Okay so, first fanfic please give me some leniency. I have literally had this idea since Ao no Exorcist's came out (manga). Cheese and Crackers I'm finally getting this out in the open. Sorry to anyone who thinks I ripped this off but I didn't. Everyone from the main cast will make an appearance, trying to keep it light/ nonexistent on the OCs. I have no idea how long this will be. Rin is the main focus and slightly OOC, sorry. *Sigh* Take it away, Mephisto.

Chapter 1: Don't You Just Hate Slow Beginnings?

Rin's footsteps pounded heavily through the empty back streets, mind still reeling from what had just transpired. The old geezer, Father Fujimoto, was dragging him along throwing the occasional encouragement to go faster over his shoulder. Ugh, how did this happen? He was on his way to a job interview, than those pidgeon abusers showed up, their leader offered to pay him off, keep him quiet. That was all fine, he wasn't going to accept the money, just walk away, be respectable, but then he insulted Yukio. Wrong move. Rin had punched the freaky looking bastard in the face. He got tackled by the others and their boss pulled a knife. Rin was scared, who wouldn't be? That was when he burst into flames. The others ran but the demonic one remained. Declaring himself the servant of Satan, he claimed that he had been searching for Rin and now that he had found him it was time for the two of them to go. There in that dirty little alleyway Rin's life had gone from difficult, strait to hell.

That was when Fujimoto showed up, exorcised the demon, said something about "Kurikara", and promptly dragged Rin off promising to get him somewhere safe. What the hell is happening? Me? The son of Satan? No way. That isn't possible, it can't be right. What about Yukio? I was a monster all along? Thoughts of despair swirled behind his stormy blue eyes. They were in Rin's room at the monastery before he realized it. He was being told he had to leave. I don't want to leave! What will happen to Yukio? What will happen to you, stupid old geezer?! I can't accept this bull! His confusion, rage, and desperation burst forth suddenly. "S-screw that!" he shouted slamming the pack that Fujimoto had just handed him onto the ground.

"Rin...!" he rounded on the older man.

"Wh-what's going on all of a sudden? Demons. Demons? You're telling me they actually exists!? This has to be some kind of a joke!" He couldn't hold back the concern for his younger twin either. "Hell...what about Yukio?!" Fujimoto quickly tried to calm the ever distressed teen down. Something about him being weaker bodied and the power passing to Rin alone.

"I wanted to raise you as an ordinary human. As long as you remained to be human, that is." That was the exact wrong thing to say at this moment.

"...But the moment I stop being human you send me off to god knows where!" light blue sparks cascaded through the air from Rin's fingertips.

"That's not it! This is for your protection!" Fujimoto was shouting now too.

I can't accept this...any of it! "Protection...? You're just getting rid of me! Don't give me that crap!" The exorcist's face became hard and stoic as Rin lashed out, "After all... I'm just some random kid...I'm not like Yukio. I've been nothing but trouble, I've been a burden on you my whole life... You just don't want to play at being a father anymore! Just admit it!" Tears that had started welling up at the corners of Rin's eyes vanished as sorrow was replaced with rage. "Don't you ever act like you're my father again!"

A painful stinging shot through Rin's face. Fujimoto slapped him. It wasn't just physical pain that rocketed through Rin. He had lost his will to fight. The rejection of the man he called father for the whole of his life was what was real. Not demons. Not the danger. It was the pain. "We have no time for petty arguments." Fujimoto's voice was cold, "Do as you are told."

"Fine..." Rin muttered weakly before he stooped down to collect the bag Fujimoto had made for him. Some clothes, a single number cell phone, and a magic key that could let him hide the sword anywhere. The blade in question was resting next to the bag which he picked up with his other hand. He turned to leave. Just then Fujimoto collapsed onto his knees gripping his chest in pain. "What is it?" Fujimoto muttered something under his breath, slightly panicked. "Seriously, what is it?" slight concern wrinkled over his features.

The light on the ceiling exploded with a loud pop. "Just go...quickly!" The old man commanded, desperation hinting at the edges of his voice. "Get away from me!" He sagged alarmingly to the side.

"Hey!" Rin dropped the sword and his luggage. He rushed over to the geezer's side and knelt down next to him. "Get a hold of your..." Those weren't Fujimoto's eyes. They were blue with glowing orange pupils and seemed to be shaped more like a cat than a human. Shit.

