A/N: This was written by request of Ambreigns85

This is a fanfic about Dean Ambrose being pregnant, if you do not agree/like it, please don't read, and keep your comments to yourself. This is the first story I've ever written with the plot line, I am always open to advice on how to write stories like this better, so go ahead and PM me!

Also, I am open to any and every one-shot requests. If you are interested, please see my earlier upload titled "REQUESTS FOR ONE-SHOTS OPEN" to see what topics I write about, and if you have any questions, comments or concerns, go ahead and message me. Keep in mind that I have many requests to do at the moment, and I will get to yours as soon as possible.

Ok, I'm done now! Enjoy! And please share your opinion!

The thought of there being a baby inside of Dean frightened him. How to tell Roman? He asked himself over and over. Would Roman be okay with it? Would he be mad? Dean had no idea how he would react. Hell, Dean's emotions were mixed himself. A part of him was excited, and part of him didn't want to go through with this. He's heard all the horror stories that comes with children. Trash can piled high with diapers, running off 2 hours of sleep every day. Oh, boy. This could be the end of his freedom as he knows it….

When he got home from the doctors Roman was sitting on the recliner, playing X-Box. He looked good, Dean thought to himself. Seth was asleep on the couch, with his laptop resting on his stomach. Seth was kind of like a child, so, they already had enough experience with taking care of one, just that this baby will need more attention that Seth does…

"Hey babe, I'm home. Can you pause your game so I can talk to you and Seth about my appointment?" Dean shook Seth, and his eyes flutter open. Making sure Seth didn't drop his laptop when he got up, Dean placed it on the coffee table. "Seth sit up, please. I'd like you two to hear the news my doctor gave me this morning."

Reluctantly, Seth got up and scooted over for Dean. "Alright, boys. My doctor, Dr. Banner, told me that I am…" He took in a large breath before continuing. "Pregnant."

The news woke both Seth and Roman, as they pushed themselves to the edge of their seats, staring at Dean in disbelief. "Are you just gonna stare at me, or are you going to say something?" Dean chuckled nervously.

"Are you being serious, or are you fucking with us, Ambrose?" Seth said, finally.

Dean sighed. "I'm just as shocked as you two, believe me. I really am pregnant."

"Holy shit. I'm gonna be a father…" Roman croaked. "Holy shit…" He grabbed Dean's hand, and kissing his knuckles. "I'm gonna be a father…" To Dean's relief, Roman smiled.

Just at the right time, Viper, their dog, came running and sat right in front of Dean, looking up at him through her big blue, husky eyes. She barked at Dean's stomach, as if to say she approved. Seth moved towards Dean and put his hand on his stomach, "Welcome to the family, little Ambreigns." He said, with his face close to Dean's belly.

Roman glared at Seth. "Get away from my husband and child, Rollins." Roman growled.

Dean squeezed Roman's hand, hoping to calm him down a little bit. "It's okay, baby. Hey, it's okay!" His hands cupped Roman's cheeks and brought his face down to his to kiss him.

"So, anyone else feel like the baby's name should be Seth?" Seth joked.