Duo felt a strange warm feeling coming from somewhere and began to slowly return to consciousness. 'Why is my finger so warm?' Realizing that he had fallen asleep with the other pilots still as children, Duo sprang awake. He looked in his arms and saw that his rocking had indeed put both Wufei and himself to sleep. The baby was bound to wake up soon as well, but for now he lay there sucking on Duo's finger.

"There's way too much wrong with this." But Duo couldn't bring himself to tear the digit away. Wufei clung gently to the hand and sucked on the Duo's finger. 'Ewww. Wu-slobber.'


Duo glared at the blond who was leaning on a wall nearby and laughing at him.

"You should have seen that. The two of you drooling in your sleep together on the couch. It was classic." Quatre sneered and walked back towards his armchair.

"Yeah whatever." Duo blushed. "Hey, wait a minute, where are the other two?"

"The little creepy ones still on a mission, I've seen him carry a pot, a pillow, a black hat, some yellow high-tops, and an encyclopedia down the hallway." Quatre counted off the random objects on his fingers.

"And you didn't stop him?" The baby was now wrapped up in blankets again and sucking on his own thumb, softly sleeping in his crib.

"You told me to watch the kid. Not to babysit him." Quatre smirked at his own ingenious before sticking his tongue out at Duo.

"Why you little." Before Duo's hands could wrap around his frail neck, he was distracted by a scratching noise in the hallway.

Trowa walked along, with a cord hanging over his shoulder, which he held onto and was pulling along, like a dog with a dog sled. Duo watched in curiosity to see what would be at the end of the black cord. Scratching slowly behind the green eyed child, was a blender.

Duo sweatdropped. When he didn't hear anymore scratching, he looked up and paled.

Trowa gazed down at the mysterious object's interior with his emerald eyes. He carefully reached a hand into the center, wondering exactly how sharp those little blades were.

"NOOO!!" Very dramatically, Duo dove to the harmless blender which wasn't plugged in and rammed into it. The blender rolled into the wall and hit with a resounding thud.

Duo's eyes blazed as he felt a paternal need to destroy the sharp thing which threatened his children. With a final flying kick, the blender was reduced to a lot of sharp glass and bent blades.

"That'll :::pant::: teach you :::pant::." Duo turned to see if Trowa was alright and not cut, but he held a wooden spoon tightly to his chest and marched toward his hidden destination.

"Oh for the love of." Duo snatched the spoon and through it into the kitchen where it would be safe, he hoped.

'Now I need to clean up all this glass.'

"Hey Quatre, you wanna help me clean up this glass?"

"AHHHH! GET BACK DEMON! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU!!" Quatre screamed at the top of his lungs and climbed up onto the kitchen table he had run to.

"Quatre what are you.Uh oh." Duo stood very still and put his hand out in a pacifying gesture.

Dark blue eyes filled with friendly mischief as Heero looked up at the unreachable Quatre. In his hand was one of the largest pieces of broken glass. He held it as if it were a knife, and was holding the dullest sides. He cocked his head to the side and jumped up, trying to reach the legs of the Arabian on the table. He just couldn't understand why the big boy didn't want to play.

"Hey Heero, how about we put down the big shiny pointy thing, okay?" Duo inched his way forward, still mostly unnoticed. Heero slowly turned towards him and smiled.

"Eep." 'Wait a minute. In our real forms, Heero can whoop me. But I'm bigger than him, and much older, so what if he's got a weapon. I can take him down.' Duo smirked as he pumped himself up. Then his foot was stabbed.

"OWWWW!!!" Duo screamed at the fact that a piece of glass had just been thrust though his shoe. The force behind it hadn't been enough to really severe anything, the glass had just barely broken the skin. But this was definitely not a good enough reason to keep Duo's anger withheld.

One quick blow, and the small Heero fell unconscious. Duo pulled the glass shard from his shoe, where it was more embedded than his actual foot.

"Hey, thanks for the help there." The apology was ground out as Quatre climbed down from his hiding place to stand next to an injured and frustrated Duo.

A sniffle came from the other room and Duo sighed before looking up. 'What now?' Trowa shifted his heavy burden as he carried Wufei down the hallway.

"That's it. I can't take it anymore." Quatre was a little scared by the evil look in Duo's violet eyes. He stalked down the hallway and took the weeping baby into his hands. Trowa looked up in confusion at this person who kept taking his things, before his eyes fell shut. The unconscious nine year old fell to the floor with a lump on his head similar to that of the little Heero. Quatre jumped as he was sent a venomous look from Duo. The sun was beginning to set on this horrific day and the normally cheerful pilot had been pushed to his limits.

