
5 years after Katie's story began

To say that Katie's life had changed significantly since she showed up at the McCord's door was an understatement. She had become a McCord, met her future husband, started working at the white house, had a child, and had another one on the way.

"Did you figure out how you're going to tell Elizabeth you're pregnant?" Blake asked his wife, looking over at her.

"Not exactly. She almost fainted the first time we told her so I'm a little worried." Katie laughed, smiling as they pulled up to the house.

Elizabeth and Henry had retired a year ago and moved back to Virginia, bored out of their minds. As much as they complained about their previous jobs, Katie always knew they would miss it once they left.

Katie got out of the car quickly and went into the back seat, getting her two year old out of his car seat. She placed him on the ground and smiled when she saw him running towards Elizabeth.

"There's my Danny boy!" Elizabeth said excitedly, scooping him up in her arms. "I've missed my little buddy." She said, kissing his cheek.

"You saw him last week." Katie smirked at her. Ever since her aunt and uncle retired, Katie had been visited more often by them. She didn't mind though. She missed them living in D.C.

She passed the toddler to Henry and went over to Blake, hugging him tightly "And there is my other favorite."

"You see she forgets about me every time I bring you two around." Katie laughed, shaking her head.

Elizabeth glared at her niece and went over to hug her, "Be quiet." She said, holding onto her a little tighter than usual. "Are you ok?" She whispered, running a hand over her hair.

Katie nodded and sighed softly, "I will be. How about you?"

Elizabeth pulled back and kissed her forehead quickly, "I'm fine, just worried about you."

It had been 5 years since Katie lost her mom and Elizabeth lost her sister. It had become somewhat of a tradition to have dinner on the day and celebrate her life. It usually ended with Katie and Elizabeth taking a walk, sorting out their emotions about the day.

Katie looked over at Henry and smiled, "Don't think I forgot about you!" She said, walking over to her uncle and hugging him tightly with Danny squished in the middle. "You think that's funny don't you?" She said as the toddler laugher loudly.

They all walked into the house together and Katie ran over to her cousins in the kitchen, she had missed living with all of them the most. They had become the siblings she never had and while they were all still close, it wasn't the same as when they all lived under the same roof.

"I heard someone made the dean's list at my old school…" Katie teased Jason, ruffling his hair.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. You all just doubted my brilliance all along." He remarked back, going to sit on the couch.

Katie shook her head and looked at Stevie, raising her eyebrows at her "We need to talk." She mouthed, hoping her aunt didn't see them. Lucky for her she was busy playing with Danny.

She smiled when Alison stood next to her and ran her hand over her long dark hair, "And you…I can't believe you're going to be 21 soon." She smirked, "Want me to take you out?"

"No way!" Elizabeth called from the other room, bringing Danny back to where everyone else was. "You are never allowed to go out alone with her." Elizabeth teased, kissing Alison's cheek.

Katie feigned shock and placed her hand on her chest, "I've changed Aunt Bess. I am married and have a child now."

"And I saw you last year at the white house Christmas party…that college girl is still in there." Elizabeth said, tapping Katie's nose.

"She's right." Blake said, wrapping his arm around Katie.

"Not funny." She glared at him, wrapping her arms around his middle.

"And that's why he's my favorite." Elizabeth teased, ruffling Blake's hair.

After dinner Katie pulled Stevie into the office and smiled at her, "I'm pregnant." She whispered, hoping that no one was around to hear them.

"You're what!?" Stevie said loudly, prompting Katie to place her hand over Stevie's mouth.

"You heard me. Now keep it down, no one knows but you and Blake."

"Sorry." Stevie said in a more hushed tone, "Was this planned? You never mentioned another baby."

Katie cleared her throat and shook her head, "I mean we've talked about more kids but we didn't think it would happen this soon. I'm just trying to figure out how to tell Aunt Bess since the last time didn't go so well. I almost gave her a heart attack."

Stevie laughed and nodded at the memory, "Why don't you just tell her when you go on your walk with her later. I'm sure she'll take it better this time."

"Hey guys! I was looking for you two." Elizabeth yelled when she found her niece and daughter.

Katie jumped and looked behind her, "You scared the crap out of me."

"Ready for our walk?" Elizabeth asked, handing Katie her coat.

She nodded and slid it on quickly, following her aunt outside. They walked down the road in silence. Neither of them knowing what to say. This day was always difficult for both of them and brought back a lot of good and bad memories.

"Has this anniversary been the worst for you?" Katie asked, looking over at her aunt. "I'm not sure why but everything just hit me hard today."

Elizabeth sighed and linked her arm with her niece's, "It has been the worst. I thought I would be ok but I woke up crying and I don't think I stopped until about lunch time."

Katie nodded and stopped at a bench, sitting down "I just miss her." She said with watery eyes.

"Me too baby." She said, running her hand over Katie's hair. "She would have been really proud of you."

Katie nodded and wiped a tear that made its way down her face, "She would have been proud of you too."

Elizabeth nodded and swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat, wrapping her arms around her niece. The two woman hugged each other for a while before Katie pulled back and smiled at her, "I have something to tell you."

Elizabeth's face fell and she stared at her niece for a few seconds, "You're not pregnant again are you?"

Katie laughed and nodded, "Actually I am."

Elizabeth smiled widely and hugged her niece again tightly, "I'm so happy for you!" She said excitedly before standing up.

"Come on! We have to go tell the rest of the family." She said, taking Katie's hand and leading her back to the house.

"Well that went better than last time." Katie mumbled to herself.

"I heard that." Elizabeth said, bumping her hip against Katie's.

"Woah, watch the pregnant lady." She teased, resting her head against her aunt's shoulder.

"By the way I don't think I ever said thank you for taking me in when I needed you most. Under the circumstances, it was the best thing that happened to me." She said with a smile.

Elizabeth rested her head against Katie's and nodded, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

The End

A/N: I wanted to post a quick chapter to wrap this story up! Thank you to everyone who read it and reviewed. I know I sucked at updating but I am happy that you guys stuck it out! I have started a new story that I think a lot of Bess and Henry fans will like! So be on the lookout for that soon! :)