For all my Prince of Nigh Readers

Hello! I'm back and I have a new muse, I do apologist for not updating Prince of Night as I know that's where most of my fan base come's from and I also want you guy's to know that I have not forgotten about that story I just would Ike to expand my reach as for the stories I type. If you take a gander at my profile you can see the stories I plan to create then go back to Prince of Night. I do hope you will at least forgive me for not taking better care of the story as I promised I would and I hope you all can forgive me but as for now I would like to purse other fandoms and this is one of them.

For the viewer's of this story

Hello! This is a new story I decided to purse as it will feature a very OOC Issei who will most likely have a very dark side as that is the way I normally write my stories. This is my first High school DxD Fanfic so I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to some of your feed back. Enjoy!






A man runs out of a building carrying one of his arms that has blood sprouting from it, a look of terror on his face the man starts screaming for help as he's running "Help... Me!" "Someone... Please..." The man collapse's on the floor and starts crawling towards a gate at the front of the temple but is soon stopped as a boot crashed down on this hand causeing a shrill cry to fill the air as the man grunts in pain from the sudden pressure on his hand that has been injured. The man soon finds himself being lifted up by the collar of his shirt and turned towards his captor seeing nothing but two eye's staring right into his as if looking onto his soul and judging him, one eyes is the deepest shade of red the man has ever seen on the right side of his face, on the left side is a white eye that strikes fear into his heart looking at both of them.

The man is then throw down against the gate as his attacker starts talking "Ranchin, The Fallen Angel you have been deemed guilty by the Lord for your crimes against humanity and shall now face judgement for your sin's" the man know as Ranchin shakaly stood up looking upon his attacker "You Angel scum, you do not deserve the honor of being bestowed your wings from the lord," Ranchin said releashing his own wings trying to fly away, looking at the Fallen angels wings they where haphazardly missshaped and one had a good sized hole in the left wing, as Ranchin started flapping his wings the angel who attacked him sprinted up and grabbed his damaged wing and tore it right from the socket causeing a cry of pain to come from Ranchin who fell to his knee's in pain. The angel kicked Ranchin in the abdomen causing him to roll onto his side trying to protect himself as the unnamed angel continued beating him after being kicked multiple times Ranchin grabbed his attackers foot and flung him in the air but only for the Angel to perform a back flip and land directly on his feet as Ranchin stood shakily for the second time the angel spook again "Since this fight is nearly over and you are close to your death I shall grace you with seeing the wings of an angel you so rightfully think you deserve" He said while releasing his own wings that rolled out, Ranchin stared at them in beauty, The wings glimmered in the midnight as they produced a heavenly glow as the man in the hood stood with a halo above his head, the wings had interlayered feathers each being a beautyful heavenly white each looking to be as soft as a pillow but had a gleam that showed they where truly dangerous if need be they expanded to a total wingspan of fifteen feet in length and gently flapped after being releashed from there slits in the man's back.

Ranchin stared in awe even as the man rushed up back flip kicked him in the jaw sending him flying throw the air and gently landing curdosy of his wings and sending Ranchin flying back as well only to crash back into the metal gate followed closely by a spear of light throw through the air that peirced Ranchin in the stomache as he reached forward blood flowing from his mouth, another spear of light landed directly throw his head killing Ranchin instantly. Turing back to the house the man snapped his fingers and the two spears dissapered allowing Ranchin's body to slump forward before slowly being consumed by white flames summoned by the angel focusing on the unnamed angel he reached up and slowly tugged of his hood revealing smooth brown hair styled up around his face covering his white eye, along with the hair we can see the man is standing in a victory posture after turning back towards the temple that had thick support beams supporting a traditional chinease style temple looking back at the Angel, his wings still unflurred he is wearing combat boots that have holster in the side each holding a wickedly curved knife and both boots being black , going up we can see skinny jeans with rips in them arounf his knee's and a chain hanging from his right pocket going down his leg and stopping at mid-calf going up more we can see a tattered red tank-top that is being covered by a black leather jacket that has a hood inside of it that conseals his face. This man is Issei hyoudou the last remaining blood line of the hyoudou family. Issei walked forward curling his wings back into the slits in his back shuddering as he felt them stay in there place and moving forward towards the temple casually walking up the stairs and into the main area with a shrine that consist of a water bowl surrounded by candles that the Fallen angels that used to stay here communicated with the master's with.

