Despite how stressful the training camp had been, Kenma found himself a little wistful once it was over. He had unexpectedly found he quite enjoyed hanging out with Hinata, and even more surprising he had found that when paired with Hinata, Lev became not only tolerable but also fairly amusing to be around. They were also nice to hang around because other than an initial curiosity about how it felt to have a soulmate (they couldn't seem to wrap their head around the fact that it was the same) their childlike personalities were much more interested in volleyball and the video games he played than anything else. The red head had left with a promise that he would text him loads(something Kenma had no doubt he would do, regardless of whether Kenma texted back).

"I think Chibi-chan is a good influence on you." Commented Kuroo with a grin after he saw the way the short volleyball player was blowing up his phone with texts.

"Hah," grunted Kenma frowning as he jabbed at his game.

"I mean it, even amongst the team you stayed pretty disconnected until recently… i.e. since the little sunshine started talking to you." Kuroo insisted as he scrolled through Kenma's phone while hanging upside-down off the side of the blond's bed. Kenma grunted non-committedly though he knew it was at least partially true, "Getting so many friends now, I am so proud of you Kitten."

"Don't talk like you're my parent. It's gross." Said Kenma shooting him a quick withering look over the top of his game. Kuroo only hummed in amusement while Hinata continued to send him text after text.

"You want to answer any of these?" asked Kuroo raising an eyebrow as he pulled the screen closer to his face clicking about as he opened a few, "Whoa, I think baby crow is giving you a play-by-play of every moment of their last match."

"Stop giving him weird nicknames." Was all Kenma designed to reply. On his screen his character unlocked a new puzzle that made Kenma bite his lip and frown as he attempted a few initial combinations.

"Remember to save." Kuroo called without looking at him seemingly deucing from his body language that he'd advanced to a new section.

"Thanks." Mumbled Kenma grimacing at the little adrenaline rush he got when he realized how long it'd been since his last save.

"Incoming text from someone called Keiji: 'saw a demoing for the _ii game that you told me about. was going to get a better look but bokuto-' wait a second, is this Keiji as in Akaashi Keiji from Fukurodani?" asked Kuroo his voice quickly turning to shock.

"Give me that." Kenma said pausing his game so he could snatch his phone back from Kuroo.

"So is it?" demanded Kuroo giving the phone up without a fight and rolling right-side up so he could look Kenma properly.

"How many other Keiji's do we know that go on dates with Bokuto's?" asked Kenma shooting Kuroo a look that he hopped would discourage any more stupid questions.

"Wait they're dating?! Last I checked Bokuto was too chicken- erm owl- to ask him out." Asked Kuroo startled, "Why haven't I heard about this?"

"Probably because they're not dating. Bokuto has asked Akaashi on a couple dates and Akaashi has asked him on one. But I don't know if Bokuto has realized yet that's what he's been doing so that probably why you haven't heard." Said Kenma scanning Akaashi's text before typing out a quick reply.

"Hah… I still can't believe you found out before me. I can't believe you have Akaashi's number before me and that you two are on first name bases- no wait I can believe that: you're on first name basis with pretty much everyone except me." Kuroo huffed blowing his bangs temporarily out of his face and absentmindedly scratching at the side of his hand.

"Kuroo is unexpectedly turning into a gossip." Commented Kenma dryly choosing not to answer the second part of his statement: that it would feel weird to call Kuroo by his first name after all these years.

"Damn right I am, I've gotten way too emotionally involved in those two idiot's love life not to." Sighed Kuroo. That statement didn't seem to require a response so Kenma simply shot Akaashi a warning message that Kuroo was likely going to get nosey soon and then tucked his phone away to pick up his game again. Kuroo was staring hard at the wall drumming his fingers thoughtfully before he slapped his hand on the covers and sat up reaching into his pocket for his own phone, "Gah, I need to talk to Bokuto."

"You do that." Said Kenma disinterestedly settling back into his game. Dimly he could hear Kuroo start talking as he walked out of the room with a 'bro, way to leave your bro out of the loop…' and Kenma had to repress a snort. He rather liked the part of Kuroo that Bokuto brought out. His childhood friend so often spent so much time taking care of everyone else that it was nice that he had a friend that he could actually act his age around.

In his pocket Kenma's phone buzzed. Sighing and putting his game back down probably for good now, Kenma checked it as saw a reply from Akaashi.

