She was moaning his name, pushing air she didn't have in her body from her lungs, her forehead creased, and Dean was shifting on top of her, thrusting and pushing and groaning into her breast, hot breath falling across her skin, and she didn't have the energy to hold onto him any tighter but God did she want to.

"Oh, my God," Bobbi hissed, throwing her head back onto the pillow with another moan.

"I mean, I guess you could call me that if you wanted to," Dean huffed onto her chest, his clouded and sultry gaze burning into her eyes, dimples forming on his scruffy cheeks in exertion, and God, Jesus Christ, her toes curled at the gravel in his voice and the look of his body on top of her. "You gonna come for me, huh?"

His hand was already moving from the bruising grip on her waist to the bundle of nerves at the base of her navel, barely managed to push a "shut the fuck up" from her mouth before she was gasping and climaxing, her body shaking in pure bliss, mind lost in the pleasure of a seemingly endless rapture. Her walls tightened around his length and she could faintly feel his lips lock around her nipple, feel his movements become more erratic, and then he was almost collapsing into her body with release.

Moments later he was falling next to her, staring up at the roof with a peacefully satisfied look on his face, his mouth slightly curved, fluffy dirty blonde locks falling back onto the pillow.

Bobbi shifted on the bed and turned into him. Placed a gentle hand on his chest, curled her fingers over the soft patch of hair.

"I won't ever get tired of doin' that," Dean murmured, glancing down at her.

"What, having an orgasm?"

"Fuckin' you."

Bobbi rolled her eyes at him and shifted onto her ass, said "You're so romantic," before dragging the sheets with her as she stood up.

Even ass-naked on the bed, Dean didn't have any shame as he watched her pull on some underwear. "What?" he squeaked, "I can be romantic! Flowers and chocolate and— other shit, right? That's what you mean?"

Bobbi stilled and raised an eyebrow at him. "Flowers and chocolate and other shit?"

"That's being romantic, isn't it?"

"Where's my flowers and chocolate and other shit, then?" she deadpanned.

Dean's mouth was gaping like a fish out of water and Bobbi tried not to laugh as she walked into the hotel bathroom, pulling on some street clothes while cataloging all the bruises and hickeys she'd have to ask Shannon to cover.

"If you want romantic, why don't we go on a date, then?"

"I think we kinda skipped the whole date thing and went right to the fucking, Dean."

"Yeah, but…" there was some shuffling and a grunt and then he was standing by the door frame with a pair of shorts on. "I mean, we skipped it. So we'll just go back and do all that corny stuff that you girls like."

Again, Bobbi found herself mimicking him with a smirk. "Corny stuff?"

"Like the movies and dinner, long walks on the beach, picnics in the park kinda thing."

His blue eyes were so wide and hopeful that Bobbi found it hard to want to say no. So instead, she pushed up onto her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss. "Whatever you want, Dean."

It felt like hours later. But it wasn't.

Bobbi was curled up again on the bed recovering from a gruelling workout, Dean stuffing his suitcase with clothes. She turned to him.

"How are you not plotting Seth's murder right now?" she murmured quietly. "You have trust issues just like me, but I'm the only one around here that seems to be— I don't know, reacting like this."

He shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, I'm mad at him for not tellin' us. But there's gonna be a time in that ring where I can beat the livin' shit out of him and get paid to do it, so I'll just wait. And in the meanwhile, he can kiss my ass and try and get back in the good books again. It was a mistake, the first he's made in— well, the first he's made with me ever. Fool me once…" Dean trailed off and sent her a reassuring grin. "Don't punish him too hard for doing his job."

SmackDown Taping

June 10th, 2014

Green Bay, Wisconsin

It was the beginning of SmackDown and the remaining members of The Shield stood tall in the ring.

"I don't need to tell you what you already know, so I don't need to tell you what The Authority are trying to do, it's clear as day," Dean started their promo, fingers wrapped around the mic precariously. "Triple H, you think you hold all the cards, you think you stacked the deck against us? Well listen up, kiddo. We're not gonna wait for you to deal, we're gonna flip that table right over and we're coming for ya' throat. As for puppet suit Seth Rollins, my uh—" he turned to Roman with a smirk, "well, I guess he's not my brother anymore… my former business partner? I'm shuttin' down the Seth Rollins business for good."

