then you have made a bad judgement in doing so. I may have been initially fine with Lord Sesshoumaru handling matters until you nearly claimed the lives of my people who have done nothing to you," he appeared calm but those who know him also know he is highly protective of others. "I will give you one chance to correct that error only for Kagome's sake before I decide to show you why I am the Kazekage of this village," he kept an eye out for any sign of Sesshoumaru taking offense but it would seem he understood that the wolf has overstepped his bounds on another's territory.

"I would listen to him if I were you," Shippo said, "he is far stronger than the rest of them and you still have Lord Sesshoumaru to deal with," he reminded him.

"I am not apologizing to some male who had his hands on my woman and I could care less about your fucking Lord," he said aggressively, inciting another growl from the demon lord.

Ayame joined Kagome behind Gaara, "Now he is in for it," she sighed. "I guess I will be literally dragging him back," she realized.

"Ayame, shouldn't we do something," Kagome looked worried about how angry the dog demon is.

"Kagome, you should know by now that demons, in fact men in general are quite non-tolerant towards a male they deem a threat. Your man looks as if he will at least leave him with a good reminder but Lord Sesshoumaru gave him a direct order to not leave the demon realm and he did the second he realized they found you. They don't want him around you because they don't feel he deserves you, in fact Lord Sesshoumaru has been keeping an eye on this Kazekage to judge his worth since he is actually quite fiercely protective of you," she informed the stunned woman.

"Wow, I didn't know Lord Sesshoumaru cared that much," Kagome suddenly said as she really looked at the female wolf, "You really haven't aged much," she complimented.

"I know right, demon genes," she said with a grin before looking around. "I have got to say Kagome, they have some rather cute men here and I hear they are not just ordinary humans but shinobi with some power called chakra," she gave one a flirtatious look. "Is it true they can make clones," she looked over at her.

Looking at Ayame as she looked real interested in the answer she shrugged her shoulders, "Yeah, I mean I don't know if everyone can but they tried teaching me how to make my own but the chakra was sealed at that time."

"How about you give it a shot now," she encouraged looking curious to how it is done.

Tapping her chin in thought she tried to remember how, "Well I think it went something like this," she tried focusing her chakra and started doing a couple hand signs when a large hand stopped her.

"I doubt you want to accidentally attack Gaara should you be wrong," Kankuro surfaced from behind them. Looking sheepish she nodded at him. "Let me show you and her instead," he did the signs for the version of the clone jutsu they use, suddenly having two of him in front of them. The other clone responded, "There is many versions of the clone jutsu and unless they are only taijutsu users then yes they can all use it since it is one of the tests in the academy."

"So who would you be," Ayame asked with a mysterious smile.

Looking over at the new woman he said, "I am Kankuro, Gaara's older brother and I heard Kagome say you're Ayame?"

"That would be me," she looked at him with a certain look in her eyes that Kagome was unsure of. "Maybe sometime you could show me what else you can do," she suggested making him blush as he caught her meaning.

Kagome blinked at them still too innocent to realize what was really going on, "Well why not now, I don't think either of you really need to be too concerned about the guys. I will step in before anything all that bad happens," she suggested.

Kankuro coughed, looking at Kagome as he realized she really is that innocent still to honestly know that Ayame is more or less looking for a good romp, not a talent show in the way she is thinking. "I feel it is best I remain here by you while Gaara is confronting that other guy who is being deemed a threat to you and the village," he stated though he cast a look at Ayame, seeing her try to hide a coy smile.

"Kagome, you are still so innocent, I can even smell it coming off of you. Hasn't this guy finally turned you into a woman, I mean really, if it wasn't for it being so obvious that you two are together I would have wanted a piece of that candy," she made Kagome and Kankuro sputter, her face going quite red as she gaped at the other female pointing in shock as she finally caught on to everything. "Oh, whoops," they both caught her as she passed out from the lack of oxygen and realized Gaara is now looking at them from over his shoulder, having clearly heard the whole conversation going on right behind him.

"I have better things to do than stand here all day with you wolf," he refused to call him by name, finding him far too disrespectful of Kagome to think about giving him any courtesies.

"Give me my woman and I will be out of your hair," he countered back with a cocky smirk.

"Wrong answer," he calmly replied and said, "Kagome is with me by choice, she will most likely be my future wife. I have given the others permission to visit her as they please but if you do not back down I will consider you a threat, make your choice and make it quick."

"I will not let some puny human have her," he shouted at him in his anger.

"Very well," he simply said. Before Koga could even finish his first stride as he charged at him Gaara had manipulated the sand to do his bidding, getting a firm hold of him as he captured him within a sphere, preparing to bury him underground until he passes out but the Goraishi aided his escape. Not fazed he simply hit him with the sand to toss him in the air, wrapping it around his ankle and whipping him into the ground without even moving from his spot.

