So, this is another extra story in the Soul series. This one takes place after Guardian Angel and is actually a multi-chapter fic. Like I said...some of these are one-shots, others will be multi-chapter. Anyway, in this one here, a certain deadbeat decides to come back and take his son with him...too bad little Robby has other ideas. And just you wait until Mike finds out, because even though she's just a spirit now...she's a very powerful and over-protective one at that...

Chapter 1

He's Baaaack


Jeremy Fitzgerald shot up with an 'oof' as a little red-headed blur jumped on his chest. The thirty six year old's grey eyes fluttered open as he gave a smile and ruffled the bright red hair of the madly giggling six year old on his chest.

"Hey there, lil' Capt'n," he smiled as the little boy giggled happily, "How are you?"

"I good, Daddy!" the boy, Robby Schmidt, beamed.

Jeremy hugged the little boy to his chest. Little Robby wasn't technically his son. His mother, Mikayla Schmidt (who preferred to be called Mike), had given custody of the little boy to Jeremy when she died at Fazbear's Fright. It was hard to believe that it had been six months since Mike had gifted him and her two friends, Ashe and Kayle, with the little angel that kept a smile on his face.

What Ashe and Kayle didn't know, was that the attraction had been haunted by Mike's big brother and three friends whose spirits possessed the four main animatronics: Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy…and eventually, Jeremy's little sister and Mike herself joined their ranks, possessing the Marionette and the Spring Suit version of Freddy known as Gold. But all six spirits had been lost since the fire burned the whole thing down and everything that remained was put to auction.

Jeremy then moved in with Robby and his two 'aunts', adopting the little boy since his father abandoned both Mike and Robby a while ago.

"Ready for school?" Jeremy asked, shaking himself out of memory lane.

Robby pulled a face, sticking out his tongue.

"I tink I feelin' a wittle sick, Daddy," he stared, coughing into his hand, "See?"

"Uh huh," Jeremy growled, playfully poking the boy's nose, "C'mon, lil' Capt'n, let's get you dressed,"

"Noooo!" Robby whined, before shrieking in laughter as Jeremy flipped him upside down and carried him into the boy's room.

He tossed Robby into the air with a playful roar before catching him and blowing on his bared stomach, making the boy howl, giggling madly as Jeremy then proceeded to tickle him. Even though Jeremy was saddened by the loss of this precious child's mother, his friend…he was glad that he got to take care of such beautiful little boy.

Meanwhile, quite a ways away in a not as welcoming place, not everything was happy and cheerful as it was in the other home. Four heads peeked around the doorframe of their new home, looking at the fifth of their number, who was curled up in the corner.

"What's going on?" a female voice asked as a sixth figure joined them.

"Six months and she hasn't even really moved," a softer female voice whispered, "I'm starting to worry about her,"

"She's mourning," a male voice replied, his blue eyes sad, "she's taken the loss of her son hard…"

"She'll snap outta it, right?" another male voice, this one younger sounding, "I mean…she has to…"

"I dunno," a third male voice said, his golden gaze looking at the curled up figure, "I hope so,"

He turned to the first female.

"I was going to tell her about today…but she brushed me off…like usual," he told her.

"Maybe I can reach her," the female replied, her grey gaze sad, "I just hope she'll listen,"

The unmoving figure heard the voices of her friends and family talking about her…but she didn't acknowledge any of them. It was true that she missed her son…more than anything…but there was nothing she could do to see him again. She'd already went to their home, just to find out they moved…and now there was no way of finding him. He was gone…

"Mike," a gentle voice said as a pale hand laid itself on her shoulder.

"Go away, Emily," Mike growled bitterly, "Leave me alone,"

The older spirit's grey eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms.

"Mike, I'm not going to let you be wallowing in your misery," she started, "It's going to corrupt you if you're not careful,"

"I said, leave me alone!" Mike snarled, eyes flicking black as she thrust her hand out, a bright display of silver light crackling from it and shoving Emily back a few steps…

Only for something thin and wiry to grab her wrist and yank it upwards.

"That's enough!" Emily growled, holding the string that held Mike's wrist, "Now, I know you're grieving. But I wanted to snap you out of it because Robby found something when he went out this morning,"

Mike didn't say anything, she just tried to yank her wrist free from Emily's strings.

"We found him," Emily finally said.

The insistent tugging stopped.

"Found…who…?" Mike asked hoarsely.

He stood outside the house, it was a lot smaller than his own…was he in the right place? He took a piece of paper out of his coat pocket and stared at it, his breath coming out in wisps of smoke from the cold December air. Well, he was in the right spot…

The man walked up to the front door and knocked on it, waiting a few minutes as he heard pattering footsteps coming towards it. The door opened, revealing a little boy about six years of age with fiery red hair and golden eyes.

"God, he looks more and more like Mike and her friend Eddie every day…" he thought, taking off his hat, "Or those pictures of Mike's brother that she showed me a long time ago..."

He opened his mouth to speak when the child gave a gasp of fright and slammed the door shut in his face. The man blinked rapidly.

"What kind of horror stories did your mother tell you?" he wondered as he heard footsteps again.

"Robby, there's nothing to be afraid of!" a woman's voice started, "And you don't slam doors into people's faces! It's not nice!"

"But…" came a little boy's whine.

"Butts are for sitting in," the woman's voice chastised and the door opened again, this time revealing a familiar face.

"Kayle Angelo," he started, "It's been a long time,"

"Robby," Kayle growled mentally, "I take it back, you can slam the door in this jerk's face anytime you want,"

The police officer's golden eyes narrowed, spitting sparks as her knuckles turned white from where she held the door and her jaw clenched.

"Not long enough you ba…" she cut herself off, reminding herself that little Robby could probably hear her, "What do you want,"

"I can't see him if I want to?" the stranger asked, "C'mon, Kayle, let me see him,"

"Not on your life!" Kayle snarled.

"Kayle, what's going on?" a male voice asked as the door opened even wider, revealing a tall, blond, grey-eyed man who held Robby on his shoulder, "Who's this?"

"Let me introduce myself," the man said, "My name is Charlie Winters…"

He gestured towards Robby.

"I'm Robby's father," he said, "And I've come to take him home,"

So, this is not going to end well...if there's any ideas you have for this one, I'm open to them! Just send in the idea via review or PM! Oh, and by the way...has anyone seen Foxy's upgrade on Scott's site or is it just me? I knew it was going to be bad...but this is kinda worse than I expected...anyway, I'll see you guys soon!

I hope you guys liked it, if you did send in the reviews! (Along with ideas because I will need them eventually!) :)

Qui vállë tóquetë, ván tecë (If no review comes from y'all; no story comes from me)

Máriessë ar mára tecië

Elhini Prime signing off.