This is my first fanfiction so it might not be that good. This will be a 2 part fanfic. Warning: LOTS OF GORE AND VIOLENCE!

My arm is linked with my brothers. We were at Fredricks, or, Fred as we called him, birth day party. He was the son of the owner of Freddy Fazbears pizzeria. The mascot of the pizzeria, Freddy Fazbear, was named after Fred. Fred had dark brown hair and bright, happy, blue eyes. He and my brother, Erick, were so close, the basically were brothers.

Erick was a golden haired, mature boy. He was the oldest of our group of friends and tended to lead. When he wasn't there, Fred lead the group.

Flynn, a red haired kid with a broken arm put a hand of my shoulder. He had bright, golden eyes and a goofy grin on his face.

Clare stood beside Fred. She had blond hair like Erick. Although her hair wasn't golden like his.

The last of the children at the party was Shane. He was cocky and a bit self centered. I still have no idea how we are friends with him. He had a kind heart though. He had black hair dyed purple at the tips.

We sang happy birthday to to Fred and ate cake.

"Sharlette, you enjoying the cake?" Asked Erick, rubbing the blond, almost white hair on the top of my head.

"Mits gmood!" I attempted to answer, my words muffled by the chocolate cake that I had stuffed in my mouth. Everyone laughed. I joined in as soon as I could choke down the large amount of cake I had in my mouth.

Soon it was time for presents. Erick and I gave the largest, due to the fact we had combined our money to get it. After the gifts we ran off to play. Clare and I went to watch the animatronics sing and dance.

"I like Chica best." Stated the blond beside me.

"Meh, I like them all." I said, shrugging. Who would think watching robotic animals dance would be so fun. I was 13! You'd think I'd be over them by now.

Something, or someone, grabbed my shoulder. My head spun around to see who it what. The culprit was a large yellow bear. He looked just like Freddy but with a navy blue hat and tie instead of a black one.

"Hello there, little girl." The bear greeted.

"H-hello." I stuttered nervously. The animatronics weren't suppose to move off stage. Were they?

"My names Golden Freddy. You can call me Goldie." Clare now took notice of this, "Golden Freddy".

"My names, Sharlette, and this is Clare." I was more confident now and my speech didn't stutter. Clare said hello and scooted around to face Goldie.

"You seem like very special girls. Come with me, i have a surprise for you and a select group of other kids already waiting." The bear held out his paw. For a split seconded I thought I saw skin. I shook off the thought quickly.

"OK!" Care yelled happily, jumping to her feet.

"Um, Clare. Are you sure?" I was still cautious.

"Of corse! What could go wrong?" She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to my feet.

The golden bear motioned for us to follow. Clare eagerly dragged be along to follow Goldie.

A few moment later the voices of screaming and laughing children faded behind us. Goldie opened a sturdy looking metal door and motioned for us to enter. Clare did not hesitate to drag me into the room.

I heard the door close behind me and sup around. The golden beard was behind us. Did I see a key in his massive paw. I shuttered. Something wasn't right. Someone yelled my name. I sup around to see my brother sitting with the rest of our friends at a small table. There was cake! They hadn't eaten any yet though.

I ran over to my brother and hugged him. He took this opportunity to whisper into my ear.

"Somethings not right." He whispered. I nodded slowly.

"I think so too." I muttered back. Erick pulled away from the and told me to sit down. I did so and scooted as close to him as I could.

The yellow bear walked over to us with a large knife. I flinched and was about to cry out in fear, but the bear simply cut the cake. The knife looked a bit to sharp to be used to cut the rainbow colored cake.

After cutting the cake, Goldie passed each of us plates of us a slice of the cake. Strangely enough, he passed each of us, except me, a solid colored slice.

Erick got a golden slice, Clare, a yellow, Flynn, a red, Shane, a purple, Fred, a brown, and I got a black and white one. Who makes a rainbow cake with black or brown in it?

We all began eating immediately something tasted… Off. I paid no attention though. I thought it tasted like that because it came from box or something.

My eyes began to droop. Normally I didn't feel tiered until I finished a big meal. The meal wasn't even big! I also haven't even finished my striped slice of cake. I looked to my brother. He were drooping slightly.

There was a yawn from Flynn, who now had his arm on the table and his head resting on top of them.

I heard Frank speak.

"Goldie…" He yawned. "Im tiered. I-I think we should go back to Da'." A laugh made my head jerk up. The yellow bear… Was laughing! It wasn't a happy laugh either. The laugh was dark and seemed to be hiding evil thoughts.. At that point i knew something was wrong. The others did as well.

We scattered. Slowly though. The world seemed to spin around me. I barely noticed that Goldie had removed his head to reveal a man with a massive grin.

I heard a gasp from some were in the room. It was probably Shane.

Erick shoved me into a small place between some boxes.

"Stay here and be quiet." He whispered, "ill be close. As soon as you get a chance, run to that door." He pointed sleepily towards a door with and exit sign above it. I hadn't noticed it until now.

My brother disappeared while I focused on the door. I head faint shuffling beside me a decided that that was Erick.

