Hey guys. Before I talk about what I wanted to talk about, let me look at some reviews.

Sage of Six Ichigos - Kuro IS a heartless, murderous bastard, psychopath sociopath insane mother fucker that loves to murder and kill for fun, but Kuro also does whatever the fuck he wants to do. He has plans. If someone starts to mess it up, he will take care of it, and in this case, he saw Dousan possibly messing it up because he was being too stubborn. If people trust him more, then he can get what he wants even easier! You have to think! And as for the rest of your review, yes, Kuro is the most OP, better than Madara fused with Naruto fused with Sasuke fused with God. Flame Fang, or Hono no Kiba, is an awesome sword and he will never die with it because it was created by being fused with all of Kirito's swords, sasuke's sword, orochimaru's sword, excalibur, clarent, joyeuse, durendal, and several other swords. Basically, what i am trying to say, is that Kuro, and Kuro's sword, is God.

EternalKing - This is the review that inspired me to write this small chapter. Oh, and Kuro will lose, but he'll still win, you'll just have to wait.

Okay. This chapter, you could say, is chapter 7.5, because only one thing happens in this chapter: A fight. Anyway, I'll leave it to your imagination as to who Kuro will be fighting, but I shall take what I have read a few minutes ago about writing fighting scenes to consideration, and create this masterpiece that will probably not be that good. But anyway, let us start the second fight that I will be the most dedicated to, so far. Uh, I'm saying that Kuro vs someone else in the ale of kuro had the most dedicated fight I have written so far, which lasted, about... 3 or so thousand words. I don't know, don't remember.

But anyway, let's get on with this chapter! *Explosion*

Of course, I must give you some music... Overkill... you know who it is from... This shows that I am serious! Oh, and I'll start it very lamely XD

I was sitting inside Nobuna's castle, where we usually conduct meetings, looking up at the sky. From behind me, I heard the girls all talking to each other. Katsuie, Goemon, Inuchiyo, Nobuna, Nagahide, Hanbei, and Yoshimoto were there, enjoying their tea. But then their conversation took a turn for the worse, when they started talking about who would win in a fight, me or...

"I'm telling you Kuro would win!" Goemon argued in her cute voice. Though she bit her tongue in the middle, that didn't stop her from arguing.

"And I'm telling you that Katsuie is stronger!" Nobuna argued back, her arms folded together. "Inuchiyo! Who do you think would win? Monkey, or Katsuie?"

"... K-" Inuchiyo said, but was stopped by Goemon.

"Then let's prove it!"

"Wh-what? How would we prove it?" Asked Nobuna, clearly startled.

"By making Katsuie and Kuro fight!"

"... That is actually a pretty good idea." Nobuna agreed after she took a moment to think about it.

"Do I have a say in this?" Asked Katsuie, looking at Nobuna nervously. She knew that I was a strong fighter.

"Yeah, what if I accidently kill her?" I jokingly said from where I sat, without looking at them.

"... Okay. I'll fight him." Katsuie said. I turned towards her, surprised.

"You know that's a death wish, right?"

"Hmph. I'll win."

"Okay!" Nobuna called, slapping her hands together. "Then hurry up and place your bets! Who do you think will win? Katsuie? Or Monkey?"

"Use my name!" I said, but was ignored.

Goemon, Hanbei, and Yoshimoto voted for me to win, while Nagahide and Nobuna voted for Katsuie. Everyone looked at Inuchiyo who didn't cast her vote yet.

"So? Who do you think will win?" Nobuna asked her. Inuchiyo sweat-dropped.

"Uh, um... Katsuie?" She asked, unsure of herself, and Nobuna nodded.

"Then it's three to three. The money has been cashed and the three winers will be walking away with double the amount of money they started with! Now, contestant Katsuie and idiot Monkey, please make your way outside to begin your battle!" Nobuna cried, obviously pleased with herself.

"I wish you the best of luck." Katsuie said to me, before walking outside, pulling out her katana at the same time.

"You better not lose!" Yoshimoto said, when she walked past me. "I paid good money for this!"

"You gwot this!" Goemon said.

"G-good luck Kuro!" Hanbei said, nervously.

I nodded. "I'll try my best, I guess." Over at Katsuie, a similar conversation was taking place.

"Katsuie! You can do this! Beat that Monkey to a pulp!" Nobuna encouraged, hands at her hips, a huge smile over her face.

"I believe that you can win." Nagahide said, fanning herself with her fan.

"Good luck?" Inuchiyo said, or asked, not knowing who she should've voted for. She knew Katsuie the longest, but personally, she liked Kuro more.

"Thanks." Katsuie said. "I'll definitely win this for all of you and myself!" She placed the sword infront of her, both of her hands gripped the the sword as she waited for me to get ready. Nobuna and the rest moved away. I walked a couple of meters away from Katsuie and faced her, drawing out my own blade, Hono no Kiba. Flame Fang. The beautiful blade sparkled in the sunlight.

"Are you ready?" I asked Katsuie with a smirk.