"Bring Heero over here, we're sleeping now." The growl sent Quatre running and skidded short in front of Heero. He picked up the boy's limp body and ran back to Duo's side. Duo carried Wufei in one arm and was dragging Trowa by his shirt in the other. When Duo had reached the middle of the living room carpet, he sat down.

Lying on his side, Duo cradled the Wufei against his chest and purred to him, till he smiled again and let himself fall asleep in the teenager's hold. Duo then pulled Trowa's body behind Wufei's, letting his arms hang around the uni-banged child's shoulder. This way, he would be able to feel either of them move.

"Umm. hey Duo?" Duo turned his head to look at Quatre, who had sat down very near to his back and was looking nervous.

Duo rolled from his side onto his back, his left arm underneath Wufei and Trowa's bodies and motioned Quatre to hand him Heero. With his right arm, Duo pulled Heero against his body and prepare to fall asleep, the three smaller bodies breathing softly against him.

"Duo?" Duo grunted and looked into the blue eyes of his oldest charge.

"What his it Quatre?" Duo let his voice soften a little at the jittery expression of his friend.

"Would you mind.I mean if it's okay.umm.is there a chance.ugg!" Quatre let out a grunt as Duo grabbed his shirt and pulled him to the ground. Then Duo curled his arm under Quatre's shoulders and pulled the boy against Heero. Quatre cautiously stretched his arms out and wrapped them around Duo and Heero. He sighed, enjoying the warmth of his strange companions.

Duo let himself fall into a deep, contented sleep.

"What the." Wufei looked down at the torn bits of clothing around him and realized he was laying in the middle of the living room, almost completely naked. Even worse, he was lying in between Duo and Trowa. His head swum and he couldn't remember anything since he took those pills. He stood up, careful not to disturb any of the others. He had to admit, when he had woken up he had been so comfortable and warm that he didn't want to move. Now he ran to his room to put on some decent clothing.

"Uhhh." Trowa rubbed his head and wondered about exactly when he had been hit by a bus. 'Why am I wearing these shorts?' Glancing at the warm arm he was laying on.Trowa decided that what he was wearing came in second on his priorities list next to who was asleep with. He too stood up, but this made his head swim and soon he was stumbling towards his room to put on some clothing and try and figure out what went wrong.

Quatre smiled in his sleep and clung tightly to his stuffed animal. Then he frowned, this stuffed animal wasn't as soft as it should be. And it was moving. This caused him to wake up right away and found himself staring at a very irate Heero.

Heero meanwhile was wondering why there was a snake coiled under him. Then his mind cleared a bit more and he noticed that it was Duo's braid. His eyebrows flew up to his hairline at the realization that he was sleeping wedged between Quatre and Duo. 'What was in those pills?' Heero also got up and noticed the broken blender against the wall. 'Oh. Shiny.' He walked over and carefully began picking up the dangerous glass and throwing them away, after only a second of admiring them.

Quatre looked down at Duo, the last of the boys who was still completely unconscious. He looked so peaceful, Quatre decided it might be better to just let him lay there and sleep. Whatever was in those pills had made them sleep for at least a whole day, perhaps they had hit Duo the worst. He grabbed a blanket from the couch nearby and threw it over Duo's form. Quatre stood and stretched, before rubbing his shin which was strangely sore. 'Ah well, we can all try and figure out what happened later. Sleep well Duo.'

Heero finished with the blender and heard the tell tale, "You've Got Mail." Coming from his computer. 'Great, what now?' He stormed over and angrily opened the mail. A message from the doctors showed up with two simple words. "April Fools." Heero just stared in wonder and confusion at the message.

Quatre, however, looked up at the sound of Trowa muttering something in the hallway.

"Why is there a coat in the bathtub. And an umbrella. And Heero's shoes. And a gameboard?"

The End.

It's over, are you happy now. :::glares at Tiv, her small creature of a muse::: :::Tiv smiles and curls up in a happy ball to sleep now that he got that idea out through his writer::: I hate you muse. Anyway, I hope you people liked it. My first attempt at a humor fic. I know it sucked, but give me a review anyway. Or go read my beast of a fic at my homepage. Self-promotion for my site. Of course not. ^____^ anyway, send reviews, it makes Tiv happy.