A joke

I guess it wasn't long before people noticed that we were missing, because we were only hugging for about ten minutes before the door was tossed open and Kagami stuck his head into the room.

"Found them!" he bellows out behind him.

"Are they fucking?" we hear an obnoxious voice ask.

"No, just standing around like weirdos and hugging," the taller red head yells back.

"Kagami-san," Sei says with a hiss as he turns his head to look at the taller red head.

"A joke, a joke," he gulps and backs away slowly.

"You have ruined our moment, I think you need to be punished now," he says over his shoulder without releasing me. I can honestly say that I fear for the guy's life. At least there aren't any scissors around…

"I-I'm not afraid of you," the Tiger stammers while rooted to the spot.

"You should be," Sei says and I feel his grip loosen. "How do you feel about Kagami skin shoes, Kouki?" he turns to ask me.

I did the only thing I could think of that could possibly prevent a murder. I stood on my tip toes while pulling down on Seis shirt. Our lips met with a little more force than I intended, but they met all the same. I tilt my head so that I can look over Seis' shoulder. The big ape just stands there, gaping like an idiotic fish out of water.

I wrap my arms around Seis waist and start pointing at the door, making walking motions with my index and middle finger. It takes a moment for my motions to set in. He gives me a quick nod and scrambles out the room, closing the door on his way out.

That's when Sei runs his tongue over my lower lip and I gasp. He takes advantage of that and invades my mouth. I guess the term tonsil hockey is actually correct, I think with the last of my brain power. My knees feel ready to cave in and all my nerve endings are on fire.

When he releases me at last, he presses his forehead to mine while we both try to catch our breath. "I'm not entirely sure-" he pants. "How I managed to-" he breathes in deeply though his nose and I feel his breath on my lips when he exhales. "What I mean is: I'm not sure how I managed to live my entire life without you," he murmurs and rubs his nose against mine. "But now that I have you, no, now that I need you, there is no way I am ever letting you go," his eyes watch mine as he talks. There is a slight blush on his cheeks. "And that was a very sly thing to do, Kouki," he says with a grin.

I can't help but smile softly. "But where would I go if you let me leave? Where could I possibly go when all I want is to be right here, with you?" I say and ignore his remark on my craftiness.

His entire face lights up when he smiles and I want to see him smile like that more often. "You promise?"

I nod. "Seal our promise with a kiss?" I tease.

And he does…

Anyway, thank you for sticking with me. I hope you enjoyed the ride.
(*cries a little inside: This story is over now, my life has no meaning)

Until next time ;-)