AN: OK, so I know I have no business writing a new story, but I couldn't make the thoughts leave my head! I had to put them out there! As always, if this gets hits and reviews, I will continue as a story but right now, I'm on break and already missing Scandal….HAHA

TFTH and TBS are still in the works. I know where I wanna go, but I'm still tryna map out how I'm gonna get there.

This story should be a little softer-if I continue. Also, I wanted to try out the POV aspect of the story so it's fully understood how the characters felt at this time. There is NO Mellie, Jake, ECT…I LOVE Bellamy Young in real life as an actress/singer, but I despise Mellie on Scandal so….Yeah….

As Always, if you like this story, please leave a review!

Happy Reading!



"Ma, I told you I'm fine."

"You can say that, but it still doesn't negate the fact that you have been through a traumatic experience and have yet to recover. I worry about my only daughter."

"Um, it was a divorce, not a natural disaster and just because I haven't found another man doesn't mean I haven't recovered."


Olivia Pope made her way through the supermarket scanning the isles as she listened to her mother go on and on in her ear about her recent ex-husband. She purposely walked down each and every isle looking and occasionally picking up any and everything she saw. Not only did her new apartment need to be furnished and stocked with food, but it had been years since she was able to eat whatever she wanted, thanks to her very overbearing ex-husband, Edison. While he didn't exactly call her fat, he deeply expressed his concern for her eating habits and being the easy going woman she was at that time, she didn't want to disappoint him by not fitting in to his image.

Currently, Captain Crunch cereal, Ore Ida French fries, and Dr. Pepper were at the forefront of her buggy.

"I can hear your poor eating choices running around in your head, girl. Enjoying yourself?" Angela Pope laughed at her daughter and her antics. At 26 years old, food was STILL her latest and greatest obsession.

"You know it!" Olivia laughed as she dropped a pint of Moose track Ice Cream in her cart.

Olivia's phone chimed, signaling she had an alert; she had set a reminder to not forget the popcorn. Before she could look at it, her mother's booming voice caught her off guard.

"Olivia, are you listening to me?" Angela asked.

"Yeah mommy, I'm here. I'm just-"Olivia didn't lie; she was listening at least half way, right up until she heard the ear piercing scream of what sounded like a newborn child. Rounding the walkway to the next isle, she spotted the culprit of her now ringing eardrums; a man pushing a buggy with what appeared to be a newborn baby boy in his arms wailing for help and another child who appeared to be approximately 18 months or so. The baby girl in the buggy was quietly playing with her crooked Pippy Longstocking braids and the man seemed deep in thought as he stared at his newborn sidekick. The baby, on the other hand, came off as quite upset.

"Good Lord, what on earth is all that noise? Is something wrong over there?" Angela asked.

"Mom, I'm gonna have to call you back." Olivia didn't wait for her mother's consent as she quickly found the end button on the Bluetooth headset that rested on her neck. As she approached the man, she found her heart breaking for him. He seemed so lost and the mother was absolutely on where in sight. He was holding a small pack of diapers in one hand and unsuccessfully cooing what appeared to be his upset son in the other. The look on his face told a story of loneliness and heartbreak and he looked to be on the verge of tears. Olivia couldn't help herself. Her heart strings were already being pulled because of the void deep down that she had never had any children of her own and out of reflex, she immediately walked up to the man and placed her hand on the child's blue cap.

"You have to cradle his head more." Olivia said as she raised the child's head ever so gently and the child began to quiet down. The man finally looked at Olivia and what she saw made her almost forget to breathe.

His crystal blue eyes told a story she was sure would break her heart if she thought about it long enough.

The man appeared to be in a trance as he stared at the brown beauty standing about a foot shorter than him. The crying baby had been reduced to a squirming whining baby within a matter of seconds and to say he was amazed was a huge understatement.

"I, uh…thank you." The man released a huge breath Olivia was sure he didn't even know he was holding as the child finally calmed down, easing the tension in the store.

"You're welcome." Olivia smiled at him. She too was in a trance until she felt tiny fingers climbing up the back of her arm. She turned around and saw a matching set of crystal blues outlined by a strikingly beautiful face and those pretty brown braids.

"Puuuurrrtttyyyy!" the little angel in the buggy said as she reached for the glittery handle on Olivia's purse.

"Well, aren't you a cutie! What's your name?" Olivia spoke to the child.

"Kawen. What's yoors?" The little girl asked. Olivia felt like she had immediately fell in love.

"Olivia." She smiled.

"Liibeeyaa." The little girl smiled. Olivia touched her cheek while turning back to the handsome stranger she was certain hadn't taken his eyes off of her.

