Author's note: Guess who's back! Well, I am! I took a long, long, LONG, break but I am back to present you with this AU. Hope you enjoy.

"That's it!"

There then was a loud clatter. The sound of a vase being knocked over. Maybe it was a cup or a plate, but the sound was deafening as it echoed through the empty halls that held picture frames of a loving family. A family that seemed to be so perfect and well built, but in reality, it was in mere shambles. It was like a fruit, that looked precious on the outside, ripe and ready to bite into and eat. But in reality, it was just rotten, down to the very core.

Tadashi hid underneath a blanket as he tried to keep the noises of his parents yelling out, along with the whiny wails of his baby brother in the next room over. Nights never seemed to be quiet anymore. They always seemed to be filled with anger and a rotten energy that was disgusting enough to be smelled. Quivering, he then pulled away from the blanket and walked to his bedroom door, cracking it open just a tad bit to hear his father yell out again. As soon he heard his voice boom out, he quickly shut the door and sat on the floor.

What time was it? He couldn't ever remember it being this loud in this home when he was younger. Everything seemed to have gone down hill at some point but he didn't know when. Tadashi was young, he was barely learning the concepts of life, but he was already being plummeted into a world where his parents were constantly fighting.

Hiro's crying wouldn't stop and for some reason, it was only making Tadashi angrier, his head and ear drums splitting open as frustration began to leak into every corner of his mind and body. He wanted to scream loudly and kick at the walls. He wanted to tear everything in his room and make a mess, but he knew that wasn't something he should do.

He was only nine. He was young, inexperienced and only wanted to think about robots or the Power Rangers, or if Yugi would win his next card battle or not. That's what normal kids his age worried about, but instead he was on the verge of crying over the sickening feeling of knowing his parents weren't… In love. They weren't like those couples on TV who kiss and make up after an argument, they weren't they type who simply kissed and that solved it.

They weren't, they weren't, they weren't…

Hiro seemed to be screaming now at the top of his lungs while his mother and father yelled at one another, lost in their own little world. It was only now that Tadashi realized he'd be the one to have to go and calm down his younger brother. Summoning up the courage and wrapping a blanket around himself, he crept out into the hallway with careful steps. Opening the door to his brothers room, he was greeted by the usual blue painted walls, adorned with shelves and books while the floor was filled with small toys and parts.

His brother laid in the crib as he squirmed around like a worm. His bed sheets were tangled around his feet, his hands balled into fists as he cried out for attention from anyone. And that anyone turned out to be Tadashi. With a small sigh, he looked over the crib handles and reached into grab his brother. He was moving way too much for him to get a good grip and him, and soon the blanket he had around himself had fallen to the floor. Hiro wailed even louder, his face was a vibrant red that glowed in the dark.

"H..Hiro.. Shh.." Tadashi whispered as he was finally able to hook an arm around him. He then pulled the little one out of his crib and into his arms. Now cradling him, Tadashi began to coo and coddle him, the younger ones crying seeming to subside as he found comfort in his brother's arms. It was just them two now. There was no one else who could help them. Their own parents were too absorbed in their own little fantasies to realize that their own two sons were suffering from it all. But what were they to do?

Tadashi only know one thing to do… He could sing. Sing to his younger brother, sing to him about how everything was alright and how that in the morning it would be beautiful. He could sing about how happily they would live in the future and this was just some one time thing. That one day there would be no more pain in their family and they would be happy.

By now, the smaller Hamada had fallen asleep again, leaving Tadashi alone. He could hear the quiet sobs of his mother, the sound of his dad falling heavily onto the couch as he exhaled. It was like the atmosphere of the house had turned extremely heavy.

And that's when Tadashi's tears began to flow. He began to cry. But unlike Hiro… No one was there to comfort him. No one was there to tell him everything would be alright…

He was alone.