a/n: here I am with another Eric&Tris story for you! this one is going to be a bit different and this prologue is very important for the story. I hope you'll like the idea and you definitely need to tell me what you think about it after I uploaded the first chapter! but for now I'll leave you to this little Eris-thingy. Enjoy!


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I watch him putting his clothes back on. His body is very athletic and muscular and covered with a few scars and tattoos. He just turned twenty-five last week but work and the pressure of being the leader of Dauntless make him look five years older. I lean back on the soft sheets, covering my naked body with a blanket as I stare up at the ceiling. It was just a bit of fun.

After taking a look at the clock — it's nearly midnight — I get up, slipping in my underwear. My body changed with the years. When I first came to Dauntless, which is four years ago, I rather looked like a child. No curves and little breasts. Fortunately it's different now. I look exactly how a woman is supposed to look like at the age of twenty and I feel comfortable in my body.

Putting on the rest of my clothes, I sit down on the edge of the bed. I have never been unfaithful before, not even thinking about any other man than Tobias. I don't know what it was, what made me think this was a good idea. I sit with my back on Eric. I refuse to look at him but can't hold back a smile, either. Not even in my wildest dreams I would have thought that I would ever end up in bed with him. I enjoyed it and it makes me laugh quietly to myself — I usually laugh when I feel ashamed.

"What's so funny?" he asks as I stand up, standing in front of him. I cross my arms and look down on my shoes.

"This wasn't a good idea." My smile fades away and I look up at him, my eyes meeting his. I didn't expect him to look worried, or even to care about my problem. In fact he looks rather relaxed, maybe even a bit confident because once again he proved that he can get whatever he wants. Great!

"Maybe it was." I was about to leave but his dark voice stops me from walking out the bedroom door, my eyebrows furrow in confusion. He walks toward me, placing both of his hands on my hips to pull me even closer. "You know, you could be with me instead of being with that loser you got now."

His touch is rough and his voice demanding. He leans forward, his lips on mine now and I give in to him once again. I feel how I am slowly enjoying his touch, longing for it as I secretly wish to go back into bed with him. But then I press my hand against his chest, backing away slowly.

"I'm ... I just ..." The words in my head won't add up in a sentence, no matter how hard I want them to do so. I look at him and shake my head, swollowing to make sure there won't be any tears coming out. "I'm sorry. I can't."

I turn around, walking out the apartment door and leaving him behind. The truth is that I used to want that before. I wanted him when he was not paying any attention. I even wanted him after he let Christina almost fall down the chasm. But he never looked at me the way I wanted him to do. I thought after all these years with Tobias things would have changed and I was finally free. But today he showed me that it was the exact opposite.

I never was free.

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