Alright, considering how long it's been since I updated this fic, this was probably a long time coming. I'm gonna have to put this fic on an indefinite hiatus. I could give you a long story, but I doubt many people will care, so let's keep this short and sweet: I started this story on a whim, and the lack of planning has come back to bite me in the butt. There are already tons of plot holes in my latest chapter, and I realize that there are probably gonna be tons of plot holes in later chapters. So, that's the major reason right there. Someday, I may rewrite this (which is why I'm putting it on hiatus instead of discountinuing it altogether), but I'll be sure to fully plan it out so as to avoid this kind of stuff in the future. I've sure learned my lesson about writing stuff on a whim. If I do decide to rewrite it though, it'll probably be a looong way from now. The reason being that I have tons of other fics that I want to write, but am in the process of planning out (because, like I said, I learned my lesson about not planning stuff out), so please don't get your hopes up. Again, I'm really sorry for this, but if it gets to the point where you have to force yourself to write something, then it's time to stop and rethink this.