Issei walked into the main communication area that used to contain a place for worshipping but was taken over by Fallen Angel's issei tapped on the water in the bowl that rippled under his touch then stilled as Issei walked around he waved his hand and the candel's lit up one by one light by a bright red flame. Once the room was light up you could see the copious amount of bodies slew on the floor each surrounded by pools of blood in total there where eighteen. After making sure each body was dead issei walked out of the temple and turned around standing a few feet away and smiling gleefully and clapped his hands together, suddenly the entire temple was consumed by a red flame as issei walked slowly away muttering to himself "One out of the three down, I'll kill them all mom and dad I promise"

7years ago

The night was just like all others within the Hyoudou household, Issei the eight year old son of both Haru Hyoudou and Aiko Hyoudou a happy couple who has been married for twelve years. Haru and young Issei where both inside the livining room of the four bedroom, three bathroom apartment traditional japanese house, centered in the country district of Kuoh. The inside of the living room consisted of a red wood table and two pillows laying on either side, the rest of the room consisted of a sliding door on the east side of the house and pictures of assorted times within the families life such as one of Haru and Aiko cradaling a small Issei wrapped in blue cloth or a picture of the three sitting on a picnic blanket overlooking a vast plain on top of a hill that had a lone cherry blossom tree on it.

A door sliding could be heard as Akio walked into the living room of her house seeing he eight year old and his father playing chess, Haru was currently fumeing because his son was beating him around and about in a game of chess and only did he release his frustration when he thought for sure he would win with his next move and developed a smug smile on his face only for his son to call during his move "Checkmate" causeing Haru to bang his head against the table in defeat after being beat for the fifth time in chess by a eight year old, while his father was silently mopeing Issei gently patted his head a few times then lghtly picked up the white glass chess pieces and placing them in a slot in a box made to hold his chess board and pieces silently storing the red ones in the right side and the white ones within the left side and gently picking up the intrectly designed chess board with swirls intraced with gold lining and red flames on one side and black flames on the other, After storing his chess borad away he calmly turned to his mother who looking on him with a mischiveous face watching her husband be beaten by there son and adressed her "You need to teach him better, I want to face someone who can actually give me a run for my money mom" as Akio lightly chuckeled and walked over towards her husband and consolded him for his fifth loss tonight and Akio said " You just need to learn how to keep up with him honey, you know how he gets when he is interested with something we only got the chess board three weeks ago and he has played you every friday"

"I know honey, but I just wish the champ would take it easy on me once and a while instead of kicking me straight out the door" he said looking at her then chuckleing soon after followed by Akio, then Issei as they all came together for a group hug and finally seperated after five minutes. "Now, why are you here Akio is there something you require our manly assitance with?" Haru inquired and Akio simply said " It's passed your little prodigy's bedtime it's 10:30 P.M. already" she said pointing at Issei who's head was drifting to the side every once and a while as he closed his eyes. "Alright but how's 'bout me and you play a game first Haru suggested as he pulled out a seprete set of chess pieces that contained a light blue set and a Flouresent pink set. As Haru set the pieces up Akio looked at Issei and notcied he had already drifted to sleep and pulled a blanket over him and kissed his forhead goodnight knowing he would be out after flexing his brain so much for the past three hour's after dinner. "Wooping you oldman's but really put a sleepiness on him that he just couldndt wait for" Haru said after finishing setting up the pieces and arranged them so Akio's pink was on the left and His Blue was on the right with both having there eight pawns positioned in front and behind them where the two rooks on either end followed knights on the insides of the rook's then the bishop's on the inside of the knight's and then the king next to the left bishop and the queen next to the right bishop. Akio looked at Haru in the eye and with a flick of her hand her pawn directly in the middle moved forward two spaces towards the blue attackers and so the intense match of magical chess between Haru and Akio continued until Akio said a few hours later "Checkmate" and Haru admitted defeat with a sigh looking at the clock on the far left side of the wall and seeing that it was 1:30 A.M. both parents sighed at staing up so late and walked into there kitchen to prepare a glass of water before going to sleep.

