I finally have chapter 6... Hope you enjoy it.

Evelyn answered her phone before looking at it. "Hello?"

"Evie! Where are you?!" It was Ricky. He sounded panicked.

"I'm out with friends. Why?"

"Thank God." He felt like he could breathe.

"Ricky. What's going on?" She was concerned. He never acted like that.

"I came home and your door was kicked in. There was broken glass…and blood. You weren't there. The back door of the house had broken glass too." He was relieved that she was safe.

Her legs buckled.

Jay caught her and helped her to a chair. "Ev? What is it?" He whispered.

"Evie?" Ricky wondered if she was still there.

"I'm still here. I'm coming home."

"Don't. At least not until we know what this is."

"I need to talk to you and Nick."

"Nick's busy. He's making calls and…"

"Tell him not to. This might be on me."

"There's no way it is. Nick said he would handle it."

"He doesn't need to." She argued.

"Evelyn. He thinks it's Tito." The thought made him sick.

She felt a wave of nausea wash over her. "Okay. I still want to talk to him."

"I'll find him and tell him. Just stay where you are. I love you Evie."

"I love you too." She set her phone down on the table. Her hands were shaking.

"What was that about?" Voight asked.

"Ricky noticed my door was kicked in. He went to check and there was broken glass and blood. He thought something had happened to me. The back door of my parent's house had broken glass too. I got the impression that Nick is calling in the cavalry. He thinks it's Tito." Her voice cracked.

"We'll keep you safe." Voight said.

"It could be him or it could be Brandon. I haven't told them that I've talked to him or that I've seen him." She knew they could keep her safe from Brandon; she wasn't sure about her uncle.

"I'll go to the precinct and check Brandon's phone." Mouse offered, putting his hand on Evelyn's shoulder.

"And I want to know who has visited Tito Lucchese." Voight added.

"Since when Sarge?" Jay asked.

"Since he's been incarcerated. He's not a fool. If he did this, he planned it."

They all looked to the door when it opened. Burgess and Lindsay walked in laughing.

"That is hysterical!" Lindsay laughed. "Why do they always run?" She saw her coworkers and Evelyn. "Hey guys. What's going on?"

"You guys look so serious. Everything okay?" Burgess asked.

Evelyn felt a second wave of nausea. "Um. No." She shook her head.

"You'll be okay though." Mouse kissed her head. "Right Jay? That's what she always told us."

"That's right." Jay squeezed her shoulder.

"Her place was broken into and maybe an attempt on her parent's house." Voight began. "Her brother thinks it's her uncle."

"Oh gosh." Lindsay covered her mouth.

"I'm going to hear a big, fat, 'I told you so' from Trudy Platt." Evelyn snorted.

"Maybe not. 'Cause it could be Brandon." Jay tried to sound reassuring.

"Yeah." She said absently. "I really want to go home and talk Nick out of doing something stupid. But I'm scared to go back."

"Hank, she can stay with me." Lindsay offered.

Jay looked surprised.

"We can get anything you need and I'll take you to my place."

"Yeah. Antonio, go with them." He instructed.

"We'll head back to the precinct." Jay gestured to Mouse.

Voight nodded.

"You'll be okay." Jay hugged her.

Evelyn returned the hug.

"Keep her safe." Jay told his partner.

"Of course." She nodded.

"Evie! Thank God!" Nicholas Podolski ran to his sister.

"I need to talk to you." She was glad Antonio was with her.

"I'm kind of busy Evie." He had called in the family heads. "Who are you?" He noticed a man with is arm around his sister.

"Antonio Dawson." He held out his hand.

"Nick, be nice." Evelyn hissed through her teeth.

"You're a friend of Evie's?" He shook his hand. "Nicholas Podolski. Evie's brother."

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. I wish it was under better circumstances. I'm going to take care of this, and then we can talk." He looked at Evelyn.

"I'm going to stay with a girlfriend. There's something you really need to know." She pleaded with him. "It's important."

"What is it?" He gave in to her pleading.

"I've been getting calls for the past few weeks. I ignored them at first, but then I decided to answer and it was Brandon."

Nick's face turned red.

"I couldn't talk to him. I was so upset, so Antonio took the phone and chewed him out."

Nick was impressed.

"And Brandon came to my apartment yesterday."

"WHAT?!" Nick shouted. "And you didn't tell me?"

"I didn't have a chance. He texted that he was coming over and I called Antonio to be there with me. I didn't want you to do something stupid. Or overreact like you are doing right now!" She yelled.

"Calm down." Antonio said softly.

"What did he want?" Nick asked.

"He wanted the ring back. I had taken it to a jeweler to get it appraised. The serial number matched a bank robbery from ten years ago. The jeweler called the cops. Brandon seemed desperate to get it back. Maybe he thought I was lying; that I still had the ring. Maybe he broke in? Or do you really think…" She broke down sobbing. She didn't want it to be true that her uncle could still be after her.

"Evie, you're going to be fine." Nick hugged her. "I promise. I will keep you safe."

"Stay safe yourself. I don't know everything, but I know you have at least one strike against you. You have Paula and Nina; not to mention Ricky and me. Don't do anything stupid! Please!" She cried.

"My dear sister." He kissed her head. "You don't have to worry about me. I promise."

"So you met my brother. You believe him?" Evelyn asked as she packed a bag.

"I believe he's going to do everything in his power to keep you safe." He said kindly. "Because I know I would do everything in my power to keep my sister safe. I'll do everything I can to keep you safe too."

"Thank you." She hugged him.

He returned the hug. "You're welcome."

She looked up at him, thinking how perfect it would be to kiss him. He interrupted her thoughts by pressing his lips against hers.

As quickly as the kiss started, it ended.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have." He shouldn't have kissed her. And he shouldn't have enjoyed it so much.

"You should have. Thank you." She smiled at him. He put her at ease. He made her feel safe.

"Thanks Mouse." Lindsay finished the call as Evelyn and Antonio walked back to the car.

"He find anything?" Antonio asked.

"Not yet. The phone is off. Hank and Al are on their way here."

"For what?" Evelyn asked.

"Secure the scene. Collect any evidence."

"They want to talk to Nick don't they?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah." Lindsay nodded.

Thanks for reading! :)