"What'd he say Monday night on RAW?" Bobbi asked the men in the ring. "That he bought in to the evolution of Seth Rollins? Well, Seth, I might be nothing more than another pretty face, but I think there's something else you should buy into called a retirement village, 'cause when we're done with you, each of us individually, that's where you're gonna end up. Business partners, right? Always giving some top tier advice." The silver haired woman took a few moments to bite down on her sass, but it didn't really work. "Also, Trips, just so you know— I did enjoy the change of scenery, I even took to doing your Pedigree— well, better than you. When was the last time you sold a finisher like that, huh?"

Dean had the microphone back in his hands but was eyeing the pacing Samoan standing off to the side. "I know that look," he motioned to the anger shifting in the pale depths, "I feel like you may have a message for another spineless corporate stooge… so why don't you give it to 'im?"

Roman smirked in response. "I hope you're enjoying your night off, Randy because when I get my hands on you, you're gonna want a permanent vacation. And like I said Monday night on RAW— you think you're the face of WWE, but you're not the face, you're the ass. And you're also just a spoiled little kid who gets whatever he wants from his— daddy, Triple H. You didn't even qualify for the championship ladder match, you were just given the opportunity like everything else. But guess what? Everybody wants to be WWE Champion, and who knows— maybe Dean or I will just beat you to it."

"Or me!" Bobbi quickly mouthed, raising her shoulders with a half-assed shrug.


Triples H's voice came from no where and all the humour from Bobbi's face drained as she turned to stare at the tron above the entrance ramp. "Wow guys, that— that— I gotta hand it to ya', that really sounds good, but unfortunately there are only so many slots available to qualify for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship ladder match."

Beside her Dean was spitting words under his breath and she watched the way Hunter's face became smug. "I only really have one qualifying slot available and there are— two of you. It seems really unfair. So there's only one fair way to decide who gets that shot." Held up in front of the screen was a silver coin. "You two are brothers, I wouldn't want to do this any other way, so… here we go," he flipped the coin, then smiled as he saw the result. "Dean Ambrose! Congratulations, Dean Ambrose, you get the opportunity to qualify tonight. I say congratulations kinda loosely because you're gonna go up against… Bray Wyatt."

Dean was still grumbling next to her, Roman reaching out a fist to bang the lunatic's chest softly.

"Oh and— uh, Roman? Bobbi? I know how you three like to do things together, so uh, I'm gonna ban you from ringside and I'm gonna ban the rest of the Wyatt Family from ringside as well. And Dean, Bobbi, you might wanna just pick up your little things and leave the ring right now because you two are banned from ringside for Roman Reigns' match. In fact, Bobbi since you're not going to be ringside or in a match, why don't you just take the night off, huh? Wouldn't wanna miss your brother's matches, would you? 'Cause Roman… I've got some bad news for ya."

Trying to find Filipa was like trailing after smoke— she'd slip through Bobbi's fingers at the last second, disappearing for ages at a time, returning when Bobbi was needed for an on screen moment.

As soon as her eyes locked on the elusive woman, she called out a "hey!", smiling when she turned around. "Drinks after?"

Filipa nodded. "Sure."

And so when Bobbi was in some street clothes, a droopy singlet that showed just a sliver of her toned stomach, heels that had her up at her usual height in the ring, Dean's eyes wouldn't leave her figure.

"Where you goin', toots?"

"Drinks with Filipa."

He stood from the chair and curved his fingers around waistband of her jeans, pulled her body in towards him with a smirk at his lips. "I don't get an invite?"

"Girls night, stud."

Dean ducked his head to press his lips against hers gently, hands slipping around to curl his fingers against the curve of her ass, and Bobbi found herself melting into his touch. "I can bring some of the guys, make it a post-work celebration. Let you two have your girl time," he breathed.

"Whatever you want," replied Bobbi, the woman already wrapping both arms around his neck and twisting her fingers through his freshly washed hair.

But when Dean winced, Bobbi pulled away quickly. "Hey— hey, you okay?"

"Did a number on my shoulder," Dean said quietly. He glanced down at the joint which had been the focus of Bray's attacks during the main event of SmackDown, slapped it a couple of times. "It'll be good tomorrow."

Pale eyes zeroed in on the bruise along his bicep, her fingers shifting to run over it softly. "Then she was gazing up at him. "You gonna get Doc to check it out?"

"Depends. If it's still givin' me grief by Friday, yeah."

"Good boy," Bobbi smiled, pressing another kiss to his lips. "Let's get crunk."

He snorted at her and grabbed the handle of his suitcase, wheeling it behind them as they made their way to the car park. "Did you just say crunk?"



