100 Theme Challenge

Note: I don't own Fire Emblem or any characters inside.

Please Read the Author's Note at the end of the chapter!

Theme 1: Introduction

A soft breeze and the melodic chirping of birds flooded Robin's senses as he regained consciousness. He kept his eyes closed, however, choosing to remain in his rather comfortable position in the tall grass. The sun warmed his body, making him sigh in content. Though it was midday, Robin had no intent on getting up anytime soon. How he had fallen asleep, or rather, lost consciousness in a field of rolling hills of was beyond him.

Distant voices could be heard, but Robin payed no attention to them. The songs of the mockingbirds were more than enough to drown out the voices. They sounded frantic, as if in a scrambling conversation. They drew closer. Robin could even hear their footsteps, shuffling through the thick grass slowly.

A singsong voice, sweet and pure, made Robin's ears perk up."Chrom, we have to do something… We can't just leave him here all alone."

"And what if he had willingly taken a nap? It wouldn't be very princess-like to wake him up, now would it?" A deeper voice, one that sounded masculine and strong, answered. The two voices were close, almost as if they were standing over him.

"Oh, shut it. I " The girl pouted.

"Well then, what do you suppose we do?"

"I- Umm…" The girl stammered, unable to think of anything to say. "I don't know… But leaving him here doesn't seem-"

The girl cut off as Robin opened his eyes. Two things came to his mind: Her voice was a cute as her face, and the sun really, really hurt his eyes. He brought his hand up to shield his vision and squinted, gaining a slight giggle from the young girl. She seemed to take interest in the way his face contorted.

She wore her blonde hair in pigtails, secured with a button-styled hairpiece. Her eyes, blue with hints of gray, sparkled in the sunlight. Her dress matched the color of her golden locks, and was adorned by many white frills and flourishes. A brown leather corset wrapped around her small waist snugly.

As the girl and Robin seemed to be in a wordless conversation, the man spoke up after clearing his throat, trying to break the awkward silence. "I see that you're awake now." He grinned,

Robin turned towards the man and examined him. His blue hair and eyes were like none that Robin had ever seen, but he was more fixated on the man's odd lack of a right sleeve. He wore a deep navy blue cloak, wrapped with a white cape and polished silver armor attached to his sleeved shoulder and shins.

"There are much better places to take a nap rather than the ground, you know. Here, give me your hand." He offered his own gloved hand to Robin, which he gladly took.

After being hoisted upwards, Robin's eyes finally adjusted to the light. He gazed at his surroundings and took them in; the soft green meadow seemed to expand forever in all directions. The blue, white, and yellow flowers popped out in the light like a rainbow.

"Are you alright?" The blue haired man said. Another man had joined the trio, clad in blue and silver armor and what seemed to be a full dress suit underneath.

Robin nodded. "Y- yeah, I think I am. Thank you, Chrom." Robin's eyes widened slightly at the words that came from him. Chrom? Why did he say that?

The man assumed to be Chrom nodded in affirmation. "Ah, so you know who I am, then?"

Robin shook his head, stepping back. "Oh, uh, N- no! Actually, it's a little strange… Your name- It just came to me for some reason…" Both Chrom and his taller knight looked on with quizzical expressions, while the girl tried to hide her sly grin and giggle by covering her mouth.

"Hmm… That's a little curious…" Chrom said. "Now tell me, what is your name? And what brings you here, sleeping in the middle of a meadow?"

Robin thought for a moment. "I- Um… My name… Hmm" He stuttered again, making the blonde girl giggle. He searched his mind for anything, even a single clue. But nothing came to him.

"You don't even know your own name?" Chrom asked, intrigued.

"Uh, I'm not really sure if- Excuse me, but where am I, exactly?" Robin glanced around. Nothing look familiar to him.

The small blonde spoke up quickly, her voice catching Robin's ears. "Oh, Chrom! I've heard of this! It's called amnesia!" Robin pondered. That would explain his dilemma…

"It's called a load of pegasus dung." The taller man spoke up, his expression stone cold and serious. "We are to believe that this man, this stranger, to know milord's name, but not his own?"