"Of course I am! What warrior is not ready for a battle?"

"Then you should know that, as a warrior, a battle is never decided on strength, strategey, or anything like that, but the actual fight, right?"

"If you're saying that you think you can win, then you're obviously mistaken."

"I'm not saying I think I'll win. I know I'll win." Katsuie growled at my words.

Nobuna looked at the both of us and swung her arms into the air and back down. "FIGHT!" She yelled out and the two of us charged eachother, swords at the ready.

The blades clashed against each other and small sparks shot out of the blades as they made contact. I swung my sword at Katsuie's legs, but she jumped out of the way and brought her own sword down at me. I rolled out of the way and got back up, pulling the sword back and then stabbing it forward. Katsuie managed to redirect my blade, but it cut across her face, giving her a thin, long line of blood on her cheek. Katsuie growled and spun around in place, her chocolate brown hair swinging close to my face.

I did a backflip as her leg appeared infront of my face, using her hair as a cover. I avoided injury, and landed on the ground easily.

I repositioned my sword and charged at Katsuie. Our blades danced off each other, generating sparks with each hit. Soon enough, both of our arms were getting tired from the constant abuse we were dealing out. Katsuie's attacks were heavy with each slash, but were fast. I was also fast and delt heavy blows, but they weren't as heavy as Katsuie's, but made up for it with bloodlust.

I slashed at Katsuie's face, but she blocked the sword. Our swords slid against each other, sparks flying dangerously close to our face as we moved closer to each other.

I pushed Katsuie back and forced her to trip. I brought my sword back and slashed at her hand, but she managed to roll out of the way, but earned a small cut on her upper arm. I jumped away from her when her sword flashed in front of my eyes, nearly cutting them in the process.

I licked my lips. "Fire Bomb Dance." I muttered to myself and my sword started to glow hot red. I then ran towards Katsuie, and trailing behind my sword was a line of red, the same size and length of my sword. Katsuie was surprised, but stood her ground. I slashed down at Katsuie when I reached her and she put out her sword to block the attack, but instantly moved out of the way instead. She felt the heat of my sword coming down on her after all. If she had blocked the attack, it would've started to melt her sword and cut right through her. I smiled

I toned down the heat, just enough so that our swords can make contact. Katsuie noticed the difference and striked first. Her blade whistled past my head as I ducked under the blade. I stabbed forward at Katsuie's arm, but she spun around the attack. She brought up her leg to kick me again, but this time, I jumped, doing a front flip and landed on the other side of Katsuie. I then jumped at her and kicked her in the side of the head, knocking her down to the ground and in a daze. She slowly started to get up, her blood hot with rage.

When she turned to face me, she had to block quickly. Our swords rang against each other, sparks hitting the ground. Her knees started to buckle under my pressure. Using all of her strength, she managed to move to her left and redirect my attack to her right. I tripped forward and my sword dug into the ground. She raised her sword and brought it down on me.

But stopped when she noticed that I wasn't there anymore. I appeared behind her, using a fast roll and grabbed her arm and straightened it out and brought my knee up into her elbow. She cried out in pain as her arm started to crack. She dropped her sword and I let go of her arm. But not before flipping her over me and throwing her into the ground.

She bounced off the ground and landed on her back where she continued to lay for a few seconds, catching her breath. Opening her eyes, she saw me approach her and she rolled around, onto her stomach and jumped up, fists at the ready. She breathed heavily and I breathed lightly.

She threw a straight right punch and I countered by hitting her hand away and throwing an upper punch into her jaw, sending her up into the air, before falling down onto hre back.

She was out cold.

Nobuna and the others stared at me, mouths open in amazement. I had beaten Katsuie and was barely injured. Goemon slapped me lightly on the back, by jumping up to reach it, Hanbei congratulated me, and Yoshimoto was blushing as she said that she she I was going to win since before them match even started.

Inuchiyo was happy for my win, but sad at Katsuie's lost, but still celebrated with me. Nagahide hellped Katsuie up, who was already starting to regain conciousness and Nobuna stood where she was, surprise all over her face. After everyone congratulated me, I first faced Katsuie.

"Congratulations..." She said to me, eyes down cast.

"Thanks. Don't worry; you were strong too. Probably the strongest person I've fought so far in this world." I gave her an emotionless smile and turned towards Nobuna. I walked over to her. "How was the match?" I asked her.

"Uh..." Nobuna started. "It was... well, um... you obviously cheated!" She finally yelled out. "There's no way you can beat Katsuie!"

"And yet I won. Either by cheating, or fairly, I still won. A win is a win, as they say."

"But, I- ARGH!" Nobuna yelled. She turned around and stormed away. She left the money from the bets behind her.

Okay. Let me know what you thought about the fight and ONLY the fight. Please share with me any tips if you have them, and anything you think that can help me with writing fight scenes; It has been a long time since I wrote a serious fighting scene so I am pretty rusty XD Thanks and goodbye and sweat nightmares.