Almost twenty minutes later saw them pulling up outside a dingy looking bar. They were out of the car and pushing through the doors, greeting a few of the people that had accepted Dean's invitation to come out, ordering their choice of drink from the bar. Her eyes locked onto the Spanish woman she was supposed to be spending the night with and Bobbi leant forwards to kiss Dean's cheek, walking away from him to sit at the bar next to Filipa.

"Ready to get crunk?" Bobbi said with a smirk

Filipa cracked a smile at that, shaking her head. "Bring it."

"See, that's how you respond." When Filipa sent her a questioning look, Bobbi raised a shoulder. "Dean made fun of me for saying crunk."

The shorter woman snorted.

Conversation with her friend was surprisingly stiff. Small talk, talk about work. It wasn't hard to gulp down beer after beer when there was nothing to say. And when Seth pranced into the bar and and sat with a group of guys, smiling and laughing and occasionally glancing their way, Bobbi realised with a start that he was looking at Filipa. Back at Filipa. Because her brown eyes were burning with lust, staring straight at him.

"I see the way you're looking at him, Pip."

She was silent, dark eyes staring down into her drink now.

"You remember what we talked about?"

"You mean what you talked about?"

Bobbi recoiled. Her pale eyes narrowed at the woman who still wasn't looking at her. "I'm sorry?"

"You just— you just assume you know what's best for everyone around you and then make us go by your terms, by your rules. Oh, Bobbi wouldn't like this, we have to do this because Bobbi said so—" Filipa broke off with a dark laugh and let her head fall onto her arms, dark eyes staring at Bobbi behind strands of hair. "If you weren't so blinded by your own problems, by your own love life, maybe you would have realised me and Seth were a long time coming."

Bobbi sat back with her eyebrows at her hairline. "Anything else you wanna get off your chest there, Filipa?"

"What if I don't wanna wait for what Leighla decides on?" The woman burst out, throwing her arms out wide, startling the bar tender. "The fact that she's making him wait says a lot about her, especially when it was just a kiss!"

"What happens when just a kiss turns into just a blow job? Or it turns into just sex?"

Filipa was glaring. "He's not even happy with her."

"That's his choice to make, Pip."

"That's his choice to make," Filipa mocked her, turning her head to gaze back into the empty tumbler. "I mean, who gave him the right to look so fuckin' cute with those puppy dog eyes, huh? Who gave him the fuckin' right to say 'I just need someone to talk to' and then— and then corner me and kiss me?!"

Bobbi stayed silent as her friend ranted, occasionally glancing at her.

"It's not like— not like I didn't want him to kiss me. But he goes, 'I don't wanna say anything' and then kisses me and I have to— to be hush hush about the whole break up thing because he doesn't think…" Filipa trailed off. Almost like she was realising through her alcoholic induced haze who she was talking to.

But it hadn't been quick enough. "The whole break up thing?" Bobbi asked slowly. "What whole break up thing?"

Filipa moaned, dropped her head back onto her arms again. "The Shield break up."

It was mumbled and the silver haired woman couldn't really hear the words over the music, so she leant forwards, eyes narrowed. "Say that again."

"He told me The Shield was splitting, okay? He told— he told me that Hunter had approached him and offered a new angle and that he said yes, but he—"

"You knew?"

Guilty brown eyes found Bobbi's.

"You knew and you didn't say anything?"

"He asked me not to…"

Bobbi wanted to smash her head against the counter repeatedly. She knew that she shouldn't have still been upset about the whole betrayal thing, but it was hard not to when everywhere she turned, there were more and more secrets finding the light of day. First the kiss, then the split, now this. And with the common denominator always being Seth, Bobbi found it beyond hard not to get angry.

But instead of self inflicting her pain, Bobbi chose to gulp back the rest of the Corona. "Well, at least you didn't betray his trust."


"It's fine."

"It's not— he told me not to say anything because for starters, you were just getting back into the right headspace with Dean and he didn't wanna ruin that, okay? He didn't… it wasn't a move of malice, Bobbi, it was him not wanting to make you unhappy."

There was a tug at the corner of her lips. "Lose lose. Make me sad by telling me beforehand, make me sad by betraying me in the ring."

Filipa said nothing.

"Like you said, always tiptoeing around me, huh?"