Finally coming to his senses, the man shook his head slightly and placed the diapers back on the shelf to extend his hand.

"Fitzgerald. Grant. But, uh, you can call me Fitz." He stuttered.

"Fitz. Well, it's nice to meet you, Fitz. I'm-"Before she could finish her statement, he left her utterly speechless.

"Breathtaking." He said.

Olivia felt herself getting lost in this man. It was like he was staring directly at her soul, and this caused her to put up her GO-TO guard: Humor.

"Well my friends call me Olivia, but thanks." She smiled.


Fitz thought he was doing pretty good so far today. He had already fed, bathed, and clothed both children and was getting ready to go out, all while avoiding any major meltdowns on his end. Still tired from moving into his new Townhouse, he knew he had to keep up his own strength in order to continue to be there for his children. Karen, who was almost 18 months old, and Gerry, who was a mere 5 weeks old today, needed him at his best.

First stop: Get food.

Fitz had made his way around the supermarket pretty smoothly today. His daughter sat in the shopping card quietly, only saying something or expressing her concern if a woman attempted to approach her daddy. It was hard for Fitz not to laugh at Karen; The women in this store were absolutely thirsty, falling all over him, swooning over his children, and about 3 sentences in, asking him for his contact information and if he was single. He knew deep down that they were probably turned on by the image of a good father, but all he wanted to do was shop in peace and quiet.

As he made his way down the diaper isle, Gerry became upset. The child began to cry so loudly so abruptly, Fitz was certain something was hurting him.

"Come on, Buddy. What's the matter?" Fitz tried to console his son. He lifted him out of the car seat he had secured at the top of the buggy and began to rock back and forth. After about 30 seconds and half a store of ugly stares, he began to panic.

It had only been about 5 weeks since his life changed. 5 weeks that his now deceased spouse had convinced the doctor to induce her early. 5 weeks since she went into the hospital and attempted natural birth. 5 weeks since she suffered complications due to inducing early and sudden eclampsia. 5 weeks since he had to accompany his only 2 children to their mother's funeral before they even knew who she was. It had actually been a bit longer since he decided he didn't deserve to be in the awful sham of a marriage and told her he was fine with divorcing and co-parenting with her.

Everything that had happened in the last month and a half still had Fitz' head swimming, but nothing prepared him for the ebony beauty that glided down the baby isle and soothed his rather upset son in a matter of seconds. He immediately felt his pants become tighter as he stared into the most beautiful set of cappuccino eyes he had ever seen. Karen had even taken to her, which made Fitz raise his eyebrows as the astonishing woman turned her attention to his princess and then back to him. Now, as he watched her walk side by side with him, he found himself feeling giddy. He all of a sudden wanted to know everything there was to know about her.

As they walked down the aisle together, Fitz forced his thoughts to steer away from another type isle and noticed her food choices and smiled to himself.

"So, craving junk food?" Fitz asked with a sideways smile on his face.

Olivia eyed her cart and gave him back a mischievous smile. "Actually, I just really had some weird cravings lately and decided I would fill them. I just moved into a new townhome and aside from red wine and popcorn, my kitchen is bare."

Why do I wanna tell him all this, She thought…?

"I know the feeling. I just recently moved into a new townhome as well. My soon to be ex-wife passed away giving birth to my newborn son, here.

Why on earth did I just share that? Talk about baggage, Fitz thought.

They continued down the aisle, coming up on something on a higher up shelf. Olivia tried desperately to reach the item, and Fitz watched as she failed miserably and resulted to jumping to retrieve the item. Just then, Gerry decided he needed to exercise his freedom to cry right again and began to wail as loudly as the first time.

In a moment of confidence, Olivia reached her hand out for the newborn and spoke softly to Fitz, "Will you get that for me while I see what's wrong with him?" She asked as she took the child right out of his arms.

Fitz seemed frozen as he took the sight before him. Seeing Olivia holding his son felt so… RIGHT. He wanted nothing more than to see this every day and took a moment to commit this to memory in case he never saw her again.

After retrieval of the item on the top shelf, Fitz turned back around and found Olivia bouncing from one foot the other gently as she seemingly soothed the infant in a matter of seconds. He felt a slight amount of guilt over feeling the attraction he felt to her, but he couldn't, no- WOULDN'T, allow her to get away. She was by far the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and as he watched her interact with Karen and keep Gerry calmer than he had been in weeks at the same time, he felt his heart expand to a place it hadn't been in a long time.

He had experienced love at first sight.

AN: SO? Whatcha' think? I LOVE this story already! Please review! IF you guys like it, I'll go as long as I can on it.