Sesshoumaru watched, the Kazekage had his arms folded, controlling the sand by his will it would seem. He is certainly different from the others; this is not something even he could do. The male has continued to look very secure and levelheaded, his mind showing some of his battle prowess and ability to be flexible against opponents of unknown strength. Normally he would have demanded to deal with the wolf on his own but this will help him gauge how the Kazekage is in battle and would react towards other suitors, especially those who are making wild claims that Kagome never accepted. She has received no backlash from him, no jealous or insecure vibes, and he doesn't plan on killing the wolf because he does not want to upset her.

"You know Koga, today is Kagome's 18th birthday and you're being a big douche bag," Shippo looked at him as he was being dragged along the ground, his claws making deep gouges in the sand.

"I could give her a birthday present by making her my mate tonight if that fucker would give up," he growled, feeling the sand tighten as Gaara caught the sexual meaning to his words. Swiping his claws in the same attack, Gaara was near furious since Kagome is behind him as well as villagers, he quickly made a wall of sand with a few hand signs then jumped on top of it as the attack faded.

Narrowing his eyes he looked down at the wolf, "How could you say you deserve her when you just sent an attack right in her direction," his eyes taking on a more angry look. "Yet again you sent an attack that would hurt the bystanders, I can see why none of them wanted you to come here, you are a danger to my village and not allowed to set foot inside these borders," he passed his judgement on him. "It is time to be rid of you so I can do something more worth my time," his eyes connected with Sesshoumaru's, a hidden message passing through them.

"You have got to be kidding, you think you are good enough for her," Koga evaded his sand as he broke free, preparing to attack again.

"I respect her enough that if she turns me away because she loves another I would not proceed to be like you. She is capable of choosing her own path and knowing what her heart desires, the choice will always be hers when it comes to me," he stated, acknowledging Kagome as being her own person and one that is free to make her own decisions, not be pushed and domineered into things. Gathering his sand in a surprise attack he managed to stab him with several spikes in his limbs before wrapping the sand around his midsection and tossing him high into the air. Sesshoumaru made his move, forming a black hole in the sky and kicking the wolf into his isolation chamber then landing on the ground to face Gaara. "Would you join us for a celebratory dinner at my home," he invited once more.

"I accept the invitation," he then turned his eyes towards Shippo. "Clean up your mess," he demanded, referring to the bubblegum, "and release the women."

"Yeah yeah," he shot a flame of green fire at the goo, releasing the shinobi as it ate away but did not harm them and then turning around to go by the women. "Release," he commanded.

Gaara turned around and picked up Kagome, "Kankuro, Ayame, will you two join us as well," he invited them. Getting an affirmative from the both of them before he quickly led them across the village to his home, letting Kagome lie on the couch as he headed upstairs to change and make a clone to go back out and get her a few presents while he remained to entertain the guests and begin making something for dinner. As he entered the downstairs he realized he had never asked, "Do either of you have a preference when it comes to food?"

"I will be only having tea since I do not eat human food," Sesshoumaru informed him, not insulting the Kazekage in the slightest.

"I got used to human food a long time ago so I'm sure I will eat anything you make," Shippo said.

"I will give it a try," Ayame replied to him.

"Tea please," said a small voice from his shoulder.

"Myouga, I had not been aware you were around again," he looked down at the tiny flea demon, "you may stay."

"Thank you Lord Gaara," he replied looking up at him.

"Yeah, Myouga is a coward; he tends to stay away from any area that is unsafe. It used to be quite funny when Kagome and I would realize he disappeared meaning it was no longer safe wherever we are and start to panic. Those were some good days running for our lives," Shippo gave a small laugh as he remembered them clearly. Gaara casted an amused glance at the pouting flea before turning to his brother getting a shrug as his eyes went back to the female wolf demon.

"I will get started on dinner then, make your selves comfortable," he disappeared into the kitchen looking around in his cupboards and running ideas through his mind quickly as he took stock of what he has to offer.

"You know Gaara," Kankuro walked in, "I don't recall you ever cooking for someone else before, are you sure you are up to the task of feeding all of us?"

"I made miso soup for Kagome last night and she seemed to enjoy it well enough," he commented while he kept busy pulling out ingredients. "I don't feel cooking is all that hard of a task, I will just have to multiply the number of servings and dishes to ensure there is enough to go around."

"Want some help at least," he offered.

Looking over the ingredients he said, "I am planning to make sukiyaki, gyoza, white rice, oden, tsukemono, buy sand dango's, and tea."

"You already planned that far ahead; man I didn't know you were so quick at this. Well I will go buy the dangos quick and come back to help. Need any ingredients while I am out," he asked just to be sure.

"More beef and eggs couldn't hurt along with whatever their preference is for tea," he quickly replied already getting started as he brought out the different utensils and cookware.

"Okay, be back shortly," he began to walk out, quickly joined by Ayame who gave him a coy smile causing him to blush.