"That's— I didn't mean it like that…" she drew a deep breath and motioned to the bar keep for another vodka and coke. "You know how I get with my words when I have alcohol in my system, Bob. Look— none of us have to tip toe around you. And I mean, when it comes down to it, you're a chill person, you go with the flow…"


Her eyebrows pulled together. "But I feel… I feel like you're leaving us out. I don't know, maybe I'm just over thinking things. But you're either always with Dean or training or talking about wrestlin' with the guys and…"

"Are you jealous?" Bobbi asked incredulously. "You're mouthing off at me because you're being left out?"

"It's stupid, I know it is—"

"Jesus Christ, Pip. So I'm in the shits for being consumed by my love life, I'm apparently difficult to deal with, and I'm forgetting my friends."

"When was the last time you hung out with Bray?" asked Filipa.

And… Bobbi paused at that. "I talk to him all the time—"

"Or the last time you caught up with Phil?"

"Damn," Bobbi muttered, shaking her head a little, laugh bubbling up from her chest. "Didn't realise that being on the road nearly 300 days of the year isn't as taxing as I'm making it out to be."

"You didn't even tell me that Craig and Sarah were having a break, or that Craig has met his daughter. You know, the one he never knew about?"

"Shut up."

Filipa's mouth shut right away. Her eyes fell to the new drink that was in front of her, took a decent swig. "Sorry," she breathed a moment later.

"I don't have to see people all the time to still keep them in my life," said Bobbi. "I text Phil and Bray at least once a day, I talk to you almost every day we're at work, you've pretty much moved into my apartment. If you're mad at me because I forget to mention a few details about my family life here and there, I'm sorry. It doesn't come up in conversation, it's whatever— you never liked Craig anyway. And if you're mad because I'm telling you to stay away from Seth until his current girlfriend has split from him — which may or may not even happen — then whatever. Go get your heart broken. Break somebody else's heart while you're at it, too."

Without saying another word, Filipa skulled back the rest of her drink, grabbed her purse off the table and walked out of the club.

"Well that was great," she muttered sarcastically, motioning for another Corona.

"I'll pay for the lovely lady."

Bobbi glanced over her shoulder at the male voice, pale greens locking onto a typical drunk. He was barely standing, the smell of alcohol radiating off of his body, and Bobbi suppressed a sigh before climbing to her feet, shook her head at the bar tender before waving a couple of notes in his face. He took it without question.

"Don't want a free drink?"

Her head turned to the man once more. "I'd rather buy my own."

"Think you're too good for me, huh?" he snarled suddenly, reaching out with a flailing hand to try and grab her arm.

Bobbi sidestepped away from him, grabbed the Corona off the counter, sent the man a pointed look. "Just not interested. Back off."

The look in his eyes changed. Without having to turn around, she knew there was an intimidating Ambrose behind her, probably radiating waves of possessiveness. The drunkard quickly spun on his heel.

But when Bobbi turned around, saying "my knight in shining armour", it wasn't Dean behind her. It was Seth. The words turned to ice in her throat.

Seth flickered his eyes between hers and sighed, smoothed a hand across his beard. "I saw him eying you and Filipa off since I got in here, figured that he wasn't gonna go away without good reason to…" he trailed off, raised a shoulder. "You don't have to say thanks or anything—"


The silver haired woman turned away without much more to say and instead brought the bottle of beer to her lips, took a swig as she made her way towards Dean.

RAW Live,

June 16th, 2014

Cleveland, Ohio

They'd called her in early to go over measurements on her new ring gear. Secretly, she liked it much more than the gear they'd made her wear while she was with The Shield. And then they went over her new entrance music. When she'd pointed out the similarities between it and an instrumental version of Bad Girls by M.I.A., even Stephanie agreed— but they kept it anyway. Again, Bobbi didn't really mind… humming the lyrics to herself as she walked down the entrance ramp would probably hype her up in the best kind of way.

Her tron reel looked awesome, a plethora of her kicking male ass and female ass, close ups of her smirk, the fiery green eyes.

The old blue spandex bustier crop top was in place across her chest, black faux leather joggers secured in place around her hips with a drawstring and black kick-pads covering black wrestling boots. Proper, actual wrestling boots now that she was swinging back into her own division— well, after tonight.

The Shield dog-tags she'd been wearing for almost six months sat against her chest easily, black tape around her wrists, chains looping under her fingers. It was a different look, for sure.

"That's new," Roman said as she walked in towards catering.

Bobbi raised a shoulder, smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. "It's not too shabby, I gotta say."

"They letting you keep the tags?"

