Disclaimer: I do not own Gravity Falls, it belongs to Alex Hirsch and Disney.

The Eye of Three


It was a dark and eerie night in the small town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. The wind whispered through the trees of the thick forest. A lonely log cabin stood within its silence. A small light flickered from one of the windows but the rest of the cabin seemed to be as black as the night itself.

The light from the only light room of the log cabin came from a small lanturn that was on the bedside cabnet of the bed on the left side of the room. Its occupant, still awake even at the late hour, was a young boy of about twelve. His messy reddish brown hair slightly covering his muddy brown eyes as he slouched over a worn, old red book. Carefully turning the yellowing pages before stopping on a page that caught his eye. His eyes widened in shock as he looked at the picture.

"How is that possible?" he muttered confused.

"Dipper?" came a sleepy mumble.

Dipper looked over to the right side of the room where another bed was placed. On the bed was a young girl the same age as Dipper, her own reddish brown hair stewn in a mess as she rubbed her own muddy brown eyes sleepily.

"Go back to sleep Mabel" Dipper sighed quietly.

„Okay" murmered Mabel quietly before quiet snores were heared form her side of the room.

Dipper sighed in relief before going back to the book and frowning at he blank space. He then got out of bed grabbing the jounal, lanturn and the UV light and quietly shuffled out into the hallway and to the empty room on the other side of the hall. He quietly entered the room, shutting the door and sitting on the floor in the middle of the room. After getting comfertable on the floor, Dipper opened the journal back onto the page that he was reading and shone the UV light onto the blank space.

„Vocans ordinem, statera, et chaos mundi. Exaudi me?" he muttered.

The room light up in a bright blue-white light that woke the other two occupants of the cabin. Dissappearing as soon as it came taking Dipper along with it causing the jounal and UV light to drop to the floor as two pairs of feet rushed towards the room.

„Dipper..." murmured Mabel sadly.

The fallen jounal was open on a page that was titles ‚The Eye of Three' and the picture showed three triangles put together as one big triangle. Each triangle was a different colour, the colours were gold with a black bow on the front who looked a lot like Bill Cipher, a blueish green one with the samp pine tree symbil that was on Dipper's hat and finally a light purple one with a darker purple heart with a star in.

8-1-19 4-9-16-16-5-18 4-9-19-1-16-16-5-1-18-5-4 6-15-18 7-15-15-4?

Infra: Hmm... Where has Dipper gone? What was with the picture that he saw? You will more than likely find out on a later date.