"Son...of mine...how I have waited for this moment!" Fujimoto wasn't himself. He had been possessed. His teeth warped to be more fang-like, eye bulged slightly like they held back immense pressure, his voice was distorted and chilling. He started laughing "Just kidin' ya!" Fujimoto's body was suddenly wrapped in blue flames and standing to his full height. Large orbs of fire appeared behind him. The old man's glasses lit up against the glare. Rin was knocked onto his back by the burst of power. "Hey there son! Doin' good? That's right the man himself has come all the way out here just to see his cute little boy, so look happy about it." The only expression that Rin was capable of making was horrified.

"Y-you're... a ...demon?" What the fuck is going on? This shit is real, please let this all be a nightmare!

"The name's Satan, god of demons and your one and only father. You can call me 'Papa' if you like." He burst into another round of insane laughter. Rin however was transfixed by the visage of Fujimoto. Blood oozed from his eyes and nose, skin slowly burning away, fingernails black and claw-like, and ears extended out like horns. "Now then, I'd really like to stick around and savour this touching reunion... but I'm thinking this guy's body won't last to long...ya know?" He griped three fingers on Fujimoto's left hand and snapped them off with little effort. Rin gasped. Everything was happening to fast. He was never the best at grasping a situation immediately. Demons are real. My father is their god. My adopted father is an exorcist and possed by my biological father. My brother doesn't have any powers but I do. And my fathers just made a portal to Gehenna, at least that's what the geezer called it... wait... what!? "I'm the only demon there is with the power to create this, the Gehenna gate!" Rin pushed himself up against the wall staring at the portal that occupied most of the bedroom floor. "Now then, let's go. Gehenna is waiting." Rin's head snapped back to looking at his father who had now taken notice of the sword at his feet. "Oh, right... I have to destroy this first...I'll release you from this irritating little curse!"

Yukio had come home early. Father had sent him a message that Rin was awakening and he should return as soon as possible. He was just about to go into his own room when he heard his brother shout "Fuck off!" Yukio adjusted his glasses, it didn't seem to be going well. "G-get off! I'm a h-human!" He dropped his things by the door to his room and walked briskly down the hall to his brother's. Something is off. He paused at the door hand extended towards the handle. He took a brief whiff of the air. Sulfur! Shit! Yukio slammed open the door


What yukio saw would haunt him for the rest of his life. This day being the one he would regret the most. All because he didn't rush like Fujimoto had asked him. The warped voice of his teacher calling out, "You are exactly what I need to make Assiah mine!" His brother horrified scream. Their eyes locking when Rin cried out for help. His own sudden inability to move. A horrible jolt from Fujimoto silenced the insane laughter. "Damn you... exorcist!"

"This is my son," Fujimoto choked out, "and I'm taking him back!" The older man shuddered and fell forward into the gate.

Rin could feel himself sinking. He had second. Wrapping on hand around the now upright sword he lifted himself out as much as possible. The gate wasn't going to let him go but it wasn't going to take the geezer, either. He wouldn't let it. He seized the back of Fujimoto's coat and with all his inhuman might, channel ever emotion the man had ever made him feel into an inferno, threw him to Yukio. The blaze burned away the gate's hold. Yukio seemed to snap back into reality, the glazed look in his turquoise orbs vanishing. The rest of the monks having heard Rin's shout rushed in behind Yukio. His family was here for him. He had saved the geezer. His grip on the sword slacked, he was exhausted. "Nie-san!" Yukio tried to reach him but was held back by one of the others.

"Wait, Yukio-kun, you'll get sucked in too!"

"Let go! I have to...help..." The twins locked eyes one last time. The blade lost its support. Rin felt his eyes widen, a look reciprocated on Yukio's face, and he fell. "No!" The gate closed above him drowning in the darkness, falling through to nowhere. He was the only light. His flames, sealed by the sword he clutched, existed in Gehenna making the spell rather inconsequential. It was far from his full power but there were ever present now. A human boy, falling from the sky, blue fire streaking behind him like a flaming river.

Fujimoto's body let out a weak chuckle, "I win," before he choked a sigh. Everyone stared at the body in horror.

Yay, that's done, phew. Okay, I didn't expect the overlap from the manga to be so long. Yes there was a bit of Yukio POV, you didn't imagine that. The show must go on! Next chapter: What happened to Yukio? Where is Rin? Who is Shiemi? Intro of Mephisto and the cram school. "Sparking the Inferno"