Hello and welcome back to the story! After my hiatus, I'm officially back and ready for more stories! Last time Scooby, Amber and The Doctor went to the Cyber-ship to rescue Shaggy and Crystal, who were captured by The Minister who is working with the Cybermen, Scooby and Amber shared a kiss (:O)and Crystal reveals that when their medallion breaks when in human form, they'll permanently be human and The Doctor and his companions are about to go to their final confrontation with The Minister and the Cybermen. Enjoy the final chapter!

The Minister looked upon the planet Sosnyspo, both of his hands resting on his cane. The Cyber Leader walks up to him, this Cyberman was different from the others, it had a black head plates and the brain could easily be seen through a transparent panel.

"Are we ready for conversion?" The Minister questioned.

"A billion Cyber units are reading for upgrading" The Cyber Leader answered.

"Any whereabouts on The Doctor?" The Minister wondered.

"Negative but scans indicate he's still on the ship" The Cyber Leader said.

"Find him and bring him to me before he gets in the way of our plan… NOW!" The Minister barked.

The Cyber Leader said nothing. He stood there for a second then headed out of the Control Centre. The Minister looked back towards the Cyber Leader then turned back to the planet.

Meanwhile The Doctor, Scooby, Shaggy, Crystal and Amber were sneaking amongst the corridors of the Cyber-ship.

"So, like, Doctor, where are we going?" Shaggy asked, concerned.

"Hopefully the Control Centre, I bet The Minister will be there" The Doctor replied, looking around every corner to see if there were any Cybermen coming toward them.

Everyone reached another corridor that directs them to the right. The Doctor looked around, Shaggy kept walking for a while until The Doctor grabbed him and pulled him towards the wall silently and gestured for him to be quiet. A bunch of Cybermen was walking past the other side of the corridor. The Doctor looked down at the corridor to see if the Cybermen were still there. He lets go of Shaggy.

"The coast is clear" The Doctor said.

The Doctor, after walking a few more metres, came across a pedestal, with a holographic screen. It was showing some sort of map.

"Aw, brilliant, just what I need!" The Doctor exclaimed, whipping out his sonic screwdriver and scanning the pedestal.

"What is it?" Crystal questioned.

"It's a schematic of the whole ship… and if I just set the hologram…" The Doctor said, his sonic screwdriver buzzing over the hologram. The hologram soon highlighted particular areas in blue.

"Ha, got it!" The Doctor beamed, with glee.

"Rhat rid rou ro?" Scooby asked.

"Well, I highlighted all the available lifts that'll take us to the Control Centre; we have to hurry though…" The Doctor explained.

Before The Doctor could say anymore, sudden metal footsteps echoed across the corridor. Everyone turned.

"Zoinks! It's the Cybermen!" Shaggy exclaimed.

"Before the Cybermen track my sonic tech to this pedestal…" The Doctor continued.

"Okay, so what's our plan?" Amber wondered.

"Well… RUN!" The Doctor ordered.

"Like, don't need to tell us twice, right Scoob?" Shaggy said.

"Reah!" Scooby agreed.

Scooby and Shaggy sped off. The Doctor, Crystal and Amber trailed behind them. After a minute Shaggy and Scooby came rushing back to everyone, screaming their heads off.

"Shaggy, what's wrong?" Crystal asked.

"Like, C-C-C-Cybermen coming towards that way!" Shaggy whimpered, pointing in the direction where they ran.

"The Cybermen are trying to corner us!" Amber said.

The Cybermen kept on marching towards them. The Doctor looked around for an escape route but failed miserably. As The Doctor, Scooby, Shaggy, Crystal and Amber were being corned by the Cybermen, the Cybermen suddenly stopped and the Cyber-Leader marched towards them.

"Oh, like, we're goners!" Shaggy exclaimed, jumping onto Scooby.

"You will be taken to the Control Centre" The Cyber-Leader stated.

"I'm sorry?" The Doctor questioned.

"The Minister requires you at the Control Centre, cooperate or be upgraded!" The Cyber-Leader repeated.

"Being The Minister's Cyber slaves are we? Now, that's not like you" The Doctor said, standing confidently close to the Cyber-Leader.

The Cyber-Leader stood there, emotionless. The Doctor stands back and shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Take me to your leader" The Doctor stated.

