Erin walked into the apartment after being away for a couple days. Work had sent her to New York to give advice on a case. Ella stayed home with Jay for that duration. She didn't get any calls complaining or with any noted problems. The late hour of the night led her to believe both were sleeping. She continued into the apartment dropping her suitcase in the living room. She heard sniffling from Ella's bedroom. She curiously walked towards the direction of the noise. The door was partly open, and she peeked in. Jay cuddled Ella on his lap looking exhausted.

She pushed the door open wider and walked in. She gave Jay a questioning look. He met her eyes and sighed. Erin walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. Ella looked up at her mother and climbed into her lap. "What happened?" Erin questioned. Mostly directed at Jay, but allowing Ella to answer.

"I sick mommy," Ella placed her head on her mom's chest and the sniffles returned.

"What?" She turned to Jay looking for an answer.

"She didn't sleep last night or the night before that. She kept throwing up and just yesterday she had fever, so I took her to the doctor today. Doctor said she has the flu and we have to wait it out," Jay closed his eyes. Erin noticed the bags more now that she was sitting in front of him. He was trying desperately to stay awake.

"Hey, I'll stay up with her. You go to bed," Erin told Jay as she patted his legs.

"No, you've been working for 4 days straight. You go to bed," Jay countered.

"You've been up for 3 days straight with a sick child. You go to bed. I'll wake you if I feel tired. Let me hold my baby for tonight," Erin requested. Jay nodded and stood up. He leaned in to kiss her.

"I missed you. It's good to see you. I'm glad your home. I'm going to bed," Erin laughed and kissed him again.

"Goodnight, I love you," Jay nodded and walked out of the door and into their bedroom. Ella was still snuggled into her chest.

"Hey El?" Erin looked down to her daughter. Bright glossy eyes looked back towards her. "How are you feeling?" Ella shook her head and tears dripped out of her eyes.

"I feel yucky," Ella confessed as Erin scooted back so she could sit against the headboard.

"I know baby," Erin laid her down so she was next to her. Erin's hand rubbed her belly while the other ran through her hair. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?" Ella shook her head.

"I just want to go to sleep," Ella confessed as she closed her eyes.

"You sleep baby, I'm just going to check on daddy. If you need anything come get me okay? Let your daddy sleep," Ella nodded and Erin left her room. She walked towards her bedroom and saw Jay lying down in the middle of the bed. She walked over and sat next to him on the bed.

"So, I have some news. Right now, I know you're tired. But I can't not tell you," Jay turned his head so he was facing Erin.

"Is it bad? If it's bad I don't want to know," Jay laughed.

"No, definitely not bad," Erin smiled. She ran her fingers threw his hair. "I promise it's not bad. I'm pregnant," Erin's smiled widened. She watched the realization wipe across Jay's face. He quickly sat up and looked at her.

"You're serious?" Jay stated, shocked. Erin just nodded with a smile on her face.

"I found out this morning. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. But looks like I'm going to reschedule it, since Ella is sick," Erin reasoned.

"We'll drop her off at Hank's, and we'll go together. I love you Erin Lindsay," Jay leaned in to kiss her.

"What's not to love?" Erin laughed. "Anyway, I just had to tell you before you fell asleep. I'm going to go check on our baby. Maybe get her to drink some Gatorade," Jay nodded and lay back down on the bed.

Erin stood and walked into her little girl's room and watched as her chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. Suddenly she awoke and turned towards the trashcan beside her bed. Erin rubbed her back in slow rhythmic circles. Once Ella was finished Erin spoke, "Baby, drink some Gatorade for me," Erin handed her a cup of the yellow liquid. Ella took the cup and sipped it slowly. "You'll be alright baby," Erin encouraged as Ella snuggled up to her side.

"I really don't feel good," she cried.

"I know baby," Erin stroked her hair. "I know you don't feel too good. It'll get better, I promise," Erin continued to soothe her daughter well into the night. She watched the sun rise and had survived on about 2 hours of sleep. She heard a tussle in the kitchen. She unwrapped Ella's body from her's and quietly tip toed towards the kitchen. She saw Jay standing by the coffee pot, mug in hand. "Give me," Erin prodded as she stole the empty mug from Jay's hand.