Shippo rolled his eyes but changed into his small fox form and cuddled up to Kagome while Sesshoumaru entered the kitchen, sitting down at the table as he noticed that Myouga remained on Gaara's shoulder watching him cook and chatting away as he shared a few old battle stories that he was most likely not around for. This Lord Gaara seemed to be of the more humble sort and instead of displaying arrogance he just appeared confident in his own quiet way. The male appears to have a good influence on those around him including the Priestess. Many females had gushed over him in admiration but he showed no sign of hearing them even though he is certain he did but it still pointed towards him only having eyes for the Priestess. He verbalized that he considers Kagome as being with him and that he wants her for a wife in the future while also showing respect that it is her choice should she choose to or not and he will respect her decision. Hearing a break in the conversation he asked, "How long have you been the Kazekage, you look young in human years?"

Looking at him for a moment from the corner of his eyes he replied, "Since I was fifteen, the position was empty for three years until they appointed me for some reason. I am twenty now," he informed the demon lord. "Where do you rule," he asked.

"I rule the majority of the demon realm we created to get away from the pollution humans of the past were causing. The wars were just as annoying," he commented. "In the Feudal Era I became the Lord of the West, after Kagome left I extended my control to most of the East to keep watch over the well and her family. Among the demons I am still the ruler here in their eyes even though I was not actively guarding anything but that well," he shared with him.

"Kagome would most likely find it interesting to hear of what you have done while she was gone. I find it interesting to hear that demons have created their own realm, was the pollution truly that bad back then," he asked, looking for a possible history lesson.

"Yes, I guess you could say it could give one a migraine easily from the sound and the increase in noise. Her shrine was located in InuYasha's forest so it made it easier for us to be around there as it stood on a high hilltop away from downtown Tokyo. She had a very caring family, we didn't enjoy breaking the news to them when it became clear that she should have come through the well by then yet never did." He shared, knowing this Kazekage has a curiosity where it pertains to Kagome, the Priestess he felt he should be protective of after he had been harsh in the past. Time can change a person and though he is still a cold and arrogant being he had thawed some thanks to Rin and others, including the fox.

Gaara was a little surprised that the demon lord is suddenly in a chatty mood so taking the chance he responded in a similar way as he continued to prepare the food. Sesshoumaru easily told him of his first experiences with Kagome when she was only freshly fifteen standing up against a full-fledged demon with no regard to her own health as she continued to do so time and again regardless of what InuYasha would say or do. It was easy to picture her that way, as Sesshoumaru decided he could never really figure out if she was really that brave or just dense. As those days and weeks turned into a few months he had grown a grudging respect for her, coming to her aid on a few occasions even if he didn't really mean to. It had grown to such a high respect more than he could care for when she taught him of the future and in a decision of pure stubbornness he had decided to cast her from his side to prove he doesn't need her valuable information and can make it without her help. A few days later he had spotted her looking lonely on a hillside as he came to the village to see Rin and ignored the Priestess, scoffing at what he considered a weakness but he had no idea that his actions would be the ones to send her wanting to go home for a good long while but instead never made it and never returned, the Priestess went missing and he was partial to blame.

When he finally lived to see her time and get an answer to why she never returned, he watched as she went in and out of that well, how stressed she was on both sides and the pain of being in a love triangle caused her. That was when he felt forced to recognize her truly as someone deserving of his respect. Time after time she made trips through that well as she grew older but it was on this side they could see just how vulnerable she was and it only grew worse after it became clear that InuYasha had cast her from his side. Her sixteenth birthday came and she was already traveling with Sesshoumaru, no longer jeopardizing her schoolwork and attendance with the quest complete, she seemed eager to go back once again. He watched how much effort she really put into teaching him what she knows while taking on her own studies, trying to understand them. Another year passed and she was soon in a new grade turning seventeen and he began counting the days knowing that it was only a few months after that birthday that she never returned and her absence in all of their lives was felt. That day he had seen her on the hill, the last time he had seen her before she disappeared was seared into his mind over these centuries that passed and now he will get his answer and confront her for that mistake, which is exactly what he planned on doing. She waved goodbye to her mom once again, in a rush to meet him at the younger Goshinboku tree in the past, he felt certain that this is when he cast her from his side as well. The days ticked by to three and not a single one of them left, a fourth, a fifth, sixth, seventh, and then the days just kept on going with her not returning, her family looking at the well in concern after she missed a whole week of school. She had never returned home either, she was gone.

With that knowledge the guilt had really set in as they gained a real good perspective on her double life and everything she ever did for him and the effort it took to do it as well. They had simply used her and tossed her away, that is what it would appear in her eyes or any others if they didn't know how they really felt when making those decisions. Shippo looked heartbroken all over again as he was refused being able to reunite with the woman he had looked at as a Mother. They all remained hopeful that she might return, just thrust into a new journey in another era where she will eventually be able to return home and restock supplies but as her Grandfather passed away, then her Mother, and Brother, it became clear she never returned here either and they were given the shrine so they might hopefully be around the day she returned through that well and didn't feel lost with everyone gone. He put an enchantment on the well to notify him when it was used once more so they may continue on with their lives as it became a painful memory knowing she is in some other era or something with absolutely no one. He had even found a way to find out if her soul ever passes on to the netherworld and becomes reincarnated but neither happened and he couldn't get the well to open up just in case she might be trapped in that passage of time.