POV (Issei)

Issei was currently looking at a chess board but only one side of the board and it had people instead of chess pieces there where people standing in there place in one of the the knight slots he saw a young man with short blonde hair, grey eyes and a mole under his left eye wearing a black blazer and a long sleeve dress shirt and in the rook slot's he saw a petite girl wuth white har and hazel eyes and white cat ears and a matching tail, Issei felt something in the back of his mind after seeing her in the slots for the King he saw a beautiful young woman who appears to be in her late teens with white skin, blue eyes and a buxom figure with long crimson hair, feeling the same feeling as the rook in the back of his head, issei looks to the queens position to see a beautiful woman with very long black hair and violet eyes again issei felt the same feeling in the back of his head again and looked to the final person in the bishops position and seeing a boy with platinum blonde hair and pinkish-violet eyes and pointed ears.

Before Issei could react he was thrown away from the dream and was sent to a empty space that was filled with nothing but a black void after a bit issei heard a deep voice that he felt a conection (Do Not fret young one we will be there in your time of need) a voice rumbled and second voice was head by Issei only saying (Hmph...) and suddnly issei heard a loud screach that sounded like his mother that threw him from the realm of dreams and into reality as he shot up eye's wide open and looking around the room confirming that he fell asleep In the living room after he remebered what happened him playing with his father, the family hug and him falling asleep on the couch he heard another scream and walked towards the door he heard the suspicious noise comeing from. Slowly opening the door Issei saw a pool of blood leak towards him and opened the door further only to reveal the dead bodies of his father and mother both mercilessly killed, His father's head was ten feet from his body and his mother's throat seemed to be slit as it was heavily and a sword stuck out of her abdomen as he opened the door farther he saw three people standing over his parents Haru and Akio Hyoudou dead body's seemingly one of them had said "We condeem your soul to an eternity of pain for being of your kind" and kicking his mother to the floor the one who had spoke was seemingly female and the two others where male as Issei heard her say that he shut the door and ran into the room again only grabbing his Chess board and the money they had saved up for a family trip to Kyoto and sprinted out of his families house only paying minor attention to the rain falling and the streaks of thunder raining down on him as he sprinted away the only thought on his mind was Why?. Issei ran and ran until he reached a small shed rushing through the door he collaped on the ground and the last thing he saw before black over took his vision was the streaks of white lighting coming down from Heaven.

Time Skip (Pov Issei Hyoudou)

A gasp is heard as Issei roughly throws himself up off the ground and looked at his sourronding's only seeing a rundown shed instead of his normal bedroom and suddenly everything came flooding back to Issei.

He remebered the way his mothers eye's held a lifeless look to them as her body slumped down and more boold leaked out, the way his father had his hand towardsa the door and his head away from his body seemed to be in a eternal scream of fear for his son as he was killed. Issei suddenly lost control of his legs as they buckeled and he fell to the floor in a crying mess as he remebered all of the little memories of the times he had fun with his mom, when they would sit down and play chess or when Issei would cuddle between them and all three would fall asleep on the couch.

Issei continued weeping for quite sometime as he was now a orphaned child at the age of eight and had no idea what to do only his chess board and a thousand dollar's on Issei. Issei stood up slowly as he wiped the rest of the tears off of his shirt, currently all issei was wearing were a pair of black jeans which he normally slept in and a normal t-shirt that displayed a chess piece know as the King and assesed his sourrounding's once again looking around for supplies the shed was a old washdown one, with many holes in the triangle formed room most of which had sunlight coming from them signicateing it was curently day, looking around again there was a desk on the far left wall covered in papers and such, the front had two slideing doors each made of steal and one was slightly leaning to the left. Other than the desk the shed was empty so Issei decided against rummageing through the old desk cautiously walked out of the door of the shed and right into the allyway of two traditional japanse house's.

Walking forward out of the alley he saw he was on a street names Kawasaki Lane and continued to the left on his journey alone and from then on Issei Hyoudou was no longer a child but made into a man by the age of eight.