Someone screamed. I looked around for a moment and saw that it was Flynn. He struggled weakly in the grinning mans grip. Having a broken arm didn't help. The man held up the knife he had used to cut the cake. I now realized what its real prepose was. The knife was brought down. Flynn let out a blood curtailing scream and the knife pierced his eye. I scooted farther into my hiding place.

The knife was wrenched out of Flynns now bleeding eye socket. Grimm laughter was heard from the man as he brought the knife down into Flynns stomach. I closed my eyes. I couldn't watch.

I heard a sickly thump and opened my watering eyes. Flynn lay bleeding out on the ground, moaning.

The man had now moved on to Shane, who he dragged out from behind a box of what seemed to be extra parts for the animatronics. The real ones. Not the ones that concealed blood thirsty murderers.

Shane struggled hopelessly in the mans grip. Shane, who was stronger that Flynn, and had both arms, knocked the knife from the child murderers hand. There was a growl of anger before a scream. The man had found and axe and was now using it to chop of Shanes arm. Blood splattered every were and screams filled the air.

Shane now lay on the ground bleeding out. The pain was too much for the cocky boy to handle.

There was whimpering from across the room. The murderer seemed to hear it and went to investigate. I lost sight of him until he dragged a sobbing, kicking, Clare to the center of the room.

The man again gripped the axe tightly, muttering something about pretty Clares hands were.. I closed my eyes, knowing what was most likely to accrue. Oh the sobs and screams that filled my ears. The sounds of an axe slicing through flesh and bone made me want to vomit. When I again opened my eyes, Clare was now handless and bled out on the floor beside the the other bleeding children.

Frank was now in the mans clutches. He was simply stabbed a few times in the chest and stomach and left to bleed out floor. I was too busy crying my eyes out to notice the murderer of my friends coming for me.

A battle cry rand in my ears and a flash of gold caught my eye. I saw Erick attempting to wrestling with the man on the floor. He was probably the only one of us old enough and strong enough to do this but he was also drugged from the cake.

"RUN!" He screamed and focused back on holding the man off.

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me to the door with the exit sign, which would have been pretty fast because I had abnormally long limbs, but my eyes drooped and my limbs felt heavy. I attempted to open the door. It was locked.

I spun around apon hearing a scream. My brother was curled up on the floor, his hands clutched over his right eye. I saw blood squeeze through the cracks between his fingers and knew what had happened.

The man was on his feet and kicked Erick in the stomach. My beloved brother let out a cry of pain. The man knelt down and wrenched me brothers hands away from his face. I screamed at the sight of my brothers empty, bleeding, eye socket.

The murderer pinned my brother to the ground and gouged out Ericks other eye with his knife. So much blood. The knife was brought down apon the now blind boys chest. Again and again it was wrenched out and jabbed back in. I knelt, sobbing. I was the last one left.

My eyes were closed. I felt a strong hand grab me and wrench me to my feet. I opened my watery eyes. The grin which the man had kept on his face the entire time he killed my friends and brother was wider now as he stood before me, holding me fast. I was slammed up against a wall. That laugh… Oh that laugh rung in my ears louder that I had ever heard it.

"You are so lucky." Cooed the man, "you get a special treatment." With that, something hard was brought against my head and everything went dark.

I woke up with a searing pain in my hands and feet. I let out a cry of pain. It hurt so much. When I looked to see what it was I was greeted with a un-welcome sight. In my hands and now bare feet were thick hooks. The hooks stabbed through one side of my hand and feet and out the other. By these hooks I was hung from the ceiling. Hanging down limply, like a puppet.

"Oh, your awake." I shuttered at the voice. It was the voice belonging to the man who did this. "Perfect timing. I have just finished up with your friends and I can now start on you. The man was now in my sight. His attire was completely purple and that wicked grin was still on his face.

The man motioned over to something to my right and out of habit, I looked. I wish I hadn't. The four animatronics which I had been watching earlier sat shutdown on the floor. The gold animatronic which was used to lure me and my friends, was also with them. That wasn't what horrified me. From the animatronics leaked blood. Oh so much blood. That gave me a good idea of what the man in purple had done. He had stuffed the bodies into the animatronics! I almost screamed. Almost. My throat hurt too much to do so. I must have been knocked out for a while because my throat was parched and I was in need of water.

The murderers laugh brought my out of my thoughts. I hadn't noticed but it seemed he now had a knife and was close enough to touch my, which he did. He grabbed my face. This was enough force to make me yank on the hooks I was strung on and I let out a cry of pain. The man laughed at the tears that streamed down my face.

"Oh stop that." He fake-ordered, "Here, lets get rid of that frown now, shall we?" He yanked me towards himself, which caused the hooks to tear at my hands and feet which they pierced. I screamed as the man slipped the knife that he held into my mouth.

"Lets turn that frown, upside down." He said in a sickly sweet voice and pushed the edge of the knife into the side of my mouth.

Pure pain shot through me. It hurt so much as he cut a bloody smile into my tear stained face. The process seemed to last an eternity when in reality it only lasted less than a minute.

I felt the cold metal of the blade slip out of my mouth and looked at the man with blurry vision. The last thing I saw was a wicked grin before a sharp pain slashed across my throat and everything went black.