'Is Kuroo being nosy likely to wined Bokuto up?' Kenma glanced at his closed door from which he could faintly hear bits of Kuroo's animated phone conversation.


'Joy.' Kenma had to keep himself from smiling at his phone from the way he could clearly imagine the dry tone the other setter would have said that in, 'Is Kuroo with you now?'

'He's talking on the phone with Bokuto.'

'Ah. And has school been decent since your return?' Akaashi never pressed for details about how things were with Kuroo and Kenma appreciated it more than he could put into words.

'As much as can be expected.' Kenma replied before he hesitated and added, 'I am actually surprised. I was anticipating to be the center on a lot of gossip when I got back but it seems that no one in the team has talked.'

'Your teammates care for you, they would not intentionally do something that would hurt you.' Came Akaashi's response and Kenma blinked slowly at the words as he digested them.

'I had assumed that it meant that Yaku had threatened them all.' Though now that Kenma thought about it, Yamamoto had been acting like his personal guard dog scattering anyone who even dared to look their way funny. And Inuoka had deliberately wandered into their class to see how they were doing. And Yaku had stopped by to make sure that he actually ate his lunch when Kuroo had to go to meetings with the coach. Lev had also tried to hunt him down to set for him during his breaks but that was normal.

'That is also possible, your Libero is quite fearsome.'

'But I think you may be right. Our team does have a bit of a family dynamic that I have recently started to be a part of.'

'Do you like that?' once again Kenma was struck by the way Akaashi didn't just assume that was something that he wanted. He fiddled with his phone a bit as he thought about it, responding to some of Hinata's victory texts while he did so.

'Yes.' He answered Akaashi simply after a while, surprised to find it was true. The team may have accepted him into their familial structure but he had also begun to care for them in such a manner as well. If only a little bit.

"Yo, Kenma," Kuroo said sticking his messy head back in through the door, "You cool with joining the owls on a double date Sunday?"

"We have a day off, and you want me to leave the house?" clarified Kenma wrinkling his nose.

"Just for an hour or two, we can grab some of that Apple Pie you like from that pastry place on the way back." Kuroo tried to bribe him.

"Or we could stay here and you could make me Apple Pie anyway." Kenma shot back.

"Do you really want Bokuto in a small enclosed room?" asked Kuroo grinning when Kenma glowered back knowing that he'd won that one.

"Why do I need to be included in this?"

"Because I want to see them but I don't want them to feel like I am a third wheel?"

"You wouldn't be third wheel. They love you." Kenma tried to argue.

"Be that as it may, I still want you to come." Said Kuroo, "Please?"

"…I want a whole pie, not just a slice." Kenma finally grumbled.

"You can't eat a whole pie." Kuroo countered at once.

"You should not doubt me."

"Let me rephrase that: please to not eat a whole pie. I need my Setter to not be in a sugar coma for the upcoming tournaments." Said Kuroo giving him a look. Kenma felt a small smile tugging at his mouth but did not respond to which Kuroo sighed in exasperation quickly telling Bokuto their answer and then saying goodbye. Dropping his phone on the bed, Kuroo came to sprawl on the floor next to Kenma so he could watch the game he was playing, this time on his phone. He was itching at his finger again but Kenma tried to not be too distracted by that. They existed in comfortable silence for a while till a light knock drew both of their attention to the door.

"Kuroo dear? I thought I heard your voice, will you be staying tonight?" Kenma's mother asked looking tired and still in her work clothes but smiling warmly at them.

"Hello Auntie." Smiled Kuroo at her before hesitating and giving Kenma a quick look that Kenma wasn't sure how to interpret, "Let me get back to you on that?"

"Of course." Replied Kenma's mother blinking in surprise, usually it almost wasn't worth asking if Kuroo would stay since he practically lived at their house.

"Are you going to go see Bokuto tonight?" asked Kenma trying to figure out the odd response once his mother had left.

"That depends on if you'll want space or not." Said Kuroo shifting to face him properly. Kenma instantly felt nervous. He suddenly knew what this conversation was going and he didn't want it.

"No. I want space. In fact maybe you should go now before it gets too late." Said Kenma suddenly feeling the need to be far from his friend.