FlashBack End

Ever since that day Issei slowly got accoustomed to living by his self and being haunted by the screams and the pained look in Haru and Akio's faces as they died. Ever since then Issei has begun traveling on his own after a while he moved to Kyoto and was contacted by Gabriel one of the four Seraph at his age of fourteen and was brought to Michael after he discovered the power he controled Michael reccomeneded that Issei stay with the church and become reincarnated as a angel and in return Michael and Gabriel would train Issei to control his power and use them to the max.

Currently Issei was speeding down the highway atop his motocycle a customised Daytona 675 tripple with Gabriel holding onto his back as they rode to there destination Issei revved the engine and the bike flew past the seventy-five mile speed limit and topped at one-hundered and eighty before issei slowed it down after Gabriel started squeaking everytime they flew by a car.

They pulled over in front of the local church in Kyoto as Gabriel decided to move in with Issei after he became quite welathy since becoming a Angel and purchaseing a large house and Issei decided that she should be there to offer assistance with training as she was one of his teachers since the day she first contacted him they became best friends with each other as both shared the same goal of wanting to rid the world of evil and Gabriel was slightly influenced by her crush on Issei into the moving to his mansion of sorts. It has been five years since she move in and there relationship progressed further to where Gabriel and Issei each had a sizeable crush with each other.

Back to Gabriel and Issei both are currently walking up the stairs and suddenly Gabriel turns to Issei and starts to bang on his sholder and yelled "Did you really have to freak me out back there!"

Issei turned to her with a slight smirk and pulled her in for a hug and mummered "I'm sorry Gab-kun" all the while nuzzuling his face into her neck causeing Gabriel to turn beet red and stammered out "Its... okay just.. dont do it again" covering her face concealing her blush. Both angels walked forward to the church building. Gabriel composeing herself and Issei pushing open the doors into a large room with stone-tile flooring, a grand chandelere hung from the roof of the room and there where three sets of doors on either side of the main entrance.

In front of the couple was a simple shirine decorated with flowers and candels and at the top of the shrine was a picture of god and himself sourrounded by four angels. Stopping in front of the shirne Gabriel bent down and grabbed a bowl that was set to the side and filled it with water, turning to Issei, Issei pulled out a knife from his holster on his boots and handed it to her along with a small cross that Gabriel took and turned back towards the bowl of water and started chanting "O' lord might hear my call and anwser my parayer and speak to me" all the while cutting her thumb and dropping blood into the water along with dipping the cross.

After Gabriel finished chanting she handed back the knife which Issei cleaned off her blood and stored it awat and looked at the bowl getting ready to communicate with Michael, The Head Arcangel and Unofficial leader of heaven ever since God died. The water rippled and a image of Michael was shown, Michael is a handsome-looking man with long blonde hair and green eyes and he has twelve wings growing from his back, and unlike other Angels whose wings are white, his wings are colored gold, further symbolizing his position as the leader.

Once the picture cleared up Michael started speaking "Sister, Issei, I assume this call is to inform me about your mission correct?"

Issei looked at the screen and said "Yes, the house and it's "Owners" have been taken care of and disposed as for the leader there Ranchin has been terminated , I have to thank you Michael for telling me that one of there killers was here." with a pained look in her eye Gabriel started talking "Yes brother as Issei has said we have taken care of them and are to report back to our house and await further orders"

"Yes.. that seems to be the best action as of now ill contact you if anyhthing else arises and Gabriel, take care of him" Michael said looking worried at Issei as he knew all to well what was going through his head

Splashing her hand through the water Gabriel turned to Issei and stated "I know you took care of your feeling at the house but are you okay?" Issei turned to her and stated with no emotion in his eyes's "Yes I'm okay Gabriel let's just go home"

Walking out the door before she could say anything Issei walked down the stairs and started his bike putting his helmet on and sealing his emotions away and awaited Gabriel who slowly approached and held on as Issei sped the bike away towards there house her thoughts on her love and his emotions.



Well new story actually I have planned out a majority of the story already planned and I also plan to update this every month or so as it will be featuring longer chapters and such and I hope you all enjoy this new story as its something thats been brewing inside my mind for a while as it will feature a NonPerverted!OverylyStrong!Smart!Issei with a harem and a badass attitude and also will feature Lemons!

Hope you enjoy and Please Read and Review and tell me what you think.