Chapter 1-Another World

AN: It's funny, this was originally going to be a Hunter x Hunter and Toriko crossover but I couldn't think of much that would happen in it so now it's a Hunter x Hunter and Fairy Tail crossover. For any of you who were wondering what I did have for it was Gon and Killua were going to eat gourmet cells and their attacks would be mixer for Killua and tenderizer, napkin, skewer. Get it? Anyways about this story, it is heavily inspired by Hunter Tail by NoLiFe97 and by the one SkyDragon02 wrote and then deleted. Also for those of you who have read the AN in my other stories know I said that it might take me longer to make these, well maybe I'm just an idiot that doesn't know what he's talking about and just releases a chapter whenever he feels like it. Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to leave a review.

In a forest west of Magnolia two boys were sleeping on the treetops. The first to wake up was a boy with silver hair, purple shorts, a white T-shirt over a blue long-sleeved shirt. "Gon, wake up." He said shaking a boy with spiky black hair and green clothes awake.

"Where are we, Killua?" he asked

"I don't know, but let's go look for a town so we can ask where we are. But first, in case of trouble use ren and muster up a lot of nen like a flare. Once means I'm coming to you, and that you should respond with a flare so I can find you. Twice means come to me, and three times means get as far away from me as possible," Killua said.

"More like come to me as fast as you can," Gon thought, knowing he could never leave his friend behind. "Okay, I'll go east and you go west," Gon said as he jumped to the floor and started running. Gon got to a town after a couple minutes. He was about to ask around to find out where he was but got distracted by a restaurant emitting a delicious smell. He stared at the food for a long time knowing that he had no money. Meanwhile, Killua decided to walk slowly and check the details of the forest in case of an ambush. After a few minutes he heard two female voices, so he hid and observed. The blue haired girl was dressed in a long-sleeved red dress with an orange bow on the front, blue leggings, and two red hair bows on each side of her head. She was talking to a white cat, standing on its hind legs. The cat wore a red dress with a pink bow on its tail.

"That's not something you see every day," Killua thought to himself.

"Wendy, are you sure you don't want to go back and ask Natsu or Erza for help?" the cat asked.

"Charla, we can't keep relying on them to do everything for us. We need to prove that we aren't a burden to them so I won't accept help from anyone from the guild for this mission. Besides, how hard can it be to find some plants?" Immediately after saying that a giant plant monster sprouted from the ground and attacked Wendy. Charla sprouted wings, grabbled Wendy and flew safely out of the way onto a branch of a nearby tree.

"This seems like a great chance. These two don't seem dangerous and if I help them they should have no problem with telling me where we are." Killua thought as he got to the branch behind Wendy. "If you would like, I wouldn't mind helping you defeat that thing."

Surprised the two girls turned around to see Killua. "Who are you?" Wendy asked.

"My name is Killua. Here, I'll distract that thing while you attack," Killua said as he jumped down and ran around the monstrous plant kicking it every couple seconds. Wendy looked at Charla, shrugged, and jumped towards the plant, killing it with a sky dragon roar to the stem.

"Thanks for your help. My name is Wendy and this is Charla. I have to thank you, so if you come with me to my guild, I will give you half the reward money I get for defeating this monster."

"Sure, but first we need to get my friend," Killua said with dollar signs in his eyes.

"Great, the more the merrier," Wendy said with a slight blush.

"Come on, he went this way," Killua said pointing towards Magnolia while flaring his nen. Gon responded within seconds. When they got to Magnolia, Killua immediately spotted Gon sitting outside a restaurant drooling. "Hey, Gon. What are you doing?" Killua asked as he approached Gon.

"Oh. Sorry Killua, I forgot to ask for information. I've been sitting here the whole time."

"Oh crap, I got side tracked too," Killua thought to himself. "Whatever, this is Wendy and Charla. I helped them defeat a monster so now they are giving me half of the reward they are getting."

"Hi, I'm Gon."

"It's a pleasure," Wendy said as they started walking towards Fairy Tail. When they got there Wendy went to the door and opened it. "I'm back everyone, and I brought some new friends!" she yelled. Most of the guild came out to see who Wendy brought back to the guild. "This is Gon, and this is Killua. Killua helped me on my quest, so I want to give them half of the reward money."

"As if a runt like that could help anyone," Laxus said stepping forward.

"Ha, I'm stronger than you could ever be," Killua responded. Fuming Laxus shocked Killua with a lightning bolt.

"As if. Ha, stronger than me." To Laxus' surprise Killua was unaffected and smiling.

"Oh so you use lightning too," Killua said as he charged up some electricity and ran towards Laxus ready to kill, but just as he was about to stab Laxus through the brain Gon yelled, "Killua!" Killua stopped just at Laxus' nose, turned around and pocketed his hand. Everyone was astonished by Killua's demonstration of his strength. There were people whispering, "He uses the same magic as Laxus."

"You are a very strong kid, Killua," Erza said trying to change the tone but Killua just shrugged it off. There was an awkward silence but a curious Gon soon interrupted it.

"Wow! That was a strong nen attack. What did you call it?" Gon asked Laxus. This led to many strange looks aimed toward Gon.

"If you mean magic then Laxus is a second generation dragon slayer," Erza responded. Gon just stared confused.

"Okay, someone tell me where we are. What town, country, and planet?"

"We are in Magnolia, which is in Fiore, which is on Earthland," Erza responded. Then a short man in a blue and orange outfit walked to the front of the crowd.

"One of you two explain what's going on," The guild master asked.

"I think I understand. We are from a another world," Gon said.

AN: Yes I know this is almost completely stolen from Hunter Tail but I will, like with all my other stories get to my own parts eventually. Anyway I need some help, I haven't decided on a nen ability for Wendy or where Gon and Killua's guild marks should go so if you have any ideas please leave a review and tell me what you think.