By the time the well finally signaled that someone had passed through, thousands of years later, he almost thought he had had imagined it while visiting another Lord with important business. When he was finally able to cross dimensions and make his way to it he found no one except a scent that he could have sworn was hers but by that point, any direction she may have traveled was covered and the area seemed frequented by other humans. Instead of telling the others he kept it to himself, occasionally searching around the desert to make sure she wasn't out there dying somewhere as he made sure his third way to keep tabs on her possible arrival, strong spiritual powers, her pure power that he had to admit is quite formidable but for months nothing happened. In yet another meeting the alarm buzzed on the other side of his mansion, he took off without a care to the other dimension but when he arrived it had already passed making him growl and clench his fists at how irritating and tedious this has turned out to be. He would have to wait a few more days before he was given another chance and was lucky enough that Myouga had been in that dimension and pointed him towards the desert village full of shinobi. With his barrier he had gone around finding noticeable damage done, hearing the talk of what had happened and growing irritated he found she was gone once again, he even found where she rested but she fled from the village, it was his first tip that something was wrong with her.

He rested in her abandoned remnants of the apartment she once slept in, determined to remain in this era as Myouga joined him. In the wee hours of the morning a couple days later he thought he could smell her scent but wasn't sure as he watched what felt like a powerful shinobi fly into the village on his sand carrying someone as they immediately went straight to the hospital. With little else to do he continued to wait, occasionally leaving for short periods to take care of his body and then he returned with the alarm blazing once again. He could just barely feel it when he returned before it was suddenly just snuffed out, it came from the direction of the hospital and as he spotted a figure the following night sitting next to the bed, the very same one who used the sand to fly and is considered the leader here, he could see it was a female most likely on the bed with long black locks but that was it. The next night he returned with Myouga and had him make his way through the place until he found that room. When he finally pulsed his aura he felt deeply satisfied they had finally found her until he found she is in complete agony, he could read it in her eyes that she is in pain while this male remained by her side protectively, willing to take him on should the need arise and he could feel that determination within the very sand scattered in the room. It got his attention, he had originally planned on finding her and taking her straight to his realm where he would look after her but it would seem she had already created a life here in this village and this male appears to want to keep her there as well. So he decided by the time he left that night, if that male is stepping up to the plate he will keep a close eye on him to ensure she will be in good hands instead of the often arrogant or brash ones in the past. As it goes right now as he watched this male create this celebratory dinner inviting them as guests, minus the wolf since he could care less that he is no longer allowed here, he is doing quite well even with mistakes. He easily acknowledged them when he noticed them and apologized, he kept a level head in everything so far, calls her by name ensuring she knows he recognizes her as an individual, and has no problem standing up to protect her. It all created this sensible man who already knows his feelings for her, making sure she knows, and even publicly stated his want to take her as his wife if she will have him later on; it was everything she ever needed in a man.

Gaara was told most of everything that occurred in the hunt for Kagome; feeling moved that this demon lord felt strong enough to go to these lengths so they can finally know what happened to her and repay her for all of her kindness. It gave him a great look into where others went wrong and how that accumulated into the Kagome that was brought tired and weak from the lack of water and food out in the desert and hurt that her one passage home would not let her through. He could only hope Kagome would understand his reasoning for keeping the wolf away; he could not endanger her and the village just for the sake of an old friend when even the others didn't want him coming by her. As the demon lord gave him the insight to what took place from his view he felt the respect he had only given him due to title and what he did for Kagome become real respect in knowing his actions now are for her benefit, even spying on that meeting and anything else, so he must be doing well in his eyes since Kagome is still here resting on the couch he assumed when really she had woken up and listened silently.

His brother finally made it in and helped to finish the rest of the dinner and setting the table up for him. Kagome held Shippo in his small fox form for a few more minutes until it was finally time she got up and joined the rest of them in the kitchen. Shippo transformed, letting out a yawn as he stretched and followed right behind her. The food smelled good, it was clear to him that Gaara must be able to cook, it was certainly different to see that a guy did all of this instead of Kagome, she must really appreciate the fact he went through all of this work for her and the people she knows. At this point he has no problem with Kagome staying here if she is going to clearly be treated this well by the male pursuing her, he just needs to know if she feels the same since that is the tiebreaker in his opinion.