"If that's what you want then I'll go, but only after." Said Kuroo firmly shuffling so that even as Kenma turned away Kuroo remained in front of him, Kenma chanced a glance at his face and winced at the tightly concealed hurt there and closed them tightly. This. This was why he couldn't have this conversation. He was just going to end up hurting Kuroo, one way or another.

"We need to talk Kenma," Kuroo said softly as if he'd read Kenma's mind, "I won't let this wreck our friendship. You're too important for that."

"Kuroo, I can't…" Kenma tried to make his friend understand, but like always when he panicked his words left him.

"Breathe Kenma," Kuroo's voice instantly became soothing, carefully giving him space but still close enough to help. Kenma slowly choked out a breath, and then another till he was matching each intake and outtake of air with his friend's. When he opened his eyes again Kuroo was there staring at him with a look that spoke of so many things: worry, love, determination, tenderness, and fierce determination. It was a look that Kenma imagined made the writing on his wrist tingle. It was not a look he could hold for long.

"I am not going to try to make you tell me who your soulmate is. In fact I am not going to try and make you talk at all if you don't want to. Though I will listen if you want to tell me anything." Kuroo said gently, "But I need to talk to you. We've got the upcoming tournaments quickly coming which will likely be really intense and we don't need this festering between us."

Kenma didn't respond, he knew he had a point, so he just closed his eyes and focused on trying to calm the anxiety that seemed set of wrecking him from the inside out.

"I wanted to apologize for starters: that was a terrible situation for you and I should have been at your side defending you and instead I was being butt hurt about pointless things while you needed me most." That was not what Kenma had been expecting. He blearily opened his eyes in surprise to see Kuroo smiling weakly at him.

"You've never owed me a thing, least of all that kind of personal information. Once I stopped sulking I could see it clearly. I could see it so clearly." Said Kuroo his voice going so soft it was almost a whisper.

Kenma suddenly couldn't look away.

"You didn't just not tell me. You were- no are- scared of me knowing." Said Kuroo and there was sadness in his face, but also a lot more compassion than Kenma was expecting.

Kenma was suddenly certain in that moment that somehow Kuroo knew. Or at least guessed.

"And I could only think of a few reasons for that. Somehow knowing who you're soulmate was would make me either angry, or judgmental, or somehow change the dynamic of our friendship, which I know is something you treasure as much as I do even if you don't always say so." Continued Kuroo watching his face closely, "Since I would never react that way about a stranger, I knew it had to be someone that we both knew. Likewise if it was someone a lot older or younger than you then you'd probably have no problem telling me. And I honestly can only think of a handful of people that would even have the potential to be your soulmate and I would have been happy for you if you got any their names. Then I suddenly realized that biggest possible reason for you to think our friendship would change was if-"

"Kuroo-" Kenma began his throat feeling tight.

"-it was me." Finished Kuroo softly. Kenma closed his eyes. He knew the truth was written on his face for Kuroo's keen eyes. And regardless they both knew that if Kuroo had been wrong Kenma would have been quick to tell him.

"Kenma, you realize that our current relationship doesn't have to change at all because of this." Kuroo promised leaning forward, "Not now, not ever. I will always love you. But that totally can stay platonic-"

"But what if it doesn't?" Kenma asked before he could stop himself.

"Kenma-" Kuroo began his eyes tightening.

"No Kuroo, I know you." Kenma said and suddenly his gold eyes flashing slightly the words were pouring out, "You like romance, and dating, and sex, and… all of it. And I can't- won't- whatever- give that to you. Ever. But now you've got this idea in your head because of this stupid name on my wrist, and you're not going to try and be with anybody else are you? Even if you ever fall for someone else you'll try to stay with me. Even if the idea of you with someone else doesn't bother me. You'll still try and stay with me even if it hurt you and I- I've only ever wanted you to be my best friend Kuroo."

"You are my best friend Kenma. And I know you don't seem to get attracted to anyone but that doesn't mean the rest of us are animals ruled by our hormones. I am not going to just start lusting after you or random people just because I am not getting any." Said Kuroo grimacing.

"I was not saying that." Kenma muttered.

"I know you weren't, but it might be helpful to be reminded of it." Sighed Kuroo before he smiled slightly, "You know I've rarely heard you talk that much, especially about yourself. I am quite impressed. Must be the Chibi rubbing off on you."

Kenma glowered at him.