"No, you're pregnant. No coffee for you," Jay stated, stealing the mug back.

"Those studies aren't real. Those are people who want to kill caffeine addict's hopes and dreams while pregnant. I drank a cup a day with Ella; I'm drinking a cup a day with this baby. Give me coffee. I'm not in the mood. Our daughter was up all night throwing up. I got maybe 2 hours of sleep. Give me the mug Jay," Erin demanded as she stuck her hand out. Jay stepped back while giving her the mug. He grabbed the coffee container and poured the brown liquid in her cup. "Thank you," Erin smiled as she sipped the coffee.

"You're scary when you're pregnant," Jay poured himself a cup. Erin nodded as she finished up her coffee.

"I think I'm going to stay home today. Use a sick day. We can watch movies and lay on the couch. Get her better so both of us can go back to work," Erin suggested.

"I have an evaluation at 10:30. I'll just go in to do that and I'll be home afterwards," Jay suggested. Erin nodded her head at the sound of that.

"I rescheduled the doctor's appointment. The doctor sent the prenatal vitamins to the pharmacy. Can you pick them up on your way home?"

"Of course, anything to better the baby," Jay leaned in and kissed her. "You're glowing," Jay pointed out.

"I'm not glowing. I barely slept and was up all night with a sick child. I am not glowing," Erin laughed.

"All that, and you're still glowing," Jay pulled her in for a long kiss before they were interrupted by the sound of their little girl being sick.

"Mommy," Ella called.

"Get some Gatorade please," Erin told Jay. She walked towards her daughter's room. "Oh lord," Erin screeched as saw vomit covering her daughter and her bed. "Let's get you cleaned up," Erin lifted the little girls shirt over her head.

"The Gatorade…" Jay walked into the bedroom. "Wow," Jay immediately noticed his little girl covered in vomit.

"Jay, run her a bath. Tepid water please, no bubbles," Erin demanded as he nodded his head and left. Erin continued stripping clothes off her daughter.

"I ruined my bed," Ella cried into Erin's shoulder as she lifted the girl into her arms.

"You didn't ruin your bed. I'll wash the sheets, and in the meantime you can steal daddy's side of the bed. Okay?" Erin felt her daughter nod. She walked towards the bathroom and placed Ella in the bathtub. "Sheets or bath?" Erin asked Jay. He stood and allowed Erin to sit and start to bathe Ella.

"I'll go throw the sheets in the washer," she nodded as she poured water over Ella's head.

"Don't forget the pj's," Erin continued to wash her daughter and picked her up out of the tub. She wrapped her ducky towel around her and carried her back to her room to get changed.

"I'm sorry mommy," Ella's tears still flowed.

"Don't be sorry baby girl. You didn't do anything wrong," Erin reassured her as she pulled some more pj's out of her drawer. She then carried Ella over to her and Jay's bedroom. Dressing her, then placing her on Jay's side of the bed and turning on the TV.

"Sheet's are being washed," Jay announced as he walked in his bedroom. "Munchkin, that's my side," Jay exclaimed making Ella giggle.

"Mommy said you can get the couch," Ella repeated.

"Did she now?" Jay turned to Erin who had a smile on her face.

"I am sure not sleeping on the couch would be good for me," Erin winked.

"Oh I see how it is. Daddy get the short straw because he's a boy," Jay jumped on the bed next to his daughter. "Mommy and I will just have to share her side," Jay smiled.

"Yeah, yeah," Erin snuggled into Jay and rubbed Ella's belly. Ella's eyes had closed as she snuggled into her father. "Soon we're not going to be able to do this. My belly's going to be too big," she whispered in Jay's ear.

"I know, it's very exciting," Jay took his free hand and placed it on her belly. "We're having a baby," Jay laughed.

"We are, we're having another baby," Erin corrected.

"I know, but I get to be there this time," Jay leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I love you."