That dinner was simply amazing in Kagome's opinion as she gave Gaara appreciative glances and tangled her fingers with his underneath the table for a minute before she passed a dish over to Shippo. Everyone had relaxed in the atmosphere and it would seem Gaara and Sesshoumaru actually grew to mutually respect the other as they often spoke about things, primarily what it is like for Sesshoumaru to rule over most of the demon realm and Gaara to be a young ruler here over the shinobi of the sand. She has a good feeling he will be around often and not just to see her as they did look like they are really enjoying that talk. Shippo on the other hand was mercilessly picking on Kankuro of all people and Ayame was only making it worse, she was quick to try and tune that conversation out as she instead spoke with Myouga to learn more of what happened to everyone, hearing how everyone seemed to have had a happy ending to some extent. It was simply a nice meal, one she is glad that happened because it was the best birthday gift she could receive. Gaara had made a toast in honor of her birthday and being reunited with those that are left. It was truly a good day.

"Hey Kagome," Shippo called her when she had a lull in conversation with Myouga. "Since you are done eating I thought it might be a good time to finally give you what I have for your birthday and all the other ones I watched."

"Shippo, you really didn't have to, this is the greatest gift right here," she told him but he shook his head.

"Nuh uh, this may be great and all but Gaara, I am about to top you," Shippo said with an air of confidence.

"Since I know that nature of the gifts you have and the others, I think some should be left last," Sesshoumaru said.

Frowning as he thought about what he said he replied, "Fine fine, a few of them will just have to be given all together as the last presents."

"Me first," Ayame said excitedly as she suddenly held a package out for her.

Gaara stood, "We should go out to the living room then so she has room," he suggested, offering her a hand up.

Kagome sat down in the middle of the couch with Gaara while the others took to the chairs or loveseat. Opening it up she found a beautiful comb with an iris on it and the jewelry to go with it, "Wow Ayame it is beautiful," she said.

"That isn't all, it can be deadly too, let me show you," she grabbed the comb first, showing her how to activate the hidden dagger. "I know about the shinobi in the past, the kunoichi often wore their weapons in plain sight, you can use the necklace for strangulation or something, it won't break and the big petal charm opens up to where you could keep poison or rouge, see?"

"You really put some thought into this, thank you Ayame," she hugged her as Gaara looked at them curiously thinking about speaking with the female wolf demon later about other ideas where he might be able to incorporate it with his own shinobi.

"Lord Sesshoumaru has my gift to you Lady Kagome," Myouga informed her since it really would be hard for him to carry anything she would be able to see easily.

"Kagome," he addressed her by name, pulling a smile to her lips, "I have a kimono to go with it, I'm having a ball, you two are both invited so I hope you do me the honor of wearing it for the occasion along with her gifts," handed her a package, watching her open it and reveal the same iris in the design of the kimono, it was simply breathtaking with the white background and light purple obi.

"You both have really good taste, I'm glad I have something to wear it to. Thank you Lord Sesshoumaru," she smiled up at him and found him holding out the package from Myouga.

"You should read it later Lady Kagome, it is a book that myself and the others created for you. Everyone, including your family has written in it and Shippo even put his humorous pictures in there." Myouga informed her.

Opening it up she looked at the leather bound book before opening to look at a few pages as tears began to come to her eyes, "Thank you," she quietly said as she looked at the pages upon pages of writing and pictures in there.

"Hey, I was told to hold off on some of the gifts so she doesn't cry," Shippo said in protest. "Well I have a lot for you; you can consider it a massive time capsule I put together with the help of everyone back in the Feudal Era and your family. I'm just warning you it is a lot," he informed them as he created a black hole and with his fox magic several items began to come forth, most of them she recognized as she held her hands up to her mouth. "They have given it all for you to hold and cherish in memory of them," Shippo told her as she watched him put Sango's demon slayer outfit, gear, and weapons out, Miroku's staff and prayer beads, Souta's soccer ball, her Mother's photo albums and favorite tea set, her Grandfather's family heirlooms, priestess robes from Kaede, sutras from Miroku, her old worn yellow bag holding her bow, a quiver of arrows and stuffed with ramen, she could only assume it to be from InuYasha, along with the subjugation beads draped out of it. She could just barely make out the robes of the fire rat in there as well. A few trophies of Souta's, her baby blanket, a Shikon no Tama keychain, the kimono her mother made her, baby book, Buyo's collar, and so much more she felt speechless. "So now that you are thousands of years in the future you can still have quite a bit from both of your homes to help you feel at home here in the new era. I was able to basically freeze it with magic to keep everything in good order so it would be just like yesterday when they handed it to me, so I at least can still smell their scents on it all."

She ended up in tears, trying to hold them in as she looked at all of the touching gifts. She wasn't allowed to think on it long when howling could be heard outside and Ayame stood right up listening to it, "Lord Sesshoumaru, it is Koga, he escaped and brought the pack to hunt down where Kagome went. It is going to be a blood bath if someone doesn't put a stop to this," she looked worried as she watched him fluidly stand up and begin to head out.

