Notes: Sorry for the delay, but I think I finally have this one all mapped out through the end, which will make it significantly easier to write. Thanks for sticking with me! I love to hear from you.

Chapter 13

George had been dreading seeing Roger again ever since their last encounter, er, date, whatever it was, had ended so abruptly. It was not that she didn't like him. She liked him maybe a little too much. But it was all so very complicated. He was a suspect in their investigation. He also lived in England. Even if he was innocent that was a fairly major detail that couldn't be overlooked. Newmarket was a long way from River Heights.

She couldn't believe she had kissed him! Not only that, but everyone knew about it. She had been acting so unlike herself since the moment she laid eyes on the handsome Scot and she wasn't sure what it meant. If this is what it felt like to be Bess she should really be more sympathetic towards her cousin in the future. Whatever it was, she really needed to pull herself together, like stat.

Instead, she found herself actively seeking out the object of her frustration. She tried to convince herself it was just for the case, but the little thrill she felt at the idea of seeing him again suggested otherwise. It was pathetic.

She headed towards the farrier office, stopping just outside the door as she heard the sound of a hushed, angry voice inside. Feeling very much like Nancy, she leaned forward, desperate to pickup what she could from the conversation. It was definitely Roger, but who was he talking to?

"I know he's up to something," Roger's voice hissed. "And I know you're helping him. When I found out what it is…"

George looked alarmed. This was serious. Who on earth was he talking to?

"Somebody has to worry when you two are involved," Roger continued. "You're in over your head this time. You think Mr. Mitchell is going to let this slide? You're going to jail. And don't expect me to help you out. Have you seen Henry? Well, I have and he is hurt really badly, the poor laddie. A wee boy was injured!"

Apparently the response to this was not a good one as George could hear several things crash against the wall in response.

"So you're out to get me then?" Roger cried. George couldn't see him, but she knew his face must be blazing red at this point. He sounded extremely angry and George was very glad she wasn't on the receiving end of it.

"Aye, but they did get hurt and it is all because of you two! You're lucky I haven't turned you in. In fact, I'm really not sure why I haven't. I've given you so many chances. Not anymore. Come clean or I do it for you."

George heard the phone slam down against the desk followed by silence. She wasn't sure what to do. She couldn't risk him knowing she overheard the conversation, but she wasn't sure she could sneak away without him hearing her. She stood perfectly still for a few more moments, praying silently that he wouldn't open the door. When she felt enough time had passed, she slowly made her way out of the stable. She wasn't sure she could trust herself to talk to him right now. Once she got outside, she groaned loudly. Why did everything always have to be so complicated?

Meanwhile, Frank and Nancy were still searching for Gordon Mitchell. "You think he'd like to be around for this," Nancy muttered. "Pretty huge day for GMR, wouldn't you say?"

Frank had to agree. Not only were there several reporters milling about, but now a group of protestors had taken up just outside the stables. Animal rights was a hot topic. They could only be thankful the press hadn't gotten wind of Henry's injury yet. Children and animals. That would drive the final nail in the coffin he was pretty certain.

"I haven't seen Pauline either," he said. "Maybe they are having to handle something right now?" He looked around once more checking that he didn't miss anything.

"Maybe…" Nancy agreed. She had her eyes peeled around the stable yard, searching for anything out of place or suspicious. "Hey, there's Steve Webber. Is it just me or does he look like someone who doesn't want to be followed?"

"He definitely looks a little too worried if you ask me," Frank agreed. "Come on."

"Steve!" Nancy said brightly after they had caught up with the Head Lad. "How's everything going?"

"Is that some kind of joke?" Steve said gruffly.

"Not at all," Nancy challenged. "I find even in the worst of times that simple pleasantries are most important."

"Do you, then?" Steve asked. "Well, I suppose if I was going back to my cushy life back in America in a few days then I wouldn't be too worried either."

"Hey!" Frank cried. "There's no reason to talk to her like that. She was just being nice."

Steve had the decency to look abashed. "Sorry, there is just a lot of stress on all of us right now, alright?"

Nancy nodded. "Right."

"I'll, uh," he said as he began walking away. "I'll see you later. Horses need tending."

Nancy and Frank watched as he stormed off. "Well, that was strange," Nancy said. "If I didn't know better I would say he had switched places with Tom."

"I'll say," Frank agreed. "He didn't even flirt once." He couldn't help but laugh as Nancy punched his arm playfully. "Well, to be fair, they all have to be under a lot of stress."

"Yes, but it was more than that," she said thoughtfully. "We need to keep an eye on him."

"Like you weren't already?" Frank asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"Yes, well," she grinned. "A sharper eye." She smiled at her boyfriend. As much as she loved solving mysteries alone, there was something special about having him by her side for it. They made a great team. She could only hope they could continue doing it for a very long time.