"Jokes aside, neither of us are interested in changing our relationship at the moment. If there ever was a time down the road where one of us did, than we'd talk about it then. But it's kind of pointless to speculate about future desires that may or may not even come to pass. And I can promise you that if things ever change on my end that you'll be the first to know... Possibly before even I know given how observant you are." Smiled Kuroo.

"So…" Kenma said slowly as he mulled it all over, "you want a… queer-platonic relationship?"

"I am not… entirely sure what that is. But possibly." Frowned Kuroo tilting his head, "I want what we have now: a friendship that's a little closer than you'd normally have friends but not what people would consider lovers. Sound good to you?"

"…would this relationship include kisses or… anything?" asked Kenma warily.

"Our current one doesn't, so I don't see why it would… unless that's something you want?" inquired Kuroo with a raised eyebrow. He burst out laughing at the face Kenma made, "I'll take that as a no?"

"Other people's saliva is gross." Kenma mumbled, "I don't want it anywhere on my skin or mouth."

"Pfft, got you loud and clear Kitten." Kuroo grinned clearly trying to not outright cackle.

Kenma took a deep breath and let his head droop. He was coming down from his near panic fairly steadily but… perhaps a bit too steadily. Kenma grimaced with displeasure as he found himself dropping like the way he often did after periods of high stress and/or anxiety. Wordlessly he raised one arm limply and Kuroo understood, slowly gathering Kenma up in his arms and moving the two of them to the bed. Kenma usually hated to be touched or have people too close to him while he was anxious, but after if he dropped he found that it helped to have someone he trusted hold him close.

So basically just Kuroo at moment.

"Can I see you're mark?" asked Kuroo hesitantly.

"You want to see your own name?" asked Kenma feeling exhausted.


"…Make-up remover wipes are in the bedside table." Mumbled Kenma at last tucking his head into Kuroo's chest. He could feel Kuroo shifting underneath him but his body felt heavy and comfortable and safe.

"'s just under the hand on the inside of the wrist." Kenma said offering his hand when Kuroo hesitated. With the upmost tenderness Kuroo began methodically wiping off the concealer.

"It's really true…" said Kuroo with a hint of awe. The thought occurred to Kenma that the two of them didn't really need all the physicality of other couples. The gentle brush of Kuroo's fingertips on his soulmark felt far more intimate than any kiss ever could be.

"I am skipping school tomorrow." Kenma informed him, "I need to… decompress from all of this.

"Want me to stay with?" asked Kuroo. Kenma shook his head. He needed alone space to sort out his thoughts. He was ahead in his school work anyway so it wouldn't matter.

"Don't tell people." Kenma said suddenly as the thought occurred to him.

"Wasn't planning on making it public," agreed Kuroo letting go of his wrist to wrap his arms around him, "I don't want you to get bullied. Especially when I'll be graduating soon and can't look out for you."

"…I don't really want the team knowing yet either." Said Kenma.

"No one?" asked Kuroo in surprise.

"…Yaku can know. Maybe others later. But not now." Kenma insisted.

"Okay." Agreed Kuroo easily, "Anyone else?"

"Akaashi already knows," admitted Kenma, Kuroo raised an eyebrow at that, "And I wouldn't mind if Bokuto knows so long as he doesn't spread it around."

"Bo wouldn't do that." Said Kuroo confidently.

Kenma hummed his accent as he shifted to get more comfortable. He noticed Kuroo itching at his hand again and grabbed it lifting it up towards eye level to examine.

"You've got a soul name working on appearing." Kenma noted tracing the dark smudge on the side of Kuroo's pointer finger. Kuroo went tense under him.

"It won't change anything. No matter what name appears." Kuroo quickly tried to assure him.

"It might change some things." Kenma corrected him, but unlike he thought he would, he felt no uneasiness building up at the idea. Maybe it was just because he was so wrung out that he couldn't muster up the feeling(though he doubted that) or maybe it was just the suddenly he felt certain- "even if some things change, I think the fundamentals of you and I will stay the same."

Kuroo stared down at him blankly before a large grin spread across his face.

"Mmm… now you're getting it. I think so too."

Note: This is the end of this fic, but As Fate Would Have It is just one fic in my Tangled in Fate series. If you're looking for more then check out Make Your Own Fate which is a BokuAka fic that takes place directly after the events of this fic. There will still be plenty of info and interactions with Kuroken.