"I will take care of this once and for all, I am sorry about the problems Lord Gaara," he apologized for the wolf's actions being he does reside in his territory. The door flung open and before Koga could even step right in he was met with a fist to his chest knocking him away. Gaara stood up with Kagome, getting annoyed by this wolf as Kagome asked him what is going on. "Kagome," Sesshoumaru looked right at her with no room for her to argue, "Koga overstepped his bounds and now he is considered a threat to the village, if you try to get involved I will throw you in your own isolation chamber." He stepped out into the fading light, his silvery hair catching the rays. Gaara held her firmly to him as they too exited the place with the others as they stood around them and Koga faced off with Sesshoumaru. "Your obsession with Kagome had best end here tonight wolf, she will never be yours, and I will never allow you to have her. Should you invade once again I will not come to stop him from killing your sorry hide and if he doesn't do it I will be hard pressed to stop from doing so myself," he gave the clear warning. "Ayame, take care of the pack before something more happens," he instructed, watching her step away and call out to the pack. "You know as well as I do that I have the ability to send you straight to Hell wolf," he reminded. With a few growls they clashed, turning into a bloody fury of claws and blood, all of which is Koga's as Sesshoumaru made it clear he can dance circles around him. When Koga began to sprout fur he kicked him in the air, using the boa he used it to sling him across the village to the top of the valley. Growling his red aura leaked out as his eyes turned red with blue sclera, fangs lengthening with his jaw giving Gaara and Kankuro the chance to see a real demon transformation. His energy shot around until leaping into the air was a massive dog, twice the size of the tailed beasts if not a bit more. Taking to the air he caught the also massive wolf demon with his jaws, tossing him beyond the village into the desert where he can take care of him there.

The massive canines had guards and the council rushing to his home, seeing him depart to oversee this battle among such massive forms. Sesshoumaru dwarfed Koga with his much larger form, the rumbles from their bodies going across the village as they snarled at one another. It didn't last long, Sesshoumaru was literally wiping the desert with his bloody body and Kagome began to struggle in Gaara's grasp wanting to stop the blood fest.

"Kagome, he is not going to kill him," Shippo informed her. "We are demons and he is our Lord whether Koga will accept it or not. He was given direct orders, given warnings but he crossed the line. Unless you want to find yourself mated to Koga instead of living happily with Lord Gaara then I would let the two Lords handle things or you will not enjoy the outcome because if Koga mates you, by force most likely, Lord Sesshoumaru will slaughter him if not give him a tortuous death. He is doing this for your benefit to allow you to choose your own path, if you step in now that will only say to Koga you are accepting him and I doubt you want that," Shippo looked down at her with a serious look knowing very well how often she got involved in the fights of others.

She understood but she doesn't like it, she bit her lip with tears glistening in her eyes. Sesshoumaru leaped on to Koga, gripping his neck hard in an effort to force him to submit. She turned away, burrowing her head into Gaara as he held her there with a hand on her head and another rubbing her back as he continued to watch them unaffected by the blood seeping into the sand. The wolf passed out he noticed before submitting and with plenty of his people around to witness the strength of Lord Sesshoumaru and the one who dared to go against both of them, it should be clear now that not even another demon is a match for him.

Ayame arrived next to them, seeing the end of what happened. "That idiot, I hope Kazak doesn't go easy on him tomorrow," she mumbled looking as he turned back into his humanoid form and Sesshoumaru into his. "Don't let this ruin your night Kagome, he will be mostly healed by the time the sun comes up here," she assured her.

Sesshoumaru tossed him back into a black hole that led to his dungeons to ensure he doesn't get out this time. His guards will know what to do. "Kagome, I am sorry the day has gone this way but the wolf will indeed live and this is for the best, he is not someone I want you associating with for your safety. I will return soon to visit and speak of the ball, enjoy the rest of your evening," he turned around and went straight into the black hole to ensure that the wolf is well taken care of.

"I'm going to go out on the prowl, see what all is going on around the human world these days, I will be back soon," Shippo said, giving Kagome a big hug before he took off leaving her in Gaara's capable hands.

"I think I will be retiring for the day as well Gaara, thank you for the meal and happy birthday Kagome," Kankuro said.

"Goodnight Kagome, enjoy your selves," she winked her way as she left with Kankuro to flirt with him.

"Bye you guys," she waved to all of them.

Looking down at Kagome he gathered up his sand to head back home. "I still haven't given you my gifts," he said to her, making her a bit surprised.

"You made dinner and invited them over giving me a memorable night, what else could you possibly give me," she asked as she looked up at him, seeing he obviously had something in mind. "Gaara," she gave a small pout as he merely smiled knowing she really wants to know what he is up to.

Heading in he was quick to make a clone to clear the table while he grabbed one of the presents he has for her. "Go ahead and sit," he said to her, ushering her over to the couch. "First Kagome," he caught her attention, "I want to give you this," he handed her a box with a simple blue ribbon holding it shut. Allowing her to open it and reveal the golden bracelet with aqua jewels and a house key to his home attached to a simple blue leather chord. He took the bracelet out as she went quiet, "Kagome," he opened it up as she held her wrist out, "will you be my girlfriend," he closed it around her wrist and pulled out the key, "and stay here with me and make this place your home as well and continue to make me happy to look forward to coming home like I have been since I brought you here?"