"Yeah," she replied, fingers coming up to fiddle with them. "Not like I gave them a choice."

"That-a girl."

She flashed him a smile. "Speaking of, you seen Ambrose?"

"Thought lover boy was with you."

Both of their attentions turned to the screen broadcasting the match between Ziggler and Rollins then. "He's probably just gone to the gorilla a little early or something," Bobbi murmured slowly. She turned back to Roman. "How you holdin' up?"

"Could be better," he said, smiling a little. "Back's still killin' me."

"You talked to Seth yet?"

Roman shook his head. "Nah, not had the time. I'm sure sooner or later he'll find something to say, but… he pretty much lost all his friends in the space of a two minutes."

"He saved me." Bobbi said lowly. When Roman glanced at her, she shrugged. "From a drunkard last week. I dunno, Ro. I'm still mad at him, but… the more I think of it, the more I think I'm just over-reacting. He's still got a shit load to apologise for, no doubting that, but I kinda miss the fucker."

The Samoan laughed at her, shook his head again. "Yeah, I know what you mean."

A loud raucous erupted throughout the arena and Bobbi found her eyes drawn back to the screen. "What is he…" she trailed off, then cackled, threw her head back in glee. "He gave him a stiff shot!"

Seth's match against Dolph Ziggler had ended in a disqualification— a disqualification due to Dean. The man had jumped Seth, landed a couple of stiff jabs against the traitor's face. Now, Seth stood atop the ramp with a bloodied mouth, huffing and puffing like he'd just ran a marathon to escape her boyfriend.

"Wish I coulda done that," Bobbi sighed dreamily.

Almost thirty minutes later, Bobbi's new theme was filling the stadium. There was a moment of silence, then a loud cheer as she walked out from behind the tron. A microphone was dangling precariously in her hands, the woman slowly making her way down the ramp.

"Y'know, I know this stretcher was put out here for the main event tonight, but— I'm just so tired I think I'm gonna take a nap," Bobbi said into the mic. She pulled the stretcher out on the padded flooring, laid back on it, stared up at the roof. "I feel like I'm in a therapist chair or something. Oh, yes, Mr Therapist, the bad feelings started when Seth Rollins stabbed me in the back with a chair."

Despite most of the crowd laughing at her, finding her antics at least a little amusing— Stephanie McMahon didn't. Her music was blaring through the arena, voice almost yelling soon after. "Cut the music! Barbara Arlett, I don't pay you to lay on a stretcher and do nothing, I pay you to get into—"

Swinging up into a sitting position, Bobbi widened her eyes. "I'm— I'm so sorry, Stephanie, but this lack of competition is just… it's tiring. You put me in a match and I win and… gosh diddly darn, I guess I'm just too good, because guess what? Tonight, I'm not even scheduled to be out here! Would you believe that?!" She smirked as boos echoed through her ears. "You hear that, Steph? You're losin' business. And… just where or where is Sister Abigail, huh? Where is she? I can't see her! I haven't seen her since I put her back in her place way back— when, in April? WrestleMania? She's been a ghost on that screen, hasn't she? Mrs McMahon," the words like venom rolling of her tongue had the other woman baring her teeth, "I would be in that ring doing my job if you had someone worthwhile wrestling. But here I am sat on a stretcher because apparently you're entire team is incapable of doing that."

But as Bobbi sat on the stretch idly swinging her legs, she noticed the look of bliss cross Stephanie's face. "You know Bobbi, there's a locker room of people you've insulted and belittled during your tenure with The Shield. I mean, obviously there's gotta be someone out there who wants a little revenge?"

Her face split into a grin as 3MB's music played across the speakers. Bobbi mirrored the reaction.


well, that didn't take too long! should Bobbi stay mad at Seth or forgive him? And what do you think about the whole Filipa situation? Is she stepping out of line or speaking the truth?

to my wonderful reviewers quinzel harley (I felt somewhat healed after writing that chapter? idk, we talked about it so you know what I mean! thank you so much for giving in to my harassing and reading this story, means the world to me, beautiful! hope the next instalment is just as good as this one!), Raquel the writer (thank you :)!), R1verdance (only this part of their story! I don't think I could survive if I actually finished it, gosh! thank you for the words!), and my Guest (I was crying writing it omgggg! hope you enjoy the next part of their story!), thank you for the words! all of you reading this and interested in continuing on the journey with Bobbi should go follow, favourite, and review on the new story!

much love, you wonderful people x