Robin backpedaled. "B- but it's true, I swear!"

"But what if he is telling the truth, Frederick?" Chrom turned to him as Robin breathed a sigh of relief. "We can't just leave him here all alone and confused in the field. What kind of Shepherds would we be then?"

"Right," Frederick said. "Just the same milord, but I still must empathize caution. It wouldn't do to let a wolf into our flock."

"Right then. I say we take him into town and get things sorted out from there?" Both Frederick and the girl nodded.

"Hang on a moment!" Robin interrupted. "Do I even get a say in this?" His shocked expression made the girl giggle again, and Chrom even smirked a bit. Frederick's expression did not seem to change, however.

"Please, peace, friend! I promise that we will hear everything you have to say when we get to town. Now come." He waved Robin over the the road, where three horses awaited. As the four were traveling to town, Robin couldn't help but stare at the girl as she and Chrom talked while atop her horse. He didn't much pay attention to their conversation; he didn't want to eavesdrop. For some reason he couldn't understand, Robin simply couldn't help himself from looking at her.

"E- excuse me, Chrom?" He and the girl turned to him. "What will you do with me? Am I to be your prisoner?"

Chrom tried to keep a straight face. "Are you serious?" Even the girl tried to remain calm, but burst into a fit of giggles. "Peace! You'll be free to go, once we have established that you're no enemy of Ylisee, of course."

"Is that where we are? Ylisse?" Robin asked, growing even more confused than he already was.

Frederick grunted, unamused at Robin's comment. "Tell me stranger, you've never heard of the halidom?"

Robin nodded in reply. "Hah! Someone pay this actor! He truly plays quite the fool! The furrowed brow is especially convincing, wouldn't you say milord?" Chrom and the girl both stared daggers into Frederick, and the girl even punched him in the armor. She quickly withdrew her hand as she had clearly hurt it.

"Frederick, please." Chrom turned back to Robin. "This land is known as the Halidom of Ylisse. Our ruler, Emmeryn, is the exalt." He turned to the girl. "I suppose that proper introductions are still in order… My name is Chrom, but you already know. This delicate one riding next to me is my little sister, Lissa."

So, Lissa is her name. Cute… Robin thought.

"Hey, cut that out! I am not delicate! ...Hmph!" She pouted before turning back to Robin and smiling. She paused, taking in a slight breath. She seemed to look into Robin's brown eyes. "Um, please ignore my brother, please." She glanced at Chrom. "He can be a bit thick-headed at sometimes, I'm sure Frederick would agree. Anyways, you're lucky that the Shepherds found you! Waking up to brigands would have been a rude awakening!" Her cheery voice had seemed to lighten Robin's mood as well.

Shepherds… He thought, grinning and looking at Lissa. If I stick around with these Shepherds, I have a feeling that everything will turn out fine.

Author's Note:

Hello! Thanks for reading. If you follow me, I have a tendency to, well, not really finish or expand on my stories. I have like 3 or 4 ongoing stories right now...

But besides that, after reading a few 100 themes stories, I got the idea to do one of my own. To keep me on task and writing these short chapters, I am limiting myself to ~500-750 words per chapter. This one is only longer because: well, look at the title! Introductions.

This chapter will (hopefully) be the only story-driven chapter, taken straight from Awakening. All incoming chapters will (hopefully) be based on headcanon alone, and will (hopefully) contain fluff and romantic themes. I chose Lissa for this story because she was my first wife in Awakening, and best girl in the game. Her personality is just too good to pass up.

I'm planning on skipping around the Awakening timeline, as it is near impossible to do a linear 100 theme challenge involving the story.

Anyways, I hope you like it, and get ready for more oncoming chapters. Leave a review and I'll try to answer a question or two in every author's note in every chapter. You can expect chapters every or every other day. At most, the wait will be week.