Her stormy eyes looked into aqua ones as it had never occurred to her that he might have been lonely living here, having little to return to other than food and shelter. 'He really wants me here,' she came to realize, the thought of turning into a nuisance faded as she smiled. Smiling, she told him, "Yes, I really want to. I -," she smiled looking down at his hand holding the key as she clasped it between her own as a dusting of pink crossed her cheeks, "I have been falling in love with you too Gaara, for a while now," she looked into eyes seeing his soft feelings for her as they moved in for a kiss to share.

"I still have more," he informed her as he picked her up and headed up the stairs, turning lights off as he went. Setting her down on her feet in front of the closet he showed her the clothing he bought for her since all of her belongings were scattered several days ago, and turning her towards the bed she could see the massage oils, hear the water fountain, and smell the incense.

"Gaara, but how… you didn't even know about my birthday until a few hours ago," she looked at the candles lit around the room as he used the sand to turn off the lights.

"I'm a shinobi Kagome, I can be in more than one place at once," he reminded her as he brought the lobe of her ear into his mouth to suck on and slowly ease her into the mood. "I love you enough to pull out any ace up my sleeve to ensure I can give you a very memorable day and I want to make you happy and keep you happy as much as possible but most of all I want to always be here for you through it all." He kissed down her neck feeling her give him easier access as her arms wrapped around his neck behind her as she leaned on him, submitting to his ministrations. His hands disappeared under her shirt feeling the bare skin there as he rubbed his hands up and down her sides. "Let me give you a massage, you can decide what clothes come off," his husky voice ghosted over the shell of her ear as she let out small moans.

Pulling her arms down she turned to press the front of their bodies together, nipping and lightly sucking at his bottom lip before she pulled her top off and then tugged at his. With a chaste kiss he pulled his top off revealing the mesh armor before he pulled that off as well and began pushing her backwards to the bed with his lips hungrily feasting on hers while she undid her bra and he quickly discarded it. Hooking her thumbs into her shorts she pushed them down, stumbling to get out of them. Her hands greeted the flesh of his bare torso as they ran down to where she could push his down. Helping her out he undid the hidden buttons and kicked them off, his feet soon touching what was the last garment that had been covering her rear. Her knees came to the edge, hands resting on his final garment as his slid down the naked flesh of hers. He lifted her up on to the bed to lie sprawled out before him as he slowly made his way smoothing a hand up her leg, over her torso and through the valley of her breasts as his eyes soaked in the vision she made with the candlelight playing soft, romantic tones over her body. Leaning down he captured her lips for a lingering kiss before he instructed her to lay on her front and relax. He picked which oil to use and looked at her glorious backside with her hair splayed out, hands almost itching to grab her pert butt, so smooth and round.

Setting the oil down he sat over her back and began rubbing the temples… slowly he eased his way across her forehead… he ran his fingers through her hair applying a downward pressure and made his way across her head as she fell deeper into the sensations with the soothing sound of the water running and the smell of roses in the room from the incense. His fingers glided back up one more time and he kissed her ears and moved his hands back down to where he stroked her back as he moved to hover over her butt and pour oil in his left hand, rubbing his hands together to warm it up then went back to firm long strokes to cover her back with it before he smoothed his hands to go back up to her shoulders, kneading them as she sighed. Working a few knots he pushed his thumbs over it, rotating in a steady motion to ease it away and move on to the next. He pushed his hands to rub up her slender neck before sliding down her back as he pressed a kiss to the middle of her neck continuing to convey his love for her. His hands rested on her lower back where he pressed down to increase the blood flow and loosen her muscles then went back to kneading the area, looking at her shiny skin, glistening as the flames from the candles made it glow.

Spreading his hands out, they glided across her skin as he worked his way back up to her shoulders and smoothed them down her arms, rubbing them in even movements mimicking one another. As he moved further down he let his hands settle on her butt, caressing the skin and massaged it in circular movements as he steadily applied more pressure while he covered the area and moved to her right cheek, kneading it, creating a roll of skin with his thumbs and pushing up as she moaned. He repeated the same movements over on the left and slid off the bed as he kissed each one, hands trailing down the backs of her thighs, down to her calves before sliding them back up as he continued stroking the flesh, adding more oil as he went along then focused on her feet.

Climbing back on to the bed he kissed his way up her spine and gave her a light hug, "Turn over," his voice smoothly coming out, just enough for her to come out of the daze he put her in. As her body rolled over he was graced with the view of her bare front side once again. Pressing a soft kiss to her lips he pulled away before it got heated, leaving her desiring for more as his hands cupped her breasts giving them a squeeze. Watching for any signs of discomfort he continued on rubbing both at first drawing breathy moans from her pink lips while her core grew heated, seeing her wet them as they grew dry. Moving from right to left he changed to focusing on one boob at a time until he was satisfied with the attention they both received and gently squeezed them together. Lowering his mouth to a dusty pink nipple he suckled from it and squeezed the other breast, rubbing and sucking at the same time before he switched.