The Cybermen grabbed The Doctor, Scooby, Shaggy, Crystal and Amber and started to take them to the Control Centre. The Doctor glanced at the Cybermen who has a grip on him. These Cybermen were different from Pete's World Cybermen. Sleek, advanced suits with many panels running on the body, instead of a 'C' on its chest was a glowing blue light and a gun was placed on their right arm. The Cybermen eventually reached the Control Centre; The Minister was still standing by the window. He turns to face The Doctor and the others.

"Doctor, how nice to see you again" The Minister greeted, sarcastically.

"Well, shame I can't say the same to you" The Doctor said, sternly.

"If you are planning on stopping me, it's too late. The Cyber-ships are already heading to the planet" The Minister said.

"You won't get away with this! Once everyone knows that you're involved in this!" Crystal stated.

"That's where you're wrong, Crystal. I'm in control of the Cybermen, they obey me! Plus you won't be here long enough to blab" The Minister said.

"How did you get in control of the Cybermen?" The Doctor questioned.

"I'm not exactly in control; I formed an alliance with them. They get conversions; I get destruction of the entire planet!" The Minister answered.

"Like, if you already in charge of this planet, why destroy it?" Shaggy wondered.

"Reah, why?" Scooby asked.

The Minister didn't answer Shaggy's question. The Doctor begins to put the pieces together.

"Oh, but you're not in charge are you?" The Doctor questioned.

"Like, of course of he is, he's The Minister!" Shaggy said.

"Shaggy, Minister means Mayor in Earth terms" Crystal explained.

"Rhen rho's rin rharge?" Scooby wondered.

"We have a President" Amber replied.

"You want to destroy the President so that you can rise up from Mayor to President" The Doctor explained.

Amber gives a worried look as The Doctor explained The Minister's plan. The Minister scowls at the reveal of his plan.

"Okay, so you figured out my plan, whoop-de-doo. You can't stop me, Doctor" The Minister said.

"If he can't, I can" Amber exclaimed.

Amber kicks free of the Cyberman's grasp. The Cyberman steps back in the shock of the kick, and extend his right arm and begin firing at Amber who merely dodges all the blasts. The Doctor, Scooby and Shaggy dive out of the way to avoid the Cyberman's fire power. Crystal joins alongside Amber and they both grab their medallions. The medallions begin to glow bright white which Shaggy, Scooby and The Doctor had to cover their eyes from the blinding light. Crystal and Amber both transform into their alien forms, all the Cybermen in the control room began to open fire on the two.

"Assailants will be apprehended and upgraded" The Cybermen exclaimed.

Crystal and Amber charged themselves towards the Cybermen, they dodged every blast that the Cybermen fired. Amber grabbed a couple and bashed them together, Crystal punches a Cybermen towards an open electrical panel, frying its circuitry and collapsing on the ground. Amber tried to do the same to another Cyberman, it gets fried but remains standing.

"Upgrade in progress" The Cyberman said.

"Damn, they can adapt!" Crystal exclaimed.

As Crystal and Amber fight the Cybermen, The Doctor turns to see The Minister fleeing the control room.

"Come on, let's go!" The Doctor ordered to Scooby and Shaggy.

"What? Shouldn't we, like, help the girls?" Shaggy wondered.

"Reah, rouldn't re relp?" Scooby repeated the question.

"Trust me, leave them to it… We need to stop The Minister" The Doctor answered.

Scooby and Shaggy exchange looks then eventually nod. The three sneak out of the control room and go after The Minister. They run into the corridor, looking around.

"Now, where did he go? Think, Doctor, think!" The Doctor asked himself.

The Doctor glanced at a sign that read 'Escape pods'. The Doctor rubs his thick 'sticky-uppy' hair.

"Riiiiight" The Doctor said.

The Doctor runs to the escape pod, Shaggy and Scooby follow suit. Once they reach the escape pods, they see The Minister, already in the escape pod, waves to The Doctor and launches the escape pod. He is gone in a flash.

"Like, he's gone" Shaggy said.

"He's going back to the planet" The Doctor said, before running back to a window that they passed. The escape pod is heading to Sosnyspo, at a fast pace. The Doctor looks outside where he sees a laser cannon being activated.

"Rhat's rappening?" Scooby questions.

"Something or someone's activated the laser cannon…" The Doctor replies.

