-This chapter would not have excisted, or if it did, would have lacked the creativity it has now (hopefully :/) because of the many ideas I received from all your wonderful reviews. Thank you all! For the help, and support! Hope you enjoy!-


"WHAT THE HELL?!" Reid yelled, pushing himself to his feet as his fists slammed against the table. "What? WHAT!? You think I said all this?!"

Garcia jumped back in surprise, pulling her computer to safety.

Hotch stood up then, regarding Reid with a furrowed brow. "Reid this is a recording of a conversation you had only a few minutes ago. How can you not remember?" Hotch informed. "This is you speaking."

Reid's jaw dropped. "If this is my conversation, then why the Hell would you record it!?"

"Recording for evidence," Garcia squeaked. Reid sent her an enraged look, that made her shirk away in her chair.

"'Record for evidence?'" Reid repeated. "Evidence for what?!"

"Reid, it was all a spure of a moment kind of thing. Your phone call seemed kind of...suspicious...we thought it was in everyone's best interest to investigate." Rossi began. He didn't add, 'We had nothing else to do'

Reid's eye's widened, his face contorted. "Why would you need to investigate!? I'm not a criminal, I'm not a...?!"

"Yes, but what you were saying was pretty"-Emily looked to the others, seemingly at a loss for words-"raunchy."

"So you listened and recorded my conversation?" Reid persisted.

"So you admit it! You knew that this was your conversation!" Morgan exclaimed, pumping an accusing fist in the air. The others sent him a look that said, Not the time.

Reid froze midsentence. "You are all a bunch of sickos!"

"Reid, calm down..." JJ attempted only to be cut off.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Reid yelled. "How can I calm down when all my colleagues, my supposed friends, find it necessary to listen to a private phone call, record it, and then automatically think that I'm some kind of pervert!" He was seething now, heaving and breathing heavily. It was clear the team had been mistaking. Emily, JJ and Garcia took a cautious step back, Hotchs' eye brows went up in fascination, Rossi smirked, and Morgan huffed as if offended by Reid's outburst.

What have they done?!

The room was now full of an uncomfortable silence. The team didn't dare catch Reid's gaze and looked around randomly, fruitlessly trying to divert the tension and awkwardness away from themselves.

Knowing that they had been incredibly wrong, there was still one thing that Morgan just couldn't leave a mystery.

"...So Reid, who were you talking to?" Morgan asked sheepishly, maintaining heavy eye contact with the evidence board. "Come on kid, who was it?"


"And, I mean, what were you talking about? I mean, if your going to tell us and all, considering how wrong we clearly were." Emily added.

Reid huffed. "After all this do you really think I was going to tell. Reveal the big secret. I mean you all thought I was some kind of pervert. Why would I leak anything now, while I'm ahead..."


"Thanks guys! I love knowing how much faith and trust you all have in me," Reid yelled sarcastically as he stalked out of the room.

The remaing team left in uncomfortable silence. "Wait, did he even deny-"

"Leave it."

Morgan turned to Emily, "No seriously, who do you think he was talking to? Or what he was talking about?"

Emily rolled her eyes, and followed the others as they began filing out of the room, "Give it a rest Morgan, we should have known Reid would never do anything like that."

Morgan sighed as he followed her out, shoulders slumped. He believed Emily, submitted to defeat and being wrong about EVERYTHING. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't help the small voice in the back of his mind that said, Or would he?

And when you think about it, Reid hadn't denied any of it...

This time he made sure that no one was around. He peered around the empty bathroom nervously, and for what seemed to be the hundredth time made sure the coast was clear.

The place was empty. It was now or never.

His long bony fingers moved clumpsly as they worked to pull his phone from his pocket. He dialed quickly, waiting with baited breath as it rang.


Come on!


Pick up!

A few moments later, a sweet, soft voice answered. "Hello?"

Something inside him fluttered.

"Maeve, this is Reid. Now where were we..."

-Special thanks to all those who gave wonderful suggestions. Hopefully you enjoyed! Thanks! :)-