She began arching her back, her moans coming out a little louder as he continued to lavish her with his attention; she could feel her body become wet in the juncture of her thighs. "Gaara," she moaned, catching his eyes looking up at her as he sucked on a nipple and pulled away, hands guiding her legs to bend as he crawled backwards maintaining that eye contact as he lowered his mouth licked up across her clit making her shudder as her muscles contracted. Taking another long lick she dug her fingers into the mattress. He grabbed a pillow, lifting her bottom off the mattress as he slid it underneath, propping her pelvis up as he wrapped his arms around her legs and descended again as his tongue stroked her with firm movements tasting the fluids that have already dribbled out. He guided his sand to slither across her body doing circles around her thighs as it made its way to pressing against her breasts while he made a figure eight motion with his tongue feeling her hips lift, pressing against his mouth to create more contact. He changed to a more side to side motion as she began writhing beneath him; increasing the pressure he brought a hand into the action, pinching her pearl lightly as his tongue entered her moist heat, flicking it along the walls as she began to go crazy with need, twisting the bed sheets as she moaned loudly wanting more. His tongue caressed her insides as he continued to taste her until he finally pulled out, replacing the muscle with his finger instead as he lightly chewed and suck on her folds, her back arching and pressing more into him as he played with her breasts using the sand, watching them move and be squeezed as she tossed her head back and forth. "Please Gaara more," she pleaded and was rewarded with him adding a second finger into her tight heat. "More," she said again and he nipped her pearl feeling her tremble, "Ah," she gasped out and clenched her walls. "Gaara," she whined in need of him.

He dismissed the sand back to the gourd as he climbed up her body, his slick fingers pulling out to play with her clit again. His soft eyes looked down into hers as he studied her face wanting to remember this night forever, a night that he was able to erase any and all pain for a few hours. He could see the bracelet shining in the dim lighting as it lay still upon her wrist and grabbed it, pulling it up for his inspection as her stormy eyes watched him massage her hand and kiss the underside of her wrist. "You're so beautiful to me," he spoke gently, making sure he sounds sincere in his words.

"Gaara, I want to make love tonight," she said in response, catching his attention as he softly nodded and let his lips descend on hers, his hand leaving those southern lips as he rocked his body against hers. Her hands grabbed hold of his remaining article of clothing, pushing it down and releasing his erection as he kicked the material off.

"Only if you're completely sure," he told her as he nuzzled her cheek.

"I am, I want to be with you this way, know it was you I had my first time with," she gazed into his eyes before lifting up to meet his lips, the touch of his head against her lips caused her to spread her legs wider.

"I would rather be your only," he returned the kiss increasing the fervor as he positioned himself at her entrance through touch alone, wanting to distract her as he slowly pushed in for the first time, hearing small sounds of pain coming from her. He pushed until he broke her barrier and was deeply seated within, kissing and licking away her tears away as he held their lower bodies still. "Shh, the pain will pass," he reassured her and ran a hand through her locks, repeating the head massage to comfort her as her lips took comfort with his. The tension in her body slowly melted away as his caring actions helped ease away the pain. With much care and watchful eyes he rocked his erection in her taking short strokes until he was certain she no longer had any pain from him being inside her. Pressing his body against hers he used the muscles from his lower body to glide up and down her cavern as her hands gripped him, feeling his body as they brought forth pleasure to share in the presence of their love. They both began moaning, his turning more into grunts as she spurred him on to give her more, telling him she can handle more. Their bodies both became slick from the oil and the heat their bodies created as the flames to the candles flickered and Gaara had finally stopped holding back, the chakra in his body helping him to maintain the pace that had her toes curling and him climbing his way to an orgasm. She clung to him desperately as she felt like she is coming undone, her walls clenching as her muscles had spasms. She tossed her head back as her back arched, a scream-like moan coming from her mouth as her body erupted under the pressure. He rode out her orgasm feeling his own being forced out of him under the delicious feel of her walls sending tremors through his cock. His lips pressed against hers as he felt the sperm shoot out, her hands pulling him to deepen the kiss a moment longer and pulled back, staring deeply into each other's eyes and knew right then that their futures are cemented together. She will someday be his wife just like he will someday be her husband and together they will be the medicine that each other needs to live a happy life.

This chapter was a bit of an experiment and since I read through feeling a bit dispassionate today, might be since I am tired and stressed, I'm not quite certain if I am happy with it so I will let you guys be the judge. Another couple stories are coming out; one called Personal damnation and the other will probably be Miscommunication Blunder, both one-shots though the former will be lengthy.