Meanwhile Crystal and Amber are still fighting the Cybermen. No matter how they tried to stop them, they would adapt and try to kill them again. But, oddly, the Cyber-Leader is the only one not attacking them; it's standing at the controls.

"What's that Cyberman doing near the controls?" Amber wonders while ripping a Cyberman's arm off.

"Laser Cannon armed!" The Computer voice called out.

"He's not going to blow up the planet is it?" Crystal asks Amber.

The Cyber-Leader presses the button the fires the laser cannon. A big bright light, like Crystal and Amber's medallions, overwhelms the control room.

The Doctor, Shaggy and Scooby watch as the laser cannon powers up and eventually fires. The laser doesn't fire at the planet, what confuses The Doctor is that the laser is heading towards the escape pod.


The laser explodes the escape pod, with The Minister along with it.

"Like, what happened to The Minister?" Shaggy asked.

"They killed him… The Cybermen found no use to The Minister, so when he escaped or was going to advance on the plan, they killed him..." The Doctor answered.

"Zoinks…" Shaggy said.

"Could be worse, I suppose… well... either that or get converted to a Cyber-Commander or something… that happened one time, back in Pete's World…" The Doctor rambled.

"Rete's Rorld?" Scooby wondered.

"A parallel world… where my Cybermen originated from, but these Cybermen are very different… like as if the Mondasian Cybermen and Pete's World Cybermen merged together as one… but that's just a theory… probably" The Doctor explained.

"Like, we should get back to Crystal and Amber…" Shaggy suggested.

"Right, yes… come on, Avanti!" The Doctor said before heading back to the Control Room.

The Doctor, Scooby and Shaggy eventually get to the Control Room where the Cybermen standing around the room, two have got a hold on Crystal and Amber, who have changed into their Earth forms.

"Got tired of The Minister did we? Used him and then you were finished with him, killed him did we?" The Doctor questions the Cybermen.

"The Minister treated us as inferior, Cybermen are superior and will upgrade the planet without the aid of a corrupted official" The Cyber-Leader answered.

"Hold on, you're going to upgrade the planet… you know there's no humans down there right?" The Doctor said.

"That was years ago, we accept any compatible parts" The Cyber-Leader said.

"Okay then, definitely not my Cybermen then…" The Doctor said to himself.

"Sosnyspo will be upgraded along with you and your companions, Doctor!" The Cyber-Leader said.

"That'll never happen!" Crystal shouted at the Cyber-Leader.

Crystal breaks free of the Cybermen and goes to grab her medallion.

"Crystal, what are you doing?" Amber wondered.

"Breaking this medallion will wipe any piece of Cybermen in this room!" Crystal answered.

"What? What? What?" The Doctor exclaimed.

"Crystal, like if you break the medallion… you'll be human permanently" Shaggy said.

"What!?" The Doctor exclaims, having no idea what Shaggy and Crystal are talking about.

"That medallion doesn't have the power to wipe us out" The Cyber-Leader said.

"She's not the only one with a medallion, tin can!" Amber said before breaking free of the Cybermen and grabbing her medallion.

"Are you two insane!? Once you break that, you'll be your own disguises forever!" The Doctor shouted.

Crystal and Amber look at each other, they nod at each other. They grip their medallions tighter.

"Shaggy, Scooby, get down!" The Doctor ordered.

As The Doctor, Scooby and Shaggy got down for cover, Crystal and Amber snapped their medallions in unison. The whole room went white, the Cybermen went haywire. They started to malfunction and one by one they fell on the ground as the room returned to its former light. As The Doctor looked around, all of the Cybermen had shut down and Crystal and Amber were on the ground, possibly unconscious. Scooby and Shaggy rushed to their side, the medallions have been broken and Crystal and Amber were in their Earth forms.

"Crystal... come on, like, wake up!" Shaggy said, trying to wake Crystal up.

Scooby nuzzled Amber trying to wake her up, he whined at his unsuccessfulness. The Doctor meanwhile, scanned the dead Cyber-Leader with his sonic screwdriver.

"Whatever Crystal and Amber did, it fried all of the Cybermen's circuitry, deactivating them…" The Doctor said.

Suddenly Crystal and Amber decided to move, they're waking up.

"What happened?" Crystal asked, groggily.

"You, like, saved your whole planet!" Shaggy answered.

"Ropped the Rybermen roo!" Scooby added as he helped Amber to her feet.

