Chapter 6

Troy's POV

The next day at school, the boys and I had basketball practice and they voted me to be their team captain. During our break, Chad walked up to me.

"Dude, what happened? You're grinning like a fool," said Chad.

"Really? Cuz usually you're the fool," I joked.

"Haha. Very funny. But seriously, what happened?"

"I'm taking Brie out on a date."

"That explains your grin."

I chuckled. We practiced more and I taught the guys some new tricks, they learned it really quickly. After practice, I went home to shower up. I was choosing what to wear when my mum walked into the room.

"Taking Gabi out on a date, honey?" She asked, smirking.

"Yeah, but I don't know what to wear," I groaned.

Mum picked something out quickly and told me to put it on. I drove my truck and stopped by the flower shop and bought a bouquet of roses.

At Gabi's house…

Ding-dong. I pressed the door bell. Mrs. Montez opened the door for me.

"Hi Troy, you look great. Gabi's almost ready," she said.

"Thanks Auntie Maria."

I waited for Gabi in the living room and saw a photo of us when we were 7. I smiled when I remembered it. I stole her ice cream and she got mad and dumped her lemonade on me. I shoved the ice cream on her face and we both started crying. Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey wildcat!" said Gabriella.

She looked breathtaking. I stared at her. She was wearing a cute white flowery dress and had a hair flower on her curly hair.

"Wow. I mean, Brie you look…Wow." I said.

She giggled. Hearing her giggle always make me smile.

"Thanks. So, where are we going?"

"Oh, that's a secret. Miss Brie, will you kindly put on this blindfold?"


I leaded her to my truck and started driving.

"We're here," I told her.

She was amazed by the sight when I took her blindfold off. We were on a grass land and we could see the stars shining on the sky. The best thing was that we had the place to ourselves, no one else was there.

"It's amazing here! Thanks for bringing me here, wildcat," said Gabriella.

I set up our picnic and we started to chat while admiring the view.

"This place is very beautiful, how did you find it?"

"That's a secret."

"I haven't been so happy for the past few weeks."

"Well you deserve to be. Especially after the Sharpay drama."

"Aw…You're such a charmer, Troy."

She rested her head on my shoulder.

"Have I told you that you were the best boyfriend ever?"

"And have I told you that you were the best girlfriend ever?"

"I love you Troy, so much."

"I love you too Brie, so much."

We shared a passionate kiss under the moonlight and the stars.

Everything was perfect.


This is the end of My Superstar. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Thanks for all your support. Please tell us how you felt about the story.