Suddenly a teleport entered the room. What teleported was a muscular version of Amber's alien form, wearing a robe and many guards that are both Crystal and Amber's alien forms, they surround the area, making sure that the Cybermen don't wake up.

"President of Sosnyspo, a pleasure to meet you!" The Doctor greets, beaming away.

"The pleasure's mine, Doctor… I see that the Cybermen have been stopped… where's the Minister?" The President of Sosnyspo said.

"The Cybermen killed him… Mr President" The Doctor replied.

"Good… always hated that Minister, so easily manipulated…" The President said.

The President notices Shaggy, Scooby, Crystal and Amber. Amber and the President both exchange looks.

"Amber…" The President greeted.

"Father…" Amber greeted back.

Everyone, except Crystal, looks at each other with shock.

"The Resident ris rour rad?" Scooby asked.

"Yes, Scooby" Amber replied.

"Who is this?" The President asks Amber, glancing at Scooby.

"Um… this is Scooby-Doo… I met him on the SALF mission… I have mentioned him a couple of times." Amber answers.

"Ah, yes… Scooby, the Earth dog you're so infatuated with…" The President said, causing Amber to give him a look of embarrassment and anger.

"Anyway… Crystal and Amber broke their medallions to stop the Cybermen…" The Doctor interrupted.

The President gives an angry look at Amber.

"You did what!?" The President growls.

"I'm sorry, father… it was the only way to stop the Cybermen!" Amber explains.

"Do you know what this means!? You can't stay here anymore… you're now… uh… whatever you are…" The President barked.

"Rolden Retriever…" Scooby adds.

"Yeah, that…" The President said.

Crystal stands up; The President notices this and glances at her.

"Mr President, if it's any consultation, Amber merely joined me to destroy the Cybermen, there wouldn't be enough power, and it was all my idea…" Crystal said.

"You did something foolish there, Crystal… yet I'm grateful that you stopped the Cybermen… However I have to exile you both to Earth, as you choose to be in your Earth forms…" The President said.

"Rou ran't rexile Ramber! Rhe's rour raughter!" Scooby argued.

"Scooby, it's okay… I no longer belong here; I want to come back with you…" Amber intervenes.

"Nor do I…" Crystal said.

The President gives a nod at Amber and looks to Scooby.

"Look after her…" The President stated.

Scooby only replies with a nod. The President soon disappears, along with the guards. Amber looks a bit upset; Scooby notices this and nuzzles Amber to cheer her up.

"Come on then, you four. Best we get you home…" The Doctor said.

The Doctor, Scooby, Shaggy, Crystal and Amber head back to the TARDIS.


The TARDIS materialises back at the diner. Crystal and Amber are the first to leave, followed by Scooby and Shaggy and finally The Doctor who shuts the door behind him.

"Earth hasn't really changed since when he left" Crystal stated.

"Lots of stuff has changed… just not physically…" The Doctor said.

"Better get used to it; we're going to be here for a very long time…" Amber said.

"At least, like, you'll be with us…" Shaggy said.

"Yeah… I guess that's true" Crystal said.

"Hey, with these two, you'll have a great time…" The Doctor said.

As The Doctor goes back to the TARDIS, Shaggy stops him.

"Like, where are you going, Doctor?" Shaggy asks.

"The usual, travelling in the TARDIS, same old life… going wherever or whenever I want" The Doctor said.

The Doctor turns to Crystal and Amber.

"Now be careful, you two…" The Doctor said.

"We will…" Crystal said.

The Doctor turns to Shaggy and Scooby.

"Look after them, okay? They need all the help they can get…" The Doctor said.

"We will" Shaggy replies.

"Rill re ree rou again?" Scooby asked The Doctor.

"Maybe, just think of me, I'll be there" The Doctor replies.

The Doctor enters the TARDIS, shutting the door behind him. As Shaggy waves goodbye, Crystal grabs his hand and Scooby and Amber embrace as the TARDIS dematerialises.

The Doctor will return in The Doctor's Travels in the Universe: Total Drama

That's the end of the story! After a writer's block, I finally finished it! So look out for the next in the series in the Doctor Who/Total Drama crossover section soon!

Anyway I'll be updating: Civil War, The Fandom Race and possibly another story on my list, I haven't decided yet!

This is TARDIS1039, signing off, Allons-y!